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Author: amiraira

[Kelantan] salam aidilfitri buat semua kawan2 @jom selawat

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Post time 20-4-2024 07:51 AM | Show all posts
amiraira replied at 15-4-2024 06:34 PM
hi nov
ok nnti akk sambung kait kat sini tau
yg dh reply tu
yg yg tong2 putih tu air zam2
tapi yg paip kat luar mesjid nabawi tu
bukan air zam2
tu yg security bgtahu la
tapi air tu masih boleh diminum terus x yah masak2
ingatkan semua air zam2tp kira air paip pun bersih sbb bole trs minum

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Post time 20-4-2024 07:51 AM | Show all posts
amiraira replied at 15-4-2024 06:34 PM
hi nov
ok nnti akk sambung kait kat sini tau
yg dh reply tu
lamau je nk mula
lain la dr pagi
mmg cergas sokmo
sm sgt kita bab morning person ni

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Post time 20-4-2024 07:52 AM | Show all posts
amiraira replied at 15-4-2024 06:34 PM
hi nov
ok nnti akk sambung kait kat sini tau
yg dh reply tu
mcm akk elalu buat dgn kawan2 la kan
tp bkn semua jns morning person
ade yg ssh nk jd kuar sbb berdolak dalik kn kuar pagi


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Post time 20-4-2024 07:54 AM | Show all posts
amiraira replied at 15-4-2024 06:34 PM
hi nov
ok nnti akk sambung kait kat sini tau
yg dh reply tu
plan mmg mcm tu tapi
2 org tu kan nk ke turki
yg lawyer lak mcm x de respon je

sib baik famil gath akk kat melaka
dalam bulan 6 ni menjadi
mungkin x de kemana2 selain fam gath je kot
td akak kata nk g kashmir dgn balkan
jd x

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Post time 20-4-2024 07:56 AM | Show all posts
amiraira replied at 15-4-2024 06:34 PM
hi nov
ok nnti akk sambung kait kat sini tau
yg dh reply tu
7-30? jauh beza tu
alamak nov lupa dah psl tester ape


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Post time 20-4-2024 07:56 AM | Show all posts
kelaparan dah ni
nk g buat bekpes jap
nnt rajin nov smbg kait

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Post time 20-4-2024 10:18 AM | Show all posts

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Post time 20-4-2024 11:37 AM | Show all posts

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Post time 20-4-2024 02:18 PM | Show all posts
amiraira replied at 19-4-2024 08:43 AM
salam jumaat matt

in sya Allah

salam sabtu mira

ok,matt tunggu roger dari mira


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Post time 20-4-2024 04:03 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
amiraira replied at 15-4-2024 04:04 PM
@sfhzuraz @novelloverzz @tari @Tashu @NaylaArisha

Selamat hari raya mira

Maaf zahir batın

Maaf lmbt check in
Selalu masuk terus rempit tak buka noti



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Post time 21-4-2024 06:50 AM | Show all posts


waalaikumussalam nov.  Post time 21-4-2024 09:36 AM



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Post time 21-4-2024 09:35 AM | Show all posts


waalaikumsalam zura  Post time 25-4-2024 12:11 PM



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Post time 21-4-2024 09:48 AM | Show all posts

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Post time 21-4-2024 09:49 AM | Show all posts

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Post time 21-4-2024 08:10 PM | Show all posts
amiraira replied at 15-4-2024 06:34 PM
hi nov
ok nnti akk sambung kait kat sini tau
yg dh reply tu
owh okok
ziarah sekali la ya
hr mak sedara meninggal nov x dpt pegi
sbb ade solid reason

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Post time 21-4-2024 08:16 PM | Show all posts
amiraira replied at 15-4-2024 06:34 PM
hi nov
ok nnti akk sambung kait kat sini tau
yg dh reply tu
ya la tu
pasal ada sorg ank sedara akk
sampai skg wfh
just fill form je
brp thn dah wfhtau x kampeni buat biz ape
mcm kampeni tkt nau nk bg wfh
tkt org x buat keje


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Post time 21-4-2024 08:16 PM | Show all posts
amiraira replied at 15-4-2024 06:34 PM
hi nov
ok nnti akk sambung kait kat sini tau
yg dh reply tu
terima kasih nov
sm2 akak

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Post time 21-4-2024 08:18 PM | Show all posts
amiraira replied at 15-4-2024 06:34 PM
hi nov
ok nnti akk sambung kait kat sini tau
yg dh reply tu
tu la kan
susah kita nk baca
apa ada lam hati derang tu
life ni
what u give u get back

bila zalim dkt anak
nnt anak menjauh

kena sedar sbg parents kita bkn makin muda
klu mati trs x pe
ni kalau sakit berthn2
ms muda buang anak
dah tua nk hrp sp jaga?

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Post time 21-4-2024 08:19 PM | Show all posts
amiraira replied at 15-4-2024 06:34 PM
hi nov
ok nnti akk sambung kait kat sini tau
yg dh reply tu
tah la nov
akk nmpak jugak dia marah cucu
tapi x pernha letak tangan kat dia
syg jugak la cucu kan
sian gak kat cucu kn marah
mgkn dia penat
nk lps kat anak x dpt
terlps dkt cucu

mak nov another level
smpi mak2 sedara tny x nk g rmh mak nov ke
diorg kata x nak

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Post time 21-4-2024 08:24 PM | Show all posts
amiraira replied at 15-4-2024 06:34 PM
hi nov
ok nnti akk sambung kait kat sini tau
yg dh reply tu
dari no 4 x silap akk
yg 3 atas dh kerja
kecik2 lg la anak blur
5 org msh sek


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