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Author: Tashu


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 Author| Post time 12-5-2016 10:22 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
amiraira replied at 11-5-2016 11:44 AM
mana sbg pic mama nk tgk

Tak amik gambo pun

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 Author| Post time 12-5-2016 10:23 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
amiraira replied at 11-5-2016 12:02 PM
hari2 free kan best

mcm dulu2

Takleh dh mcm dulu kalo kt opis sini...kat sana baru buleh

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 Author| Post time 12-5-2016 10:24 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
amiraira replied at 11-5-2016 12:02 PM
kuek mkn ank dara mama

Skang kita kureng mkn lah...x selera mana x mcm kt opis lama dulu.

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 Author| Post time 12-5-2016 10:25 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
amiraira replied at 11-5-2016 12:02 PM
biar la ni syg

Org suh citer dia xmo

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 Author| Post time 12-5-2016 10:25 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
amiraira replied at 11-5-2016 12:03 PM
nk kawan la syg

Bila nk dptkan kwn tu?

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 Author| Post time 12-5-2016 10:26 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
amiraira replied at 11-5-2016 12:03 PM
ala nk tasang kt quotes sana la syg

Malas lah jap sana jap sini
Bagi kt sini pun sama je.

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 Author| Post time 12-5-2016 10:27 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
amiraira replied at 11-5-2016 12:04 PM
ujung minggu insyaAllah k syg

Esok lah.


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 Author| Post time 12-5-2016 10:29 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
lavender_aqua replied at 11-5-2016 12:11 PM
dah tp takde mood mkn nasi
minum milo campur nestum oat
ni tgh mkn cekodok haha

Kenyang dah tu...kalo lapo mkn roti saja pun dh kenyang hihi.

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 Author| Post time 12-5-2016 10:31 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
mattzzx replied at 12-5-2016 08:48 AM
apa yang patut2 tu???

Jalan2 la...g soping ke mana2 ke

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 Author| Post time 12-5-2016 10:34 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
mattzzx replied at 12-5-2016 08:48 AM
yelah...minum biar berpada...tengok keadaan lah kan...

Tgk musim...kalo musim panas leh la minum byk.

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Post time 12-5-2016 11:49 PM | Show all posts
Tashu replied at 11-5-2016 11:23 AM
ooo kira dh dpt zat penuh dh tu 2 mangkuk

aha.. malah lebih lebih pula
sekarang ni summer
jadi dia byk la main kat luar..
sembunyi sembunyi dalam rumput lompat kat moth yg terbang
dianye winter fur dah start luruh dah..berkerak atas selimut-sofa kitorang

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Post time 12-5-2016 11:54 PM | Show all posts
amiraira replied at 11-5-2016 08:50 AM
opkos la syg mengalahkn ank sendiri tau
jgn nk mengada2 nk culik
nmpak ipes

oh ye kucing awak sekor je kan?
gliders je yg byk
summer dah tiba
bulu winter archie dah mula gugur
jenuh kena basuh selimut

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Post time 12-5-2016 11:56 PM | Show all posts
amiraira replied at 11-5-2016 08:49 AM
wah ade lagi??
biar tul ipes
mcm x caya je

ye lah
sini lidi tu org jual tau
kole besi yg org buat jual kopi susu kat warung kampung dulu dulu tu ade je sini
air f&n etc etc memang ade la
sebab depa ni jaga brand depa..
brands kita jap je hilang lah

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Post time 13-5-2016 12:15 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Tashu replied at 12-5-2016 10:21 PM
Evening mama ite

bila masa meols jadik mama uols nih meksha..
meols anak kucen pun tak berani bela...

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Post time 13-5-2016 08:36 AM | Show all posts


walaikumsalam zura :)  Post time 13-5-2016 10:09 AM



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Post time 13-5-2016 08:41 AM | Show all posts


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Post time 13-5-2016 08:51 AM | Show all posts
amiraira replied at 11-5-2016 12:01 PM
tu la jalan yg terbaik kan

ya mira...


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Post time 13-5-2016 08:53 AM | Show all posts


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Post time 13-5-2016 08:57 AM | Show all posts
Tashu replied at 12-5-2016 10:18 PM
Semata2 nk cari nasi tumpang eh?

opkos la sopping & jalan2...
rugi wooo turun jauh2... mau smua kedai mkn femes tata masuk hehe...

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Post time 13-5-2016 08:58 AM | Show all posts
Tashu replied at 12-5-2016 10:20 PM
So sendiri kira la jam keje n pandai2 cukupkan sdri...jujur dgn diri sendiri n opis  

Harus l ...

tau takpe... tapi kalau nak jadi hal..
boss boleh check dgn admin tgk pagi2 first swipe pk bape.. huhu...

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