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Author: baghal_bortuqal

[Tempatan] Bajet 2013: wishlist

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 Author| Post time 9-8-2012 09:46 AM | Show all posts
little_sis posted on 9-8-2012 09:43 AM
aku xtau la wish aku ni leh masuk dlm budget ke x.. tapi aku wish ada peruntukan untuk membina rumah ...

Baghal mmg setuju sgt dgn ni. Daycare utk warga tua.

Anak2 boleh ada peace of mind obat2an terjaga, kalu ada apa2 pon ada org menguruskan.

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Post time 9-8-2012 09:47 AM | Show all posts
baghal_bortuqal posted on 9-8-2012 09:29 AM
Wishlist poremer CI:
1. Pengeluaran EPF akaun I untuk beli tanah semata2 - detail implementasi post ...

1. Laksana GST segera tapi 2. hapuskan hiden tax/import tax/eksais? (import tax kat malaysia berubah beradasarkan jenis barang dan tempat kemasukkan barang..dilaluan masuk darat, automatik 30%.. tapi di pejabat post ikut jenis barang,,,... apa punya tax kat malaysia..

itu tak mahu di listkan..


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Post time 9-8-2012 09:49 AM | Show all posts
kajian penghapusan cukai yg membebankan rakyat perlu dikaji semula.

- penghapusan cukai pendapatan bagi mereka yg berpendapatan dibawah rm3000 dinaikkan ke rm4000 atau rm5000

- cukai perkhidmatan 5% di restoran2 dihapuskan

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Post time 9-8-2012 09:49 AM | Show all posts
errr....... TT nak submit memorandum ke PM ke.......?

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Post time 9-8-2012 09:50 AM | Show all posts
sori nak ot skit sis oren.

pasal perlepasan tanggungan ni aku tengok pihak2 yg jaga zakat pon sama bengongnya. jenis yang totok hanya mengikut kitab semata2 & tak reti nak gunakan akal yang sihat untuk tetapkan kadar pelepasan tanggungan tu.

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Post time 9-8-2012 09:51 AM | Show all posts
jofizo posted on 9-8-2012 09:49 AM
kajian penghapusan cukai yg membebankan rakyat perlu dikaji semula.

- penghapusan cukai pendapat ...

stuju dgn cukai pndpt tu dinaikkan cuma... biar la start dr rm8k ke atas....

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 Author| Post time 9-8-2012 09:56 AM | Show all posts
KTMan posted on 9-8-2012 09:47 AM
1. Laksana GST segera tapi 2. hapuskan hiden tax/import tax/eksais? (import tax kat malaysia berub ...

Feel free to update the running list. Skang ni mobile posting opera takleh kopipes.

And thanks for the explanation of what is merapu, dari earlier posting #5 memula tu baghal tak tahu ujung pangkal apa itu contoh 'merapu' tax code.

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 Author| Post time 9-8-2012 09:58 AM | Show all posts
al-asil posted on 9-8-2012 09:50 AM
sori nak ot skit sis oren.

pasal perlepasan tanggungan ni aku tengok pihak2 yg jaga zakat pon sam ...

Terima kasih sudi berkongsi pengamatan al-asil

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Post time 9-8-2012 10:02 AM | Show all posts
aku setuju pasal pelepasan cukai n etc...

dulu gaji 4,5k mmg kira mewah lah..skang nie biasa jerkk...kadang2 tak cukup...dulu gaji 3k kueh rm1 dpt 5..skang gaji 3k kueh rm2 dpt 5..ada tempat 50sen satu..hehe

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Post time 9-8-2012 10:05 AM | Show all posts
GST rasanya diorang nak implement jugak next coming year of assessment. Sebab my boss kata, GST team will be busy next yearrr...

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Post time 9-8-2012 10:10 AM | Show all posts
17. kelab kelab hiburang diwajibkan beroperasi 24 jam

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 Author| Post time 9-8-2012 10:14 AM | Show all posts
Wishlist poremer CI:
1. Pengeluaran EPF akaun I untuk beli tanah semata2 - detail implementasi posting #2
2. Pelaksanaan GST dgn segera. Kadar income tax diturunkan. Pelepasan biar masuk akal sikit. Tax merapu, hidden eksais streamline - detail posting #3, #22, #26, #29
3. Saman kesalahan lalulintas ikut kemampuan; mcm Siwtzerland ker hapa - posting #4 airfilterkotor
4. AFTA implementasi terus - posting #7, #20
5. Pendidikan sekolah diolah utk menangani gejala malas / ponteng - posting #15
6. Hospital setiap daerah perlu diupgrade kepakaran + kemudahan; takyah nak transfer case jauh2 - posting #16
7. Daycare centre berpatutan utk warga tua - posting #19 Last edited by baghal_bortuqal on 9-8-2012 10:18 AM


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Post time 9-8-2012 10:17 AM | Show all posts
the largest chunk should go to MOE... as with other developing/developed countries....


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Post time 9-8-2012 10:20 AM | Show all posts
Menunaikan haji dan umrah dapat pelepasan cukai bergantung kepada kekerapan atau setiap beberapa tahun. Contohnya dapat pelepasan Rm3000 bagi setiap 3 tahun jika memunaikan umrah. Atau pelepasan RM8000 untuk sekali seumur hidup untuk haji. Nak galakkan orang buat amal la plak asyik nak murah dan pelepasan ke arah kebendaan duniawi jer. Tengok akhirat la plak. Kata Islam sebagai agama rasmi.

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Post time 9-8-2012 10:22 AM | Show all posts
Boleh tak kalau nak minta saman had laju berkadar terus dgn laju yg lebih dari speed limit disamping kadar minima.

Contoh, ni contoh jer tau.....

Katakanlah..... minima caj RM300 + kadar lebihan laju. (setiap lebihan di caj 10 hengget). Semoga aku tak kena speed trap .... Amin

Ini tidak, yg lebih 1 dicaj sama dgn yg lebih 100

Ini contoh jer. Last edited by Belimbingtm on 9-8-2012 12:21 PM


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 Author| Post time 9-8-2012 10:23 AM | Show all posts
RPGT: Developers urge govt not to make changes to RPGT
Posted on 8 August 2012 - 08:30pm

KUALA LUMPUR (Aug 8, 2012): The Malaysian Developers' Association (MDC) has urged the government not to impose additional stamp duty or make changes to the current Real Property Gains Tax (RPGT) policy. In a statement today, MDC said amid a plateauing demand in the residential market and an increase in the supply of commercial office units will only, any change in policy will only negatively impact the housing market and deter foreign investment into the country.

Any changes to the policy will also further discourage foreign investment as well as affect property sales and occupancy rates, it said. The call was made by the association following the 16th MDC council held recently.

The MDC comprises the Real Estate and Housing Developers' Association, the Sabah Real Estate and Housing Developers Association and the Sarawak Real Estate and Housing Developers' Association. The association also said much of the increase in the Malaysian property price was due to the increase in input cost. "Increases in basic building materials which are major components of construction cost, land and compliance cost, will ultimately lead to higher selling price of houses," it added. It also sought intervention from the government to ensure fair and equitable pricing for cement.

It said the recent announcement of a rise in cement price was untimely and that its pricing should be lower due to the economy of scale with the anticipated rise in infrastructure and building projects in the country. The council said it is also encouraged by the receptiveness of some state governments to consider favourably implementing affordable housing, which is market driven as opposed to and in place of low cost housing.

"While we empathise with the increasing housing price which is presently affecting the public, we would support any initiative to move away from the subsidy policy," it added. – Bernama


1. RPGT naik 80% all across board. Speculation melampau sekarang ni. Kalau tiada spekulasi melampau, Demand will not be adversely affected as claimed. Time to call the bluff on this property donkeys.

Najib nak ke malaysia "prosper" dgn super property bull run selama 10 tahun lepas tu rakyat hidup "prosperously" dgn kadar pengangguran 24% mcm sepanyol?

2. Warga asing beli rumah rega 2 juta ke atas sahaja.

3. Buang income tax relief utk pembayaran instalmen rumah.


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Post time 9-8-2012 10:24 AM | Show all posts
Kurangkan caruman bhgian pekerja ke 5% shj sbg hukuman kpd EPF yg tak perform dlm memberi dividen yg lebih baik.
Lebihan wang kpd pekerja juga dpt menjana ekonomi domestik.

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 Author| Post time 9-8-2012 10:27 AM | Show all posts
Wishlist poremer CI:
1. Pengeluaran EPF akaun I untuk beli tanah semata2 - detail implementasi posting #2
2. Pelaksanaan GST dgn segera. Kadar income tax diturunkan. Pelepasan biar masuk akal sikit. Tax merapu, hidden eksais streamline - detail posting #3, #22, #26, #29, #39
3. Saman kesalahan lalulintas ikut kemampuan; mcm Siwtzerland ker hapa - posting #4. #35 - gradual scale on severity
4. AFTA implementasi terus - posting #7, #20
5. Pendidikan sekolah diolah utk menangani gejala malas / ponteng - posting #15
6. Hospital setiap daerah perlu diupgrade kepakaran + kemudahan; takyah nak transfer case jauh2 - posting #16
7. Daycare centre berpatutan utk warga tua - posting #19
8. Pelepasaan income tax utk haji / umrah - posting #34
9. Banteras spekulasi melampau sektor hartanah - RPGT naik 80% across board, foreigner rumah 2 juta ke atas, buang income tax relief service housing loan - posting #36

sila hapdet running list. nak balik. demam. Last edited by baghal_bortuqal on 9-8-2012 10:31 AM


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Post time 9-8-2012 10:28 AM | Show all posts
jofizo posted on 9-8-2012 09:49 AM
kajian penghapusan cukai yg membebankan rakyat perlu dikaji semula.

- penghapusan cukai pendapat ...

kajian penghapusan cukai yg membebankan rakyat perlu dikaji semula.

- penghapusan cukai pendapatan bagi mereka yg berpendapatan dibawah rm3000 dinaikkan ke rm4000 atau rm5000

- cukai perkhidmatan 5% di restoran2 dihapuskan

- pengeluaran akaun 2 kwsp utk mereka yg hendak menunaikan umrah/haji utk kali pertama


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 Author| Post time 9-8-2012 10:30 AM | Show all posts
Pikir posted on 9-8-2012 10:24 AM
Kurangkan caruman bhgian pekerja ke 5% shj sbg hukuman kpd EPF yg tak perform dlm memberi dividen yg ...

1. performance benchmark mcm mana tu pikir?
2. Isu pasal golongan berpendapatan rendah tak cukop simpanan hari tua mcmana pulak?


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