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Author: SisKebab

All About Prague & The Czech Republic

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Post time 15-1-2015 10:47 PM | Show all posts
peachlily^ replied at 14-1-2015 09:08 PM
midori..pls buat review skit sepanjang di sana..kalau ada gambar pun most welcome

Yep setuju. Sokong 100%.

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Post time 16-1-2015 12:09 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
peachlily^ replied at 14-1-2015 09:08 PM
midori..pls buat review skit sepanjang di sana..kalau ada gambar pun most welcome

Peach...Prague was my first destination this moment i ingat2 lupa psl prague...prague nie ramai tourist even in winter pun ramai jer org....public transport pun easy to use...bole beli ticket from ticket machines kat metro or from tabak, their tobacco shop...mcm small 7E. Haritu i byk naik tram, metro.

I was dissapointed on the astronomical clock and charles bridge...ingatkan adalah something special bila jam tu bunyi...but tak best pun...i wonder if its rosak...bridge plak time mlm takde lampu yg menarik pun...mcm gelap jer...

Yg best time gi Petrin was snowing...nice view from the tower.

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Post time 16-1-2015 12:20 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Jelita replied at 15-1-2015 10:15 AM
i plan nak pergi prague 3d2n sorang2....ok ke? selamat ke?

sbb my plan will be:

Jelita.....Prague is a safe city....tourist pun byk..

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Post time 16-1-2015 12:53 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
midori888 replied at 16-1-2015 12:09 AM
Peach...Prague was my first destination this moment i ingat2 lupa psl prague...prague  ...

Klau mcm tu midori..i nnt tangkap gambar jer la kat clock tu ...takyah tunggu bunyi kot...castle tu must visit kan?

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Post time 16-1-2015 12:55 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
midori888 replied at 16-1-2015 12:09 AM
Peach...Prague was my first destination this moment i ingat2 lupa psl prague...prague  ...

Midori..trip u kali ni..yg mana pd u paling best? Prague ke atau tpt2 lain...byk kan tpt u g this time?

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Post time 16-1-2015 01:20 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
leni replied at 16-1-2015 12:53 AM
Klau mcm tu midori..i nnt tangkap gambar jer la kat clock tu ...takyah tunggu bunyi kot...castle t ...

Yup...amik gambar dah ok....dtg awal kat situ, senang nak amik gambar org tak ramai...kalu tengahari org dah start ramai kat situ...masa kat prague we did our own walking tour...i amik dari website bigboy travel then just ikut yg kita nak jerlah...

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Post time 16-1-2015 01:23 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
leni replied at 16-1-2015 12:53 AM
Klau mcm tu midori..i nnt tangkap gambar jer la kat clock tu ...takyah tunggu bunyi kot...castle t ...

Kalu pergi castle tu visit skali golden lane...dlm area castle tu jugak....nice

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Post time 16-1-2015 01:35 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Edited by midori888 at 16-1-2015 01:41 AM
leni replied at 16-1-2015 12:55 AM
Midori..trip u kali ni..yg mana pd u paling best? Prague ke atau tpt2 lain...byk kan tpt u g this  ...

Yup...trip kali nie byk tempat....hmmm...taktau mana satu d best...sbb semua ada keistimewaan nyer yg tersendiri....

I like croatia d best....mmg cantik sana...not the capital city, but the national park, Dubrovnik...lake bled slovenia, salzburg....prague in snow pun cantik...

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Post time 16-1-2015 05:43 AM | Show all posts
Edited by peachlily^ at 16-1-2015 05:46 AM
midori888 replied at 16-1-2015 12:09 AM
Peach...Prague was my first destination this moment i ingat2 lupa psl prague...prague  ...

susah tak nak faham tram, maksudnya no berapa ke mana..destinasi ke mana? setiap stop utk berbeza number tram ke?

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Post time 16-1-2015 04:22 PM | Show all posts
Edited by dlisa at 16-1-2015 04:23 PM
midori888 replied at 16-1-2015 12:09 AM
Peach...Prague was my first destination this moment i ingat2 lupa psl prague...prague  ...

masa I gi dulu ok je. lepas jam bunyi patung2 tu akan gerak menari2 bagai. rasa tak puas tgk I tunggu lagi the next hr. pastu ada peniup trumpet kat atas tower tu tiup trumpet dia kat every corner. I ada jugak naik kat atas tower tu, padat jugak situ. best tgk dari atas org penuh kat bawah.

bridge tu pun happening mlm2. ramai je org jalan2. lampu mmg terang benderang. nampak castle dari bridge bercahaya je. lawaaa! agaknya gi masa spring/summer lagi better kot


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Post time 16-1-2015 06:24 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
dlisa replied at 16-1-2015 04:22 PM
masa I gi dulu ok je. lepas jam bunyi patung2 tu akan gerak menari2 bagai. rasa tak puas tgk I ...

Agaknyer lah spring and summer better...i dont like to travel in ramai...

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Post time 16-1-2015 06:26 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
peachlily^ replied at 16-1-2015 05:43 AM
susah tak nak faham tram, maksudnya no berapa ke mana..destinasi ke mana? setiap stop utk berbeza  ...

Senang jer peach....i think u can google tram map prague.

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Post time 16-1-2015 06:58 PM | Show all posts
Pargue castle dari Charles bridge.

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Post time 16-1-2015 08:09 PM | Show all posts
transporter replied at 16-1-2015 06:58 PM
Pargue castle dari Charles bridge.

tak sabarnya nak pergi bercuti, kepala dah serabut sangat ni..

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Post time 18-1-2015 04:06 PM | Show all posts
Edited by dlisa at 18-1-2015 08:27 PM
midori888 replied at 16-1-2015 06:24 PM
Agaknyer lah spring and summer better...i dont like to travel in ramai...

citarasa masing2 kan. I pulak tak suka travel in winter sbb siang pendek & cuaca sendu je. nak amik pic pun tak semangat.

masa winter I duduk hibernate kat sini je.. sesekali kluar main snow mcm anak bear


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Post time 19-1-2015 01:22 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
dlisa replied at 18-1-2015 04:06 PM
citarasa masing2 kan. I pulak tak suka travel in winter sbb siang pendek & cuaca sendu je. nak ...

Of coz lah citarasa org berbeza...kalu sama jer bosan lah dunia nie....u duduk sana...dah biasa merasa snow....sbb tu tak heran bout snow nie...dah biasa kan....sama gak mcm expat2 yg dtg mesia....suka cuaca mesia...smp takmo balik negara diorg...

I am dissapointed psl astro clock tu sbb i was expecting something more from it since its very popular kat situ...

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Post time 17-2-2015 08:21 PM | Show all posts
midori888 replied at 19-1-2015 01:22 AM
Of coz lah citarasa org berbeza...kalu sama jer bosan lah dunia nie....u duduk sana...dah biasa me ...

I just came back from Prague..
bab clock tu ye la..setakat patung2 berpusing..
nak tergelak dengar org kat belakang cakap
'omg, that just it? I thought there would be fireworks or something after that'
hahhaaa tinggi benar expectation

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Post time 17-2-2015 08:41 PM | Show all posts
Edited by midori888 at 17-2-2015 08:45 PM
peachlily^ replied at 17-2-2015 08:21 PM
I just came back from Prague..
bab clock tu ye la..setakat patung2 berpusing..
nak tergelak deng ...

haha...kalu smp firework to dah over sgt....atleast patung tu pusing lah lebih skit ker.....or lain2 yg menunjukkan clock tu astronomical ker....nie hampeh...takyah tunggu clock tu pun takper....tak best pun....

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Post time 20-2-2015 04:23 PM | Show all posts
peachlily^ replied at 17-2-2015 08:21 PM
I just came back from Prague..
bab clock tu ye la..setakat patung2 berpusing..
nak tergelak deng ...

Peachlily,Betul ker tak Prague neh boleh tandingi Paris or jewel crown of Europe? Or Overated?


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Post time 20-2-2015 04:26 PM | Show all posts
midori888 replied at 17-2-2015 08:41 PM
haha...kalu smp firework to dah over sgt....atleast patung tu pusing lah lebih skit ker.....or l ...

Your personal comment? I dah plan bring my group neh this coming May, takut nanti ada yg hampeh.
Biar i bagi tau awal, not to expect too much of this town.


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