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Author: violet_ingrid

Cutie pie couple~Lee Min Ho-Park Shin Hye ( KT-ES shipper) <3

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Post time 3-12-2013 08:20 AM | Show all posts
ok thread boleh on....

tp pls ye,... HANYA berkaitan dengan mereka ber2 sahaja
kalo mcm etude tu hanya utk Minho... sila letakkan di thread solo Minho....
terima kasih atas kerjasama....


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Post time 3-12-2013 09:20 AM | Show all posts
manganini posted on 2-12-2013 10:25 PM
Gambar tu tunjuk connection 4 org ni: LMH, PSH, MGY dan KB

Lee Min Ho & Kim Bum ---> best frien ...

wahhhh....tak sabar aahh...hrp laaa ada bunga2 PSH ngn LMH nih couple

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Post time 3-12-2013 09:21 AM | Show all posts


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Post time 3-12-2013 09:24 AM | Show all posts


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Post time 3-12-2013 09:26 AM | Show all posts


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 Author| Post time 3-12-2013 09:27 AM | Show all posts
cess posted on 3-12-2013 09:24 AM

cess, iols amek 2nd gif utk jadikan avvy iols....nampak kiut miut sgt theyols ni

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Post time 3-12-2013 09:30 AM | Show all posts
violet_ingrid posted on 3-12-2013 09:27 AM
cess, iols amek 2nd gif utk jadikan avvy iols....nampak kiut miut sgt theyols ni

comel aaa diaorg nih

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Post time 3-12-2013 09:45 AM | Show all posts

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Post time 3-12-2013 09:56 AM | Show all posts
zerra24 posted on 3-12-2013 07:47 AM
pesal plastik surgery tu yg kite taw ,,,minho penah xsiden truk sblum blakon citer BOF ...telantar ...

al kisahhhhhh... eksiden teruk?? nak kena gugel ni...

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Post time 3-12-2013 09:57 AM | Show all posts
manganini posted on 2-12-2013 10:25 PM
Gambar tu tunjuk connection 4 org ni: LMH, PSH, MGY dan KB

Lee Min Ho & Kim Bum ---> best frien ...

masih blur jugak... ahahahhaha tak per kang ku kaji bebetul wpun suka2 jah... ehehe thanks!

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 Author| Post time 3-12-2013 10:05 AM | Show all posts
manganini posted on 2-12-2013 10:25 PM
Gambar tu tunjuk connection 4 org ni: LMH, PSH, MGY dan KB

Lee Min Ho & Kim Bum ---> best frien ...

cinta di lokasi la ni yer....kalau KB boleh couple dgn GY, so tak mustahil utk LMH jatuh cinta dgn PSH jugak...harap2 producer boleh buat byk lg scene romantik utk 4 last episodes citer The Heirs...supaya love vibration LMH & PSH leh rasa...miahahaha....

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 Author| Post time 3-12-2013 10:08 AM | Show all posts
cess posted on 3-12-2013 09:20 AM
wahhhh....tak sabar aahh...hrp laaa ada bunga2 PSH ngn LMH nih couple

khen...ramai yg suka theyols 2 ni....iols tgk YAB, tp chemistry JGS dgn PSH x strong mcm LMH dgn PSH....mungkin dlm cite YAB tu, JGS agak arrogant jugak kot, tp dlm The heirs ni, LMH mmg sgt melting cam ice cream

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Post time 3-12-2013 10:36 AM | Show all posts

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Post time 3-12-2013 11:14 AM | Show all posts
manganini posted on 2-12-2013 05:24 PM
kat soompi siap buat flow chart lagi..

masuk forum soompi, mmg kembang kuncup hati.. terlebih cair.. semua mengharapkan  couple ni jd mcm kimgeunnie..

manga.. ko baca pm aku ya.. aku terlalu malu nak tulis kat sini..


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Post time 3-12-2013 11:18 AM | Show all posts
violet_ingrid posted on 3-12-2013 10:08 AM
khen...ramai yg suka theyols 2 ni....iols tgk YAB, tp chemistry JGS dgn PSH x strong mcm LMH dgn P ...

katanyerr  masa shinhye kissu ngan hero2 sblum ni tk pandai....tetibe bila kissu ngan minho terer bagai.....haiiii ape kes tu....hehehehe

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 Author| Post time 3-12-2013 11:31 AM | Show all posts
zerra24 posted on 3-12-2013 11:18 AM
katanyerr  masa shinhye kissu ngan hero2 sblum ni tk pandai....tetibe bila kissu ngan minho terer  ...

apa la ilmu LMH pakai yer....selain skinship heols yg A++, musti ada ilmu romantik lain yg dia turunkan kat PSH...

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Post time 3-12-2013 12:17 PM | Show all posts


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 Author| Post time 3-12-2013 12:55 PM | Show all posts
cess posted on 3-12-2013 12:17 PM

miahahaha.....berterabur theyols gelak tgk aksi LMH...adoyaii...termasuk iols skali...nasib xde sesape kat lab ni..kalau x malu iols org tgk gelak besar

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Post time 3-12-2013 01:34 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
manganini posted on 2-12-2013 10:25 PM
Gambar tu tunjuk connection 4 org ni: LMH, PSH, MGY dan KB

Lee Min Ho & Kim Bum ---> best frien ...

Gagah sangat ko manga..deabakkk!

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Post time 3-12-2013 03:13 PM | Show all posts
zerra24 posted on 3-12-2013 07:47 AM
pesal plastik surgery tu yg kite taw ,,,minho penah xsiden truk sblum blakon citer BOF ...telantar ...

haah baru ingat pasal tu.. kim hun joong pun sama kan.. kalau tak silap..

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