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Author: syitaeyqa

Hanis Haizi Misqueen, Babutam, Nwantiti V79

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Post time 29-6-2024 03:11 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Lama tak check in thread kakpam

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Post time 29-6-2024 03:15 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Nadiabella replied at 29-6-2024 05:04 AM
pampers dah penuh tu...dah cam nak pecah....

Pampers subsidy dah nak penuh

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Post time 29-6-2024 03:36 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
divalaura replied at 29-6-2024 01:40 PM
kepam kunyah kacang tu terus masuk periuk ke?
dia ni potong sayur macam nak bagi kuda makan, kuah k ...

Xkn lh dia xda food processor ke blender ke? Aku dh terbayang ni dia kunyah pastu msuk dlm periuk ulang smpai penat

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Post time 29-6-2024 03:36 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
hungryhenry replied at 29-6-2024 12:46 PM
Tinggalkan 3 anak kandung, ingatkan dah buang beban, tetiba dapat pulak anak autism. Mesti indenial. ...

Byk gak penyakit yg boleh detect masa prenatal
Tapi tak tau la test mcmmana  kos pulak camana kan
Ituler i takde nak pregnant lagi dah jejak 40 ni

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Post time 29-6-2024 03:38 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
razfira0707 replied at 29-6-2024 02:39 PM
Dah kenapa tibe tibe throwback anniversary? Nak tunjuk kat sapa plak  ni?

Anniversary jumpa kat tinder kot
Nikah bulan 3 kan

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Post time 29-6-2024 03:45 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
ezypepper replied at 28-6-2024 01:06 AM
Nanti kan lori U haul heret barang kepam kuar from the PPR. Dah tersebar add dia ni, sure gelupur  ...

Xpindah pon sbb xmampu. Dlu dah pernah share jgk dlm benang kakpam ni alamat dia tu sbb dia unboxing nmpk jelas alamat. Mgkin setahun yg lepas. Sama je dia kat situ.

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Post time 29-6-2024 03:47 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
divalaura replied at 28-6-2024 01:24 AM
wow kepam depan pintu gerbang PPR beliau

Buruk sungguh gigi bawah dia mcm hantu gigi. Kenapa la org berduit byk mcm dia dlu lgsg x spend utk kecantikn?? Tau2 masuk filler dkt kopek n bontot. Rugi betul la.

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Post time 29-6-2024 03:50 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
ezypepper replied at 28-6-2024 02:07 AM
Dan berkubur la diet Whiney seperti cita2 hidup nya selalu…

Kahkah mmg expected kan? Entah berapa jam je diet

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Post time 29-6-2024 06:37 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
divalaura replied at 29-6-2024 01:48 PM
pastu mekna suka menonggeng kepala ke bawah..
i baca tu pun salah satu ciri-ciri autism jugak..
ey ...

Yess u I perasan ni jugak dah lama. I macam pernah ternampak video omputih rasanya. Signs of autism. Menonggeng is one of it. Mekna also shows other obvious signs like jalan jengket, suka pegang benda yang bukan mainan and paling obvious takde meaningful words. Even sekecik "NAK" dalam apa2 bahasa pun. See pam, weols yang dok tengok thru your igs pun boleh perasan. U yang 24 hrs dengan dia takkan tak nampak apa2??? At this point I don't think pam in denial la. I rasa dia pun tak tau those signs cos anak 3 dulu dia bukan bela sangat. Dok sibuk haiyok2 siang kejar customer malam buat kelas mengajar scamming. Pam mmg takde mom instinct!

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Post time 29-6-2024 06:51 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
aechae replied at 27-6-2024 10:58 AM
Self claimed influencer paling malas n paling gagal dlm dunia ni lah…
Nk promot sunscreen tp taya ...

What d f.... Product suncreen ke? Ai x baca caption. Mati2 ai ingat dia promote air yg dia minum dlm gelas tu.. Air ala2 supplement utk kuruz hahahaha gagalnya content tu.
Bodooo nya dia dan Babu.
Itulah dah tua2 baru terhegeh2 nak jadi influencer promo product hihihi.. Idea pun idea set2 org tua.

Btw sekali tengok dah tahu itu patio rumah b40 kak kepam.
Sofa buruk pun dah alih ke patio. Nak bagi space besar kat living room lah tu soon nak beranak lagi.

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Post time 29-6-2024 07:07 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Piramida replied at 29-6-2024 06:51 PM
What d f.... Product suncreen ke? Ai x baca caption. Mati2 ai ingat dia promote air yg dia minum d ...

Iyooo promot sunscreen yg over nya tayang muka, senyum kepit ala menggoda buat pegi lah kt luar sana lari2 kt padang ke, outdoor activiti lh kn, tp xtau knapa otak dorg boleh pikir eh pakai topi duk kt patio jelah

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Post time 29-6-2024 07:41 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
nevberg replied at 29-6-2024 08:17 AM
Apa plk kuarters gomen..kondo ye..dia yang cakap kat igs dia baru ni

Condo tu rumah dia tinggal masa awal kawen dulu kan. Then dia pindah dok townhouse kat cyber yg exteriornya menyerupai pejabat gomen & interiornya menyerupai rumah kuarters acik gomen

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Post time 29-6-2024 08:38 PM | Show all posts
MarryPottet replied at 29-6-2024 07:41 PM
Condo tu rumah dia tinggal masa awal kawen dulu kan. Then dia pindah dok townhouse kat cyber yg ex ...

igs baru ni di cakap kondo...cite pasal adhd camtu...tapi i tak screenshot

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Post time 29-6-2024 09:40 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
hungryhenry replied at 29-6-2024 04:46 AM
Tinggalkan 3 anak kandung, ingatkan dah buang beban, tetiba dapat pulak anak autism. Mesti indenial. ...

I sebagai mak yg ada anak mild autism pun stress tengok video budak2 lain yg petah. anak i mmg speech delay. Now ok la sikit tp tu la mesti stress juga anak tatau apa2 or lambat semua benda.

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Post time 30-6-2024 12:05 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Edited by Ilovekepam at 30-6-2024 12:09 AM

bermakna badak gaduh dengan kepam. dua2 merajuk dgn tinmah. sebab tu dua2 ekor ni dok berzikir trauma27 juta kali. kaklong dgn wolf elok je tu ha makan2 dgn tinmah. mmg dua ekor tu perangai malas tapi nak demand mcm2... usaha taknak tau nak senang je... mak suruh buat homework hafal sifir buat keje rumah semua taknak agaknya, mak marah salahkan mak, mak puji org lain salahkan mak, pastu hujung2 blame mak jugak, childhood trauma jadah nyaa

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Post time 30-6-2024 01:47 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
divalaura replied at 29-6-2024 10:01 AM
beli kandang mekya lebombo ke tuuuuuu

Sadis nya pintu rumah pam. Siap kena bergrill yah. Bkn uesss sana pintu rumah beso2 kayu tebal pastu kan. Ni nampak mcm pintu rumah flat tk msia jah.

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Post time 30-6-2024 02:01 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Nadiabella replied at 28-6-2024 07:00 PM
Ya lah tu, Pam...kot2 yr morning sickness buat asyik muntah2..mana tak loose weight....nak bohong n ...

Mcm nk perli dik baddah dia je kot ni. Deorg kan saling menjawab

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Post time 30-6-2024 02:28 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Ilovekepam replied at 30-6-2024 12:05 AM
bermakna badak gaduh dengan kepam. dua2 merajuk dgn tinmah. sebab tu dua2 ekor ni dok berzikir tra ...

Aku mmg xfaham trauma apa hidup kemain mewsh. Tokmid pegi landen sekejap siap angkut budder n pam. Umor2 tu i pernah kena tggal dgn my dad duduk la rumah nenek xdibawa sekali. Celah mana trauma??? Setakat mulut tinmah, tinmah xbg dgr radio yada yada tu level 1 “seksaan” mak. Xdenya smpai ke tahap trauma!! Kena sexual harrasment? Kena pukul smpai berdarah? Tu baru boleh pggil trauma

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Post time 30-6-2024 02:30 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Nadiabella replied at 29-6-2024 01:01 PM
She thinks its an achievement..what a joke....sebarkan lah aib kau selagi boleh..

Maybe kakpam sndri pon mild autism kot x reti beza benda yg malu utk share

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Post time 30-6-2024 03:54 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
hadiah dari kawan mana ni..setahu iols dia xde kawan..siapa tahu knp dkt situ tulis made by AI..kuin guna gamba AI ke?

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