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Author: fly_in_d_sky

[Buku] Saya sedang baca buku (Bah. 3)

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 Author| Post time 12-7-2023 12:27 PM | Show all posts
Edited by fly_in_d_sky at 12-7-2023 12:29 PM

Kematian demi kematian. Mangsa dibunuh satu per satu dengan kejam. Tubuh mangsa dirobek, jantung, hati dan darah mangsa hilang. Negara dilanda keributan. Inspektor Damia ditugaskan untuk menyiasat dan menangkap pembunuh kejam itu. Malangnya, semua siasatan membawa ke jalan buntu.

Tekanan semakin hebat. Inspektor Damia mula meragui kemampuannya. Kemunculan lelaki misteri membuka lembaran baru. Barulah dia sedar musuhnya bukan pembunuh, biasa tetapi musuh yang datang ratusan tahun dahulu.

Siapakah susuk yang berusia ratusan tahun itu? Kenapa dia memburu mangsanya? Apakah kaitan lelaki misteri itu dengan Inspektor Damia?

baru start baca hari ini ...
sebab tak boleh baca Leonardo Da Vinci sebab buku tu tebal 600 pages dan jenis panjang
so kena baca kat rumah ...
payah lah haishhhh

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 Author| Post time 12-7-2023 12:31 PM | Show all posts
Based on thousands of pages from Leonardo's astonishing notebooks and new discoveries about his life and work, Walter Isaacson weaves a narrative that connects his art to his science. He shows how Leonardo's genius was based on skills we can improve in ourselves, such as passionate curiosity, careful observation, and an imagination so playful that it flirted with fantasy. He produced the two most famous paintings in history, The Last Supper and the Mona Lisa. But in his own mind, he was just as much a man of science and technology. With a passion that sometimes became obsessive, he pursued innovative studies of anatomy, fossils, birds, the heart, flying machines, botany, geology, and weaponry. His ability to stand at the crossroads of the humanities and the sciences, made iconic by his drawing of Vitruvian Man, made him history's most creative genius.

baca buku ni juga
memang tak tahu sangat pasal Uncle Leo ni
rupanya dia ni anak luar nikah ..

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 Author| Post time 17-7-2023 06:52 AM | Show all posts
“Salah sebuah dongeng politik teragung sepanjang zaman…buku ini sesuai dibaca oleh semua orang dan sesiapa sahaja. Kecemerlangannya tidak malap walaupun lima puluh tahun sudah berlalu.”
Ruth Rundell, Daily Telegraph

Setelah menghalau manusia menjadi tuan mereka, haiwan di Ladang Manor mengharapkan kehidupan yang bebas dan makmur. Namun, mereka terjebak dalam rupa kehidupan lama apabila golonga elit tidak berhati perut dalam kalangan mereka sendiri memegang tampuk kuasa.

Kisah pengkhianatan idealisme menerusi kekejaman dan korupsi yang dikarang oleh Orwell masih segar dan relevan pada hari ini meskipun telah lama diterbitkan buat pertama kalinya semenjak tahun 1945.

“Dongeng tulisannya ini kekal sebagai satira agung kita tentang wajah gelap sejarah moden.”
Malcolm Bradbury, Mail On Sunday.

tengah baca ni ...
in between baca Leonardo ...

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 Author| Post time 23-7-2023 06:56 PM | Show all posts
Senjakala adalah kisah kegigihan Kinto, seorang pemburu tua yang turun berburu selama lebih daripada seratus hari. Kinto ingin mendapatkan daging rusa untuk anak perawannya yang sakit. Di dalam novel ini dilukiskan kecekalan hati seorang manusia yang tidak mahu menerima kekalahan, tentang harga diri dan kasih sayang. Ia juga mencakup hubungan manusia dengan Tuhannya, alam dan sesama manusia. Di atas segala-galanya tersimpan falsafah tentang proses pencarian diri, tentang kewujudan kita yang perlu menerima kekalahan bersandarkan kesedaran pada keagungan Tuhan. Cinta yang patah dengan segala macam kompleksitinya, rendah diri seorang lelaki dengan rindu dan cintanya yang tak sampai, juga terungkap dalam novel ini.

dah habis baca buku ni
tak baca laju pun
lagi sedih dari Seorang Tua Di Kaki Gunung ...

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 Author| Post time 23-7-2023 06:59 PM | Show all posts
baca balik
Code Name Series - Sarah Aisha
Code Name : COBRA

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 Author| Post time 29-7-2023 08:59 AM | Show all posts
dah habis baca Code Name : Cobra dalam komuterso kita bawa extra bekal hari ini
Code Name : Shark #2

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 Author| Post time 9-8-2023 07:02 AM | Show all posts
kita sambung Code Name : Wolf


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 Author| Post time 17-8-2023 10:56 AM | Show all posts
finale series Saving Lucy ..


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 Author| Post time 24-8-2023 11:48 AM | Show all posts
masterudeng82 replied at 1-12-2022 02:04 PM
Sekarang beralih ke novel Suluk ~ Abdul Rahim Awang

dah habis ke?
best tak?
review review ...

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 Author| Post time 24-8-2023 11:53 AM | Show all posts
New York Times bestselling author Anne Frasier takes readers back to her dark, enchanting Savannah—a place as terrifying as it is mesmerizing.
Homicide detective Elise Sandburg is traumatized after her run-in with a madman the press has dubbed “The Organ Thief." As Elise takes refuge in her deceased aunt Anastasia’s abandoned plantation to investigate and recover from her ordeal, she begins to question everything—from her dangerous line of work to her complex relationship with her handsome, tortured partner, David Gould. But with a madman on the loose, and her mother’s claims to still hear from aunt Anastasia, she may have more immediate problems on her hands. In Elise’s world, where cold hard crime mixes with the local Gullah culture, nothing is ever what it seems, and no one is above suspicion—not even the dead.

start baca semalam
dah pernah baca tapi tak boleh masuk
so kita try balik ... ok pula
maybe otak ni tengah in mood baca genre thriller
bunuh orang seksa orang
ni sambungan dari Play Dead

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Post time 29-8-2023 12:01 PM | Show all posts
Edited by masterudeng82 at 29-8-2023 12:26 PM
fly_in_d_sky replied at 24-8-2023 11:48 AM
dah habis ke?
best tak?
review review ...

Hmm, nak review cemane ek.. Kisah sihir dan pembunuhan. Mula2 baca tu mcm ok, tapi potong mood sikit sebab tulisan dia mcm jarak2, pastu banyak sangat watak dalam tu, saya baca tak habis pun sebab mcm tak leh nak pi

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Post time 29-8-2023 12:22 PM | Show all posts
Edited by masterudeng82 at 29-8-2023 12:24 PM

p/s : Gambar ehsan en google
Baru habis baca novel Lily Haslina, #MegatAdri

Sekarang baru nak mula baca buku Black Ghost Rose Harissa, #umaralhaidar

number generator dice


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 Author| Post time 29-8-2023 01:00 PM | Show all posts
masterudeng82 replied at 29-8-2023 12:01 PM
Hmm, nak review cemane ek.. Kisah sihir dan pembunuhan. Mula2 baca tu mcm ok, tapi potong mood siki ...

hmmm then takpe lah
kita tak jadi nak baca ...

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Post time 29-8-2023 02:18 PM | Show all posts
fly_in_d_sky replied at 29-8-2023 01:00 PM
hmmm then takpe lah
kita tak jadi nak baca ...

Boleh je kalau fly nak try baca, tengok komen dekat goodreads tu semua mcm ok tapi tulah, saya je rasa mcm tak leh nak pi. Tak mampu nak habiskan

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 Author| Post time 29-8-2023 03:08 PM | Show all posts
masterudeng82 replied at 29-8-2023 02:18 PM
Boleh je kalau fly nak try baca, tengok komen dekat goodreads tu semua mcm ok tapi tulah, saya je  ...

nanti lah dicari ...
kuota buku TBR agak mmm tinggi sekarang


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 Author| Post time 30-8-2023 10:02 AM | Show all posts
A serial killer stalks the streets of Savannah...

Homicide detective Elise Sandburg and her partner, profiler David Gould, are all too familiar with the terrible costs of chasing evil. Despite their wounded psyches, the detectives delve into the deranged killer’s twisted mind, determined to unravel the clues in the taunts he leaves behind.

A city gripped by fear...

When his daughter becomes the killer’s next victim, a grief-stricken mayor comes down hard on the police, demanding that they catch the psychopath—now. Feeling the pressure, department officials enlist the aid of an FBI profiler who has unresolved business with David.

A cunning and elusive madman...

In a heart-pounding race to stop the next homicide, the detectives uncover their own role in the madman’s deadly game. Will they outsmart the killer before another horrific murder takes place in their beautiful city? Or have Elise and David finally met their match?

baru start pagi tadi ...
hmmm starting dah ada killing
hahaha ...

ending stay dead tu rasa macam serius lah Atticus Tremaine tu dah mati
tak jumpa mayat ...
obsess gila mamat ni dengan Elise ...
memang takkan saya Atticus Tremaine ni siapa
macam haishhh kalau dah senget memang senget lah

cerita ni menarik sebab ... agak dark and bit bloody sikit ...
kalau baca The Body Reader (Detective Jude Fontaine Mysteries series) mesti hmmm
susah nak letak ...

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Post time 4-9-2023 12:50 PM | Show all posts
currently reading...Hide and Seek by Wilkie Collins...

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 Author| Post time 11-9-2023 10:13 AM | Show all posts
In award-winning author Anne Frasier’s riveting thriller Truly Dead, homicide detective Elise Sandburg returns to Savannah with her partner, profiler David Gould, to track a killer who seems eerily familiar.

When a demolition crew uncovers several bodies inside the walls of a house where serial killer Frank J. Remy once lived, the discovery sends shock waves through the Savannah Police Department. All of the bodies were hidden before Remy’s imprisonment and subsequent death thirty-six years earlier—except for one belonging to a missing child.

Homicide partners Elise Sandburg and David Gould were the Savannah PD’s dream team, solving uncrackable crimes and catching killers. But their last case resulted in their termination from the squad, until the coroner calls them back to consult, unofficially, on a body found in the wall of a house once occupied by Remy, a killer Elise’s own father sent to jail—a killer who died in prison. The MO seems uncomfortably similar to that of a serial killer wreaking havoc in Florida.

Does Elise have a copycat on her hands? Is Remy’s influence reaching from beyond the grave? Or is Elise making connections where there are none? When her father warns her to back off the case, Elise’s shadowy family history threatens to swallow her once again. But whatever force is at work, she won’t rest until the killing stops.

Now at odds with everyone she cares about and forced to acknowledge her worsening emotional state, Elise struggles to protect the people she loves as the body count rises.

memang best
buku pretty dead tu mmm susah nak letak
kena paksa untuk letak sebab tak nak bagi cepat habis
each book ada 300+ pages jer
tak sure ada sambungan lagi ke tidak ....

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 Author| Post time 25-9-2023 01:26 PM | Show all posts
‘Fear the north wind. Because no one will hear you scream…’

A family is gunned down in the snow but one of the children survives. Three years on, that child takes revenge and the Snow Killer is born. But then, nothing - no further crimes are committed, and the case goes cold.
Fifty years later, has the urge to kill been reawakened? As murder follows murder, the detective team tasked with solving the crimes struggle with the lack of leads. It’s a race against time and the weather – each time it snows another person dies.
As an exhausted and grizzled DI Barton and his team scrabble to put the pieces of the puzzle together, the killer is hiding in plain sight. Meanwhile, the murders continue…
The first in a new series, Ross Greenwood has written a cracking, crackling crime story with a twist in its tale which will surprise even the most hardened thriller readers. Perfect for fans of Mark Billingham and Stuart MacBride.
Praise for The Snow Killer:
'Move over Rebus and Morse; a new entry has joined the list of great crime investigators in the form of Detective Inspector John Barton. A rich cast of characters and an explosive plot kept me turning the pages until the final dramatic twist.' author Richard Burke

‘With The Snow Killer, master of the psychological thriller genre Ross Greenwood once again proves his talent for creating engrossing and gritty novels that draw you right in and won’t let go until you’ve reached the shocking ending.’ Caroline Vincent at Bitsaboutbooks blog

'Ross Greenwood doesn’t write clichés. What he has written here is a fast-paced, action-filled puzzle with believable characters that's spiced with a lot of humour.' author Kath Middleton

What readers think of The Snow Killer: 'Absolutely brilliant!!'

'A crime novel with a social conscience.'

' It grabbed me a few pages in and wouldn't let go'

'Great stuff dripping with tension and intrigue.'

'it was so easy to get inside each characters head and it felt almost like I was part of the story'

'Ross Greenwood takes us on a journey that is both full of thrills and emotion. I absolutely loved it.'

'It was a story which gripped me from the off and kept me glued to the page right'

'The book had a feeling of authenticity about it, and was full of surprises and genuine emotion'

stop kejap sebab macam kejam pula bunuhnya

Segala impian anda akan tercapai..... walau dengan apa cara sekalipun!

Itulah janji Syarikat Impiana Sdn Bhd yang mampu merealisasikan setiap impian...dalam masa 3 bulan! Mahu menjadi kaya, cantik, kurus, putih dan segala macam impian mampu dilaksanakan oleh Syarikat Impiana Sdn Bhd. Tiada risiko dan tiada penipuan. Daftarlah sekarang juga! Syarikat Impiana adalah sebuah syarikat yang merealisasikan impian pelanggan mereka dengan apa cara sekalipun. Tanpa menyedari risiko yang terpaksa mereka tanggung, Shasha, Linda, Nana dan Fahrin; rakan sekolah yang bertemu semula selepas 10 tahun, secara berasingan mendaftar diri untuk memenuhi impian mereka di Syarikat Impiana selepas melihat perubahan rakan mereka, Mimi Monira yang kini langsing sedangkan dahulu sangat gemuk dan menjadi mangsa buli.

cover buku edisi lama
yang edisi baru diorang tak update lagi ...
hmmm agak menarik jalan ceritanya ...
tak heavy .. and jalan ceritanya ada pengajaran sebenarnya
cuma kita perasan atau tidak

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 Author| Post time 26-9-2023 05:08 PM | Show all posts
Mendaftar perkhidmatan Syarikat Impiana Sdn. Bhd. sangat mudah. Pastikan anda memiliki RM7000 dan semuanya di hujung jari. Tiga bulan tempoh perkhidmatan. Itu perjanjian yang akan dipatuhi Syarikat Impiana Sdn. Bhd. Tidak kurang mahupun lebih biarpun sedikit.

Tiga bulan yang sepatutnya menyeronokkan bertukar menjadi mendebarkan, menakutkan dan mengerikan.

Menyesal? Hendak Tarik diri? Tidak semudah itu….

pagi tadi habis baca Impiana I
hmmm memang gila kejam ... dan memang takde perasaan lah kiranya
7 kawan waktu sekolah jadi popular bila dah besar dah lain jadi
ada yang menjadi ada tidak dan sebagainya
terdesak nak kurus sanggup bayar RM 7 ribu ...
then tak tahu apa akan bakal terjadi

belum lagi ada yang nak jadi kaya ...
bayar RM 7 ribu ... wang 1 juta ... akan diterima dalam 3 bulan
macam mana bagaimana ... kejam gila

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