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Author: NaylaArisha

Rumah Borak Dunia Wanita - VOL 36

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Post time 4-7-2022 05:15 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
NaylaArisha replied at 3-7-2022 06:33 PM
ni jenis tak boleh nak simpan rahsia

Lega baby dah x dak

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 Author| Post time 4-7-2022 05:17 PM | Show all posts
novelloverzz replied at 25-6-2022 11:42 PM
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Nk msk tido nantuks
Nitey all
Thn pulak mata u. Selalu pkl 9.30 dah kero
mungkin sebab exited dia tak ada kat rumah boleh moyan sampai ke pagi kan tu yang mata tak ngantuk

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Post time 4-7-2022 05:18 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Kuaq trs ckp penang

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 Author| Post time 4-7-2022 05:20 PM | Show all posts
novelloverzz replied at 25-6-2022 11:42 PM
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Nk msk tido nantuks
Nitey all
X de lgsg. Ai cuma suka bersih dan kemas je. Its normal. OCD tu penyakit tau
yer ai tau u bukan perfectionist
sebut pasal ni dulu2 ada kawan poremer kita yang

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Post time 4-7-2022 05:20 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Lapaq ni td lunch x menepati request

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Post time 4-7-2022 05:21 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Lauk pun salah

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 Author| Post time 4-7-2022 05:23 PM | Show all posts
novelloverzz replied at 25-6-2022 11:42 PM
Check in
Nk msk tido nantuks
Nitey all
Anak ai srh ttp main box tp nnt fridge pun x de current. So ai ttp manual rupanya lampu Hall dgn kipas ai x ttp
oh... jadi berapa bil u bulan lepas ?

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Post time 4-7-2022 05:25 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
NaylaArisha replied at 3-7-2022 06:33 PM
mana lah tau kan....

Lady boss tgg dia blk je nk bg keje

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Post time 4-7-2022 05:25 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
NaylaArisha replied at 3-7-2022 06:35 PM
dah kompom ke bila u nak g tengok?

Dah beli tiket 30hb tgk 9hb

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Post time 4-7-2022 05:26 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
NaylaArisha replied at 3-7-2022 06:35 PM
oh silap bukan sethun tapi setahun setengah

Ape yg sethn setgh?

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Post time 4-7-2022 05:26 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
NaylaArisha replied at 3-7-2022 06:36 PM
asben ai kalau g service kena g centre dia dalam 6 bulan ni

Ni service ke cuci kete

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 Author| Post time 4-7-2022 05:27 PM | Show all posts
novelloverzz replied at 25-6-2022 11:42 PM
Check in
Nk msk tido nantuks
Nitey all
Kan bole pilih nk diorg anta pkl brp. Mcm ni
yer ai tahu boleh pilih time ... mahunya lepas ai order tu jalan jem .... tu yang ai order lepas ai dah sampai rumah je

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Post time 4-7-2022 05:29 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
NaylaArisha replied at 3-7-2022 06:36 PM
ai kan rare sikit

Pelik x prnh dgr moody jns tu

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 Author| Post time 4-7-2022 05:31 PM | Show all posts
novelloverzz replied at 25-6-2022 11:42 PM
Check in
Nk msk tido nantuks
Nitey all
Sggh x de mslh. Ai mls queue dan menunggu.
oh jenis tak suka tunggu lama2 kan

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Post time 4-7-2022 05:51 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
sfhzuraz replied at 4-7-2022 01:01 AM
ada kt signature kaka.

X buka lappy lg. Nnt buka br usha

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Post time 4-7-2022 05:52 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
sfhzuraz replied at 4-7-2022 01:06 AM
baca doa nabi yunus byk2. mudah-mudahan dipermudahkan dan dilindungi.
pasal lady boss call nov tak ...

Dia x tny sbb nmpk nov bz hr ni. Pastu lps nov awal dr meeting tp lps tu pggl msk blk. Entah ape2

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Post time 4-7-2022 05:52 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
sfhzuraz replied at 4-7-2022 01:09 AM
mgkn dia dah biasa.
pd kaka jauh. gunung semanggol dlm perak.
atas sikit dr  bkt merah

Alamak lupa nk wazed mmg bz hr ni

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Post time 4-7-2022 05:53 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
sfhzuraz replied at 4-7-2022 01:12 AM
nti kena minum air yg banyak.

Mmg nov jns minum byk air msk

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Post time 4-7-2022 05:53 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
sfhzuraz replied at 4-7-2022 01:16 AM
x dia dah kawin lain. masa dia sambung study ex dgn bini dtg antar kt epot.
ally iskandar. tak tau ...

Oo ally dah kawin lain. X follow sbb x minat

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Post time 4-7-2022 05:54 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
sfhzuraz replied at 4-7-2022 01:17 AM
saja hang out. cara bebudak. bukan beli apa sangat.

Fhm2 nov pun ade gak tp selalu g mkn

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