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Author: chazey


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Post time 7-3-2013 11:14 AM | Show all posts
Magika posted on 7-3-2013 11:10 AM
Perutusan dari UN mengenai isu ini

UN dah masuk campur pulak

ada plus and minus though

kalau UN is the mediator  - boleh ke UN as the mediator - apa autonomy Malaysia dan deluded KIRAM?

i rasa macam tengok citer the interpreter balik pulak ..

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Post time 7-3-2013 11:14 AM | Show all posts
Kenyataan Rasmi Dari Website United Nation

Kenyataan dari Secretary General United Nation mengenai isu Sabah

Secretary-General Urges Dialogue to Resolve Situation in Sabah, Malaysia

The following statement was issued today by the Spokesperson for UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon:

The Secretary-General is closely following the situation in Sabah, Malaysia.  He urges an end to the violence and encourages dialogue among all the parties for a peaceful resolution of the situation.

The Secretary-General expresses concern about the impact this situation may have on the civilian population, including migrants in the region.  He urges all parties to facilitate delivery of humanitarian assistance and act in full respect of international human rights norms and standards.

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Post time 7-3-2013 11:15 AM | Show all posts
MNLF chief warns of ‘chaos’

if Sulu Sultan arrested                                
By Clara Chooi
Assistant News Editor
March 06, 2013                        

Self-proclaimed Sultan Sulu Jamalul is laying claim to Sabah as his “royal” birthright. — Reuters picKUALA LUMPUR, March 6 ― President Benigno Aquino III will not be forgiven for standing back while Malaysia rained bombs on Filipino citizens in Sabah, rebel leader Nur Misuari has said, warning of chaos if the self-proclaimed Sulu Sultan Jamalul Kiram III is arrested or his men apprehended.
Misuari, who leads the Moro National Liberation Front (MNLF), a political-turned-rebel Muslim group he founded in 1969, said Aquino should be more decisive and stop Malaysia’s attack on Jamalul’s men in Sabah instead of siding with his southern neighbour.
“What he has done is very bad,” the leader was quoted as saying in the Philippine Daily Inquirer. “It is unbecoming of a head of state, to be siding with the enemy of his own people.”
“And for what reason is he (Aquino) aligning this country with Malaysia, a colonial power occupying the land of our people? I am against that, totally against that with all my soul. I hope the president will be properly advised. I hope he will recant. Otherwise we won’t forgive him,” he added during a press conference yesterday at Jamalul’s residence in Taguig City, Philippines.
“And there is an attempt even to arrest the sultan, I understand. Let them do that. The country will be in total chaos if they do, I promise you.”
Misuary also claimed he had warned Malaysia’s Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak that fighting the Sulu gunmen in Sabah “would be tantamount to war”.
He reportedly added that he was willing to send his grandnephew who lives in Malaysia, and whom he claims is Najib’s relative, to speak with the prime minister on a possible peaceful end to the standoff.
Government officials from the Philippines have repeatedly sought to ward off criticism against the Aquino administration for failing to protect the lives of its own countrymen, whom many Filipinos believe were merely staking a claim over land that was rightfully theirs.
The Inquirer’s report said Misuari had also agreed with the Sulu Sultanate’s assertion that Sabah “is our homeland”, but denied that he had inspired their Sabah landing, or that his men in the MNLF, many of whom were reportedly trained in Malaysia, were joining the conflict in east Malaysia.
According to several reports in the Philippine media, Misuari described it as “madness” to assume he had a hand in the matter.
“For anyone to speculate that I had anything to do with (Sabah standoff) is a kind of madness,” he was reported as saying, according to a Twitter posting by Philippines media network ABS-CBN.
“Misuari also denies financing Kiram’s group in Sabah. ‘That’s not my way of doing things.’” the network quoted, using the handle @ANCALERTS.
Malaysia’s Defence Minister Datuk Seri Ahmad Zahid Hamidi appeared to concur with Misuari’s remarks during a press conference yesterday, when he said there was no evidence that the Malaysia-trained MNLF fighters were joining their fellow Filipino Muslim militants in the fight to reclaim Sabah.
“We have to distinguish between Sulu terrorists and the Sulu people in Sabah,” Ahmad Zahid told a press conference here.
“We are focusing only on Sulu terrorists. I hope that our Sulu friends in Sabah will be with the government. We as a government have been taking care of them,” he added.
The Manila Bulletin had said in an early report yesterday that Hadji Acmad Bayam, a former chief propagandist of the separatist group, had said the MNLF had hidden an arsenal deep in Sabah’s rugged terrain before they returned home after their rigid training, adding he was confident the authorities would not be able to find the firearms.
Acmad was reported to have stayed in Sabah for nearly a decade, from 1976 to 1986, before yielding to then Philippine President Fidel V. Ramos.
The former militant leader told the Philippine paper that many of the seasoned rebel commanders and rank-and-file members had chosen to stay back in Sabah.
Most of them were from Sulu, Tawi-Tawi and the Zamboanga peninsula on the Philippines south, he said, adding that the MNLF men also included those from Maguindanao, Irano and Maranao.
Acmad related that one of the senior-ranking Malaysia-trained commanders had contacted him a few days ago, saying he was enlisting Tausug warriors and others to back the followers of Agbimuddin Kiram, the self-styled crown prince and heir to the Sulu sultanate that claims ownership to Sabah based on colonial documents.
“I was trying to contact him yesterday but his phone cannot be reached anymore.
“I guess he was able to penetrate the Malaysian and Philippine sea-borne blockades in their respective borders,” Acmad was quoted saying.
The Malaysian Armed Forces launched an attack on the Filipino intruders at Kampung Tanduo, Felda Sahabat in Lahad Datu at 7am yesterday, raining down heavy artillery on the small coastal village where the Sulu gunmen have been holed in since their arrival on February 9.


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Post time 7-3-2013 11:15 AM | Show all posts
ni yg aku amek dr website world time

Filipino Clan Says Malaysian Police Shot at Them

Read more: ... them/#ixzz2MouF3D52

(MANILA, Philippines) — A Filipino clan leader who occupied a Malaysian village with nearly 200 followers said Malaysian police opened fire Friday in a bid to end the three-week standoff that threatened to complicate the two countries’ relations.

Members of a Muslim royal clan from the southern Philippines landed in a coastal village in Malaysia’s Sabah state on Feb. 9 to claim the territory as their own, citing ownership documents from the late 1800s. They ignored appeals from Philippine President Benigno Aquino III to leave immediately or face prosecution at home on charges of triggering armed conflict.

The leader of the group, Agbimuddin Kiram, told Philippine radio station DZBB in Manila that Malaysian police surrounding Lahad Datu village opened fire early Friday and that his group was fighting back. He said there were casualties on the Filipino side but did not provide details.

Malaysian police in Sabah refused to comment.

“They suddenly came in; we had to defend ourselves,” Kiram said. Sounds of shots were heard in the background while he was being interviewed by phone. He said his plan was “to fight.”

Philippine Interior Secretary Mar Roxas said that according to the Philippine police attaché in Malaysia, the police in Sabah fired warning shots. Roxas had no reports of any casualties.

On Tuesday, Aquino urged Kiram’s brother in the southern province of Sulu, Sultan Jamalul Kiram III, to order his followers to return home and called their action a “foolhardy act” that was bound to fail.

The standoff elevated the Sabah territorial issue, which has been a thorn in Philippine-Malaysian relations for decades, to a Philippine national security concern. The crisis erupted at a crucial stage of peace negotiations — brokered by Malaysia — between the Philippine government and the Moro Islamic Liberation Front, the largest Muslim rebel group in the southern Philippines.

Aquino has said that the standoff may have been an attempt to undermine his government on the part of those opposing the peace deal, including politicians and warlords who fear being left out in any power sharing arrangements.

The Philippines this week sent a navy ship with social and medical workers off Lahad Datu while trying to persuade the Filipinos to return home.

--so according to World Time kite yg start serang diorg dulu..


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Post time 7-3-2013 11:15 AM | Show all posts
mat_arof posted on 6-3-2013 07:24 PM
macam ada mayat wanita berambut panjang baring secara mengiring

ada wanita ke yang join kumpula ...

berani sungguh ko tgk details aek... perut sume dah kembong . padan muka ko! berani dtg menceroboh. rasakan

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Post time 7-3-2013 11:15 AM | Show all posts
atira posted on 7-3-2013 11:14 AM
Ng yes yes gigih suruh pelancong jgn kensel ke semporna/tawau

Keselamatan rakyat sendiri dia pedulik haper... Yg taunya yes yesss yesssss sajork...

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Post time 7-3-2013 11:15 AM | Show all posts
batusembilan posted on 7-3-2013 11:12 AM

berjaya jgk akhirnya


akhirnya hada siggy eheheh

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Post time 7-3-2013 11:16 AM | Show all posts

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Post time 7-3-2013 11:16 AM | Show all posts
Janganlah marahkan orang sulu yg ada IC di disabah, mereka dah menetap di msia dah lama, mereka tak buat salah apa-apa.
Kalau kita fikirkan balik semula kedua2 fihak yang mati adakah mereka ini mati syahid, sebab tentera sulu tuntut hak, keselamatan msia pertahankan hak. Saya rasalah....dua-dua belah fihak mati syahid.

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Post time 7-3-2013 11:16 AM | Show all posts
putr@polo posted on 7-3-2013 10:54 AM
Najib di Sabah hari ini pantau Ops Daulat

isteri tersayang ikut x???

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Post time 7-3-2013 11:16 AM | Show all posts
fish posted on 7-3-2013 11:14 AM
aku pun kat KK
belah mana KK tu? nape diorg risau sgt
setakat ni ok kot kat sini

boleh bagi tahu ke update sebegini ? bukan apa takut kalau maklumat ini dijadikan penunjuk pihak sulu , yakni kalau baca ni depa akan tahu yg member depa tak berjaya dan cuba cara lain pulak ...

so sapa nak update ni hehati.

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Post time 7-3-2013 11:16 AM | Show all posts
chazey posted on 7-3-2013 11:11 AM
ng yes yes kata tourist masih selamat datang sabah.

sedangkan dari sabtu lepas udah kuar surat  ...

my office mate just returned from Pulau Sipadan ...dia pegi Diving seminggu hari Isnin baru return kat Tawau.
masa tu tengah peak kemelut meletus...


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Post time 7-3-2013 11:17 AM | Show all posts
Manami posted on 7-3-2013 11:15 AM
Keselamatan rakyat sendiri dia pedulik haper... Yg taunya yes yesss yesssss sajork...

tgk kat FB airasia tak..
ramai tanya cemana depa yg dah kensel flight ke tawau minggu ni...
airasia kata depa tak boleh nak buat apa2 sbb kementerian kata selamat.. dan flight depa on mcm biasa

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Post time 7-3-2013 11:17 AM | Show all posts
d-7-0ne posted on 7-3-2013 11:09 AM
da bnyak  yg terkorban baru nk mnjenguk.

kan. tapi air muka dia yg tenang tu...ishhhhhh

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Post time 7-3-2013 11:17 AM | Show all posts
berusjamban posted on 7-3-2013 10:58 AM

Aku pun sokong ATM/PDRM.
Tapi kok ye pun jangan la dok cakap semuanya kita TERBAIK. Nak goreng pun berpada2 la.

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Post time 7-3-2013 11:17 AM | Show all posts
Manami posted on 7-3-2013 11:13 AM
Ko ni tak habis2 nak selitkan Palestine dlm isu ni.. Tau bezakan situasi dak??

samalah tuh... Palestine nak Gaza. Suluk nak Sabah.

Lepas mortar kat Israel. Ramai pasukan keselamatan Israel yg mati spt pasukan keselamatan kita.

Kalau Palestine hentikan serangan ke Israel, saya yakin keamanan boleh dicapai.

Keganasan bukan penyelesaian.

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Post time 7-3-2013 11:17 AM | Show all posts
mylia posted on 7-3-2013 11:16 AM

semoga mereka selamat

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Post time 7-3-2013 11:17 AM | Show all posts

1. Malaysia pernah menghantar pasukan tentera semasa Perang Vietnam bagi membantu Amerika Syarikat menjejaki gerila Viet Cong..

2. Malaysia merupakan satu-satunya negara di dunia yang berjaya menghancurkan ancaman komunis sedangkan kerajaan demokratik Vietnam yang dibantu oleh Amerika Syarikat tewas kepada komunis..

3. ATM diperakui PAKAR PERANG HUTAN oleh seluruh dunia dan merupakan satu satunya pasukan yang Berjaya mengekang komunisme..Percaya atau tidak?

4. VAT69 dijulang sebagai komando terbaik dunia sehinggakan pasukan ini didokumentarikan oleh ASIA CHANNEL..Percaya atau tidak?

5. Perisik Malaysia sama ada PDRM atau ATM merupakan perisikan yang paling terbaik dalam dunia..percaya atau tidak? Pada 1988 seorang perisik KGB, Siddiq Ghouse ditangkap kerana merisik Malaysia? Hal ini dibuktikan dengan kepantasan Malaysia membasmi Al-Maunnah, KMM, Abu Sayyaf, Jemaah Islamiah dan penganas-penganas lain tanpa mengambil masa yang lama..

6. Percaya atau tidak perisik dan anggota elit ATM dan PDRM, apabila bersara dikehendaki melaporkan diri di balai polis bagi waktu dan masa yang ditetapkan? Mereka juga sukar untuk memohon passport atau visa ke luar Negara..

7. Percaya atau tidak panggilan “cikgu” digunakan oleh anggota polis merujuk pada anggota ATM?

8. ATM menjadi rebutan amerika dan Britain. Namun ATM memilih Britain kerana ikatan persahabatan yang kian lama terjalin, namun tahukah anda ATM telah menubuhkan sekolah ketenteraan FORT BENNINGS ?? Di sini diperkatakan tentera terhebat adalah SAS (Britain), diikuti Malaysia (ATM) dan amerika US ARMY. Percaya atau tidak?

9. Bagi menghina Malaysia, Indonesia segaja mengajar angkatan tentera Kemboja. Tapi Indonesia mendapat aib apabila ATM berjaya menerobos kem tentera Kemboja tanpa disedari dan berjaya mematikan periuk api.!! ini amat memalukan mereka..percaya atau tidak?

10. Pasukan elit pertama Malaysia merupakan Sarawak Rangers dan ini merupakan pasukan paling awal sebagai pasukan elit dari negara2 rantau ini.. Percaya atau tidak?

11. Komando Malaysia pernah membantu tentera AS bagi menandakan sasaran-sasaran tentera Serb melalui Laser Target Designator untuk dimusnahkan dengan “Smart Bomb” dari pesawat pengebom NATO..

12. Percaya atau tidak jika dikatakan Komando-komando Malaysia diberi tugas sebagai QSR (Quick Reaction Rescue) bagi tentera NATO dalam perang BOSNIA? Suatu ketika pernah dicatatkan dalam newspaper di Amerika..hal ini dan diperakui oleh tentera-tentera asing dan mengelarkan pasukan negara yang datang untuk garisan mati..

13. Komando Malaysia pernah dihantar dalam satu misi khas ke Manila untuk mengambil dokumen berkaitan dengan Sabah satu ketika dahulu..

14. Tahukah anda filem “Black Hawk Down” mengisahkan pemberontakan di Somalia, menyelewengkan fakta sebenar di mana sebenarnya tentera Malaysialah yang menjadi wira, tetapi oleh kerana ia filem Hollywood, maka peranan Malaysia langsung tidak diiktiraf..

15. Komando Malaysia pernah mencerobohi kompleks pertahanan udara Singapura di Bukit Batuk lalu menampal setem malaysia pada setiap peluru berpandu , meja officer dan menukar bendera singapore dgn bendera malaysia pada meja pegawai tinggi. tujuannya membalas dendam kerana jet singapore sering menceroboh ruang udara johor.. mereka mlakukan tugas tersebut hanya 1 hari tanpa dapat kesan. kakitangan komplek pertahanan singapore yg terlibat telah dipecat kerana insiden itu..

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Post time 7-3-2013 11:18 AM | Show all posts
berusjamban posted on 7-3-2013 11:14 AM
boleh terangkan dgn lanjut?
masa tu i blom lahir lagi

u pilah belek  subjek alam manusia  dulu ye ...

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Post time 7-3-2013 11:18 AM | Show all posts
girly.. posted on 7-3-2013 11:16 AM
isteri tersayang ikut x???

ada ke kevlar or vest peluru yg moat???

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