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Author: Cakkkk....aaaa

Ape khabar Jutawan HAI-O? Bakal bungkus?

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Post time 24-9-2012 05:33 PM | Show all posts
R2D2 posted on 24-9-2012 05:25 PM
jgn percaya status kat FB tu. ada yg produk tak laku. kat FB ckp tak menang tangan byk sgt order

FB semuanya indah/drama queen belaka.

Tapi syok gak skodeng FB yg tak diprivatekan hiks!

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Post time 24-9-2012 05:43 PM | Show all posts
tgk la kat surau2/masjid2, byk penapis yg terpaksa disedekahkan sebab tak mampu nk jual!

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Post time 24-9-2012 06:03 PM | Show all posts
InVendeTTa posted on 24-9-2012 03:03 PM
aku penah g 'konvensyen' MLM ni..mereka psg mcm2 video tuk brainwash org
video kunun mereka shut do ...

Sbb tu la keje MLM ni mengarut & menipu yg amat...paling heran nape para pengikut yg penah aku jumpa jd biol semacam je...sume kata2 upline apetah lg boss2 atas ckp trus beriman...mcm dlm CNI, boss dia ckp tuala wanita tu bleh jd mcm Cool Fever pun sume percaya, siap edar bende alah tu utk masing2 ushar, serius bangang!

Bab keter ke, aper ker, bab sembang kencang ke, sumer serah kat puak2 nih...hobi tayang kunci keter atas meja & kekadang setakat Kia Spectra, Naza Citra, or Perdana V6 2nd hand pun dah berlagak mcm kaya gila...siap ade yg menipu keter sendiri sedangkan pinjam keter mak dia yg tokey kantin. Adehh...mmg dah jd budaya idup sembang kencang. Pastu ade trend pelik2 kat konvensyen termasuk luahan ahli2 baru ttg keter idaman masing2 setelah join & berjaya nanti...pastu nyanyi2 mcm org mereng bla2 melalak tak tentu hala...

Yes, we're far more clever than them....

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Post time 24-9-2012 06:17 PM | Show all posts
minahsenget posted on 24-9-2012 01:18 PM
selit kat sini,jgn ha ada geng amway dok attack minah...klu sudi jwb kan ye...ok ke sgt k ...

Supplemen Nutrilite by Amway tu memang SANGAT BAGUS. Satu family makan dah lama dah. So far amat bagus.
Bab2 marketing plan Amway i x amik port. The products, YES..mostly bagus dan berkualiti tinggi.

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Post time 24-9-2012 06:28 PM | Show all posts
sayang_gurlz posted on 24-9-2012 04:10 PM
seronok baca komen korg psl hai-o ni..aku pn ade terbeli korset PB..byr bulanan rm100..aritu dpt bon ...

jom ramai2 join hai O. Kita kaya kan upline kita. yg berjaya 2% mereka2 yg melebur jadi arang 98%.

jom kita jadikan lilin membakar diri utk upline2 tersayang

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Post time 24-9-2012 06:37 PM | Show all posts
sok_suci posted on 24-9-2012 06:17 PM
Supplemen Nutrilite by Amway tu memang SANGAT BAGUS. Satu family makan dah lama dah. So far amat b ...

Apa yg bagus nye?

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Post time 24-9-2012 06:45 PM | Show all posts
lil_honey posted on 24-9-2012 04:26 PM
aku follow insta hanishaizi tu..jutawan hai-o...mak aih...sebulan beli beg mahal2 due tiga kali...

Ala.. Zaman sekarang ni tak yah Nak kagum sangat dgn yang selalu bertukar beg mahal ni..

Kekadang diaorg recycle jek.. Pakai sekejap pas tu jual kat kedai barang second hand, duit jualan tu beli la yang baru pulak.. Beg berjenama sekarang mmg ada harga kalau Nak dijual, so pada yang Nak menunjuk2 tu Takde masalah la..

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Post time 24-9-2012 06:46 PM | Show all posts

ok ke barangan HAI-O


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Post time 24-9-2012 07:07 PM | Show all posts
PitMie posted on 23-9-2012 01:48 PM
Yg Melayu pun rata2 involved ngan MLM ni bukan dari kalangan professionals...rata2nya dari kalangan  ...

lau hai o ni...mostly yg terlibat officer...duk baca dlm blog hanis...dok purifier ke apa...pasni tah produk apa lak...x abis2 menipu


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Post time 24-9-2012 07:24 PM | Show all posts
LOOK AT THIS...impressive wooo

Unfortunately, this site wont let you publish your comments without the approval of the blogger...LOL

MY COMMENT: This looks like a load of bullcrap.
Find the prettiest, cleanest chicken there is and conduct the same experiment. I kid you not, it will still bring out those gooey bubbles. Take any metal rod and supply electricity to it, and dip it in water filled with any kind of organic material-the result will be loads of bubbles...woohoo...WHY?
It simple science, electricity provides polarity which will break down polarised bonds of molecules...If there's protein and carbohydrates- you'll get tadaaa... BUBBLES- it means NItrogen gas, ammonia gas, oxygen gas are released!!....NOTHING SPECIAL HERE...I could replicate this experiment at home easily DUH!!

Entah2, berapa sen sgtla food purifier tuh....macam projek Kemahiran Hidup Or Kimia kat makmal jer....setakat ambik rod metal, attach to electricity....pastu bagi cantik tampal logo.... Last edited by Arissa_Sofea on 24-9-2012 07:27 PM


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Post time 24-9-2012 10:33 PM | Show all posts
majoriti yg jual PB semua gemuk kedempol...tu pn ada org leh terpedaya

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Post time 24-9-2012 11:05 PM | Show all posts
Arissa_Sofea posted on 24-9-2012 06:37 PM
Apa yg bagus nye?

Bagus maksudnye, so far memang nmpk kesan.

Dulu i kurus, then makan Nutrlite B-Complex tu, tambah selera makan n badan naik secara perlahan, bukan mendadak.
Klu Multivitamin Daily, rse bagus sebab klu seharian penat, mlm sebelum tdur telan sebiji then esok pagi bangun x lesu.

U can search / gugel. Bnyk info pasal nutrilite ni. X silap dah 3rd generation.

Sebelum ni i pnah ambil pharmaton, 21st century, blackmores. So compare dgn brand2 lain, nutrlilte is the best.
alamak off topic plak.

*sekadar menjawab soalan.

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Post time 24-9-2012 11:11 PM | Show all posts
sok_suci posted on 24-9-2012 06:17 PM
Supplemen Nutrilite by Amway tu memang SANGAT BAGUS. Satu family makan dah lama dah. So far amat b ...

...yupp.. kalau depa jual barangan MLM tak bermakna barang2 mereka tak bagus ... macam vitamins .. vitamins are vitamins laaa ... bukannya arangbatu  ... yg tak bagusnya .. cara dorang market their products .. mungkin jadi lebih mahal berbanding vitamins (contohnya multi vits) yang dijual di pharmacy misalnya .....

contoh ke-2 .. penapis air ...
contoh ke-3 : korset

etc etc ...


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Post time 24-9-2012 11:47 PM | Show all posts
sok_suci posted on 24-9-2012 11:05 PM
Bagus maksudnye, so far memang nmpk kesan.

Dulu i kurus, then makan Nutrlite B-Complex tu, tamb ...

Ok...vitamins problem.., but like I said, you are paying for an expensive urine if your body doesnt need it...
vitamin hanya diperlukan dlm kadar yg sedikit oleh badan...
" An apple a day, keeps the sickness at bay, keeps the doctors away"

mmg betul pun, sebijk apple supplies your daily vitamin A, B, C and folate requirement...
tambah breakfast cornflakes dgn susu- lengkap vitamin E, K, trace minerals..,,

BUT things like transfer factor, herbal medicines are dangerous without consulting your doctors first because they are medical substance that might interact with your other regular medications and might affect your kidney and liver...

If anyone ever say to you regarding kesan sampingan sebagai HEALING CRISIS, please please immediately stay away from the product...there is no such thing as 'healing crisis' in mainstream Medicine.,.,
only in alternative medicine, that term is used...

A simple 'healing crisis' could very well be life threatening condition!!

saya nak share satu lagi kes,

Seorang perempuan tua umur 80-an, mengidap letih2 lemah lesu, datang ke A&E dengan erythematous blistering rash (ruam merah macam kayap tuh)....demam 40celcius.. Diagnosis Stevens-Johnson Syndrome...kena masuk ICU..
anak dia bagitau mak dia baru ambik Herbal Medicine


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Post time 25-9-2012 12:00 AM | Show all posts
Doc.arissa.herbal cap aper tuh.g taw ler

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Post time 25-9-2012 12:07 AM | Show all posts
Arissa_Sofea posted on 24-9-2012 11:47 PM
Ok...vitamins problem.., but like I said, you are paying for an expensive urine if your bo ...

Seorang perempuan tua umur 80-an, mengidap letih2 lemah lesu, datang ke A&E dengan erythematous blistering rash (ruam merah macam kayap tuh)....demam 40celcius.. Diagnosis Stevens-Johnson Syndrome...kena masuk ICU..
anak dia bagitau mak dia baru ambik Herbal Medicine

doc .... nak tanya .. adalah pengambilan supplement yang you mentioned  tu menjadi "catalyst" kepada penyakit tu pada makcik tersebut atau ianya adalah penyebab kepada penyakit tu?  

is it true yang kalau amik herbs ... kita boleh wash them out of our body dengan minum banyakkkkk  air? ye laaa... kebanyakan herbs kan water soluble .....


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Post time 25-9-2012 12:08 AM | Show all posts
Rasanya tader kt kes kat UK..
Herbal Kalms ape ntah...kita pun tak investigate panjang laa, sbb masuk ICU...lps kt org ICU la pulak...
Tapi it's more than coincidence that she suddenly develop this skin reaction, when just starting taking herbal meds...

Ni contoh Stevens Johnson syndrome
Last edited by Arissa_Sofea on 25-9-2012 12:10 AM


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Post time 25-9-2012 12:16 AM | Show all posts
Arissa_Sofea posted on 25-9-2012 12:08 AM
Rasanya tader kt kes kat UK..
Herbal Kalms ape ntah...kita pun tak investigate panjang la ...

...uhhhhh skeriii ... pedihnyaaa ...  mungkin herba yang dia amik tu tak boleh diterima oleh sistem badan dia yang dah tua ...  siannn .....


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Post time 25-9-2012 12:17 AM | Show all posts
sayawifenikmie posted on 25-9-2012 12:07 AM
Seorang perempuan tua umur 80-an, mengidap letih2 lemah lesu, datang ke A&E dengan erythematous bl ...
is it true yang kalau amik herbs ... kita boleh wash them out of our body dengan minum banyakkkkk  air? ye laaa... kebanyakan herbs kan water soluble .....

Herm, technically, that's a misnomer...sebenarnyer bukan sebab water soluble tak water soluble..
but as a whole, betul la tuh...

you drink a lot of water not because to flush the toxin out, buat actually to increase renal perfusion (kadar tapisan buah pinggang)...
minum air banyak helps your kidney work extra and tapis your blood, getting rid of the toxins..


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Post time 25-9-2012 12:22 AM | Show all posts
ndak makan apple apa.merah ka ijau?

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