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Author: Eva_yy_Ellin

Kaunter 3 Prisoner of Azkaban

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Post time 13-6-2013 10:26 PM | Show all posts
Eva_yy_Ellin posted on 13-6-2013 08:56 AM
Orang Malaysia ni sekarang dah hidup senang, manalah nak fikir sejarah dulu lagi.
Ada yg tuk nene ...

Puak2 macam nilah yang diibaratkan seperti kacang lupakan kulit.
Sangat menyedihkan orang macam ni tau... Takde semangat cintakan tanah air langsung.
Malulah... seganlah. What the??? Nikan negara kita sendiri, what to be ashamed of? Kan?
I seriously don't understand these kind of people...

Me setuju dengan Eva...
Bila Melayu pertahankan hak Melayu dan bangsa Melayu, banyak suara yang menuduh kita sebagai racist.
Tapi bila puak2 Cina tu pertahankan hak mereka... takde pulak yang berani bersuara cakap mereka racist.
Sangat tidak adil! Macamlah puak2 cha ya nun alif tu tak naik lemak, demand macam2 dalam negara kita ni...
Sebab kita ni bagi muka sangat dekat puak2 kiasu tu.
Cuba bersatu padu sebagai bangsa Melayu yang bertegas depan mereka dan tunjukkan kita ni lebih baik daripada mereka.
Harus mereka diam tak bersuara dah pasni.

Seriously, bangsa Melayu needs a wake up call. Baru mereka betul2 bangun dan tersedar daripada lena yang lama ni...

Disclaimer: Ini bukan racist tapi menyatakan fakta yang berlaku dalam Malaysia kini.


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Post time 13-6-2013 10:34 PM | Show all posts
Eva_yy_Ellin posted on 13-6-2013 08:59 AM
Wahaha. Haruslah terasa.

Sistem pendidikan negara memang teruk dari dulu.

Sangat... sistem pendidikan negara ni memang teruk.
Tak synchronize langsung.
Bukan takat sistem p&p saje yang berubah2... sistem ejaan, sistem exam, sistem silibus pun bertukar jugak tiap kali tukarnya Menteri Pelajaran.
Aigooo... Apa yang mereka ni fikir agaknya? Suka sangat tukar2.
Macam manalah budak2 sekolah nak cepat tangkap dalam belajar?
Asyik tukar sistem saje.

Cubalah fix kan sistem pendidikan... then, terapkan sistem pendidikan yang lebih kepada learning not studying.
Belajar untuk hidup dan gain knowledge for living bukan belajar untuk exam semata2.
Macam sistem pendidikan Jepun dan Korea, in fact, pendidikan America pun bagus.
Mereka lebih kepada belajar utk hidup bukan untuk exam semata2.
Dari kecik mereka dididik untuk jadi kreatif, dan berfikir secara critical thinking...
Ada assignments yang perlukan research secara meluas... hatta mereka baru sekolah rendah.
Pendidikan kita?

You know what?
Ada one of my lecturers (She's American... memang pure kokesen) yang pernah sambung belajar dekat IPTA Malaysia ni cakap...
Sistem pendidikan Malaysia ni memang patut kena ubah... Tak fully optimising fikiran kanak2 sekolah pun.
Sedih kan?


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Post time 13-6-2013 11:17 PM | Show all posts
Gigih me dengar radio One fm nak dengar DJ interview KJK.

Dah habis kot?

Now lagu cina saje

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Post time 14-6-2013 03:46 AM | Show all posts
Aiira posted on 13-6-2013 10:07 PM
Tiba-tiba Elle petik nama me ni kenapa?
I'm far from pretty and elegant....: ...

Because you are pretty and elegant.......i know....hehe..
oh talking about ice skating reminds me of my friend that by hook or crook she will not accompany me to ice skate you know..because the last time we went she always fall.i taught her all the basic techniques and told her its normal to fall for beginner..but no she is so adamant about it and to never ice skate ever...  =/   Last edited by Elle_mujigae on 14-6-2013 03:56 AM


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Post time 14-6-2013 03:49 AM | Show all posts
Aiira posted on 13-6-2013 10:08 PM
@Elle_mujigae KJK a.k.a my "boyfriend" nak datang Malaysia 14/6-15/6 ni. Ottokay Me tak dap ...

Tak dapat pergi sbb kerja ke? Alaa....kesian dia.....jangan nangis nae next time dia datang Malaysia InsyaAllah Aiira free masa tu...mana tahu Aiira dapat masuk running man ke...haha saying this without knowing a clue what RM is.....

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Post time 14-6-2013 03:58 AM | Show all posts
Aiira posted on 13-6-2013 10:19 PM
Sedapnya marshmallow tu...
Hantar sini sebalang Elle dear

Macam mana mkn ice cream boleh baik pula sore throat......     Science can't explain this........
ada satu sorbet ni Aiira pernah beritahu sebelum ni kan..yg Aiira kata sedapppp sangat tu...are you mengidam that one ke... Hehe Last edited by Elle_mujigae on 14-6-2013 04:00 AM


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Post time 14-6-2013 05:26 AM | Show all posts
Aiira posted on 13-6-2013 10:34 PM
Sangat... sistem pendidikan negara ni memang teruk.
Tak synchronize langsung.
Bukan takat sistem ...
Bukan takat sistem p&p saje yang berubah2... sistem ejaan, sistem exam, sistem silibus pun bertukar jugak tiap kali tukarnya Menteri Pelajaran.

Well I agree with this of the biggest issue is the PPSMI.....sekejap in Bahasa,sekejap in English.....
Sekarang,2 kementerian pula digabungkan,kementerian pendidikan& pengajian tinggi...I feel like our education system is like the lab rat for the minister..
But, I can't say our education system is the worst ever.... They are try to make it better by trying not to be exam-oriented as how it used to be...Well the mentality of "who got the most A's" is already planted in our generation mind,so it gonna take some time to change the mindset that,didn't get straight A's is not equal to failure in life............this is where the role of family is important..but before that I would like to comment about the Japan and Korean education system....

yes they may be in the top spot in the World best education system with Finland at the most top but how about their national student suicide rate?
South Korea even have Exam Village! Oh God..... And by being the top spot doesn't mean they shared the same education system. Finland and South Korea differ greatly in teaching and learning method... So to look at South Korea as having good education system, well any Asian countries I would say errr is not a good idea though.. I can't imagined Malaysia having their own Kampung Peperiksaan.... Last edited by Elle_mujigae on 14-6-2013 05:30 AM


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Post time 14-6-2013 05:55 AM | Show all posts
Sistem pendidikan Malaysia ni memang patut kena ubah... Tak fully optimising fikiran kanak2 sekolah pun.

Betul.tapi nak ubah bukan setakat sistem persekolahan sahaja, kita juga perlu ubah kursus perguruan,perhaps? The quality of the teachers also play an important role in our education system rite.. So for me,all these factors that we are talking about is "external factors" ..For most of us,we don't have much say on it.... I prefer to emphasize more on the role of the parents in the child learning process... We are talking about "learning instead of studying" ,"creative thinking","explore and experiments" but are we doing what exactly that we say we want for our children..?

Lets go to this scene, in a restaurant a family is having a quiet dinner,everyone is attached to their gadgets and here we have this child playing with a bottle of  tomato sauce that situated on the table and suddenly he/she make a mess out of it...what the parents do? scold and make the child cry, pinch the little fella,make a face and scold the waiter by being late to clean the mess....

I saw this situation before and there i am thinking,wow they just miss a chance to teach the kid,fundamental states of matter....on that moment they can just say "see my dear,do you know that the tomato sauce are a special liquids called non-Newtonian fluid..they can behave like liquids and sometimes like solid...if you turn the bottle upside down and nothing  comes out,it behaves like solid..but what you are doing just now is by shaking it,you just applied a force and stress to the tomato can't take the stress anymore  cuz you have such a strong hand and of course you take that from your daddy ;) and see what happen? The tomato sauce now behave like liquid! and it move freely and thats why you have red stained on your dress now.......
Last edited by Elle_mujigae on 14-6-2013 06:20 AM


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Post time 14-6-2013 06:18 AM | Show all posts
Second situation will be like this..

In a lovely apartment,evryone having a quiet moment and suddenly there is a sound of breaking glass...the mom went to the kitchen and saw her child just broke an expensive casserole..what the mom will do? Scold and hit the child and telling how expensive the casserole is....or maybe the mom can take that opportunity to talk about structure of solid; crystalline,non crystalline solids....can demonstrate why glass break but the plastic plate not breaking too perhaps.......

Well, the kid may not understand what we are saying on the spot,but I believe that instill a curiosity in them..whenever something that happen not how its suppose to happen,that kids will wonder,yae why along the way,growing up,when the kid look at the evening orange sky,he or she will be wondering,why ar the sky today soo orangey...normally its blue in colour and not surprisingly he will make his own research to know the answer...

so my point is, instead of putting the role of educating our children to be a thinker,explorer,fun learning etc to our education system( school,teachers), i think it is more vital for the education to start from home....and that goes back to our preparation when we,the parent decided to get married and have a family....I listened to this Nouman Ali Khan speech and one of the point that make me ponders is when we get married,we responsible not only to our children alone but to All our coming to educate our children means we are also educating the rest of our family along the lineage.. And thats mean our children deserves the best from us.....I am strongly belief the education should start from home.Thus nomatter how bad is the education system is,according to some standard,if we take the responsibility in educating them,I am sure the kids will turn out just fine...and of course the doa must bethere together with the efforts...

The end. Last edited by Elle_mujigae on 14-6-2013 06:35 AM


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Post time 14-6-2013 06:44 AM | Show all posts
Aiyo what kind of topic is this...boringnya...lets talk about shoes shall we? Haha

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Post time 14-6-2013 07:42 AM | Show all posts
Aiira posted on 13-6-2013 10:17 PM
Wedding Melayu sekarang ni kurang dah yg betul2 ikut Islam....kecuali time akad...
Ta ...

assalammualaikum morninggg airaaaaaaaa

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Post time 14-6-2013 07:44 AM | Show all posts
Aiira posted on 13-6-2013 10:18 PM

Apakah semua ini?


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Post time 14-6-2013 08:10 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
@encikotot Waalaikumussalam warahmatullahiwabaraktuh.
Selamat pagi Kotot. Awal sampai ofis?

Baiklah. Kita abaikan topik hari Rabu. Hehehe.

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Post time 14-6-2013 08:12 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Assalamualaikum and selamat pagi.
Panjangnya hujah2 Elle... Nanti me bidas.

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 Author| Post time 14-6-2013 08:15 AM | Show all posts
Waalaikumsalam, @encikotot dan selamat pagi dan salam jumaat semua.


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Post time 14-6-2013 08:17 AM | Show all posts
Eva_yy_Ellin posted on 14-6-2013 08:15 AM
Waalaikumsalam, @encikotot dan selamat pagi dan salam jumaat semua.

mornig gak utrk @Eva_yy_Ellin

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Post time 14-6-2013 08:18 AM | Show all posts
Aiira posted on 14-6-2013 08:10 AM
@encikotot Waalaikumussalam warahmatullahiwabaraktuh.
Selamat pagi Kotot. Awal sampai ofis?

aiira morningg...
mmg ari2 awl...
xsngka aiiraa skali berhujah perghhhhhhh..
bleh tahan

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 Author| Post time 14-6-2013 08:30 AM | Show all posts
@Aiira bak kata @Elle_mujigae topik ni terlalu serius
Kita tukar cite topik lain ok
Actually, macam manalah boleh sampai ke isu serius cam ni?
Padahal kita cerita pasal rancangan2 Korea je kan?
Kenapa Melayu nak bersatu? Nak jadi rasis? Hormatlah bangsa Cina kat negara ni
Forumer sengal tulis benda ni, dia tak quote sapa2 tapi rasanya dia tuju kat kami (termasuk Eva) bila cakap pasal Melayu perlu bersatu.
Eva tak rasa dia orang Cina atau India atau lain2 bangsa tapi dia orang Melayu urban bangang yang tak sedar diri, yg menjual maruah diri demi politik.
Tapi kan, isu Melayu bersatu ni satu isu yang sangat "rasis" untuk dibincangkan.
Banyak pihak yang tak suka guna istilah Melayu bersatu tapi lebih suka gunakan Islam bersatu.
Eva peliklah. Bezakah hendak Melayu bersatu dengan Islam bersatu? Melayu tu bukan Islamkah? Islam tu bukan Melayukah?
Kalau kita nak orang Melayu bersatu, sudah tentulah Islam pun bersatu. Tapi kalau Islam bersatu, automatiknya Mualaf pun boleh ikut serta sekali.
Sedangkan Mualaf tu tetaplah Mualaf, jati dirinya tetap kepada bangsanya walaupun agama dia Islam.
Mak Eva cerita, kawannya yang kahwin Cina Mualaf, tetap nak menangkan bangsanya walaupun dia alim orangnya.
Kita boleh bersatu atas nama agama Islam, tapi tak mustahil orang-orang Mualaf ni tikam kita dari belakang di kemudian hari. Itu Eva sangat yakin.
Tak ada siapa yang berfikiran seperti Ridhuan Tee...

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Post time 14-6-2013 08:59 AM | Show all posts
Eva_yy_Ellin posted on 14-6-2013 08:30 AM
@Aiira bak kata @Elle_mujigae topik ni terlalu serius
Kita tukar cite topik lain ok
Actually,  ...

Good morning everyone..

Actually eva,I'm okay with the topic...what i said about "lets talk about shoes tu" it is just a lame joke from me...haha

And we have two topics here,

one is about Malays; what defines racism?
Second one: Education in Malaysia; to learned or not to learned?

I comment about the education one first cuz I have no idea yet about the Malay issue....have to read more about it.....
The second issue,My outlook is more towards what can we do about it? Instead of just lamenting this is wrong,that is wrong....

Hehe Last edited by Elle_mujigae on 14-6-2013 09:09 AM


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Post time 14-6-2013 09:03 AM | Show all posts
Aiira posted on 14-6-2013 08:12 AM
Assalamualaikum and selamat pagi.
Panjangnya hujah2 Elle... Nanti me bidas.
Waalaikumussalam warahmatullahi wabarakatuh Aiira......

Sila sila.....saya amat menantikan hujah hujah dari pihak saudari........  

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