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Author: bobby2008

[Tempatan] AirAsia Indonesia (QZ8501) [V2]: Jumlah Mangsa Dijumpai - 34 orang. #201

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Post time 7-1-2015 02:49 PM | Show all posts
Published: Wednesday January 7, 2015 MYT 1:30:00 PM
Updated: Wednesday January 7, 2015 MYT 2:46:22 PM
AirAsia QZ8501: Plane tail discovery confirmed

JAKARTA: Recovery teams have found the tail of the crashed Indonesia AirAsia Flight 8501 in the Java Sea, the Indonesian search chief said Wednesday, the eleventh day of relief operations.

“We have successfully obtained part of the plane that has been our target.

“The tail portion has been confirmed found,” search and rescue agency chief Bambang Soelistyo told reporters in Jakarta.

The discovery on the seabed could mark a breakthrough in the search as the tail of a plane usually houses the ‘black box’ flight data recorders, crucial to determining the cause of a crash.

The plane vanished from radar screens during a storm on December 28 when it was flying from the city of Surabaya to Singapore with 162 people on board, most of them Indonesian.

Despite a huge recovery operation assisted by various countries, progress has been patchy with poor weather conditions hampering the search. So far 39 bodies have been found, all of them floating on the sea.

Search chiefs earlier said five large parts of the plane had been detected but had not confirmed which parts of the aircraft.

Indonesia alleges the plane was flying on an unauthorised schedule when it crashed and AirAsia has since been suspended from flying the Surabaya-Singapore route. - AFP


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Post time 7-1-2015 02:51 PM | Show all posts
Edited by Changa at 7-1-2015 02:53 PM
voiletiris replied at 7-1-2015 02:48 PM
pasal pihak indon tu degil kata tak beri kebenaran terbang.

konsep nya jadual hari terbang jah sebenar nya sis.
ada jadual penerbangan time winter dan bukan winter sebegitu.

katanya time bukan winter AA boleh operate hari ahad? dan time winter tak boleh operate hari ahad? sebegitu la kesah nya.
tapi airasia terbang pada hari ahad dah agak lama, katanya the whole of december pun mmg AA terbang pada hari ahad, bukan hanya pada hari kejadian.

kat indon sekarang berlaku konsep blaming game jah la sekarang ini sis. tak banyak kurang dgn tanahair pemikiran mereka.
leluhur pun serumpun kan sis?

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Post time 7-1-2015 02:55 PM | Show all posts
geenie replied at 7-1-2015 02:49 PM
Published: Wednesday January 7, 2015 MYT 1:30:00 PM
Updated: Wednesday January 7, 2015 MYT 2:46:22 ...

Finally, a breakthrough. Harap segera dapat jumpa data recorder.

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Post time 7-1-2015 02:57 PM | Show all posts
voiletiris replied at 7-1-2015 01:30 PM
nak tanya ..aku ni tak tahu pasal kapal terbang ni .naik kapal terbang pun jrg2.andai kata AA tu t ...

itu la nya..aku pon tak faham juga..tgk ayat dia tu seolah2 mcm diorg nak tunjukkan ada unsur2 rasuah between AA dgn ATC.


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Post time 7-1-2015 02:58 PM | Show all posts
voiletiris replied at 7-1-2015 02:48 PM
pasal pihak indon tu degil kata tak beri kebenaran terbang.

it's a blaming game. sesi tuding jari kat orang lain. sesi konon2 nak lepas tangan

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Post time 7-1-2015 03:06 PM | Show all posts
Aku nak tanya soklan sesuai kebodohan aku, sapa boleh tolong bitau.

Apasal bila dah jumpa body, kena identify berbagai cara? Kalau dah reput okay la tapi yang 2,3 hari tu bukan ke boleh kenal lagi, eh ni anak aku? Ke dari segi law? Why???

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Post time 7-1-2015 03:08 PM | Show all posts
truly replied at 7-1-2015 03:06 PM
Aku nak tanya soklan sesuai kebodohan aku, sapa boleh tolong bitau.

Apasal bila dah jumpa body, k ...

entah la sis.
akak syak some mayat mereka cam ikut pakaian etc jah.
ke itu hanya additional identifikasi??

mcm mayat yg identify semalam, salah satu nya identify dari segi pakaian yg mereka check kat CCTV airport.

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Post time 7-1-2015 03:09 PM | Show all posts
Changa replied at 7-1-2015 03:08 PM
entah la sis.
akak syak some mayat mereka cam ikut pakaian etc jah.
ke itu hanya additional iden ...

yes itu la tak faham ni. Dari hari pertama jumpa dorang cakap masih belum identify etc. Nampak macam leh kenal.

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Post time 7-1-2015 03:11 PM | Show all posts
truly replied at 7-1-2015 03:09 PM
yes itu la tak faham ni. Dari hari pertama jumpa dorang cakap masih belum identify etc. Nampak mac ...

atau tim DVI indo tak berapa kompitisi??
sebab dah banyak negara hantar tim DVI untuk bantu proses identifikasi mayat termasuk tanah air baharu hantar.
setahu kakak nmegara luar yg dah hantar tim DVI untuk bantu, korea, singapore, malaysia, UAE, maybe ada negara lain jua?


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Post time 7-1-2015 03:13 PM | Show all posts
Changa replied at 7-1-2015 03:11 PM
atau tim DVI indo tak berapa kompitisi??
sebab dah banyak negara hantar tim DVI untuk bantu prose ...

Atau ada proses undang undang? utk tujuan insurans dsb?

Sebab kalau mata kasar gerenti lah boleh kenal, kalau ahli keluarga kita.


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Post time 7-1-2015 03:17 PM | Show all posts
Changa replied at 7-1-2015 03:08 PM
entah la sis.
akak syak some mayat mereka cam ikut pakaian etc jah.
ke itu hanya additional iden ...

kalau tgk 1st mayat yg dorg angkat tuh pn, tinggal spende dgn bra je sis kalau dah rupa tuh, agak payah la kot nak identify.
yg dorg jumpa 3 org still strap kt kerusi tuh pn, bknnya kerusi ade no row nak senang check.
for what eva reason pun, aku harap cepat la dorg identify mayat tuh
at least cepat family dpt closure


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Post time 7-1-2015 03:19 PM | Show all posts
geenie replied at 7-1-2015 03:17 PM
kalau tgk 1st mayat yg dorg angkat tuh pn, tinggal spende dgn bra je sis  kalau dah rupa tuh, ag ...

Kalau pun muka bengkak, orang kalau dari kurus pastu gemuk pun kita boleh kenal.

Tah la, just curious. Teringin nak tengok gambar kenapa tak boleh kenal tu.


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Post time 7-1-2015 03:20 PM | Show all posts
Changa replied at 5-1-2015 06:18 PM
salah satu obyek yg di kesan adalah wreckage kapal dahulu kala bukan?
bukan bangkai pesawat ini

Mungkin bangkai kapal Portugis Flor de La Mar yang membawa
bertan-tan emas dan barang-barang mewah dari Melaka ke Portugal,
tengelam dipukul ribut di abad 15 dulu!!!!!!!!!

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Post time 7-1-2015 03:21 PM | Show all posts
Communication audio between AirAsia flight QZ8501 and Juanda ATC leaked
Astro Awani | Updated: January 07, 2015
(First published on: January 07, 2015 08:13 MYT)
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Communication audio between AirAsia flight QZ8501 and Juanda ATC leaked
The massive search operations, Wednesday enter its 11th day as hunt areas are expanded. - File Photo
KUALA LUMPUR: Fresh detail has surfaced from the ill-fated Singapore-bound AirAsia flight QZ8501 which crashed in the Java Sea on Dec 28, killing all 162 passengers and seven crew.

New extracts of communication audio between Surabaya Air Traffic Control (ATC) Juanda International Airport and the captain revealed clues that flight QZ8501 was authorised to fly on the Surabaya-Singapore route, as reported by news portal, KompasTekno.

Initially, KompasTekno obtained the recording via Soundcloud by adopting user-ID “digitising” on January 3, 2014 soon after Indonesia’s Ministry of Transportation halted the Surabaya-Singapore route for AirAsia.

Insiders from KompasTekno (who preferred anonymity) have confirmed that the recording was the authentic recording by Juanda Airport ATC on Sunday (Dec 28, 2014). The matter was further verified from the other air traffic activities monitored on the morning of the tragedy.

The file was recorded in UTC format (or Zulu time: GMT + 0) on Dec 27, 2014 at 22.25, which means the date was Dec 28, 2014 (5.25am) East Indonesia time (WIB).

During the 20-minute computer-generated audio recording, a voice believed to be emitted from flight QZ8501 (with the call sign Wagon Air8501) was heard during the tenth-minute of the clip informing its position on hangar A9 which boasted the registration PK-AXC (Alpha X-ray Charlie), total number of passengers and the purpose to Singapore.

The conversations (in a verbatim) are as follows:

AWQ8501: "Tower, Wagon Air eight five zero one good morning..."
Tower: "Wagon Air 8501 good morning Juanda Tower, go ahead..."

AWQ8501: "Eight five zero one (registrasi) alpha x-ray charlie parking stand Alpha Niner (A9) destination Singapore POB (passenger on board) one six one, request push and start, wagon air eight five zero one..."

Tower: "Wagon Air eight five zero one parking stand number Alpha niner Pushback and start approved heading west runway one zero, exit sierra two...

Shortly after, at approximately the fourth minute, flight QZ8501 sought approval from ATC to proceed to the runway. ATC directed QZ8501 to runway 10 which the flight was placed on standby.

At 07.07 minute, ATC authorised clearance for takeoff via M635 airways at the height of 24,000-feet.

"Wagon Air eight five zero one clear to Singapore, mike six three five level two four zero initial, RAMPY one alpha departure squawk number seven zero zero five,” a female voice from the ATC was heard.

[LISTEN to the communication recording on Soundcloud HERE]

Logically speaking, if ATC has issued an authorisation, the flight plan agreed upon, it can only be executed and agreed, if permission is obtained, granted there are slots available at both departure and arrival airports.

Understandably, if ATC has issued its permission, AirAsia would have gotten the clearance to fly, just as how the Singapore counterpart had mentioned as the flight's immediate destination.

Civil Aviation Authority of Singapore (CAAS) on its website stated that AirAsia flight QZ8501 has obtained its flight schedule from Surabaya to Singapore on Sunday (Dec 28, 2014)

According to CAAS, the route approval from Surabaya’s Juanda Airport in Indonesia to Changi Airport in Singapore for flight QZ8501 on the incident day was made based on an agreement between the two countries.

CAAS reaffirmed that the Indonesia-Singapore pact concerning the flight schedule started since October 26, 2014 until March 6, 2015.

This matter was raised by Juanda Airport authority chief Praminto Hadi who had previously stated that AirAsia did not obtain official permission to fly on December 28, 2014.

“AirAsia did not make any amendment in its flight plan from Saturday to Sunday to the Air Communication director-general which led to its unathourised flight on Sunday,” said Praminto at the Mapolda Complex in East Java, Monday.

The ill-fated aircraft went down during a flight from Surabaya, Indonesia’s second largest city en route Singapore on December 28 when it was reportedly crashed 40 minutes after it took off. The flight did not emit a distress signal before it disappeared from radar screens.


It still remains a mystery what caused the crash despite a massive search for the main part of the plane which has not been recovered. The plane was carrying 137 adult passengers, 17 children and one infant, two pilots and five crew - the majority Indonesians.

Read more at: ... atc-leaked-51666?cp

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Post time 7-1-2015 03:25 PM | Show all posts
truly replied at 7-1-2015 03:19 PM
Kalau pun muka bengkak, orang kalau dari kurus pastu gemuk pun kita boleh kenal.

Tah la, just c ...

just hope the process tuh dipercepatkan. more closure to the family. n i can have my frens back. some of my frens ada kat sana.supporting the family of the victims
i can't bear the feeling seeing their FB status/update on what's happening there sedih tau


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Post time 7-1-2015 03:28 PM | Show all posts
siasia replied at 7-1-2015 03:21 PM
Communication audio between AirAsia flight QZ8501 and Juanda ATC leaked
Astro Awani | Updated: Janu ...

calling for abg @kelana36
apsal they said Wagon?

AWQ8501: "Tower, Wagon Air eight five zero one good morning..."
Tower: "Wagon Air 8501 good morning Juanda Tower, go ahead..

and, AWQ tuh, sbb it used to be AwAir ka? so they just guna kod sama?


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Post time 7-1-2015 03:30 PM | Show all posts
total no dah jumpa 41 mayat sis.

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Post time 7-1-2015 03:31 PM | Show all posts
geenie replied at 7-1-2015 03:28 PM
calling for abg @kelana36
apsal they said Wagon?

ada terbaca pasal wagon air hari itu.
namun akak tak pasti apa kaitan, register pesawat ke apa ntah.

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Post time 7-1-2015 03:33 PM | Show all posts
geenie replied at 7-1-2015 11:28 AM
calling for abg @kelana36
apsal they said Wagon?

AK... Redcap
AA Filiphine.. Zest air
AA Indon... Wagon air..
AAX... Xanadu..

the callsign memang macam tu as published.

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Post time 7-1-2015 03:34 PM | Show all posts
NAT_11 replied at 7-1-2015 03:20 PM
Mungkin bangkai kapal Portugis Flor de ...

entah la sis.
namun katanya di java sea banyak kapal karam tinggalan perang WW2

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