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Author: abgsedapmalam

Kepercayaan Reincarnation (2pics)

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Post time 27-6-2014 10:10 AM | Show all posts
by Dzulqarnain  

Terpulang masing2.

Maaf, tak ada "terpulang terpulang" di sini. Manusia kalau mahu terus maju dlm bidang Spiritualism, kena buang analogi2 lama yg sudah lupuk dan mengambil analogi baru yg lebih bersesuaian dgn masa kini.

Manusia harus mengaji balik agama menurut konsep masa kini dan dgn berbuat sedemilian, menatsir semula agama dgn definisi dan pemahaman yg baru. Kalau sesuatu agama itu tak mampu menpertahankan kepercayaan dlm zaman moden, ianya harus dibuang sahaja.

Kalau kamu tak ada pengetahuan moden utk mentaksirkan agama, jangan buang masa orang. Pergi belajar dulu.

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Post time 27-6-2014 01:04 PM | Show all posts
Sephiroth posted on 27-6-2014 10:10 AM
by Dzulqarnain  
Maaf, tak ada "terpulang terpulang" di sini. Manusia kalau mahu terus maju dlm bidang Spiritualism, kena buang analogi2 lama yg sudah lupuk dan mengambil analogi baru yg lebih bersesuaian dgn masa kini.

Manusia harus mengaji balik agama menurut konsep masa kini dan dgn berbuat sedemilian, menatsir semula agama dgn definisi dan pemahaman yg baru. Kalau sesuatu agama itu tak mampu menpertahankan kepercayaan dlm zaman moden, ianya harus dibuang sahaja.

Kalau kamu tak ada pengetahuan moden utk mentaksirkan agama, jangan buang masa orang. Pergi belajar dulu.

Betul, kna belajar pasal mesin sblm buat misal-bandingan
jika mahu menyamakan alam dan manusia dgn mesin
spy tdk menyalah-tafsirkan pemahaman sendiri...
- kebykan manusia bila rosak satu perintang, diganti dgn sebiji komputer

Komodenan yg emperical terpisah drpd aspek natural dan philosophical
- penuh korupsi, pembaziran, pencemaran dan kerosakan...

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Post time 27-6-2014 01:15 PM | Show all posts
by Dzulqarnain  

- kebykan manusia bila rosak satu perintang, diganti dgn sebiji komputer

Kebanyakan manusia, kamu kata? Siapa kebanyakan manusia itu? Saya nampak manusia yg kurang upaya lebih tekun dlm kehidupan seharian mereka kalau dibandingkan dgn manusia2 lain yg sempurna anggota badan tetapi banyak alasan.

Kecacatan dan kekurangan physical seseorang itu BUKAN ALASAN yg munasabah. Kereta yg rosak pun, dia akan bergerak juga sehingga dia tak mampu bergerak dan terus rosak serious.

Nasihat aku kpd manusia2 yg banyak alasan :- Dari kamu cari alasan utk tak buat apa2, BAIK ANDA MENBUNUH DIRI JE.

Komodenan yg emperical terpisah drpd aspek natural dan philosophical
- penuh korupsi, pembaziran, pencemaran dan kerosakan...

Jadi, apakah kamu nak buat utk menperbaiki keadaan? TAK ADA BUAT APA2. Bagi alasan kamu lemah jadi tak payah buat apa2.

Seseorang itu boleh buat secebis yg dia mampu. Kalau jumpa sampah, buang dlm tong sampah. Jangan buang sampah merata. Jangan menbazir eletrik dan air. Jangan bagi rasuah atau wang kopi kpd sesuatu kerja yg sememangnya tugas seseorang utk lakukan.

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Post time 27-6-2014 03:11 PM | Show all posts
Sephiroth posted on 27-6-2014 01:15 PM
by Dzulqarnain  
Kebanyakan manusia, kamu kata? Siapa kebanyakan manusia itu? Saya nampak manusia yg kurang upaya lebih tekun dlm kehidupan seharian mereka kalau dibandingkan dgn manusia2 lain yg sempurna anggota badan tetapi banyak alasan.

Kecacatan dan kekurangan physical seseorang itu BUKAN ALASAN yg munasabah. Kereta yg rosak pun, dia akan bergerak juga sehingga dia tak mampu bergerak dan terus rosak serious.

Nasihat aku kpd manusia2 yg banyak alasan :- Dari kamu cari alasan utk tak buat apa2, BAIK ANDA MENBUNUH DIRI JE.

See. Bila dibandingkan mesin dgn alam/manusia, ofkos cenderung salah tafsir spt ni.
- kerosakan teruk serious mana pn bkn alasan utk tukar kereta dan kebykannya guna alasan obsolete, faham kn?

Pengguna yg tiada ilmu kepenggunaan mmg tara guna punya worang.

Jadi, apakah kamu nak buat utk menperbaiki keadaan? TAK ADA BUAT APA2. Bagi alasan kamu lemah jadi tak payah buat apa2.

Seseorang itu boleh buat secebis yg dia mampu. Kalau jumpa sampah, buang dlm tong sampah. Jangan buang sampah merata. Jangan menbazir eletrik dan air. Jangan bagi rasuah atau wang kopi kpd sesuatu kerja yg sememangnya tugas seseorang utk lakukan.

Bergantung kpd ilmu dan tanggungan masing2 - ofkos ikut kemampuan

Dan sebahagian drpd pembersihan jiwa tu dgn struggle memerangi hawa nafsu
- menilai mana satu keperluan dan mana satu kehendak
- buang tebiat buruk i.e. tamak, gelojoh, penting diri, bakhil, cinta dunia, etc.


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Post time 27-6-2014 04:20 PM | Show all posts
by Dzulqarnain  

See. Bila dibandingkan mesin dgn alam/manusia, ofkos cenderung salah tafsir spt ni.
- kerosakan teruk serious mana pn bkn alasan utk tukar kereta dan kebykannya guna alasan obsolete, faham kn?

Jadi, kamu fikir mentang2 mereka boleh mengunakan alasan kereta obsolete, itu menghalalkan mereka menjadi boros? Tamak? Fikir bahawa mentang2 itu duit mereka, mereka boleh buat sesuka hati?

Pengguna yg tiada ilmu kepenggunaan mmg tara guna punya worang.

Pengguna sedemikian tak layak berkata apa2 pun mengenai ilmu penggunaan tersebut.

Dan sebahagian drpd pembersihan jiwa tu dgn struggle memerangi hawa nafsu
- menilai mana satu keperluan dan mana satu kehendak
- buang tebiat buruk i.e. tamak, gelojoh, penting diri, bakhil, cinta dunia, etc.

Kalau keliru apa nak buat, ikut je nasihat ini :

1. Jangan buat apa2 yg boleh memudaratkan diri sendiri.
2. Jangan buat apa2 yg boleh memudratkan orang lain.
3. Kalau boleh buat sesuatu kebaikan kpd prang lain.
4. Kalau tak boleh buat baik pun, JANGAN CARI ALASAN utk buat benda buruk.

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Post time 27-6-2014 04:36 PM | Show all posts
Dzulqarnain posted on 27-6-2014 04:21 AM
Cosmos is defined as the created universe, briefly:
- consist of both known universe and unknow ...

Why dont u try meditation n see....

Boundless consciousness.... Infinite consciousness.
When ur mind is uncondition, ur awareness n consciousness is boundless.

there r no soul that exist.

Like i mentioned, to see how ur mind works see how u think to see why u feel in such a way. I was label as doing the forbidden, to challenge god creation.

but, aint this scienctist n Dr did? Aint Dr seeing how mind works challenging god?

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Post time 27-6-2014 04:41 PM | Show all posts
Dzulqarnain posted on 26-6-2014 04:47 PM
Earth is a part of the universe plus the seven heavens (langit2)

My question havent been answered

taking what cosmologist come out with. 80,000,000,000,000galaxies with billion of stars in each. Which mean
80,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 stars in known universe...

IS, the heaven WITHIN this cosmos? Nor its beyond?

a member say its beyond. Which mean i must travel with malaikat in speed of light for billion of years.... To go beyond this cosmos.

what is god doung before creation? Sleeping? Feeling lonely?


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Post time 27-6-2014 05:33 PM | Show all posts
Sephiroth posted on 27-6-2014 04:20 PM
by Dzulqarnain  
Jadi, kamu fikir mentang2 mereka boleh mengunakan alasan kereta obsolete, itu menghalalkan mereka menjadi boros? Tamak? Fikir bahawa mentang2 itu duit mereka, mereka boleh buat sesuka hati?

Mereka ada hati, ada duit, suka boros dan tamak...
- mereka memasukkan diri mereka dlm statistik pemasaran/pengeluaran kereta
- mereka tahu berdasarkan maklumat/khabar berita di sekeliling mereka
- mereka yg jd buruan pengaut keuntungan, birokrat dan pembuat polisi

Apa2 keperluan adalah satu keharusan
tp keinginan/kehendak yg melampaui batasan tu yg dilarang
- haram

Pengguna sedemikian tak layak berkata apa2 pun mengenai ilmu penggunaan tersebut.

Kalau keliru apa nak buat, ikut je nasihat ini :

1. Jangan buat apa2 yg boleh memudaratkan diri sendiri. ✓
2. Jangan buat apa2 yg boleh memudratkan orang lain. ✓
3. Kalau boleh buat sesuatu kebaikan kpd prang lain. ✓
4. Kalau tak boleh buat baik pun, JANGAN CARI ALASAN utk buat benda buruk. ✓


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Post time 27-6-2014 06:26 PM | Show all posts
wei_loon5063 posted on 27-6-2014 04:36 PM
Why dont u try meditation n see....

Boundless consciousness.... Infinite consciousness.
Why dont u try meditation n see....

Boundless consciousness.... Infinite consciousness.
When ur mind is uncondition, ur awareness n consciousness is boundless.

there r no soul that exist.

Like i mentioned, to see how ur mind works see how u think to see why u feel in such a way. I was label as doing the forbidden, to challenge god creation.

but, aint this scienctist n Dr did? Aint Dr seeing how mind works challenging god?

You are still human, not all-knowing, not all-hearing, not all-seing...
- conciousness is just a blinds that is opened due to glad tidings
- resulting yourSELF being aware of what surrounds you
- you still exist, yourSELF still exist, your soul/spirit still exist
- the objective of meditation is to understand your purpose of existance in this world

You yourSELF are God's creation
QS 51:21 As also in your own selves: Will ye not then see?
- challenge yourSELF...

PhD means philosopher Dr
Science is bounded with errors and uncertainties
- they all can analyze the brain, but not the mind
- more philosophy, more theories, more uncertainties

They are not the creator, they are not all-wise
- they are just human, none could prevent from mistakes...

My question havent been answered

taking what cosmologist come out with. 80,000,000,000,000galaxies with billion of stars in each. Which mean
80,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 stars in known universe...

IS, the heaven WITHIN this cosmos? Nor its beyond?

a member say its beyond. Which mean i must travel with malaikat in speed of light for billion of years.... To go beyond this cosmos.

what is god doung before creation? Sleeping? Feeling lonely?

Like I told you, all of those celestial beings are at the lower heaven - known universe
- Other than the earth are heavens (langit2)...

You should ask God lor.

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Post time 27-6-2014 08:51 PM | Show all posts
Dzulqarnain posted on 27-6-2014 06:26 PM
You are still human, not all-knowing, not all-hearing, not all-seing...
- conciousness is just  ...

Like I told you, all of those celestial beings are at the lower heaven - known universe
- Other than the earth are heavens (langit2)...

which celestial being?
jin malaikat?

Which mean when we die we r still within this cosmos? So, aint this same as rebirth? Still dwell within samsara? round of rebirth....

does your 7 heaven say how long it last? for how many aeons? for how many hundred of billion of years?? Last edited by wei_loon5063 on 28-6-2014 08:36 AM


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Post time 28-6-2014 01:57 PM | Show all posts
by Dzulqarnain  

Apa2 keperluan adalah satu keharusan
tp keinginan/kehendak yg melampaui batasan tu yg dilarang
- haram

Apa yg keharusan itu? Tuhan telah pun menberikan semua keperluan asas seseorang manusia - cahaya matahari, angin, air dan tanah yg subur. Ini adalah asas utk seseorang individual.

Individual akan berkumpul menjadi kelompok manusia dan menjadikan sesuatu kawasan sbg milik mereka. Mereka akan mahukan keperluan asas spt tanah utk cucuk tanam, air dan kuasa utk elektrik serta keperluan yg lain.

Jadi dlm bab keperluan asas dan keharusan, kita harus tahu apa yg kita perlukan dan apa yg kita tidak perlukan utk hidup secara gembira. Kita tidak memerlukan bangunan bertingkat, restoran mewah, kereta dan rumah besar ataupun 4 bini. Ini semua KARUT semata2nya.


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Post time 29-6-2014 11:29 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Dalam islam ada konsep resurrection. Adakah reincarnation dan rebirth subset kepada resurrection?

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Post time 29-6-2014 11:59 AM | Show all posts
apam posted on 29-6-2014 11:29 AM
Dalam islam ada konsep resurrection. Adakah reincarnation dan rebirth subset kepada resurrection?

apa maksud rebirth/reincarnation?

bermaksud, anda perlu "bertukar" jasad kan?

jadi, bila anda ke dunia ni, bukankah anda kena travel dari sisi allah sebagai "roh" ke jasad di rahim ibu di bumi dan travel ke akhirat selepas mati?

kenapa cakap ni tak logik sedangkan ni rebirth?

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Post time 29-6-2014 02:01 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
wei_loon5063 posted on 29-6-2014 11:59 AM
apa maksud rebirth/reincarnation?

bermaksud, anda perlu "bertukar" jasad kan?

Dlm islam ada pendapat yg mengatakan adanya rebirth/reincarnation. Tapi tidak disebut secara detail. Yg ada hanyalah resurrection/kebangkitan semula. In what term, juga tidak diterangkan. Aku rasa pengetahuan mengenainya telah disembunyikan dari ajaran mainstream islam.

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Post time 29-6-2014 03:30 PM | Show all posts
apam posted on 29-6-2014 02:01 PM
Dlm islam ada pendapat yg mengatakan adanya rebirth/reincarnation. Tapi tidak disebut secara detai ...

matlamat islam/christian adalah ke syurga dan menikmati segala kenikmataan yg di janjikan dalam kitab.

tapi di buddhism/hinduism, matlamat adalah melampai ni semua... adalah "cessation of becoming"

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Post time 29-6-2014 05:49 PM | Show all posts
apam posted on 29-6-2014 11:29 AM
Dalam islam ada konsep resurrection. Adakah reincarnation dan rebirth subset kepada resurrection?

Maaf, resurrection dan reincarnation adalah konsep yg jauh beza antara satu sama lain.

Resurrection bermakna seseorang yg mati akan dihidupkan kembali dgn rupa, ingatan serta kehidupan yg sama spt apa dia ada sebelum dia mati. Dia akan dihidupkan di sekeliling keluarganya, menpunyai ingatan akan apa yg dia lakukan sebelum dia mati dan dia boleh menyambung semula kehidupan yg dia ada sebelum dia mati.

Tetapi Reincarnation bukan sedemikian. Seseorang itu tidak dihidupkan semula. Dia dilahirkan semula melalui proses pengaliran, dan akan menpunyai keluarga yg baru, ingatan yg baru dan harus memulakan kehidupan yg baru. Kalau dia menemui seseorang dari kehidupan yg sebelumnya, mungkin dia akan rasa sesuatu di dlm sanubarinya tetapi dia tak akan tahu secara tepat (kecuali lah kalau dia itu jenis Spiritualist yg mampu mengawal mindanya ataupun seseorang yg pernah menghampiri Maut tetapi masih ditakdirkan hidup). Kehidupan yg seterusnya bergantung kpd Karma yg dilakukannya, yg menjadi seolah2 sebuah "skrip" yg dia (sbg pelakon) harus menpermainkan.

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Post time 29-6-2014 10:53 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
wei_loon5063 posted on 29-6-2014 03:30 PM
matlamat islam/christian adalah ke syurga dan menikmati segala kenikmataan yg di janjikan dalam  ...

Sori bro, aku rasa kau tak paham islam lagi. Syurga/neraka hanyalah satu kiasan umum utk menggambarkan keadaan yg dilimpahi nikmat dan neraka keadaan yg dlm kesengsaraan. Takda sapa yg tahu akan hakikat sebenarnya bagaimana dan di mana....
...Ini kerana alquran mempunyai berlapis-lapis penafsiran yg hanya mampu difahami oleh mereka yg diberi petunjuk. Bab ni mungkin tak relevan bagi kau sebb kau non muslim kan.
Dan destinasi ultimate ialah kembali ke alam Allah. Itu pasal bila org mati atau sesuatu buruk terjadi, org sebut "Dari Allah kita datang dan kepada Allah kita kembali". Tapi hanya mereka yg berjaya menyucikan diri dan mengesakan Allah akan diterima di alamNya. Yg lain2 mungkin di so called syurga atau neraka, atau kena mengulangi semula kehidupan dunia dlm keadaan berbeza. Nobody knows..... Last edited by apam on 29-6-2014 11:14 PM


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Post time 29-6-2014 11:09 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Sephiroth posted on 29-6-2014 05:49 PM
Maaf, resurrection dan reincarnation adalah konsep yg jauh beza antara satu sama lain.

Resurrec ...

Maaf  jugak. Aku rasa definasi resurrection kau tu pun tak betul. Dah macam mati hidup semula.
Dlm islam resurrection ialah kebangkitan semula selepas mati utk dihisab dan diberi balasan. Tapi takde penjelasan terperinci mengenai dibangkit semula tu. Mungkin dilahirkan semula sebagai manusia lain di alam yg sama, mungkin dilahirkan semula di alam lain dlm keadaan yg berbeza-beza. Mungkin diberi nikmat atau mungkin diberi sengsara sebagai hukuman. Ini semua proses penyucian kerana Allah, zat yg maha esa, adalah amat pengasih,penyayang dan maha pengampun. Aku harap kau faham maksud zat yg maha esa itu sbb perkataan Allah hanyalah nama. Ada banyak lagi nama2 dia. Kalau tak paham aku boleh explain dlm konteks islam.

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Post time 30-6-2014 10:09 AM | Show all posts
apam posted on 29-6-2014 10:53 PM
Sori bro, aku rasa kau tak paham islam lagi. Syurga/neraka hanyalah satu kiasan umum utk menggam ...

Sori bro, aku rasa kau tak paham islam lagi. Syurga/neraka hanyalah satu kiasan umum utk menggambarkan keadaan yg dilimpahi nikmat dan neraka keadaan yg dlm kesengsaraan. Takda sapa yg tahu akan hakikat sebenarnya bagaimana dan di mana....
habis kenapa quran ada gambar ada istana emas seluas 7 bumi, 72 teruna, arah macam sungai dll??

...Ini kerana alquran mempunyai berlapis-lapis penafsiran yg hanya mampu difahami oleh mereka yg diberi petunjuk. Bab ni mungkin tak relevan bagi kau sebb kau non muslim kan.

revelent. sebab saya melihat surga islam adalah di bawah surga/dimensi yg buddha tunjuk(yg manusia boleh pergi di hayat ni sebelum mati untuk rasa dengan meditasi, malah ada banyak yg alami nya), ada lagi surga yg lebih tinggi lagi drpd ni. tapi buddha tak ajar kita untuk masih khayal di kayangan yg ada nikmat. ni realiti cuma satu. tapi agama lain tengok dr sudud lain dan perceive dr pandangan lain.

Dan destinasi ultimate ialah kembali ke alam Allah. Itu pasal bila org mati atau sesuatu buruk terjadi, org sebut "Dari Allah kita datang dan kepada Allah kita kembali". Tapi hanya mereka yg berjaya menyucikan diri dan mengesakan Allah akan diterima di alamNya. Yg lain2 mungkin di so called syurga atau neraka, atau kena mengulangi semula kehidupan dunia dlm keadaan berbeza. Nobody knows.....

allah tu apa? tuhan tu apa? god tu apa? dari xxx kita datang kepada xxx kita kembali

bukan ker datang dari cosmos/energy etc.... ke cosmos/energy...

cerita tuhan pencipta ada di sebut, tapi bukan ultimate

macam mana cakap pun, kita(anda dan saya) masih di samsara(round of becoming) di cosmos ini. masih tak keluar.

ni sutra brahmajala... ada satu tuhan/deva/celestial being/ alien yg anggap diri sendiri maha pencipta, tapi dia tak tau yg dia wujud di surga yg tinggi yg diri mempunyai kuasa pyschic yg tinggi, apa yg dia ingin, dia dapt dan wujud macam itu, dan dia cakap sendiri sebagai maha pencipta, maha kuasa, maha raja segala tuhan.....

Partial-Eternalism (Ekaccasassatavāda): Views 5–8
[size=14.399999618530273px][size=12.800000190734863px][url=]38.[/url] "There are, bhikkhus, some recluses and brahmins who are eternalists in regard to some things and non-eternalists in regard to other things, and who on four grounds proclaim the self and the world to be partly eternal and partly non-eternal. And owing to what, with reference to what, do these honorable recluses and brahmins proclaim their views?
[size=14.399999618530273px][size=12.800000190734863px][url=]39.[/url] "There comes a time, bhikkhus, when after the lapse of a long period this world contracts (disintegrates). While the world is contracting, beings for the most part are reborn in the ābhassara Brahma-world.[7] There they dwell, mind-made, feeding on rapture, self-luminous, moving through the air, abiding in glory. And they continue thus for a long, long period of time.
[size=14.399999618530273px][size=12.800000190734863px][url=]40.[/url] "But sooner or later, bhikkhus, after the lapse of a long period, there comes a time when this world begins to expand once again. While the world is expanding, an empty palace of Brahmā appears. Then a certain being, due to the exhaustion of his life-span or the exhaustion of his merit, passes away from the ābhassara plane and re-arises in the empty palace of Brahmā. There he dwells, mind made, feeding on rapture, self-luminous, moving through the air, abiding in glory. And he continues thus for a long, long period of time.
[size=14.399999618530273px][size=12.800000190734863px][url=]41.[/url] "Then, as a result of dwelling there all alone for so long a time, there arises in him dissatisfaction and agitation, (and he yearns): 'Oh, that other beings might come to this place!' Just at that moment, due to the exhaustion of their life-span or the exhaustion of their merit, certain other beings pass away from the ābhassara plane and re-arise in the palace of Brahmā, in companionship with him. There they dwell, mind-made, feeding on rapture, self-luminous, moving through the air, abiding in glory. And they continue thus for a long, long period of time.
[size=14.399999618530273px][size=12.800000190734863px][url=]42.[/url] "Thereupon the being who re-arose there first thinks to himself: 'I am Brahmā, the Great Brahmā, the Vanquisher, the Unvanquished, the Universal Seer, the Wielder of Power, the Lord, the Maker and Creator, the Supreme Being, the Ordainer, the Almighty, the Father of all that are and are to be. And these beings have been created by me. What is the reason? Because first I made the wish: "Oh, that other beings might come to this place!" And after I made this resolution, now these beings have come.'
[size=14.399999618530273px]"And the beings who re-arose there after him also think: 'This must be Brahmā, the Great Brahmā, the Vanquisher, the Unvanquished, the Universal Seer, the Wielder of Power, the Lord, the Maker and Creator, the Supreme Being, the Ordainer, the Almighty, the Father of all that are and are to be. And we have been created by him. What is the reason? Because we see that he was here first, and we appeared here after him.'
[size=14.399999618530273px][size=12.800000190734863px][url=]43.[/url] "Herein, bhikkhus, the being who re-arose there first possesses longer life, greater beauty, and greater authority than the beings who re-arose there after him.
[size=14.399999618530273px][size=12.800000190734863px][url=]44.[/url] "Now, bhikkhus, this comes to pass, that a certain being, after passing away from that plane, takes rebirth in this world. Having come to this world, he goes forth from home to homelessness. When he has gone forth, by means of ardor, endeavor, application, diligence, and right reflection, he attains to such a degree of mental concentration that with his mind thus concentrated he recollects his immediately preceding life, but none previous to that. He speaks thus: 'We were created by him, by Brahmā, the Great Brahmā, the Vanquisher, the Unvanquished, the Universal Seer, the Wielder of Power, the Lord, the Maker and Creator, the Supreme Being, the Ordainer, the Almighty, the Father of all that are and are to be. He is permanent, stable, eternal, not subject to change, and he will remain the same just like eternity itself. But we, who have been created by him and have come to this world, are impermanent, unstable, short-lived, doomed to perish.'
[size=14.399999618530273px]"This, bhikkhus, is the first case.
[size=14.399999618530273px][size=12.800000190734863px][url=]45.[/url] "In the second case, owing to what, with reference to what, are some honorable recluses and brahmins eternalists in regard to some things and non-eternalists in regard to other things, proclaiming the self and the world to be partly eternal and partly non-eternal?
[size=14.399999618530273px]"There are, bhikkhus, certain gods called 'corrupted by play.'
[size=14.399999618530273px]These gods spend an excessive time indulging in the delights of laughter and play. As a consequence they become forgetful and, when they become forgetful, they pass away from that plane.
[size=14.399999618530273px][size=12.800000190734863px][url=]46.[/url] "Now, bhikkhus, this comes to pass, that a certain being, after passing away from that plane, takes rebirth in this world. Having come to this world, he goes forth from home to homelessness. When he has gone forth, by means of ardor, endeavor, application, diligence, and right reflection, he attains to such a degree of mental concentration that with his mind thus concentrated he recollects his immediately preceding life, but none previous to that. He speaks thus: 'Those honorable gods who are not corrupted by play do not spend an excessive time indulging in the delights of laughter and play. As a consequence they do not become forgetful, and because they do not become forgetful they do not pass away from that plane. Those gods are permanent, stable, eternal, not subject to change, and they will remain the same just like eternity itself. But we were gods corrupted by play. We spent an excessive time indulging in the delights of laughter and play, and as a consequence we became forgetful. When we became forgetful we passed away from that plane. Coming to this world, now we are impermanent, unstable, short-lived, doomed to perish.'
[size=14.399999618530273px]"This bhikkhus, is the second case.
[size=14.399999618530273px][size=12.800000190734863px][url=]47.[/url] "In the third case, owing to what, with reference to what, are some honorable recluses and brahmins eternalists in regard to some things and non-eternalists in regard to other things, proclaiming the self and the world to be partly eternal and partly non-eternal?
[size=14.399999618530273px]"There are, bhikkhus, certain gods called 'corrupted by mind.' These gods contemplate one another with excessive envy. As a consequence their minds becomes corrupted by anger towards one another. When their minds are corrupted by anger, their bodies and minds become exhausted and consequently, they pass away from that plane.
[size=14.399999618530273px][size=12.800000190734863px][url=]48.[/url] "Now, bhikkhus, this comes to pass, that a certain being, after passing away from that plane, takes rebirth in this world. Having come to this world, he goes forth from home to homelessness. When he has gone forth, by means of ardor, endeavor, application, diligence, and right reflection, he attains to such a degree of mental concentration that with his mind thus concentrated he recollects his immediately preceding life, but none previous to that. He speaks thus: 'Those honorable gods who are not corrupted by mind do not contemplate each other with excessive envy. As a result, their minds do not become corrupted by anger towards one another, their bodies and minds do not become exhausted, and they do not pass away from that plane. Those gods are permanent, stable, not subject to change, and they will remain the same just like eternity itself. But we were gods corrupted by mind. We contemplated each other with excessive envy and as a result our minds became corrupted by anger towards one another. When our minds were corrupted by anger, our bodies and minds became exhausted and consequently, we passed away from that plane. Coming to this world, now we are impermanent, unstable, short-lived, doomed to perish.'
[size=14.399999618530273px]"This, bhikkhus, is the third case.
[size=14.399999618530273px][size=12.800000190734863px][url=]49.[/url] "In the fourth case, owing to what, with reference to what, are some honorable recluses and brahmins eternalists in regard to some things and non-eternalists in regard to other things, proclaiming the self and the world to be partly eternal and partly non-eternal?
[size=14.399999618530273px]"Herein, bhikkhus, recluse or a certain brahmin is a rationalist, an investigator. He declares his view — hammered out by reason, deduced from his investigations, following his own flight of thought — thus: 'That which is called "the eye," "the ear," "the nose," "the tongue," and "the body" — that self is impermanent, unstable, non-eternal, subject to change. But that which is called "mind" (citta) or "mentality" (mano) or "consciousness" (viññāṇa) — that self is permanent, stable, eternal, not subject to change, and it will remain the same just like eternity itself.'
[size=14.399999618530273px]"This, bhikkhus, is the fourth case.
[size=14.399999618530273px][size=12.800000190734863px][url=]50.[/url] "It is on these four grounds, bhikkhus, that those recluses and brahmins who are partial-eternalists proclaim the self and the world to be partly eternal and partly non-eternal. Whatever recluses and brahmins there may be who proclaim the self and the world to be partly eternal and partly non-eternal, all of them do so on these four grounds or on a certain one of them. Outside of these there is none.
[size=14.399999618530273px][size=12.800000190734863px][url=]51.[/url] "This, bhikkhus, the Tathāgata understands. And he understands: 'These standpoints, thus assumed and thus misapprehended, lead to such a future destination, to such a state in the world beyond.' He understands as well what transcends this, yet even that understanding he does not misapprehend. And because he is free from misapprehension, he has realized within himself the state of perfect peace. Having understood as they really are the origin and the passing away of feelings, their satisfaction, their unsatisfactoriness, and the escape from them, the Tathāgata, bhikkhus, is emancipated through non-clinging.
[size=14.399999618530273px][size=12.800000190734863px][url=]52.[/url] "These are those dhammas, bhikkhus, that are deep, difficult to see, difficult to understand, peaceful and sublime, beyond the sphere of reasoning, subtle, comprehensible only to the wise, which the Tathāgata, having realized for himself with direct knowledge, propounds to others; and it is concerning these that those who would rightly praise the Tathāgata in accordance with reality would speak.


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Post time 30-6-2014 10:43 AM | Show all posts
by Apam

Dah macam mati hidup semula.

Apa yg mati dan apa yg hidup semula? Bukankah kamu sendiri yg mengatakan bahawa Islam kamu tak menberikan matlumat yg bernas mengenai hal2 roh dan kematian? Jadi, macam mana kamu tahu apa yg betul dan salah?

Apa yg aku katakan itu adalah dari Bhavagad Gita yg menpunyai matlumat yg bernas mengenai hal roh, kematian serta evolusi roh di masa kehidupan dan selepas kematian.

Tapi takde penjelasan terperinci mengenai dibangkit semula tu. Mungkin dilahirkan semula sebagai manusia lain di alam yg sama, mungkin dilahirkan semula di alam lain dlm keadaan yg berbeza-beza.  

Apa yg kamu katakan itu hanyalah berdasarkan kemungkinan yg wujud dlm minda kamu sahaja. Kalau dah tahu bahawa agama kamu tidak menberikan penjelasan mengenai proses kematian, jangan nak buat andaian kamu sendiri dan jangan memandai mengatakan apa yg termaktub dlm agama orang lain itu salah. FAHAM?

Kalau tak paham aku boleh explain dlm konteks islam.

Apa yg kamu boleh explain sedangkan kamu sendiri sudah mengatakan dgn jelas bahawa Islam tidak menberikan apa2 penjelasan yg bernas mengenai hal roh? Kamu nak mengunakan "kemungkinan" ataupun khayalan kamu semata2nya ke? TAK PAYAH.

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