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Author: babyridz

Gambar2 latest Mummy Fasha Sandha yang jelita PG82/84/86/88

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Post time 16-12-2012 04:39 PM | Show all posts
miszdidi posted on 16-12-2012 03:46 PM
Motif dada dia nak berombak2 baca benda alah tu?
Ni lagi sorang..
Move on plisssss..

tu le cam aku ckp kt page sblh
FS,ND & MIL xda ape2 hal
pemenat yg sibuk sakit hati,sedih,resah bila
puansri xda pos gambo FS & tak ajak bercuti bersama

sabar je ler FS,ND & puansri layan pemenat ex-menantu & menantu


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 Author| Post time 16-12-2012 05:10 PM | Show all posts


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 Author| Post time 16-12-2012 05:12 PM | Show all posts
alizna82 posted on 16-12-2012 02:59 PM
Harap nora tak makan hati la dgn keakraban pasah dan MIL dia

makan hati tu makan hati jugakla.. nanti create fake profile lagi kat insta then maki hamun!! so pathetic!!!

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Post time 16-12-2012 05:18 PM | Show all posts
babyridz posted on 16-12-2012 05:12 PM
makan hati tu makan hati jugakla.. nanti create fake profile lagi kat insta then maki hamun!! so p ...

yg kutuk fs guna mak esah tu da diketahui ke?
yg siap minta maaf siap dgn bertaubat tu ker?


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Post time 16-12-2012 05:19 PM | Show all posts
Adik rayqal girl ker boy?

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Post time 16-12-2012 05:27 PM | Show all posts
vee posted on 16-12-2012 04:01 PM
uols pun sama je dasat.
uols pun blh baca isi hat ...

Iols xpandai nk baca isi hati org mcm uolss..
Iols baca je ape uols tulis tu..
Nora xckp dada dia berombak2, ada pulak org yg boleh tau without nora kuar any statement..


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Post time 16-12-2012 05:29 PM | Show all posts
babyridz posted on 16-12-2012 05:12 PM
makan hati tu makan hati jugakla.. nanti create fake profile lagi kat insta then maki hamun!! so p ...

Kau pun sama pathetic tuduh org tu buat mcm tu..
So apa beza kau dgn org yg tuduh pasah mak esahkan org tu?


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Post time 16-12-2012 05:40 PM | Show all posts
alangkah seronok rasa kalau ND cuba belapang dada dan berbaik dgn FS..semua org hepi...

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Post time 16-12-2012 05:59 PM | Show all posts
Sudah2lah nak melaga ND n FS. Hubungan ND baik dgn mertua coz kerana cucu. Dari pemerhatian hamba keluarga prominent mmg mementingkan hubungan kekeluargaan mereka. Sbb ada cucu dia rapat dgn ND. Kalau tak ada cucu rasanya nasib ND sama jugak dgn bekas menantu yg sorang lagi. Tak ada maknanya nak bawa jalan2 semua tu. Kalau takat ND tu boleh diterima tapi biasalah dah dpt lubuk org kaya semua ahli keluarga pun nak menempel, itu yg dikatanya keluarga tak tahu malu.  

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Post time 16-12-2012 06:39 PM | Show all posts
sweetnya tweets MIL....kagum dgn kesungguhan fasha yg mempertahankan cinta dia dan akhirnya bersatu dan direstui...
cth wanita tabah....seorg ibu,sekeras mana pun,bila tgk anak dia bahagia,lembut gak hatinya....

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Post time 16-12-2012 06:49 PM | Show all posts
miszdidi posted on 16-12-2012 05:27 PM
Iols xpandai nk baca isi hati org mcm uolss..
Iols baca je ape uols tulis tu..
Nora xckp dada di ...

apa yg salahnya dgn ayat iols ckp "gamaknya berombak2 x dada ND baca IG puan sri ni"
itu ayat tanya.. "berombak2 x (berombak2 tak)". bukannya iols ckp "gamaknya berombak-ombak dada ND. "
ke uols yg tak paham ayat iols? tu ayat tanya, ok. bukan ayat fakta.

sama mcm kalo org tanya "agaknya FS sedih x bla bla bla"
uols tak paham ke dgn ayat tanya? apa kaitan dgn boleh baca isi hati pulak

itulah bersungguh sgt nk cari org yg kutuk ND . smpai sukati je nk baca ayat org ikut kepala dia (baca ayat org ye, bkn ISI HATI org )

tp papepun lantak uols la. iols takat retis ni, xde la smpai nk marah2 emo2 kalo org lain xsama pandangan mcm iols. kalo ada pun maybe kalo org tu over sgt kutuk2 mcm si SHELLY  tu.papepun tima kasih kerana perasankan kewujudan iols dan bersungguh quote komen iols ye  



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Post time 16-12-2012 06:54 PM | Show all posts
ratuiphone posted on 16-12-2012 05:40 PM
alangkah seronok rasa kalau ND cuba belapang dada dan berbaik dgn FS..semua org hepi...

maybe bg kita mudah nk berlapang dada, mungkin bg ND payah.
tiap org kan lain2.
tp maybe lah kalo ND dh jmpa mr.rightnya.. kisah2 sedih dia boleh dia lupakan dan sikit2 demi sikit boleh berlapang dada.
iols x sokong mana2, cuma iols jadi suka tgk cara FS bawak diri n handle diri n hubngan dgn family mertua lepas kawin.
so bila MIL dia tnjuk yg dia ambik berat kat FS.. iols jadi suka sama tgk.


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Post time 16-12-2012 07:12 PM | Show all posts
vee posted on 16-12-2012 06:54 PM
maybe bg kita mudah nk berlapang dada, mungkin bg ND payah.
tiap org kan lain2.
tp maybe lah ka ...

aku pun rasa kalau ND jumpa mr.right dia..maybe dia dpt lupakan kisah sedih dia..

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Post time 16-12-2012 07:36 PM | Show all posts
Mcm mana nak jumpa Mr Right kalau asyik nak menempel. Iyelah syok dengan kemewahan dan boleh tayang2 dekat semua org.

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Post time 16-12-2012 07:49 PM | Show all posts
aQuA_dIaMoNd posted on 15-12-2012 09:57 PM
Pic ni bukan gossip pun,tp nk ltk gak x dulik··bukan ape kt insta artis plg ramai followers nora d ...

ni bukan nak menuduh sesiapa. maybe true mereka buat, atau maybe memang betul2 bertambah followers.

tapi it is an OPEN SECRET yg celebrities all over the world CAN BUY TWITTER followers ye..... details boleh baca kat link bawah ni:

NOTEDBuying Their Way to Twitter Fame
[size=0.9em]Emily Berl for The New York Times

The comedian Dan Nainan performing, left, and views of his Twitter page and a page from StatusPeople that says it can ascertain “how many fake followers you and your friends have.” Mr. Nainan said he bought a block of Twitter followers.

By AUSTIN CONSIDINEPublished: August 22, 2012 26 Comments

[size=1.5em]AS a comedian, Dan Nainan was blessed with fans, millions of YouTube views and, once, an audience with President Obama. But one thing was missing.

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Christoph Hitz

[size=1.5em]“The number of Twitter followers I had in relation to how many people in the world know about me was woefully inadequate,” he said. So in June he bought a small city’s worth for $424.15, raising his Twitterfollower count from about 700 to more than 220,000.
[size=1.5em]“There’s a tremendous cachet associated with having a large number,” said Mr. Nainan, 31, adding later, “When people see that you have that many followers, they’re like: ‘Oh, my goodness, this guy is popular. I might want to book him.’ ”
[size=1.5em]It may be the worst-kept secret in the Twittersphere. That friend who brags about having 1,000, even 100,000 Twitter followers may not have earned them through hard work and social networking; he may have simply bought them on the black market.
[size=1.5em]And it’s not just ego-driven blogger types. Celebrities, politicians, start-ups, aspiring rock stars, reality show hopefuls — anyone who might benefit from having a larger social media footprint — are known to have bought large blocks of Twitter followers.
[size=1.5em]The practice is surprisingly easy. A Google search for “buy Twitter followers” turns up dozens of Web sites,, and that sell Twitter followers by the thousands (and often Facebook likes and YouTube views). At, for example, users simply enter their Twitter handle and credit card number and, with a few clicks, see the ranks of their followers swell in three to four days.
[size=1.5em]Will Mitchell, the founder of Clear Presence Media, a marketing company outside Tampa, Fla., said that he has bought more than a million followers for his clients, which include musicians, start-ups and a well-known actress he declined to identify.
[size=1.5em]“And it’s so cheap, too,” he said. In one instance, Mr. Mitchell said, he bought 250,000 for $2,500, or a penny each.
[size=1.5em]One site, Fiverr, an online classified for cheap marketing services, has several ads offering1,000 Twitter followers for $5.
[size=1.5em]Heddi Cundle, founder of, a San Francisco company that helps people raise money for trips, spent $5 on Fiverr to buy 200 followers last October, when her site started. By the next month, “we had about 1,100 to 1,200 people on both Twitter and Facebook, which was amazing,” she said. “We needed that to get ourselves going.”
[size=1.5em]Fake Twitter followers briefly made the news in July, when Mitt Romney’s Twitter following jumped by more than 100,000 in one weekend — a much faster rate than usual. A flurry of news reports purported to expose the practice of buying followers. “Romney Twitter account gets upsurge in fake followers, but from where?” read a headline on the NBC News Technolog blog.” (The Romney campaign has denied it bought followers.) Similar claims were lobbed at Newt Gingrich last year; his campaign also denied that he paid for any of his 1.3 million-strong Twitter following.
[size=1.5em]Having fake followers, it is important to note, does not necessarily mean that they were purchased. Unlike Facebook friends, Twitter does not require users to approve followers. In other words, anyone can follow you on Twitter, whether it’s your mother or a spammer.
[size=1.5em]Twitter followers are sold in two ways: “Targeted” followers, as they are known in the industry, are harvested using software that seeks out Twitter users with similar interests and follows them, betting that many will return the favor. “Generated” followers are from Twitter accounts that are either inactive or created by spamming computers — often referred to as “bots.”
[size=1.5em]Buyers and sellers see nothing wrong with it. “Buying followers generated by bots is against Twitter’s terms and frowned upon by the public,” Mr. Mitchell said. “However, it is perfectly legal.”
[size=1.5em]The practice has become so widespread that StatusPeople, a social media management company in London, released a Web tool last month called the Fake Follower Check that it says can ascertain how many fake followers you and your friends have.
[size=1.5em]The tool examines Twitter relationships, said Rob Waller, a founder of StatusPeople. “Fake accounts tend to follow a lot of people but have few followers,” he said. “We then combine that with a few other metrics to confirm the account is fake.”
[size=1.5em]If accurate, the number of fake followers out there is surprising. According to the StatusPeople tool, 71 percent of Lady Gaga’s nearly 29 million followers are “fake” or “inactive.” So are 70 percent of President Obama’s nearly 19 million followers.
[size=1.5em]But Twitter is starting to clamp down. In April, it filed suit in federal court in San Francisco against five spammers, including those who create fake Twitter followers. (The case is pending.) That didn’t discourage Mr. Nainan, the comedian. He recently asked about “the theoretical maximum” Twitter followers he can purchase.
[size=1.5em]“They said, ‘You could probably get over a million, a million and a half,’ ” he said. “And I’m like, ‘Why not? I can afford it.’

Last edited by mclaren on 16-12-2012 07:50 PM


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Post time 16-12-2012 07:55 PM | Show all posts
Tengok tak rugi jadi menantu yang pandai bawak diri.....mak mertua punn sayyangggg.

Tapi kalau duk buat perangai pprt meroyan pompang pompang satu malaya sendiri mau ingatlahh.

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Post time 16-12-2012 07:58 PM | Show all posts
Go go Fasha....U go girlll....
Ala2 menantu tersohoorrrrrrrr gitu.

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Post time 16-12-2012 08:45 PM | Show all posts
moga fasha, jejai , nd ,raikal n adik baru hidup bahagia slamanya
aku tengok gambar jejai macam bahagia sangat...kesian jugak kat jejai n fasha ni...
jangan risau nora kan cantik , insya Allah dpt yg lebih baik...
pastu utk PS noora, tahniah sebab dapat menyayangi fs and nd ...both menantu...bile dah ada yg sayang , jaga sebaiknya sebab bile dah takde...pasti rasa kehilangan..

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Post time 16-12-2012 08:55 PM | Show all posts
sape tgk Instag Nora gamba depa bercuti kat Dubai??

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Post time 16-12-2012 09:49 PM | Show all posts
mclaren posted on 16-12-2012 07:49 PM
ni bukan nak menuduh sesiapa. maybe true mereka buat, atau maybe memang betul2 bertambah followers ...

aku follow twitter fs...ada sekali tu dlm awal bln 10 baru ni, aku tekejut tgk follower dia bertambah 200k dlm masa 2 hari..dari 400k terus jadik 600k...pelik jugak tetiba naik byk terus...sbb kalau tgk sblm tu follower dia cuma bertambah few hundreds je sehari...tapi now ni aku tgk follower dia tak bertambah pun..dari awal oct 600k, skrg pun dok byk tu jugak...
bukan nak menuduh, tapi musykil...

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