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Koh Bulon Lae, Satun, Thailand

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Post time 29-3-2013 10:35 PM | Show all posts |Read mode

Aku sekarang nih bersiaran dari salah satu pulau di selatan Thailand - Koh Bulon Lae.  Pulau ini di dalam kumpulan Tarutao iaitu same group dengan Koh Lipe.  Tapi pada aku & family.... all of us much much prefer Koh Bulon dari Koh Lipe dari segi kebersihan, xde anjing berkeliaran, very low key life, aman damai, as usual great thai hospitality, makan senang, sedap dan reasonably priced... best for relax and rejuvenate...

Below aku letakkan sedikit info mengenai pulau kecil ni - credit to

"Surrounded by relatively clean waters and festooned with bright tropical flowers, countless butterflies, and charming locals who retain the old island ways, Ko Bulon Lae is something special. It might not be for everyone -- none of the resorts have air-con or TV, and electricity only runs from 17:00 to 23:00 each evening -- but for those who seek peace and quiet, or just a peak into one of Thailand's most unique islands, Ko Bulon Lae is well worth a visit. Many come back again and again to enjoy the particular tranquility they've only found here, so don't be surprised if Bulon casts its spell on you.

For travellers with some time on their hands, Bulon Lae is a great place for alonger stay. There are several welcoming and reasonably comfortable accommodation options, with some quality bungalows available for dirt cheap prices. It's a short ride (about an hour) from [color=rgb(36, 121, 148) !important]Pakbara pier, as long as waters are calm. Passengers are typically dropped off on the beach near Bulone Resort, which is situated around the best white sands on the island. Longtail boats meet the ferry and charge 50B per person. This is a rare and important income for Chao Lay drivers, and must be paid.

A handful of [color=rgb(36, 121, 148) !important]laidback resorts
are found scattered along the eastern side of the island. All that lies to the west is a tiny fishing village and untouched jungle. The more expensive resorts are based around the best beach to the south while the village and a handful of cheap resorts are found to the north, near quiet Panka Yai Bay.

A sporadically paved path connects points on the island, and the smell of palm oil grows stronger as one heads towards the east. Both coconut oil and rubber continue to be important industries here, and it's a pleasant walk through the rubber trees running up the island's southern end.

Every night generators switch on around 18.00 and Bulon lights up for another relaxed evening.  Be warned that the paths are not lit at night, and Bulon has an especially great population of often large monitor lizards, so be sure to bring a torch.

There have also been several reports of shoes -- even those in shabby shape -- being stolen from the porches of bungalows around the island, so it's a good idea to bring shoes and clothing indoors at night time.

Moreso than other islands in the area, Ko Bulon Lae is highly seasonal. It's best to come between late November and mid-April. Even if you show up in mid-October when most area islands are starting to get rolling, expect only one resort to be open with a skeleton staff and very limited eating options.

There are NO banks on Ko Bulon Lae, so be sure to bring enough cash with you."

OK aku bagi itu dulu... nanti balik KL aku update aku nyer version lak.... stay tuned!!!


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Post time 30-3-2013 07:50 PM | Show all posts
halal food sng ke?

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Post time 30-3-2013 08:02 PM | Show all posts
Gambar please....

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Post time 31-3-2013 02:08 AM | Show all posts
Wah adnil dah sampai koh bulon, lagi best drpd koh lipe ye...best2, kitaorg akan menanti report drpd anda ye .selamat bercuti...

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 Author| Post time 31-3-2013 11:12 AM | Show all posts
nashrudean posted on 30-3-2013 07:50 PM
halal food sng ke?

insyaa Allah senang - tempat aku stay tu pun kepunyaan org Islam - so makanan kat restoran pun halal.  pulau ni pun didiami oleh org org laut islam - sama kaum dgn yang ada kat koh lipe.  cumanya bagi menepati kehendak yang datang ke pulau - diaorg ada gak jual beer etc.
tapi bagi aku - aku gie makan kat gerai kampung tepi laut belah sana... kepunyaan sepupu tempat kitaorg stay tu.. kitaorg gie trip snorkeling + fishing pun dgn husband org gerai nih...
pas balik dari trip tu trus minta antarkan ke kedai dia... terus minta bini dia goreng & masakkan sedikit dari ikan tangkapan..  malam tu pun minta dia masakkan ikan tangkapan lagi... siap ada yang bakar lagik... freshhh gilerrr lah... puas hati.. sbb banyak sangat kami tak kan terhabis.. so satu kedai pun dpt merasa ikan tangkapan kami hari itu...  dulu kat perhentian tak banyak dpt ikan.. but still minta gak org gerai situ masakkan for our dinner....

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 Author| Post time 31-3-2013 11:34 AM | Show all posts
baru sampai mlm td... alhamdulillah semenya berjalan dgn lancar dan selamat.  trip ni walaupun pendek tapi puas hati... tak puas hati cuma terasa terlalu pendek masa... apakan daya.. masa terluang dgn anak anak skrg nih mmg terbatas.. so mmg kena curi curi masa nak berholiday sesama - ni belum lagi yg sulung tu mula sambung belajar kat mana mana lagi nih....
gambar dan travelog cam biasa nanti aku akan tepek kat website laki aku... but for now just sedikit sebanyak info pasal pulau nih..
plan aku nak ke pulau nih cuma ambil masa kurang dari seminggu... sbb anak bujang aku nyer cuti tak berapa nak tetap before cuti skolah mula.. kami cuma dpt kepastian dia cuti seminggu pada hari sabtu lepas je.. bila itu dah confirm baru lah leh nak plan bebetul dan book apa yang patut.
kami tau pasal koh bulon nih on our last trip ke koh lipe bila speedboat tu berenti tetengah laut dan turunkan a few omputih ke longtail yang sedang menunggu.
for your information, speedboat dari pakbara pier, satun mengambil masa dlm 30 min untuk tiba kat port longtail utk ke koh bulon nih. then some 5-7 mins more utk longtail ke tepian pantai tempat ko stay tu.  harga speedboat sekitar 800 baht/return + 100 baht/return utk longtail.
kami stay kat bulone resort - kat pulau nih mmg tak banyak chalets in total - so jgn la terlebih adventure nak main redah dan redha.. sbb besar kemungkinan ko mmg akan terpaksa redha dok dlm khemah tepi pantai.  a few names of the resorts kat sini - pansand resort, bulone resort, marina resort, bulone hill resort, bulon view resort - mungkin ada la lagi 1/2 small outfits inland.
chalet yg kami stay ialah family chalet - ada 2 bilik (1 queenbed/room) 1 bilik air... xde aircond dan air panas.. electricity dari kul 6 pm - 6 pg (thai time) siang pun ada gak a few hrs of electricity..tapi tak heran sgt lah sbb ms tu sibuk berjimba dlm air laut tepi pantai seme... leh la nak charge apa yg patut ms tu.

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 Author| Post time 31-3-2013 11:59 AM | Show all posts
pulau ni NOT for partying and loud people, NOT for those who only wants luxury in their holidays ie star rated accommodation and full fledged restaurants and facilities..
here you'll definitely have the luxury of time.. coz tak de benda yang hurrying.. the only word apply here is RELAX...

masa aku kat sana, kami tak jumpa langsung org malaysia lain, org gerai tu kata ada lah malaysian single guy before us.. yg lain semenya french, swiss, german etcc... and most of them kat resort yg kami stay tu with small kids.

ohh how i wish i am still there !!!  anak kecik aku xnak balik.. nak terus migrate jadik org pulau thailand nih.. until papa dia kena janji next trip kena stay at least 5 days! ahahhhaa..... Last edited by adnil on 31-3-2013 12:20 PM


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 Author| Post time 31-3-2013 12:35 PM | Show all posts
payit posted on 30-3-2013 08:02 PM
Gambar please....

nah sekeping dulu....yg lenlain...tungguuuuuu

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Post time 5-4-2013 01:50 AM | Show all posts
wahhh adnil.. tq2.. mmg dok trbayang koh bulon.. mmg nk p. tapi terpergi kohlanta. tobat mnyesal. sbb xbest. so naik kt pakbara la kn. murahnya tiket. next adnil kena google koh ngai.. i dah sampai sana masa p koh lanta last month. air dia sgt la jernih. tq adnil for ur information... nx koh bulon!!

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Post time 5-4-2013 10:00 AM | Show all posts
macam best

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 Author| Post time 5-4-2013 10:06 AM | Show all posts
garukepala posted on 5-4-2013 10:00 AM
macam best

memang best!

here's my travelog.. pix lom upload sgt lagi - cuma ada a few je baru..

Koh Bulon Travelog

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 Author| Post time 5-4-2013 10:19 AM | Show all posts
angan angan.. next trip - koh ngai / koh muk / koh kradan.... heavennnnn....

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Post time 8-4-2013 04:06 PM | Show all posts
adnil posted on 5-4-2013 10:19 AM
angan angan.. next trip - koh ngai / koh muk / koh kradan.... heavennnnn....

terbaik la adnil.. jgn lupa tempek sini sama.. dok survey snorkeling di kradan trbaik compare mook n ngai. beach pun ok utk bdk2 swim.

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 Author| Post time 8-4-2013 04:10 PM | Show all posts
jumpa kawan hb smlm - borak borak, terkeluarla citer gie koh bulon nih.. member hangen sbb tak ajak.. so member tu nak gak gie, cuma mungkin next cuti skolah - but for us a bit impossible due to the same reason dlm travelog tu la..

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Post time 10-4-2013 05:28 AM | Show all posts
adnil posted on 5-4-2013 10:06 AM
memang best!

here's my travelog.. pix lom upload sgt lagi - cuma ada a few je baru..

Thx adnil, share details on ur trip. I mmg suka tempat yg quiet, peaceful & naturally beautiful. Kena simpan angan2 la sbb my other half & anak jenis yg suka yg selesa in his definition spt aircond & dia kalau travel pun sentiasa bawa laptop / ipad.. So with lmited electricity time ni, I takut dorang asyik komplen panas, if balik dari berjimba2 / bajet kuar lambat pagi2.. I pulak jenis tak kisah melepak kat beach / bawah pokok baca buku citer tapi dorang akan tanya nak buat apa duk beach jer. Bagi dorang if balik dari snorkeling / hiking, sure nak lepak dalam bilik yg sejuk & browse internet atau swimming dalam pool


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 Author| Post time 10-4-2013 08:52 AM | Show all posts
yaszz posted on 10-4-2013 05:28 AM
Thx adnil, share details on ur trip. I mmg suka tempat yg quiet, peaceful & naturally beautiful. K ...

ehehe .... dulu same case gak.. tapi sbb i sll insist - so the rest kena la ikut... but my kids mmg suka main pasir kat pantai.. xsker sgt dok indoors.  sebenarnya pool pun mmg cam mesti - but bila tgk air laut yg lebih cantik dari air pool.. apa lagi... berendam gak lah.. itam legam pas tu jgn pikir la dulu ahahaha... so for my hb since dia nih tak gemar sgt berpanas dlm laut - dia pasang lah hammock bwh pohon rhu tu .. so dia lepak je la dlm hammock dia tu sampai lelap ehehe...
dlm longtail tu pun - yang mancing sy dan anak anak yg besar tu - my hb just dok bwh bumbung amik gambar kitaorg, yg kekecik tu play on their own lah - kl ada rasa menarik kat tali pancing tu - panggillah diaorg soh tarik ikan tu naik skali - seronok lah diaorg as if diaorg yg dpt tangkap ikan tu
wifi here is free kl u stay kat situ... mmg leh surf tenet - kitaorg pun mmg bwk all the gadgets seme tu.. daytime ada lah electricity but limited to certain hours (not too sure sbb xdok dlm bilik sgt).  dlm bilik ada kipas.. tapi i lagi suka dok kat bench tepi pantai tu or kl panas dok kat balconi chalet tu la.. menikmati angin laut.

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Post time 11-6-2013 02:29 PM | Show all posts
alamak skit nye citer kat sini.. hu hu hu

bagi la gambar 10-20  keping ag adnil....

then utk snorking n fishing tu brape cost?

fishing tu u bawa tools sendiri ke atau diaorg ada sewakan?

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 Author| Post time 11-6-2013 04:46 PM | Show all posts
ms aku nak gie dulu lagik jenuh aku nak carik info psl pulau ni tau.. memang seksa xde yg update. so main redah dan redho je ms pegi tu.. alhamdulillah seme went very well.
gambar... nanti sy usahakan eh...
kat sini snorkeling & fishing tu kami sewa longtail bot tu org chalet tu tolong uruskan - xde pakej cam kat lipe or krabi tau.. fishing tu diaorg yg sediakan cumanya xde lah joran bagai.. dia bagi line & hook or rawai (rasanya lah yg ada a few hooks kat 1 line) jer tapi dia buatkan seme... siap tolong letakkan buah ladung, ikatkan hook tu sampai lah letakkan umpan... kita tinggal campak dan tarik je bila dpt ikan..

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Post time 12-6-2013 12:00 AM | Show all posts
Wow...mcm syok je...dr kl nk kesana turun flight kat mana? Org sana pandai ckp melayu ke

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 Author| Post time 12-6-2013 08:25 AM | Show all posts
Leonarzi posted on 12-6-2013 12:00 AM
Wow...mcm syok je...dr kl nk kesana turun flight kat mana? Org sana pandai ckp melayu ke

kl nak naik flite - turun kat hatyai amik van ke pak bara pier - perjalanan dr hatyai by car adalah dlm 1 jam.   ada lah yg leh ckp melayu sbb ada yg dari kedah /lgk tapi yg lain ckp english or thai lah...

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