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Author: bobby2008

[Tempatan] AirAsia Indonesia (QZ8501): Bangkai Pesawat Telah Dikesan #2428

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Post time 30-12-2014 09:59 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Tambahan : Area pencarian sekarang juga dilakukan di daratan Pulau Belitung dan barat Kalimantan

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Post time 30-12-2014 10:03 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Kalau pesawat ni jumpa, mungkin boleh jadi masukan buat pencarian MH370, sebab ianya mirip...tiada distress call, ELT tak berfungsi...

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Post time 30-12-2014 10:05 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Kalau pesawat ni jumpa, mungkin boleh jadi masukan buat pencarian MH370, sebab ianya mirip...tiada distress call, ELT tak berfungsi...

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Post time 30-12-2014 10:07 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
@lkick2113  , kaskus banyak budak akil baligh. ..tak larat layan komen mereka...

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Post time 30-12-2014 10:11 AM | Show all posts
sedih mcm2 berlaku
harap jumpa la

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Post time 30-12-2014 10:11 AM | Show all posts
cancer_files replied at 30-12-2014 10:07 AM
@lkick2113  , kaskus banyak budak akil baligh. ..tak larat layan komen mereka...

hehehe...aku banyak belajar bahasa indonesia dari kaskus...tapi aku masuk forum militer aje la....bukan semua sub forum dalam kaskus tu....anyway hari ni harap2 pencarian berhasil la...


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Post time 30-12-2014 10:14 AM | Show all posts
cancer_files replied at 30-12-2014 10:05 AM
Kalau pesawat ni jumpa, mungkin boleh jadi masukan buat pencarian MH370, sebab ianya mirip...tiada d ...

thanks for your update

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Post time 30-12-2014 10:14 AM | Show all posts
FanTasyCreaTioN replied at 29-12-2014 03:53 PM
macam kes MH17 kan
bertimbun ader pesawat lain masa tu ...

barangkali faktor nasib juga penting...lain kali banyakkan berdoa minta dihindari...

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Post time 30-12-2014 10:17 AM | Show all posts
scorpionkiki replied at 30-12-2014 09:34 AM
Ada kenalan I first officer Mas ..masa flying area terhempas tu dlm 30000kaki..riba riba depan ada ...

erk ada gak kes2 cmni. huhu. mujur diaorg cool je.

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Post time 30-12-2014 10:21 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
@lkick2113...semoga, agak hairan juga belum jumpa sebab kawasan yang dicari sempit dan laut pun tak dalam...

ente ngerti banyak dong soal militer Indonesia, ane kira main di BP/BPLN...

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Post time 30-12-2014 10:23 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
@kukulangau sama2...

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Post time 30-12-2014 10:24 AM | Show all posts
kelana36 replied at 30-12-2014 06:06 AM
Few months back, Malaysian pilot yg bekerja dengan Cargo flight landed his B747 with one of the ma ...

kirim salam kat hero pilot tu bang. hehe

ya .. my fren yang keja kat epot pun kata kapalterbang landing dgn sebelah tayar ni sebenarnya sering jer berlaku. pilot yang dah tentu2 well trained biasanya boleh je mendaratkan kapalterbang dlm keadaan macam tu.


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Post time 30-12-2014 10:28 AM | Show all posts
alangkah bagusnya kapal terbang boleh guna wifi..sekurang kurangnya ada juga yg berkesempatan update FB masa kacau kacau...

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Post time 30-12-2014 10:36 AM | Show all posts
eii dah doplohpatjam ni.. mana britenye x jumpe2 lagi nih

aku rasa cam shesyuatu je lepas Jiban balik Jmpe Amabo mende ni

ke takdir Tuhan....

Allah Maha Mengetahui...

Just my doplohsen

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Post time 30-12-2014 10:40 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
@Simunggu masa kacau tu sempat lagi ke nak ber FB bagai? kalau saya dah tak teringat pun...dah berdo'a saje..

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Post time 30-12-2014 10:40 AM | Show all posts


Simunggu replied at 30-12-2014 10:28 AM
alangkah bagusnya kapal terbang boleh guna wifi..sekurang kurangnya ada juga yg berkesempatan update ...

Kau ingat kalau kapal terbang dah stall dan kemudian free fall, penumpang semua sempat nak berkuntum kat facebook twitter whatsapp bagai ke?

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Post time 30-12-2014 10:51 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
scorpionkiki replied at 30-12-2014 09:34 AM
Ada kenalan I first officer Mas ..masa flying area terhempas tu dlm 30000kaki..riba riba depan ada ...

Uish naseb bg nmpk je klu dia tempek terus depan cermin tu mana nak tgk...
Bertahan plak diaorg control macho smp landing ya

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Post time 30-12-2014 11:07 AM | Show all posts
flying_cow replied at 30-12-2014 10:40 AM
Kau ingat kalau kapal terbang dah stall dan kemudian free fall, penumpang semua sempat nak berkunt ...

mungkin ada yg daredevil nak wefie/selfie lantas pos ke insta.atau mungkin yg bijak sket snap gmba luar flight/send location untuk tau kedudukan terakhir.gitteeww

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Post time 30-12-2014 11:25 AM | Show all posts
spankee_fili replied at 30-12-2014 09:25 AM
iols kurang setuju dengan prosedur skrg ni..mcm yg akak ckp tu...
last skali bru communicate...

entah la sis dah memang konsep nya sebegitu, pilot di mana2 duniawi pun telah di train sebegitu,.
kiranya itu la core pembelajaran sedari awal training.
cc @kelana36

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Post time 30-12-2014 11:36 AM | Show all posts
kelana36 replied at 30-12-2014 05:58 AM
in this region, outside air temperature at 32000 feet is around -40 to -45 deg C. Temperature at pit ...

apa komentar sis pasal post mandala499 di airliner forum yg akak highlight kan itu? heshe who's who dalam bidang aviasi di indon namun akak tak pasti apa kerja heshe yg utama nya dan beliau adalah respected dan established member kat forum itu. so reputasi beliau memang tiada siapa pertikaikan di forum itu.

OK... I was in Batam when this happened, and my phone was going crazy before they declared the aircraft officially lost... and has been crazy since... Flew back to Jakarta that night, and the phone still went crazy down to this minute (writing this between interviews, discussions with members of SAR, Air Asia, and the NTSC, etc...)

At least the media frenzy has reduced slightly to enable me to open these threads.

Quoting laxboeingman (Reply 1):
That is debatable. I think it is considering the company operating the flight was Indonesian and the parent company is called something slightly different, as far as I know.

Indonesia Air Asia has a lot more independence than Thai Air Asia... more on this below...

Quoting Independence76 (Reply 2):
I apologize if this has been mentioned before, but was the aircraft equipped with ACARS?

No, it does not.

Quoting Carfield (Reply 3):
For Indonesia Air Asia, Air Asia owns 49%, while a local tycoon owns 51%. The planes are all Indonesian-registered, including this particular plane involved in the crash. They even use their own two letter code, and ICAO and call sign.

When people talk about this crash, I always remind them that it is Indonesian Air Asia.

Just curious if any other experts have any insight about the country of origin of these Air Asia branches.

Indonesia Air Asia is 51% Indonesian owned, and this is not just on paper. It is actual. The Indonesian owners are also behind all the leases of its aircraft. This is an Indonesian company paying a brand license fee to Air Asia, who in turn bought 49% of it... when AWAir was bought the current owners of Indonesia Air Asia.

Even when they swapped several aircraft between QZ and AK, the paperwork nightmare had to be done to the extent that this is not just "merely a local proxy for AK".

Quoting pvjin (Reply 4):
Yeah, well here in Finland the media was reporting how a Malaysia has had such a bad luck when they just lost third Malaysian aircraft, despite it being an Indonesian based and registered aircraft owned by an Indonesian registered company.

If they referred to it as a Malaysian brand, yes... but a Malaysian company, no.
Again, the media around the world is having difficulties in differentiating the two.

Quoting jetblue1965 (Reply 10):
All of that hardly matters, because the true CEO is still Mr. T.F. based out of KUL, and people will still link the accident to the mother brand "AirAsia".

Incorrect. TF is the CEO of the brand... he has no say in how Indonesia Air Asia handles this on legal obligations, etc... he is there only to provide support and show for the brand.

Quoting awthompson (Reply 18):
As I have stated in an earlier thread and one or two other posters have hinted, I don't believe QZ8501 was brought down by in flight damage/breakup as a result of an unexpected encounter with severe thunderstorm related turbulence, wind shear, hail, water ingestion etc. etc. I also doubt that 'severe' or 'extreme' airframe icing was at play.

I doubt it was icing. Something, took this aircraft out of its normal envelope pretty quickly... Under normal circumstances, you do not climb 4000ft and lose 100kts of groundspeed, and do so in less than a minute.
The information I got is that from 32000 to 36300 and down again to 24000ft or so took just over a minute.

Quoting awthompson (Reply 18):
Why? ....... WelI, for starters I don't believe a crew used to flying in the region messed up so bad as to get their airplane into such a situation!

There are some new weather phenomenon that's occurring in the region, there was something unique that never occured before... which may have had a factor, but I won't divulge this until I get more information...
But crew messing up so bad? It happens more than you think... and that's not limited to Indonesian airlines. I've seen local and foreign operators screw up their fuel escape plan here whenever a CB turns up over Jakarta... Seen also how some local and foreign operator asking for a deviation that would make them get closer to more severe weather, only for us on the ground to say, "WTH is he thinking?", followed a few minutes later by the aircraft realizing the mistake and we on the ground have a chuckle and laugh about it.

I flew the day before and the evening of the day of QZ8501 going missing, within one of the same significant weather areas, but still about 200NM west of the location... All you can see is cloud, with nice "rapidly accumulating and dissipating cumulus" happening all around and surrounding the CBs... while the ride was mostly only light chop... we did have some moderate chop... and some flights reported "worse"...

Previously we had you westerners laugh at us when we report icing at -40C "because it's too cold"... we now have icing at -45C and there was an instance a few days ago of suspected icing claimed at -50C...

Quoting awthompson (Reply 18):
With QZ8501, temporary loss of airspeed data as a result of pitot icing, followed by incorrect/confused crew reaction is a big possibility akin to AF447. Or indeed some other factor resulting in an inadvertent stall at high altitude is again very possible.

We may be looking at something more catastrophic, some of the data points that way, but not yet conclusive.

Quoting aircatalonia (Reply 24):
If the airplane didn't suffer a catastrophic event at cruise why didn't ADS-B broadcast information during their descent?

Ding dong... this is one clue...
But, Mode-S readings were available for the over 1 minute or so of climb and descend prior to disappearance. All I can say is, it ain't a pretty picture.

Quoting aircatalonia (Reply 24):
Surely it didn't drop 30,000ft in less than 2 or 3 minutes, or did it?

As I said, "it ain't a pretty picture"...

Quoting dtw2hyd (Reply 28):
Like others posted for all intentional purpose AirAsia is an Malaysian Airline. Sure plane is registered in Indonesia and there is a AirAsia Indonesia CEO (we don't know who that person is and never heard from him/her over last two days). Corporate CEO is handling this incident.

Sorry. Indonesia Air Asia CEO went to Surabaya immediately after Air Asia confirmed the loss, and he's been in the press conferences as well with his statement as Indonesia Air Asia CEO on behalf of Indonesia Air Asia. Tony is there as the Group CEO, and is there on behalf of the brand. Indonesia Air Asia CEO is handling this incident.

I know the former CEO (dealt with him a few times), and there is a task sharing between him and the current CEO, and what is Tony's domain, and what is QZ's domain, is pretty clear within Air Asia.

Quoting dtw2hyd (Reply 28):
Not sure even AirAsia Indonesia has a separate ops center.

It does. It has it's own ops center, it's own dispatch procedures, it's own operating procedures (different from AK). It has some degree of sales autonomy (more so than Mandala when it was with Tiger), it has it's own recruitment policies and standards (different from AK and FD), etc, etc. It has some product differences with FD and AK... etc...
As I said, the aircraft are not owned by the group, the ones that are owned, are owned by QZ, and the leases are in the name of QZ instead of leased to AK and subleased to QZ, although it takes the aircraft from AK's order books, but the financing is QZ. The financing of by AK was limited to the 737 days. I can go on further but I will end up divulging company secrets (including detailed aircraft ownership etc... even though I don't work for QZ).

I know the QZ ops pretty well... it's pretty different than AK. And AK is not involved in the investigation. QZ's own investigation doesn't include AK guys (unless already seconded to QZ), and Airbus has sent a team here to talk with QZ (and not AK, although AK will be informed of developments due to the similar weather environment).

But yes, I understand why people see this still as a "Malaysian gig"...


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