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Author: syitaeyqa

Hanis Haizi Misqueen, Babutam, Nwantiti V79

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Post time 17-6-2024 01:07 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Mamijarum06 replied at 17-6-2024 10:41 AM
Ni pun muka sebenarkan?

Da lama perasan gigi belah bawah anak dia mcm ke dpn

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Post time 17-6-2024 01:07 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Mamijarum06 replied at 17-6-2024 10:41 AM
Ni pun muka sebenarkan?

Da lama perasan gigi belah bawah anak dia mcm ke dpn

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Post time 17-6-2024 01:10 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts

Dia punya mentality pelik betul. How can you not notice your own husband’s weight loss. She is beyond help makcik ni.

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Post time 17-6-2024 01:25 PM | Show all posts
sleepyfish replied at 17-6-2024 01:10 PM
Dia punya mentality pelik betul. How can you not notice your own husband’s weight loss. She is be ...

mmg beyond help kes dia ni
laki makan ke tak pun dia x tau
mmg keje nye melempap scroll tt je ke
Keje haper pun x buat,dr masak, iron baju, basuh toilet semua babutam
Betul2 dikulikan babutam kera sumbang ni
Tak sesia acik F gelar ko BABUTAM HITAM TUA

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Post time 17-6-2024 01:40 PM | Show all posts
sleepyfish replied at 17-6-2024 01:10 PM
Dia punya mentality pelik betul. How can you not notice your own husband’s weight loss. She is be ...

Babu dah jatuh mesekin ke sampai makan sekali sehari..
Bukan ke wife patut tau/tanya apa lakinya makan everyday?
Nampak nau dia sibuk dgn makanan dia sendiri je..
Babu makan ke tak,ada dia kisahhh?

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Post time 17-6-2024 01:57 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
bitterchoc replied at 16-6-2024 10:07 PM
Kopi Moccona decaf sedap ke? Ada org pernah try?

Ioll n hubby dah 5years on Moccona. But decaf tak pernah try sbb weols mmg minum coffee sbb nak caffeine tu. Hihi. I think overall worth it la if u nak cuba any of their instant coffee (pure bukan yg flavoured) Our regular are medium no. 5/dark roast no.8 Once a while bila ada promo i borong yg indulgence. Yg ni best sbb mcm velvety skit. Sometimes kalau yg 5 n 8 takde stock we amik espresso no. 10. Tapi any of their flavoured or 3 in 1 mmg tak kena tekak weols. Lagi2 yg hazelnut latte. Tak pernah beli but selalu dpt as free gift.

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Post time 17-6-2024 02:07 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
hagrid replied at 17-6-2024 01:40 PM
Babu dah jatuh mesekin ke sampai makan sekali sehari..
Bukan ke wife patut tau/tanya apa lakinya m ...

Kata masak mcm2 kat laki.. laki makan ke x pon x amek kisah ke?? Nampak sgt die bkn dulik pon babu dgn mekna.. all about herrr

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Post time 17-6-2024 02:10 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Edited by nakkepochi at 17-6-2024 02:12 PM
hagrid replied at 17-6-2024 01:40 PM
Babu dah jatuh mesekin ke sampai makan sekali sehari..
Bukan ke wife patut tau/tanya apa lakinya m ...

Ntah2 split bill
Kepammok kan suka repost tt 50-50 bill
Padanla menu food bulu-bulu ARI tu xde solid lg, babu yg cover kan
Mekna mkn pun bercatu sbb apaknye babu nk berjimat+diet.

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Post time 17-6-2024 02:16 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
sleepyfish replied at 17-6-2024 01:10 PM
Dia punya mentality pelik betul. How can you not notice your own husband’s weight loss. She is be ...

Padahal org tu separuh mati bersengkang mata buat keja lbih nk cri duit lbih kot… laki tu dh lh berumur, alert lh sikitt

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Post time 17-6-2024 02:26 PM | Show all posts
Babutam bercatu makan…ikat perut sebensrnya bukan laki ko diet…lko kan nak beranak ..nak kene siap duit…dah le keje mcm2 keje buat..balik umah buat keje umah lagi…bini terbongkangterksngkang atas sofa depan kandang.

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Post time 17-6-2024 02:27 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
anony-mous replied at 16-6-2024 09:05 PM
I pernah minum kopi luwak, sbb coffee lover punya pasal nk la rasa kenapa dia mahal  plus dia ...

Hahahaha…rasa macam diperbodohkan pun ye gak bila kita cuba benda viral tp tak sedap.

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Post time 17-6-2024 02:31 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
cinderella replied at 16-6-2024 11:16 PM
klu biskut jagung i suka jenama naiyu , tp jarang jumpa skrng

haaa betul…brand tu la yg biasa FIL iols beli. X pepasal iols tersuka cicah kopi o

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Post time 17-6-2024 02:39 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
TebuMerah replied at 17-6-2024 08:44 AM

wah! bravo!

good luck kepam!

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Post time 17-6-2024 02:43 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
ezypepper replied at 17-6-2024 10:41 AM
Nora pi, Fida je takde…hahahahahah…

kaka fyda gi celebrate anniversary kat disney world kan baru2 ni… tak hadap makan free mcm kakpam.

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Post time 17-6-2024 02:47 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
belilies replied at 17-6-2024 12:43 PM
Bukan sebatang kara, tapi HANIS HAIZI & AMOUGU ni KERA SUMBANG! Haha

Hahaha! Laki bini ni kt blkg bukan menceceh… mcm tkde kawan lah couple ni. Maybe rasa above dr org lain.

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Post time 17-6-2024 02:54 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Mamijarum06 replied at 17-6-2024 10:40 AM
Ni muka sebenarkan?

lawak sgt! sbb mula2 kakpam post muka dgn filter berlapis2 (1st pic.), then next picture keluar muka asli lanchang! abis hati la tu dpt tayang bergambar dgn madinah

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Post time 17-6-2024 02:54 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Diet sbb sakit ke
Gout? Thyroid? Sakit jantung? Kencing manis ke
Lagi rela diet sbb taknak makan masakan kepam pastu dia kena masak sendiri pun kan

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Post time 17-6-2024 03:03 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
muka Hanis bila di IG orang lain

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Post time 17-6-2024 03:14 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Komain babu monitor rapat x rilek langsung

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Post time 17-6-2024 03:23 PM | Show all posts
divalaura replied at 17-6-2024 03:03 PM
muka Hanis bila di IG orang lain

Kahkahkah huduhnya kepam..
Jauh beza dengan muka anime putih melepak yang selalu ditayang..
Gigih ye pakai fake lashes tebal kengkonon habis lawa la tuuuuu

I menantikan lagi pic2 kepam/mekna without filter oleh informer2 di MIfna

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