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Author: enchikfitz


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Post time 12-6-2014 03:26 AM | Show all posts
Changa posted on 11-6-2014 07:45 PM
to be fair, lofa pergi dubai dengan segrombolan yg lain.

yg pasti ada wan pa ke apa lelaki yg s ...

Hey sis, masuk thread bimbo neh tak sakit otak kah lehat akan cikki bodoh duk berbalah tentang retis kegemaran masing2? Retis dua ekor tu elok buat hal masing2, karat penempa nama di neraka sibuk duk tabur fitnah bertekak ala ala bitch fight gitu

sudahnya karatlah yang saya lehat paling bangang abadi tiada kehidupan. Sedeh!

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Post time 12-6-2014 06:54 AM | Show all posts
red_devilgiggs posted on 11-6-2014 05:34 PM
Owh ye ke?camtu pulak?iols baca dr awal iols reply based on interpretation iols la...bukan tetiba  ...

Maybe your brain doesn't have the capacity to understand what I said, in the case continue being an SR dan tak payah fitnah orang.

Ko conclude aku kata pharmacy dan medic tu sama, but I never said it. None of my posts suggest dua tu sama, sbb tu aku bawak pasal amalina. Bidang sama, tapi principles lain. Faham. Tiba2 ko tuduh aku kata dua tu takda beza, tak ke bangang namanya tu? Last edited by Santeira on 12-6-2014 07:11 AM


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Post time 12-6-2014 06:55 AM | Show all posts
kekbelacan posted on 11-6-2014 05:58 PM
oh i see .....ko dah vouch dengan Sunway uni ke?
FYI sunway uni kata it is not a double degree... ...

Buktikanlah. Setakat cakap nenek jiran aku pun boleh.

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Post time 12-6-2014 06:57 AM | Show all posts
kekbelacan posted on 11-6-2014 06:19 PM
Ko yg irrelevant mek san
sekali pandang je dah nampak sample ko out
ko google semua uni denmark  ...

Of course la sbb katanya satu dunia tau tak boleh amik double degree sama bidang, sedangkan dalam dunia ada yg offer double degree sama bidang, so google je la cari bukti kenyataan dia salah. What do you suggest I should have done? Telefon universiti madrid or denmark tu mcm org takda life?

Lepas ni how would you want to be irrelevant? Lofa Paki? Pakai baju nampak spender? What else?
Last edited by Santeira on 12-6-2014 07:29 AM


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Post time 12-6-2014 06:59 AM | Show all posts
kekbelacan posted on 11-6-2014 06:29 PM
apa la SR tu tak mau beking lofa
mana ko tak emo ye dak?
lepas ni ko kena walk tall n terus tega ...

Ko pun boleh tegakkan benang basah, emo kutuk lofa masuk pasal Paki, pakai baju nampak spender, sampai nama dia pun ko bawak masuk. Lepas tu sapa backing lofa semua adik beradik lofa. Lepas tu suka suki memfitnah. If that's not emo, that I don't know what that is.

Ko paling tak layak nak tuduh orang emo dan tegakkan benang basah. Sila sedar diri.
Last edited by Santeira on 12-6-2014 07:19 AM


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Post time 12-6-2014 07:04 AM | Show all posts
akik posted on 11-6-2014 10:33 PM
aik?bila plak aku claim ko cakap ko amik double degree...?
ko kata aku amik double major and aku ...

Bila pulak aku cakap ko claim ko amik double degree?

ko kata aku amik double major and aku nak tau kenapa mcm tu?ko cakap bidang lain2 pun still double degree.
sedangkan ko cakap amik PR n advertising tu double degree?

Kenapa la tahap ni je pemahaman ko. Betul ke ko ada degree? Kalau uni tawar degree in advertising, dan degree in PR, an individual amik dua degree tu secara berasingan, bukan sebagai double major mcm ko, so dia amik double degree la. Paham???? Tak kira la kalau dalam sama bidang (mass comm) both are different principles. Fahammm?

i just need a simple explanation but u kept on replying sarcastically,suruh aku sedar diri lah,suruh aku baca previous posts lah.
seriously aku memang tak faham dgn ur definition of double i'd very much appreciate if u could explain to me in simple words kenapa aku bukan double degree?itu je

First of all, ko pun gatal start sarcastic dgn aku. Jangan perasan aku nak layan ko mcm naive freshman kalau ko pun bikin post stail passive-aggressive. Sbb aku dah explain byk kali dalam previous posts. If you don't understand, it's not my freaking fault.
Last edited by Santeira on 12-6-2014 07:57 AM


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Post time 12-6-2014 07:21 AM | Show all posts
red_devilgiggs posted on 11-6-2014 08:56 PM word says it all

Just because ko tak mengaku ko karatz fake, tapi setiap thread fake masuk nak backing fake dan attack karatz lofa, doesn't make you not a karatz. sekurang2nya karat lofa ade telor la nak mengaku karat lofa, bukan kecut mcm ko, tak ngaku karat fake tapi tiap thread masuk backing fake. pastu attack karat lofa.
Last edited by Santeira on 12-6-2014 07:30 AM


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Post time 12-6-2014 07:51 AM | Show all posts
Santeira posted on 12-6-2014 07:21 AM
Just because ko tak mengaku ko karatz fake, tapi setiap thread fake masuk nak backing fake dan att ...

U still dont get it didnt u?i thot i said it too many times kot...i think it's not worthy at all to be a karat and back all your fave celeb unless u're related and u know the person in and out and if u read all my fxxkxxxg posts..u'll realize that i do not back faz or...but am not gonna ask u to do that pun...coz it aint worth your time

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Post time 12-6-2014 07:55 AM | Show all posts
red_devilgiggs posted on 12-6-2014 07:51 AM
U still dont get it didnt u?i thot i said it too many times kot...i think it's not worthy at all t ...

Dah banyak kali ko backing fake, in many thread fake ko attack karat lofa. Kalau ko rasa tak patut org jadi karat, ko masuk la semua thread lain, berlambak karat ada, karat fasha, karat nd, karat RR, but of course, ko tak masuk serang karat sana, sebaliknya ko constantly masuk thread fake or lofa utk atatck karat lofa. ko pun karatz fake, kalaupun ko tak mengaku. Kalau neutral, they don't even bother nak masuk thread attack karat mcm ko.

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Post time 12-6-2014 09:18 AM | Show all posts
Changa posted on 11-6-2014 07:52 PM
itu la sis.

akak tak karat mana2 retis namun dalam hal ini akak harus bersuara tegakkan kebenar ...

khen uolss
Nak buat cerita fitnah pon biar lah ada asas jugak


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Post time 12-6-2014 09:23 AM | Show all posts
orgjohor posted on 11-6-2014 08:37 PM
Since ada yg menuduh lofa pegi dubai mcm nak jual body pulak, cuba uols tepek pics dia kat dubai b ...

Lofa pegi segerombolan
Ada lah tujuan bisnesnya tu
Sambil bercuti jalan2
Kalau holiday per se dia x pi kut.. sbb sibuk ngan kerja & baru je berholiday luar negara

May be nak buka restoran
Bisnes yg ramai retis buat termasuk kat holiwud
Lg pon bapa tirinya ada restoran jugak kat bangsar village

noorneelofa @thehamptonsdubai was only launched less than a month ago and i tried my luck to dine here on my last day in Dubai. well, was lucky enough to get a table and try their signature rose croissant and other amazing delicacies . Love the restaurant layout and decor. well worth a visit!
Read more at ... pTz8wcEct7vOZXqQ.99

Fotoshoot koleksi abaya raya

noorneelofa On the 10th of April 2014, i launched my very first @Naelofar collection; A black and white design which we perceive as 'noir and blanc'. The response was astounding that I could not believe that we sold each and every pieces of the abayas in such a short term.

Hence, in the spirit of the holy month of Ramadhan that is nearing to us as well as festive Syawal that will come after for all Muslims out there, @Naelofar has specially designed a second exclusive collection which will be officially launched on the 10th of June.

And for this, I proudly present... " Khadeeja "

The name that has always given me strength and courage to achieve what I want to achieve.
LIMITED pieces just for Eid Mubarak 2014. Stay tuned at

Read more at ... 0PmLHy2R8eMUKBPM.99


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Post time 12-6-2014 09:32 AM | Show all posts
solstice posted on 12-6-2014 09:23 AM
Lofa pegi segerombolan
Ada lah tujuan bisnesnya tu
Sambil bercuti jalan2

Lawooonya Lopak. Idung terletak, takda kembang-mengembang tang
serombong. Agaknya Missfake nak idung camnilah, ye.

       http://scontent-b.cdninstagram.c ... 35_1568888345_n.jpg

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Post time 12-6-2014 11:02 AM | Show all posts
Santeira posted on 12-6-2014 07:55 AM
Dah banyak kali ko backing fake, in many thread fake ko attack karat lofa. Kalau ko rasa tak patut ...

Apa kaitan karat faz dgn soalan iols psl pharm vs med?i didnt see any relation...btw i kinda agree w int trade and marketing are diff courses.hence, the double degree..

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Post time 12-6-2014 11:09 AM | Show all posts
red_devilgiggs posted on 12-6-2014 11:02 AM
Apa kaitan karat faz dgn soalan iols psl pharm vs med?i didnt see any relation...btw i kinda agree ...

bila masa lak ada kaitan dgn yg tu? Sbb ko dok kata org karat, ko pun karat. Takda kaitan pun.

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Post time 12-6-2014 11:17 AM | Show all posts
Santeira posted on 12-6-2014 11:09 AM
bila masa lak ada kaitan dgn yg tu? Sbb ko dok kata org karat, ko pun karat. Takda kaitan pun.

Adoi...x paham buat2 x phm...

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Post time 12-6-2014 11:23 AM | Show all posts
red_devilgiggs posted on 12-6-2014 11:17 AM
Adoi...x paham buat2 x phm...

Ko check balik posting aku pasal karat tu reply pada post ko yg mana. sila jgn malukan diri sendiri.

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Post time 12-6-2014 11:28 AM | Show all posts
solstice posted on 12-6-2014 09:23 AM
Lofa pegi segerombolan
Ada lah tujuan bisnesnya tu
Sambil bercuti jalan2

cantiknya kaler lipstik mse lopa pakai baju oren tuh...

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Post time 12-6-2014 12:14 PM | Show all posts
solstice posted on 12-6-2014 09:23 AM
Lofa pegi segerombolan
Ada lah tujuan bisnesnya tu
Sambil bercuti jalan2

Ni bukti lofa pegi dubai dgn kakak dan colleague dia for business purposes and short holiday. Bukan pegi jual body dgn mat arab mcm yg haters fitnah tu. Nampak sgt karatz missfake ni kaki meroyan dan kaki fitnah tanpa usul periksa.

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Post time 12-6-2014 02:49 PM | Show all posts
Santeira posted on 12-6-2014 11:23 AM
Ko check balik posting aku pasal karat tu reply pada post ko yg mana. sila jgn malukan diri sendir ...

Attack karatz lofa = karatz fake?bitch,please

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Post time 12-6-2014 02:55 PM | Show all posts
red_devilgiggs posted on 12-6-2014 02:49 PM
Attack karatz lofa = karatz fake?bitch,please

Konar baring pulak? Isu ko fitnah aku tu ko buat2 lupa atau tak wujud? Tipikal.

Bukan attack karat lofa je, malah backing fake, consistently dah bertahun kot. Bila ada org kutuk karat lofa ko jadi parrot tukang iyakan, atau org backing fake pun ko jd parrot tukang iyakan. Semuanya kat therad lofa fake sajork.

What else to make sense of it? Konon2 suci murni la tak suka org jadi karat. LOL. Speak for yourself.

Last edited by Santeira on 12-6-2014 02:56 PM


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