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Author: makdik2301

~ALM CHAT ZONE V.20~ [Tacang +50-100 untuk ucapan daboom!, pg 89]

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Post time 9-12-2014 12:50 PM | Show all posts
makdik2301 posted on 9-12-2014 08:23 AM
aku taw la muvi the youth...
aku tya sapew hero muvi tu?
donghae ko ke????

oooooo........byk sgt hero dlm cite tu, nah retikel

Super Junior’s Donghae, 4minute’s Nam Jihyun, and FT Island’s Song Seunghyun have been cast for the five episode movie “Youth Project”.

"Youth Project" aims to nurture youth creativity through its five episodes titled "Rumor," "Outing," "No One To Believe In This World," "On The Way To Training Camp," and "lay Girl".

The first episode “Rumor” is said to have completed filming and features Super Junior’s Donghae and INY’s Woorin.

Meanwhile, TAHITI’s Ari and newcomer actor Kim Taewan will star on “Outing” and FT Island’s Song Seunghyun has joined the cast of “No One to Believe in this World”.

Nam Jihyun of 4minute will join the ranks of actor Goowon and actress Jung Haein in “On The Way To Training Camp” while the last of the five episodes “Play Girl” will star Seo Eunah and Kim Sunah of “Reply 1997”.

Source: Star News

@ichi punye retikel xleh nk tunjuk...........bahaya, tekan link je

ala...........kalo aku bangga org ckp aku tua
cm legend gitu..........ko hado
tua br org akan 'suspect' sikit
makin tua ...............makin cantik
cbe ko tgk burung kakak tua............cantek x,
wpun pon muka xsemenggah mane......kene tehtap show off
overconfident pong xpe............


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Post time 9-12-2014 12:53 PM | Show all posts
intan_smsb posted on 8-12-2014 09:17 PM
Tan nk g karok 25 dec ni
Nk ikut tk

25hb???........aiyakkk, xleh, nak celebrate

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Post time 9-12-2014 01:01 PM | Show all posts
nzhass79 posted on 9-12-2014 07:27 AM
nmpknye aku paling tua kat sini

terharunya momod tegur aku

jgn lar ckp cmtu.........ntah2 kita sebaya kot
tua dh kawen xpe...........ade teman, tol x @ichi @makdik2301
ni dh gayut xkawen2 lagi

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Post time 9-12-2014 01:09 PM | Show all posts
nyampuk posted on 9-12-2014 09:02 AM
ngeh3 dasat tul penangan ND

ND - netizen desperate


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Post time 9-12-2014 01:14 PM | Show all posts
inaniloquent posted on 9-12-2014 12:40 PM
sharing is caring khennn
ko jgn nk gatai mengenyam sgt............nk pelok2 bagai{:1_555 ...

miahahhaha patutlah si @ichi cam xleh nak tgk oopa ji tae dlm secret experiance...

abiss aku... lariiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiikkkkk


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Post time 9-12-2014 01:16 PM | Show all posts
inaniloquent posted on 9-12-2014 01:09 PM
ND - netizen desperate

ko adehh siannn ND ...

kan susah xde yg halal... jd syaitooonnn sukee jer

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 Author| Post time 9-12-2014 02:05 PM | Show all posts
inaniloquent posted on 9-12-2014 12:50 PM
oooooo........byk sgt hero dlm cite tu, nah retikel

muvi apakebenda nie?
dh mcm drama lak...sume hero dan heroin idol..

lain org lain pendapat..
aku suka org cakap aku muda....
nak muda sentiasa...hihi

burung kakaktua tu yg kalerful kan ina?
aku x bape nak kenal sgt spesis burung2  nie..
aku taw buruk gagak itam je yg jahat tu..
byk kat area umah flat aku!


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 Author| Post time 9-12-2014 02:06 PM | Show all posts
inaniloquent posted on 9-12-2014 01:01 PM
terharunya momod tegur aku

jgn lar ckp cmtu.........ntah2 kita sebaya kot

ko jgn cakap pasal isu kawen nie..


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Post time 9-12-2014 02:15 PM | Show all posts
inaniloquent posted on 9-12-2014 01:01 PM
terharunya momod tegur aku

jgn lar ckp cmtu.........ntah2 kita sebaya kot

hah!!!!??? bkn kita kita pernah sembang ke kat sini sblm ni?? ke aku yg perasan

tak...kompem tak sebaya... pd aku umur aku bile sal kpop segala aku hilang ingatan..lupe diri gitu...


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Post time 9-12-2014 02:47 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
nyampuk posted on 9-12-2014 09:03 AM
ko punya byk series yg lum tgk kan...try jer lah... he3

A'ah..xleh lyn byk2 skaligus
Muntah aku nnt

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Post time 9-12-2014 02:48 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
intan_smsb posted on 9-12-2014 10:07 AM
nak laksa sikit

da lama aku x makan laksa

Ko br lps bersalin ka?
Buat ar tan,puas ati leh ulang mkn
Ni ada seperiuk,kmbung prut nk mkn nnt.hahaha

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Post time 9-12-2014 02:57 PM | Show all posts
wonto posted on 9-12-2014 02:47 PM
A'ah..xleh lyn byk2 skaligus
Muntah aku nnt

cehhh... aku tgh tunggu ni healer dah kuar eps satu tp lum ada sub... cepatttt lerrrrr opppaaaaaaaaaaaaa Jintan


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Post time 9-12-2014 02:59 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
nyampuk posted on 9-12-2014 02:57 PM
cehhh... aku tgh tunggu ni healer dah kuar eps satu tp lum ada sub... cepatttt lerrrrr  op ...

Uitt...dh kuaq ka?
Mst @ichi x sabaq
Epi. 1 dh mncul ka si jintan tu?
Ntah2 epi 2-3 br kluaq

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Post time 9-12-2014 03:04 PM | Show all posts
wonto posted on 9-12-2014 02:59 PM
Uitt...dh kuaq ka?
Mst @ichi x sabaq
Epi. 1 dh mncul ka si jintan tu?

beb dah kuar arrr oppa jintan... first eps jer dah byk ga scene dia weii wpon  bukan lead male hokeyyy ...bias..bias..bias...

kita seru @ichi  


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Post time 9-12-2014 03:30 PM | Show all posts
nzhass79 posted on 9-12-2014 11:14 AM
ada karaoke ke kat putrajaya tu??? alamanda ke?

agaknyer la
tan x thu kt mana
folow membe je nnti


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Post time 9-12-2014 03:38 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
nyampuk posted on 9-12-2014 03:04 PM
beb dah kuar arrr oppa jintan... first eps jer dah byk ga scene dia weii wpon  bukan lead ma ...

Meletop kebabomm x?
Over shadow hero x?
Ko jgn nk perangat aku.
Mls nk tgk lg ni..kang klu aku tgk,kompem aku repeat SL.
Motip?? Kakaka

@ichi lekaih tgk

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Post time 9-12-2014 03:39 PM | Show all posts
inaniloquent posted on 9-12-2014 12:53 PM
25hb???........aiyakkk, xleh, nak celebrate

celeberate apa tu ina

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Post time 9-12-2014 03:42 PM | Show all posts
wonto posted on 9-12-2014 02:48 PM
Ko br lps bersalin ka?
Buat ar tan,puas ati leh ulang mkn
Ni ada seperiuk,kmbung prut nk mkn nnt ...

da lama bersalin

aku da lama x makan la wonto
last raya kot makan laksa


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Post time 9-12-2014 03:47 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
intan_smsb posted on 9-12-2014 03:42 PM
da lama bersalin

aku da lama x makan la wonto

Mn tau ko dk pantang lg ka.
Ada stgh org pntang lama..
Aku pn pntang jg,pntang jmpa mst nk mkn.kekeke
Ko buat la.guna sardin sudah.kekeke

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Post time 9-12-2014 03:52 PM | Show all posts
wonto posted on 9-12-2014 03:47 PM
Mn tau ko dk pantang lg ka.
Ada stgh org pntang lama..
Aku pn pntang jg,pntang jmpa mst nk mkn.k ...

sadin tu kadang da teringin sgt mmg aku wat
sbb aku pemalas nk siang ikan yg lps rebus tu

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