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Post time 8-11-2013 03:24 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
shira_pooh posted on 8-11-2013 03:23 AM
gudnight @ honey_inara..
mimpi iols bkn, mmpi abam..haha

x lekat lagi iols tag..huhu..

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Post time 8-11-2013 08:35 AM | Show all posts
check in...
berjaya jugak iols mnahan diri dr mengetok keybord

uolsss... iols tgh dgr era ni..ade rahim wakil utk sepahtu

ade jugak yg tny rahim ok ke nnt klau sepahtu perform tak best,org akan salahkan rahim...
soalan ni ade jugak betolnye.,karatzz sepahtu mungkin tak boleh trime rahim dlm sepahtu ,so dorg akan salahkan rahim klau sepahtu tak best..mentang2 la rahim tak ensem kan..dh name pon grup..tak patotlah klau nak sokong jep dan shuib je,..rahim ditolak tepi ..bagusnye rahim,otak die cepat..boleh jd feeder yg bagos klau sepahtu kering idea.

pastu,budk sekolah tny rahim join sepahtu sebb nk tumpg populariti ke.,budk ni mmg nk kene penampo.,nk tny pon gagap,,rasenye sheols pminat jep je..nak mintak doa dr sepah utk exam ,,pastu nk jd plawak,rahim jwp ."dgr drp awk cakap td, baik awk blajo jelah,sebb punchline tak sampai.".johan pon back up rahim

rahim positive je..
johan tny,"ko syg adek ko"
rahim.."gile tak syg"
johan.."abestu knape ko tak pas bola kt die"

tetibe masok bola

lawak jugak la dgn johan dgn hanif Last edited by miszaimi on 8-11-2013 08:37 AM


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Post time 8-11-2013 10:16 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
miszaimi posted on 8-11-2013 08:35 AM
check in...
berjaya jugak iols mnahan diri dr mengetok keybord

hai uols..I'm newbie here..nice to meet u..

lame ke rahim kat era tadi uols?

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Post time 8-11-2013 10:23 AM | Show all posts
miszaimi posted on 8-11-2013 08:35 AM
check in...
berjaya jugak iols mnahan diri dr mengetok keybord

keh keh..nasib baik tak sempat jahanam keybod uolss..

ok tq atas laporan...
haisshh..pepandai jah budak tu cakap rahim nk tumpang populariti..
rahim tu ade bakat tersendiri hoccay walaupun tak glamer..

uols, tengok tak kkx semalam? cincin yang abam pakai tu ke yg uols tanye kt PA palsu abam dulu tu?


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Post time 8-11-2013 10:26 AM | Show all posts
hadoii...abam, nape masuk dalam mimpi iols lagi semalam..
mimpi sweet plak tuh...macam novel sangat..
ke sebab semalam sebelum tidur iols ade cakap2 pasal novel ngn shira..

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Post time 8-11-2013 10:29 AM | Show all posts
shira_pooh posted on 8-11-2013 03:18 AM
nanti iols jemput uols semua ye mase weols kawin..n iols akan pastikan abam sebut nama uols semua  ...

wow..siap buat pc tuh..

heh..mane ade iols perli..nanti uols mesti fluent punye..student law byk guna bi khenn..
abam cakap bi dlm meletop pon klakar...amaizing!


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Post time 8-11-2013 10:31 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Honey_Inara posted on 8-11-2013 10:26 AM
hadoii...abam, nape masuk dalam mimpi iols lagi semalam..
mimpi sweet plak tuh...macam nove ...

hai uols..mmpi abam ye..ce citer..teman x sabo nak dengor ni..

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Post time 8-11-2013 10:37 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Honey_Inara posted on 8-11-2013 10:29 AM
wow..siap buat pc tuh..

heh..mane ade iols perli..nanti uols mesti fluent punye..studen ...

mesti la buat pc..semate2 nak bagi uols jeles..haha..

xpe2 nanti iols ajar abam speaking..biar fluent siap dgn accent us lagi..

Yg amaizing tu memang terbaik la punchline nye..iols glak x hengat dunia time tu..

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Post time 8-11-2013 10:38 AM | Show all posts
shira_pooh posted on 8-11-2013 03:22 AM
lawyer tu bkn cita2 iols yang suruh ambik law..cita2 sebenar iols nak jadi akaunt ...

Oh..jauhnye drp cita2 asal uols..
takpe..walaupun uols dah tak dapat nak jadi akauntan...
tapi uols still berpeluang jd freelance author as ur second job kalo ade peluang nanti..
so tak mo sedih pun best ape..mase study dulu iols pernah ambik beberapa subjek

p/s: ala2 ade ilmu kaunseling tak iols...


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Post time 8-11-2013 10:42 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Honey_Inara posted on 8-11-2013 10:38 AM
Oh..jauhnye drp cita2 asal uols..
takpe..walaupun uols dah tak dapat nak jadi akauntan...
tapi ...

ade ilmu kaunseling kat uols
..bersinar2 bak permata di mata yg buat iols syg uols iols ambik keputusan nak ambik uols jadi maid kat umah abam ngan iols nanti..leyh uols tengok abam selalu..haha..nak x uols?

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Post time 8-11-2013 10:53 AM | Show all posts
shira_pooh posted on 8-11-2013 10:31 AM
hai uols..mmpi abam ye..ce citer..teman x sabo nak dengor ni..

Iols mimpi kene kawin pakse ngn abam..
iols mmg happy giler ler, tapi abam pulak macam tak happy..
abam tak suke iols...tak pernah senyum pon hoccay..
tapi ittew hanya permulaan...

lepas tu iols salu ajak abam kuar g jenjalan..
abam dalam tak suke kt iols tu tp ikut jugak..
maklum le iols salu paksa abam, tarik2 tangan abam gitew..

yg kemuncaknye, iols ajak abam minum kat kedai,
abam diam je tak mo order pape..maklum le heols tak suke iols..
tapi iols orderkan jugak roti canai telur..
tak tahu pulak iols rupenye roti tu favourite abam..
abam makan punye la selera..terus senyum..
lepas tu heols macam dah terbuka hati nak suke iols..
endingnye? happy ending lerr..

hehehe..sori la buat karangan plak pepagi nie..tajuk novel ni 'cinta roti telur'


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Post time 8-11-2013 10:58 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Honey_Inara posted on 8-11-2013 10:53 AM
Iols mimpi kene kawin pakse ngn abam..
iols mmg happy giler ler, tapi abam pulak macam tak happy. ...

memang la abam x hepi sbb dia ingat kat iols..dlm hati abam ckp 'abam mintak maap shira, abam x sengaje menduakan syg'..haha..

omg..pnjang karangan uols..boleh x iols ambik cerita uols nak buat bhan novel iols cerita uols ni..

boleh lak tajuknya cinta roti telur..haha..nak terguling iols glak..

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Post time 8-11-2013 11:02 AM | Show all posts
shira_pooh posted on 8-11-2013 10:37 AM
mesti la buat pc..semate2 nak bagi uols jeles..haha..

xpe2 nanti iols ajar abam speaking..biar  ...

ekhhh....tak jeles pong..

layankan sangat si lofa yg asyik berspeaking tuh..
kn dah keluar amaizing segala..


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Post time 8-11-2013 11:04 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Honey_Inara posted on 8-11-2013 11:02 AM
ekhhh....tak jeles pong..

layankan sangat si lofa yg asyik berspeaking tuh..

x jeles ke uols? X caye la iols..haha..

uols mcam x suka lofa je..btul ek..

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Post time 8-11-2013 11:05 AM | Show all posts
shira_pooh posted on 8-11-2013 10:42 AM
ade ilmu kaunseling kat uols
..bersinar2 bak permata di mata yg buat iols syg uols ...

motip iols ade ilmu kaunseling tapi dapat offer jadi maid sajok?
kurang2 bg la jawatan sbg penasihat abam hoccay..


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Post time 8-11-2013 11:09 AM | Show all posts
shira_pooh posted on 8-11-2013 10:58 AM
memang la abam x hepi sbb dia ingat kat iols..dlm hati abam ckp 'abam mintak maap shira, abam x se ...

boleh...tapi sila credit kat iols ngn bayaran pampasan sekali..
nanti bile novel uols tuh dah siap, jangan lupe hantar satu kat umah iols..


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Post time 8-11-2013 11:12 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Honey_Inara posted on 8-11-2013 11:05 AM
motip iols ade ilmu kaunseling tapi dapat offer jadi maid sajok?
kurang2 bg la jawat ...

x boleh la jadi penasihat..nanti uols nasihat benda lain lak..bhaye utk iols tu..nehi2..haha..


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Post time 8-11-2013 11:13 AM | Show all posts
shira_pooh posted on 8-11-2013 11:04 AM
x jeles ke uols? X caye la iols..haha..

uols mcam x suka lofa je..btul ek..

tak jeles pong ngn uols..
pasal lofa no komen..
tp iols bersyukur lofa pakai sopan mase abam datang..maklum le maal hijrah kan hari tu..


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Post time 8-11-2013 11:13 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Honey_Inara posted on 8-11-2013 11:09 AM
boleh...tapi sila credit kat iols ngn bayaran pampasan sekali..
nanti bile novel uols tuh dah sia ...

boleh je uols..tapi jgn harap la nanti kisah uols akan hepi ending..sbb iols yg buat novel tu..haruslah ade watak iols jadi penghalang uols..haha..

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Post time 8-11-2013 11:16 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Honey_Inara posted on 8-11-2013 11:13 AM
tak jeles pong ngn uols..
pasal lofa no komen..
tp iols bersyukur lofa pakai sopan ma ...

berlagak nye uols..abam x suke org berlagak hoccay..tengok la abam tu down to earth jah..hee

kalau lofa pakai seksi pun abam bkn pandang punya..kan abam x suke yg seksi ni  

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