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Author: manganini

JOO WON ❤ ¸¸.•*¨*• ♫

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 Author| Post time 3-2-2016 02:08 AM | Show all posts
Edited by manganini at 3-2-2016 02:22 AM
masdiana-ana replied at 2-2-2016 07:08 PM
wei aku baru tgk version spring awakening..omputih punya...tak dpt bayangkan joo won jadi Melchoir.. ...

kehkehkeh.. dahsyat kan.. kalau dlm filem aku tak heran sangat, tapi tu atas pentas depan penonton..
sentuh tentang muzikal theatre, aku teringin jugak nak tengok Joo Won reunite dgn pelakon2 lelaki yg pernah berlakon musical dgn dia dulu2..
Topping my list ialah Jo Jung Suk yg jugak berlakon dlm Spring Awakening..
aku suka lakonan dia ni sebab dia pun versatile boleh bawa mcm2 watak mcm Joo Won.. dan bila berlakon dia transform completely into his character mcm Joo Won jugak... (tapi aku takder la follow karier & kehidupan peribadi dia sangat mcm aku follow joowon)

terjumpa gambar lama diorang.. mudanya joo won kat sini..


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Post time 3-2-2016 02:18 AM | Show all posts
aku harap joo won dapat offer tvn.. pasal drama2 tvn sekarang byk yg berkualiti... berbanding 3 cabel.. ok aku k tido dulu..

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 Author| Post time 3-2-2016 02:31 AM | Show all posts
masdiana-ana replied at 3-2-2016 02:18 AM
aku harap joo won dapat offer tvn.. pasal drama2 tvn sekarang byk yg berkualiti... berbanding 3 cabe ...

ko tido la dulu.. aku memang nocturnal dan normal bagi aku membebel malam2 mcm ni..  

yup drama tvn memang banyak berkualiti.. aku sokong

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 Author| Post time 3-2-2016 02:42 AM | Show all posts
Saja nak share interview Kang Ha Neul tak berapa lama dulu.. aku suka baca yg nie..

“When I think about when I was 20, the musical “Spring Awakening” comes to mind. That was my everything when I was 20. At the time I practiced for four months and performed for six months. We were the original cast and performed a total of 266 performances.”
After discussing the physical difficulties of performing so often, Kang Ha Neul mentions his castmates and says, “I performed with Jo Jung Suk hyung, Kim Moo Yeol hyung, and Joo Won hyung. After performing we went to Gwangjang Market to drink alcohol and talk. At the time, everyone didn’t have money and had thin wallets. That’s why we only went to Gwangjang Market. We ate fried food from street vendors to eat as appetizers alongside the alcohol. Thinking about it now, going to the market after performing is a dream-like, happy memory.”
Then Kang Ha Neul is asked whether the four actors are still close. He replies, “Of course. We are all still close now. We met recently. Moo Yeol hyung had to film so he couldn’t come, but I met Jung Suk hyung and Joo Won hyung for drinks.”

Aku suka jugak ambik tau pasal kawan2 Joo Won.. nasib baik aku duduk jauh dari Korea kalau tak dah lama jadi stalker fan..

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 Author| Post time 3-2-2016 03:17 AM | Show all posts
Gambar2 lama.. culik dari soompi.


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 Author| Post time 3-2-2016 03:17 AM | Show all posts

my faveret..


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Post time 3-2-2016 09:05 AM | Show all posts
manganini replied at 3-2-2016 01:21 AM
itu yg aku agak konfius..dan contradicting..sebab joo won cakap dia taknak buat scene yg expose ba ...

aku x leh image joo won yg permalu,,innocent boy tue buat mcm tue..tapi aku agak version korean punya lg tertutup kot..kerana teater muzikal ghost pun ada juga adegen bed scane...tapi diorg buat latar screen yg gelap...bila aku tgk tue aku rasa ok jerlah..

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Post time 3-2-2016 09:09 AM | Show all posts
manganini replied at 3-2-2016 02:08 AM
kehkehkeh.. dahsyat kan.. kalau dlm filem aku tak heran sangat, tapi tu atas pentas depan penont ...

oh..aku x kenal sangat dia nie... tapi perlakon2 yg asal dari perlakon teater semua memang best berlakonkan...mcm ji chang wook ,kang ha neul

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Post time 3-2-2016 09:18 AM | Show all posts

16.02.03 #LoveExpress PD-nim updates his weibo @ 00 :17am CST 😀 .
72 hour countdown

PD nim love express update ig.. shotting drama love express akan habis dalm 72 hour..x sabar nk tgk dia blik korea dan start  new project kdrama or kmovie..


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Post time 3-2-2016 12:36 PM | Show all posts

komen aku kt youtube tue sebelum episode 13 yong pal.. dan sebelum aku tgk bridal mask..yong pal tue boleh jadi drama terbaik klau dia tak fokoskan sangat pasal perebutan kuasa but stiill love yong pal pasal drama tue aku start minat joo won walaupun aku kenal dia dari drama good doctor..bagi aku list drama terbaik dan karekter terbaik dia..yup aku setuju dgn komen2 fans dia.. bridal mask..lee kang to..

1. bridal mask-lee kang to
2.yong pal- dr kim tae hyun
3. good doctor- dr park shion
4.king of baking- majun
5. OB -hwang tae
6.TC- cha yon jin


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Post time 3-2-2016 02:08 PM | Show all posts
aku nk tanya nie @manganini pasal ko nie dah minat lama kt JW kan..nk tanya nie joo won tue memang pakai speak ke..dia memang ada rabun ke..


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Post time 3-2-2016 06:18 PM | Show all posts


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 Author| Post time 4-2-2016 12:05 AM | Show all posts
masdiana-ana replied at 3-2-2016 09:05 AM
aku x leh image joo won yg permalu,,innocent boy tue buat mcm tue..tapi aku agak version korean  ...

harapnya begitulah..
aku nak cari bed scene ghost tu, kat youtube ada ke? mcm tak ingat pulak pernah tengok ke tak..

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 Author| Post time 4-2-2016 12:33 AM | Show all posts
masdiana-ana replied at 3-2-2016 02:08 PM
aku nk tanya nie @manganini pasal ko nie dah minat lama kt JW kan..nk tanya nie joo won tue memang p ...

mungkin ni menjawab soalan kau:

'Entertainment Weekly' Joo Won, Past Photo Revealed "I Became Popular After I Took Off My Glasses"

Actor Joo Won's childhood picture was revealed.

On KBS2 "Entertainment Weekly" aired on November 1, a guerrilla date with Joo Won was held.

Joo Won said, "I wasn't a special kid during my school days. I used to wear glasses but I started wearing contacts at the suggestion of a teacher."
Then a picture of Joo Won from the days when he used to wear glasses was shown, arousing laughter.
Joo Won said, "My face shape changed after I switched to contacts. That's when I started getting love letters too and I got popular."

Tak tau sekarang dia pakai contact or dah buat lasix.. ada yg kata dia dah buat lasix tapi tak tau la sahih ke tak..


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Post time 4-2-2016 12:37 AM | Show all posts
manganini replied at 4-2-2016 12:33 AM
mungkin ni menjawab soalan kau:

jadi dia memang pakai speaklah nead rupanya joo won zaman school dulu.. pasal aku tgk masa shotting kt china tue ada masa dia pakai speak..

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Post time 4-2-2016 12:38 AM | Show all posts
manganini replied at 4-2-2016 12:05 AM
harapnya begitulah..
aku nak cari bed scene ghost tu, kat youtube ada ke? mcm tak ingat p ...

ada... aku ada terjumpa dlm tajuk tue bahasa korean.. susah skit nk cari..

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 Author| Post time 4-2-2016 01:05 AM | Show all posts
masdiana-ana replied at 3-2-2016 12:36 PM
komen aku kt youtube tue sebelum episode 13 yong pal.. dan sebelum aku tgk bridal mask..yong pal ...

aku tak reti nak pilih drama n character joo won yg mana yg  terbaik.. sebab semua watak dia ada keistimewaan tersendiri..yg paling aku kagum dari segi lakonan mungkin park shion & lee kang to kot.. tapi dr. kim tae hyun pun hebat jugak.. cha yoo jin pun.. isk.. pening la nak pilih..
tapi kalau watak yg paling minat.. hwang tae hee la.. sebab dia je yg paling normal..
dia sweet, romantik, hensem.. aww


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 Author| Post time 4-2-2016 01:18 AM | Show all posts
masdiana-ana replied at 4-2-2016 12:37 AM
jadi dia memang pakai speaklah nead rupanya joo won zaman school dulu.. pasal aku tgk masa sh ...

kau follow pasal joo won dari mana? dulu aku selalu baca kat soompi tapi sekarang takde masa sangat jadi dah kurang updated hehe.. ko muncul dlm thread ni buat aku jadi semangat nak ambik tau pasal joowon & kdrama semula..

kira nerd la jugak kot.. dia kata dia tak popular masa school lebih kurang mcm fashion king punya watak tu.. tapi takde la sampai kena buli mcm woo ki myung..kira fashion terrorist jugak dia ni.. bila jd artis barulah dia belajar2 dress up..

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 Author| Post time 4-2-2016 01:46 AM | Show all posts
masdiana-ana replied at 3-2-2016 09:09 AM
oh..aku x kenal sangat dia nie... tapi perlakon2 yg asal dari perlakon teater semua memang best be ...

haah.. lakonan diorang ada kelas tersendiri.. lagi satu kelebihan diorang pandai menyanyi..

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Post time 4-2-2016 11:54 AM | Show all posts
Edited by masdiana-ana at 4-2-2016 05:27 PM
manganini replied at 4-2-2016 01:05 AM
aku tak reti nak pilih drama n character joo won yg mana yg  terbaik.. sebab semua watak dia ada k ...

hwang tee ye.. karekter dia bagi aku yup..aku suka juga walau x sama level mcm lee kang to.. hwang tee ,adik yg baik..cucu yg baik,suka scane dia dgn nenek dia walaupun mcm mana tegasnya dia masa bertugas tapi pewatakkan dia akan berubah bila berhadapan dgn nenek dia..kira cucu kesayangan neneklah..ank yg baik..dan pakwe yg sweet dgn watak yg dilakonkan oleh uee...kira  hwang tee nie memang the perfect guy..

aku rasa karekter hwang tee lebih kurang sama mcm joo won.. real life joo won dia seorg anak yg baik..dan dia memang rapat dgn nenek dia..ingat lg ucapan dia masa menang daesang,nenek dia adalah peminat setia yong pal..masa dia intrveiew kt sbs untuk episode terakhir yong pal dia bgtaw nenek dia suruh dia cepat2 pujuk yeo jin...( watak kte)bwa blik jumpa dia.. sebab nenek dia ingat dr  kim tae hyun tue adalah dia..

ok.. karekter drama2 joo won yg aku suka..yg aku rasa ada chemistry dgn joo won..selain watak heroin aku suka bromance dan sisromance..

  • king of baking kim tak goo- aku suka bromance joo won dgn yoon shi yoon..walaupun dlm drama ini majun tue x suka kt watak kim tak gu tapi real life diorg kwan baik.. ysy kira hyung yg baik dgn joo won..

    "One of the first BTS I have seen of him was of Baker King. He was so cute and pally with Yoon Shi Yoon; he really struck me as totally different from the man we see on screen. Of course, we can say the same for most actors. Most are nice off screen whether they play the protagonist or antagonist. But for Joo Won, the difference seemed starker because he is in real life such a puppy and full of aegyo, whereas onscreen, his charisma just rocks."



walaupun nasib YSY tak sebaik nasib joo won..drama kedua ysy me flowers rating low berbanding drama kedua joo won OB rating tinggi. tapi selepas king baking..nama kedua2nya memang popular,,drama king of baking mencatat rekord rating paling tinggi 50 % memang payah nk dapat untuk rating sebanyak tue masa sekarang ini..cuma joo won pandai pillih drama..tapi bergantung pada luck juga pasal OB tue klau ikutkan family drama...tapi rating pun tinggi juga..maybe nasib YSY akan lg baik bila dia dah blik military nie.

tapi bila tgk bts king of baking semula aku perasan lee young ah agak rapat dgn joo won berbanding ysy..see interview king of baking speciel

nampak obvious sangat lee young ah (minsun ) sokong joo won lg

  • ojakgyo brothers- antara byk2 adik beradik klau reel  nie aku suka bromance joo won dgn abg no 2 dia ..hwang tae bum..abg no 2  juga first yg tahu watak hwang tae hee(joo won) minat kt watak uee..( ja eun)klau untuk real life aku rasa joo won paling rapat dgn hyung dia jung woong in( hwang tae sik)apatah lg jun woong in pun ada berlakon bersama joo won dlm yong pal jadi watak dr lee

" In Ojagkyo Brothers, he got along infamously with his 3 brothers. And as he said in the recent interview, he said they were like real brothers.
[insert picture of Joo Won and OB brothers] And it also didn’t surprise me that his onscreen “grandmother” was genuinely fond of him enough to hit him playfully and shared with him a mug of coffee. ''

jun woong in pun pernah komen dlm interview masa yong pal.. dia komen joo won good actor..

[Article] Chief Lee (Jung Woong In Interview) Part on JooWon
Read at…/chief-lee-jung-woong-i…/

                                                                                                                                                        September 27, 2015 by Joo Won Cutie               
                Chief Lee (Jung Woong In Interview) Part on JooWon
Jung Woong-In with a smile said “JooWon is a good actor.”  “He shows smile under difficult situation/condition.  You cannot go up to that level/position just being good in acting. (I) Realized the person’s heart /inner character is important”
Furthermore he highly praised (JooWon), “When I see JooWon, I think of (actor) Hwang Jung-Min whom I worked with in movie ‘Veteran.’  I felt the same feelings/emotions with JooWon as  I had when acting with Hwang Jung Min.”  
Jung Woong-In added “JooWon does not complain even when he cannot selfishly take a day off to rest.  It was to a point where I asked to let JooWon rest for a day.”
From Korean Article :
English Translation : sdeehc@joowoncutie

bangga jap...bila jun woong in samakan acting skill joo won sama level dgn senior2 dia..

joo wom pun rapat juga dgn ajumma yg berlakon jadi nenek dia dlm yong rim...kira dia nie memang kesayangan ajumman/ajussi.
dia pun rapat dgn mediang actress kim ja ok yg berlakon jadi mak dia dlm OB ..joo won ada datang masa upacara pengebumian actress kim ja ok


  • bridal mask - Dlm bridal mask aku suka bromance lee kang to dan shunji ( park ki woong ) sampai sekarang pun aku rasa diorg still kwn baik..    

  sayanglah joo won tolak watak leading man dlm drama terbaru MBc ''monster'' pasal park ki woong dpt jadi second leading dlm drama tue.. teringin nk tgk gadingan bromance diorg semula..tapi bila tahu sapa heroin ''monster'' tak apa lain kalilah jerlah..

''Bridal Mask had many BTS and I could sense that in the beginning Park Ki Woong was not that comfortable with Joo Won hugging him. He looked as if he was tolerating it. And I was right because later in an interview after the show ended, he said he is the type that does not get close to another person easily and not comfortable with physical touches. He went on to say that gradually over time, he got ‘infected’ by Joo Won’s aegyoness. And in the last BTS, he was the one who hugged Joo Won, not wanting to let go.''

''Joo Won also places a lot of emphasis on creating the right atmosphere on the set. I think by this, he means that everyone get along and work well together. And it was especially important for the actors and actresses. I remembered him saying that he learnt a lot about acting during the filming of SIU. I was kind of expecting him to elaborate on the acting techniques taught by the veterans. No, instead he said he learnt that creating the right atmosphere was the most important. I thought something must be lost in translation but it subsequently popped up so many times that I believe that it was exactly what he meant. Well, he must be doing it right because, he has such chemistry onscreen with his co-stars, female and male alike. I loved his scenes with Park Ki Woong in Bridal Mask; it was like watching 2 highly skilled and esteemed chess masters playing their top class game.



aku suka juga gadingan bromance tragic lee kang to dan kang san (
Shin Hyun Joon) dlm bridal mask.relatioship diorg memang terbaik..byk scane2 lee kang to dan kang san yg menjadi favourite aku..sampai sekarang pun hyung dia shin hyun joon boleh bangga dgn joo won..boleh nampak shin hyun joon proud dgn joo won dlm show KBS EW ..joo won pernah kata dia nk jadi mcm hyung dia shin hyun joon jadi profersor di university dan ajar org pasal acting.

selain daripada itu aku suka juga chemistry joo won (lee kang to)dgn
Han Chae-Ah yg bawa watak ra ra..(rie)aku lg suka watak rara dari heroin mok dan.
bagi aku scane2 rara dan lee kang to lg menarik dari mokdan-lee kang to.. dan the kiss scane diorg lg hott


dan yg paling aku nk tergelak..bila aku tgk bts kiss scane rara-lee kang to..scane tue dibuat byk kali.. pasal rambut han chae ah msuk dlm mata joo tahu sapa untung nie joo won ke hang chae ahscane ini dibuat sampai pukul 5 pagi..han chae ah pun ada komen dia kata ini kali pertama dia kiss seorg lelaki pada pukul 5 pagi. han chae ah pun ada komen dia lihat joo won the real man lepas kiss scane tue...


  • level 7 civil servant- walaupun drama ini bukan termasuk dlm drama joo won yg menjadi favourite aku..aku letakkan drama ini adalah drama the worst  joo won.
dan aku tahu kenapa fans2 joo won letakkan drama ini antara drama list terakhir yg must watch antara semua drama2 joo won..jujur aku cakap chemistry antar watak choi kang hee dan joo won zero chemistry...dan semua tahu drama ini antara yg dpt very bad review .aku x berapa suka diorg buat joke yg annoying.. tapi postife note aku suka chemistry choi kang hee dan joo won the real life.. diorg merupakan kwn baik..sekepala..perangai choi kang hee yg gila2 tue memang joo won boleh joinlah..joo won pernah ajak choi kang hee nie date real life...tapi choi kang hee nie tolak sebab dia anggap joo won nie mcm kwn jerlah...lor kesiannn choi kang hee komen dia x pernah anggap leading man yg berlakon drama dgn dia..the real man tapi diorg still suport antara satu sama lain..

aku boleh nampak bertapa gembiranya joo won bila choi kang hee nie jadi guest dlm  1 night 2 days..obvious sangatlah joo won..

  • good doctor - ini antara drama joo won ke tiga favourite aku selepas yong pal dan bridal mask..bukan setakat karekter joo won yg cute dr park shion yg pikat hati aku tapi juga bromance antara karekter dr park shion dan dr kim don han..kekuatan 2 karekter hampir tenggelamkan karekter heroin dr cha dlm drama ini..the real life juga joo won rapat dgn hyung dia joo sang wook ( dr kim don han).joo sang wook ada datang sokong joo won dlm vip filem  fatal intution lakonan joo won walaupun aku tahu dia masih sibuk shotting drama Glamorous Temptation


  • tomorrow cantabile- ini antara drama joo won yg dapat rating paling low..jujur aku komen drama episode2 awal agak bosan..aku bukanlah fans drama2 anime dan music classical.version japanase pun aku x berapa suka..tapi bila dah masuk episode2 seterusnya ada2 scane2 funny aku boleh layan..
  • aku suka friendship joo wom dgn heroin drama ini..shim eun kyung..walaupun chemistry diorg aku x boleh nk join dlm TC..pasal aku agak annoying skit dgn watak shim eun kyung dlm TC..aku lg suka bromance joo won dgn junior2 dia dlm TC..tapi jangan terkejut joo won -SEK pun ada shipper dan ada yg minat joo won lepas tgk TC..malah ada yg komen watak joo won dlm  TC (chai yon jin)lg berkesan dari versi japanase.satu lg aku x suka rambut joo won dlm drama ini..

  • Yong pal -ok..ini adalah drama yg betul2 buat aku feel in love dgn joo won..selain daripada storyline walaupun drama dia down masa nk dekat2 last episode  tapi aku suka chemisty antara hero-heroin..itu yg buat aku still melekat tiap2 episode..actually aku memang shipp kim tae hee -joo won.haha..menlihat bertapa rapatnya diorg dlm BTS yong pal dr kim tae hyun dan yeo jin mcm manalah peminat2 yong pal x ship diorg..antara patners joo won aku paling suka kim tae hye



ko boleh lihat beza tak cara joo won - kim tae hee dan cara joo won dgn moon chae mon..cra gentleman dia layan kth dgn gentleman dia layan MCM

kadang2 aku rasa joo won nie lg bagus chemistry dgn nonna dari young actress..tapi still aku nk tgk dia berlkon dgn actress 2 yg sebaya dgn dia

tapi sayangnya kim tae hee kata dlm program healing cham dia dah menganakkan joo won.. ... -a-son-like-joo-won tapi klau dia nk anak serupa joo won kenalah kahwin dgn joo won..hahahaha..kesian joo won dah dpt status anak..

tapi kim tae hee juga komen.. antara semua patners dia paling rapat dgn joo won..aku rasa statement nie betul kot pasal patners kim tae, hye jo hyun jae diorgt bpernah berlakon jadi OTP dlm drama Forbidden Love tapi hairan diorg memang x rapat di luar drama..




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