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Author: abgboroi

[Dunia] V10 MH370 : objek menyerupai kapal terbang dikesan oleh satelit china

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Post time 13-3-2014 10:16 AM | Show all posts
rakyat hari ni sedang menghadapi musibah cuaca panas melampau shng kolam2 tampungan air kering, kegunaan air dicatu, jerebu, demam denggi dn terakhir misteri mh370.  Apakah kita tidak terfikir dn belum menyedari bahawa inilah hasil semaian dosa2 kita yg lalu kerana kita telah mempermainkan Allah. Kita bersumpah2 dgn nama-Nya, dgn al-Qur-an (Qur-an yg sepatutnya kita baca, kita fahami dn hayati, tetapi dibuat  mainan untuk kepentingan peribadi.  Pasukan bola juga mempersenda2kan al-Qur-an). Kita bergaduh kerana kalimah Allah, kita saling memfitnah sesama sendiri, kita mengaibkan orang seaib2nya, kita buat kelaku yg keji di luar adat sopan (menonggeng2 bontot), dn kita tidak amanah dgn janji kita pada Allah dn mereka yg kita diamanahkan.

Ya Allah........, sekarang kita tuailah apa yg sudah kita semai dulu.  Kita melihat segala masalah yg terjadi di depan mata, kita cari jalan untuk mengatasinya. akan tetapi kita lupa untuk melihat semula apa yg ada di sebalik kejadian. It is time now kita muhasabah diri, jauh di lubuk sanubari,  akuilah telah terlalu banyak dosa yg kita lakukan.  Kita perlu bertaubat dan kembalilah kepada-Nya.  Hentikanlah segala perbuatan kita yg suka nak mencerca-keji-hina dn mengaibkan sesama.

Pak2 menteri Islam kita dn isteri2 mereka, tunjukilah kpd rakyat bahawa anda adalah pemimpin yg dapat rakyat sayangi, segani, hormati dn contohi.  Jadilah pemimpin apabila tiada ditanya, apabila pergi dirindui dn apabila mati ditangisi.


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Post time 13-3-2014 10:17 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Tolong sesape tepekkan semua cerita palsu nih..hehe..

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Post time 13-3-2014 10:17 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Check in sblum baling botoi ayaq kat pakar ci

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Post time 13-3-2014 10:17 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts

Slow decompression may have knocked all onboard MH370 unconscious, says blog


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Post time 13-3-2014 10:18 AM | Show all posts
Lokasi civil radar & coveragare Radius. Ref: SkyVector

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Post time 13-3-2014 10:18 AM | Show all posts
biggirlduncry posted on 13-3-2014 10:08 AM
sie la sapo dok KB, jauh nyo lo ni nak kelik KB...

balik kb kena pakai passport la pas ni

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Post time 13-3-2014 10:18 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
.Aslow decompression may have occurred onboard Malaysia Airlines flight MH370 and knocked its occupants, including its crew members, unconscious as the plane continued to fly on autopilot.

The decompression might have been caused by cracking or corrosion on the aircraft's fuselage skin, which might have also disabled communication.

These explanations are contained in a blog article titled "MH370 – what happened".

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The article, however, does not carry the name of the writer who has come up with the "plausible explanation" on what happened to the Malaysia Airlines Boeing 777-200 passenger jet and why it was missing.

The author said the United States' Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) Airworthiness Directive (AD) for Boeing 777 aircraft could be a clue for investigators.

According to the directive issued in September last year, the FAA had proposed the adoption of a new AD for certain Boeing 777 aircraft. This followed a report of cracking in the fuselage skin underneath the satellite communication (Satcom) antenna adapter.

The AD requires repetitive inspections of the visible fuselage skin and doubler, if installed, for cracking, corrosion, and any indication of contact of a certain fastener to a bonding jumper, and repair if necessary.

Cracking and corrosion in the fuselage skin can lead to rapid decompression and loss of structural integrity of the airplane.

The nameless author said it was plausible that a fuselage section near the Satcom antenna adapter failed. It would then disable the satellite-based GPS (global positioning system), ACARS (aircraft communications addressing and reporting system), and ADS-B/C (automatic dependent surveillance-broadcast/contract) communications, and leading to a slow decompression that left all occupants unconscious.

The writer said if such decompression left the aircraft intact, the autopilot would have flown on the planned route or maintained its direction or altitude until it runs out of fuel.

A slow decompression, from a golf-ball-sized hole for instance, would have gradually impaired and confused the pilots before cabin altitude (pressure) warnings sounded.

The writer offered a chain of events that could have happened onboard MH370.

"Likely fuselage failure near Satcom antenna adapter disabled some or all of GPS, ACARS, ADS-B, and ADS-C antennas and systems.

"Thus, only primary radars would detect the plane. Primary radar range is usually less than 100nm (nautical miles) and is generally ineffective at high altitudes.

"If the decompression was slow enough, it’s possible the pilots did not realise to put on oxygen masks until it was too late." The writer said oxygen masks would not deploy until cabin altitude reaches 13,500m and the passengers were likely already unconscious by then.

Since it was also a red-eye flight, most passengers would had been sleeping and perhaps unaware of oxygen deprivation.

"No confirmed debris has been found anywhere near the search area, consistent with the plane having flown for hours after it lost radar contact."

The writer said another pilot flying 30 minutes ahead of MH370 heard "mumbling" from the missing plane.

It was because very high frequency (VHF) communication would be unaffected by Satcom equipment failure, he said. It was reported earlier this week that another Boeing 777 pilot, who was flying to Narita, Japan, had established contact with MH370 just after 1.30am on Saturday around the time the plane went off the radar.

The pilot was asked by Vietnamese air traffic control to use his plane's emergency frequency to ask MH370 to establish its position after the authorities lost contact with the MAS jet.

The pilot had reported that there was a lot of interference and static, as well as mumbling before he lost contact with MH370.

On how relatives got through the mobile phones of the missing MH370 passengers, the writer said the plane was equipped with cellular communication hardware to provide GSM services via satellite.

The hardware is, however, an aftermarket product, which is not connected through Satcom to the writer's knowledge.

"This explains why 19 families signed a statement alleging they were able to call the MH370 passengers and hear their phones to ring, but with no response.

"When Malaysia Airlines tried to call the phone numbers a day later, the phones did not ring. By this time, fuel would have been exhausted."

The writer also agreed with some early reports that an “explosive decompression” or “inflight disintegration” was unlikely.

"This was likely a slow decompression that gradually deprived all crew and passengers of oxygen, leaving the autopilot to continue along the route autonomously.

"The aircraft may be at the floor of the East China Sea, Sea of Japan, or the Pacific Ocean thousands of miles northeast from the current search zone."

The author also offered some "sensible and low-cost recommendations to best aid recovery efforts". Investigators, the writer said, should obtain data logs from primary radars throughout mainland China that would have been along the planned route because they may be the best clue as to the trajectory of the aircraft.

"Per the latest reported news, the Strait of Malacca is a possibility. Investigators should also obtain all passengers’ cell phone log and location data.

"The timing of the last successful cellular connection (ring/SMS/data-packet) can predict how long the plane was in the air. iPhone/iOS location (GPS) data may be available from Apple if subpoenaed. Android location data may be available from Google.

"Add a secondary search space to include a 300nm radius around Beijing, focusing on surrounding bodies of water. Using planned routing trajectory, known autopilot logics, fuel quantities, and weather patterns, it may be possible to define a smaller 50nm x 50nm search space. Consider running the above scenario in the MH’s 777-200ER full flight simulator.

"Boeing should provide expertise about the Satcom antenna schematics and autopilot/navigation logic, so as to help plot this second search space."

The author added that an email with the recommendations had been sent to the National Transportation Safety Board's media relations.

MH370 left the Kuala Lumpur International Airport at a 12.41am on Saturday with 227 passengers and an all-Malaysian crew of 12.

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 Author| Post time 13-3-2014 10:18 AM | Show all posts
gogo2 posted on 13-3-2014 10:04 AM
KETUA POLIS NEGARA : bab passport palsu, itu bukan masalah aku. Tanya Interpol!!!

IGP: Don't ask  ...

aku rasa igp least ko tanya laa imigration...tu bidang mereka...

gogo...ko x perlu ikut rentak reporter begini...cuba ko tgk reporter cnn..diorang boleh berbahas sesama sendiri ttg isu2 yg kontradik  satu sama lain ni....

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Post time 13-3-2014 10:18 AM | Show all posts
scorpionkiki posted on 13-3-2014 10:16 AM
Kalau betul dah jumpa takkan search opeation dok jalan lagi di area penang dan langkawi.... mmg at ...

ha ah masing2 nak cari publisiti murahan....


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Post time 13-3-2014 10:18 AM | Show all posts
girlphg posted on 13-3-2014 10:12 AM
ni aku share dari FB yg aku dapat..

kesahihan hanya Allah Maha Berkuasa yang tahu

alahai, klu sumber fb..tak post pn xpa dlm ni

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Post time 13-3-2014 10:19 AM | Show all posts
sk8er posted on 13-3-2014 10:11 AM
Yg heran, aku dpt msg yg kata pekerja Talisman tu nmpk plane terhumban on Sunday morning. Mcm imposs ...

tu lah....pesal lambat sgt dh ari ke -6

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Post time 13-3-2014 10:19 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts

Yg ni kat gulf of thailand plak

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Post time 13-3-2014 10:19 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
abgboroi posted on 13-3-2014 10:18 AM
aku rasa igp least ko tanya laa imigration...tu bidang mereka...

gogo...ko x perlu i ...

Aku pun hanya tgk cnn and cctv jah
wartawan and host ASStro awani sume tahap loji kumbahan

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Post time 13-3-2014 10:20 AM | Show all posts
nolya posted on 13-3-2014 10:16 AM
rakyat hari ni sedang menghadapi musibah cuaca panas melampau shng kolam2 tampungan air kering, kegu ...

dosa kita dgn allah... dosa kita sesama manusia.. dosa kita dgn alam

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Post time 13-3-2014 10:20 AM | Show all posts
Korang cuba tengok LOG ni:- ... /WMKK/ZBAA/tracklog

1,200 jatuh ke 960 secara mengecut. Mungkin enjin terbakar???

11:57AM        4.2042        102.2904        25°        Northeast        472        543        30,000        1,200
12:01PM        4.7015        102.5251        25°        Northeast        468        539        35,000        960

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Post time 13-3-2014 10:20 AM | Show all posts
sk8er posted on 13-3-2014 10:10 AM
FINALLY, pekerja pelantar minyak hantar official letter yg kata dia nmpk plane terbakar dan terjunam ...

send email pakai gmail...pakai je la email opis kan hehehe

bila dah mcm ni ramai lak tampil bunyi tu bunyi ni nampak tu nampak ni..


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Post time 13-3-2014 10:20 AM | Show all posts
reenz013 posted on 13-3-2014 02:16 AM
cite ni dh basi

setuju kata kau
da basi..
mcm dari awal2 lagi dia bagi koordinat dan laen2..

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Post time 13-3-2014 10:20 AM | Show all posts
girlphg posted on 13-3-2014 10:12 AM
ni aku share dari FB yg aku dapat..

kesahihan hanya Allah Maha Berkuasa yang tahu

kalau benar alhamdulilah sekurang2 nya harapan masih bernyawa tu ada. sgt berharap ianya benar.
tp setakat hr ni semua palsu.dr hari 1st sampai hr ni bnyak karangan panjang berjela.padahal x pasti lg kesahihan.imaginasi yg x kena pada tempatnya. belom lg cerita yg record suara konon2 dlm situasi cemas melaporkan dr tmpt kejadian. macam2 hal org kita ni. mungkinkah kurang kasih syg sampai pemikiran pun dah sama taraf lembu


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 Author| Post time 13-3-2014 10:21 AM | Show all posts
Anden posted on 13-3-2014 10:18 AM
.Aslow decompression may have occurred onboard Malaysia Airlines flight MH370 and knocked its occupa ...

pagi tadi ada juga aku tgk temubual cnn dengan seorang pilot ni...pilot tu kata...B777 dah tak selamat lagi dah sekarang sebab banyak insiden2 kerap berlaku didalam pesawat sejak akhir2 ni melibatkan B777

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Post time 13-3-2014 10:21 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
nolya posted on 13-3-2014 10:16 AM
rakyat hari ni sedang menghadapi musibah cuaca panas melampau shng kolam2 tampungan air kering, kegu ...

Mebi kita akan jadi mcm afghanistan..bangladesh... pakistan.. all all the islam8c country yg asik ditimpa negara kapir nampak lebey aman...biarpon bencana skala menimpa.... wonder y....

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