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Author: syitaeyqa

Hanis Haizi Misqueen, Babutam, Nwantiti V79

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Post time 29-6-2024 11:08 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Banyak pulak video anak dia share

Buka tutup peti mak dok sorak yay pun dia buat bodoh ja.
No eye contact bila mak panggil
Jatuh tak menangis
Bunyi incomprehensible words. Mmg dia vocalising ja.
Bila nampak mak nak kacau dia dgn abahnya, dia jerit noo dengan tone yg pelik.
Jalan bersimpang siur. Ni selain dari faktor kaki, autism jgk ada yg mmg x reti nak letak kaki mcm mana time jalan
Dah 2 tahun dok suka korek kapas dalam plushie lagi.

I nampak strong la autism trait anak dia ni. Tgk in a year ada perubahan x.
Pi therapy oi

Mak anak 3 pun benak lagi.

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Post time 29-6-2024 11:23 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
black_handbag replied at 28-6-2024 12:16 AM
I pulak nak tergelak sambil senyum sinis lepas baca convo kakpam dgn babu yg dia mintak belikan pa ...

Sebut pasal sofa kuning ni, kalau x silap ingatan iols, sofa kuning ni mcm additional to the house? I ingt ada 1 day tu kakpam tunjuk sofa baru. Tp i lupa which one yg kuning ni ke atau yg coklat dlm rumah

If yg kuning ni, sah la sama level stroller pink berdecit. Mesti kutip dkt mana2 tmpt buangan tp sbb elok lg depa pi ambil

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Post time 29-6-2024 11:31 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
bulanbulat replied at 29-6-2024 11:08 AM
Banyak pulak video anak dia share


Dari nmpk mild autism dah nmpk ke moderate autism dah. Mild pon susah nk jaga, moderate n severe berganda2 payah

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Post time 29-6-2024 11:37 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Hihihi libombo libambam

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Post time 29-6-2024 11:49 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
divalaura replied at 29-6-2024 10:01 AM
beli kandang mekya lebombo ke tuuuuuu

depan umah kepamok ke ni?
alahaiii marheinnya utk ex haiyok income otopilot

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Post time 29-6-2024 11:51 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Nadiabella replied at 29-6-2024 05:01 AM
Betul tu...dgn kepam terlantar cam kat dasar laut, kalau mekna kena gi therapy pon, mau kena tungg ...

Silap haribulan yg no 2 pon bakalan autisme. Faktor umur n klau 1 pon x terjaga, apatah lg yg no 2. Harap babu ada duit la hntar no 2 ke mana2 sitter.

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Post time 29-6-2024 11:58 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Dia alih sofa letak luar tu sebab nak besarkan kandang dlm rumah ke

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Post time 29-6-2024 12:46 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Tinggalkan 3 anak kandung, ingatkan dah buang beban, tetiba dapat pulak anak autism. Mesti indenial. Yg baby baru ni, kalau tetiba SD ke or sama autism, mmg mendapatla kepam

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Post time 29-6-2024 01:01 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts

She thinks its an achievement..what a joke....sebarkan lah aib kau selagi boleh..

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Post time 29-6-2024 01:06 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
phoenix_panik replied at 29-6-2024 11:49 AM
depan umah kepamok ke ni?
alahaiii marheinnya utk ex haiyok income otopilot

haah depan mahligai dia lah tu..
mewah kan? hew hew hew

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Post time 29-6-2024 01:08 PM | Show all posts

Confirm ke autism? Acik F ada yang expert/authority pasal ni?

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Post time 29-6-2024 01:24 PM | Show all posts
Nadiabella replied at 29-6-2024 01:01 PM
She thinks its an achievement..what a joke....sebarkan lah aib kau selagi boleh..

Tak habis habis nak throwback paris london etc..
Move on lah!!!

Sekarang mendapatla ko taraf b40 je eventhough dok US

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Post time 29-6-2024 01:40 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
kepam kunyah kacang tu terus masuk periuk ke?
dia ni potong sayur macam nak bagi kuda makan, kuah kacang pun gagal..

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Post time 29-6-2024 01:41 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Edited by bulanbulat at 29-6-2024 01:46 PM
anony-mous replied at 29-6-2024 11:31 AM
Dari nmpk mild autism dah nmpk ke moderate autism dah. Mild pon susah nk jaga, moderate n severe b ...

Tambah pulak just after video mekna tu dia share video baby lain. Beza kot! Baby lain akan look at you eyes, and walau gibberish still u can connect with her.

Ni mcm unmeaningful babbling, tiba2 sebut random words. Yg pasti muka  expresionless, eye contact x ada. Tangan pun masih confuse nak gawang or pegang apa, dia bukan baby lg..toddler dah.

My baby so independent mature easy and introvert myA**

I still kesian and hope maybe mekna tu developmental delay je la. Since mak dia x leh diharap


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Post time 29-6-2024 01:44 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
mohon pam baca

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Post time 29-6-2024 01:48 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
bulanbulat replied at 29-6-2024 01:41 PM
Tambah pulak just after video mekna tu dia share video baby lain. Beza kot! Baby lain akan look at ...

pastu mekna suka menonggeng kepala ke bawah..
i baca tu pun salah satu ciri-ciri autism jugak..
eye contact memang susah..
kalau nampak elok pun sebab mekna tengok phone sebab kepam buh filter sampai mekna nampak dia comel

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Post time 29-6-2024 01:48 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts

Tengok budak 2 tahun yg tak banyak words act during play. Layan parenting content la jugak HH oi.

Xkan dok layan konten berangan blasian, bossbabe, cintan cintun lagi kot.

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Post time 29-6-2024 01:54 PM | Show all posts

Alamak aiols pulak yang suspen utk nwantiti

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Post time 29-6-2024 02:14 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
divalaura replied at 29-6-2024 01:44 PM
mohon pam baca

Anak budder si ayden tu obvious sgt dgn most of ciri2 dalam ni. Si pengkor mekna pum ada

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Post time 29-6-2024 02:39 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Dah kenapa tibe tibe throwback anniversary? Nak tunjuk kat sapa plak  ni?

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