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Author: sam1528

Untuk Mat Slow : When Atheists are Angry at God

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 Author| Post time 14-8-2016 02:51 PM | Show all posts
kemaruk replied at 14-8-2016 02:46 PM
dan2 majlis ulama sedunia pulak..

ada ke majlis mufti sedunia (kalau wujud) cakap teori bigbang ...

LOL , tak cakap doesn't mean tak iktiraf atau tak ada.

You are talking cock.

Mana dia fatwa majlis mufti sedunia atau majlis ulamak sedunia yg kata sun revolves around earth?

Tafsir apa yg ko bebl pasal tak ada dlm Quran mengatakan sun revolves around earth

Ko ni dah mereng ke?


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 Author| Post time 14-8-2016 02:53 PM | Show all posts
kemaruk replied at 14-8-2016 02:48 PM
eh fatwa tu dik.. fatwa.. tau tak apa tu fatwa?

jangan dilawan dik.. adik ni sape nak lawan fat ...

Explain kat aku apa tu fatwa and pasal apa ko mati2 kata kononnya fatwa mufti saudi tu binding on muslims

Tak usah ko nak membebel bagai berk kena belacan

The ball is in your court .... jangan lari ye


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Post time 14-8-2016 02:55 PM | Show all posts
sam1528 replied at 14-8-2016 02:46 PM
LOL , kalo aku pakai sahih international pon apa problem dia?

At least I am smart enough to kno ...

cherry picking..

macam bangkem kata awal2 tadi, asalnya memang tulang sulbi bermaksud backbone.. 1400 tahun dulu macam ni la pemahamannya.. sulbi = backbone, taraib = ribs..

tapi setelah dunia perubatan bertambah maju, maka barulah saintis tahu yang semen bukannya berasal antara ribs dan backbone.. maka diubah translasinya oleh saintis islam jadi sulbi = loins.. nak cover malu je

sama macam surah Al zalzalah pasal perkataan "KHARDAL".. zaman dulu translasinya ialah "biji sawi".. tapi lepas saintis jumpa zarah, maka translasi diubah jadi "sebesar zarah".. nanti bila saintis jumpa benda yang lebih kecil, maka translasinya akan diubah lagi mungkin sebesar quark, sebesar string.. wallahualam

MUHSIN KHANProceeding from between the back-bone and the ribs,
YUSUF ALIProceeding from between the backbone and the ribs:
SAHIH INTERNATIONALEmerging from between the backbone and the ribs.


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Post time 14-8-2016 02:57 PM | Show all posts
sam1528 replied at 14-8-2016 02:49 PM
You pinpoint to me mana tafsiran tersebut kata bumi & langit dicipta sebelum big bang. Tafsiran te ...

jangan nak keling.. bila masa bangkem kata bumi dan langit dicipta sebelum bigbang??

bangkem kata, dalam AQ sebut BUMI DICIPTA DULU SEBELUM LANGIT

ini bercanggah dengan teori big bang, teori big bang kata LANGIT DICIPTA DULU SEBELUM BUMI

jangan nak keling sangat dik.. dah nampak dah kan kesalahan dalam ayat AQ


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Post time 14-8-2016 02:59 PM | Show all posts
sam1528 replied at 14-8-2016 02:51 PM
LOL , tak cakap doesn't mean tak iktiraf atau tak ada.

You are talking cock.

kalau tak diiktiraf oleh majlis ulama sedunia, tak bermaksud takde dik.. sama je logik nya camtu..
tapi yang pasti, majlis fatwa arab saudi dah bagi fatwa matahari kelilingi bumi.. jangan nak keling2 lagi dik.. itu kenyataan

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Post time 14-8-2016 03:00 PM | Show all posts
sam1528 replied at 14-8-2016 02:53 PM
Explain kat aku apa tu fatwa and pasal apa ko mati2 kata kononnya fatwa mufti saudi tu binding on  ...

kalau adik taknak ikut fatwa takpe.. fatwa ni untuk orang islam je.. kapir dan atheist macam kita ni tak perlu ikut pon..

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 Author| Post time 14-8-2016 03:08 PM | Show all posts
kemaruk replied at 14-8-2016 02:40 PM
selective translation?? alamak, padahal adik sendiri bagi translation SAHIH INTERNATIONAL kat post ...

LOL , ko dah terkincit , dah mula buat kenyataan bodoh
yang buat selective translation adalah adik sendiri.. malu la dik.. malu leeee

macam ni la dik.. sulbi tu pada asalnya memang backbone.. tapi diubah jadi loins ka apa ka lepas pakar sains islam dapat jumpa kesalahan dalam tu dik..

Mana dia dokumen otoriti yg kata sulb dulunya makna backbone tapi dgn penemuan sains , ia ditukar ke loins?

Aku gunakan rujukkan yg ada authority on teh language manakala ko hanya berak melalui mulut ko aje.

Nak mula nak temberang lah tu pasal nak lari

You are just compounding your problems.


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Post time 14-8-2016 03:12 PM | Show all posts
sam1528 replied at 14-8-2016 03:08 PM
LOL , ko dah terkincit , dah mula buat kenyataan bodoh

Mana dia dokumen otoriti yg kata sulb du ...

jangan salahkan bangkem.. salahkan tukang terjemah zaman2 dulu..

dan salahkan tukang2 terjemah yang masih guna terjemahan lama sulbi = backbone.. jangan salahkan dorang, dorang tak tahu tentang sains..

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 Author| Post time 14-8-2016 03:14 PM | Show all posts
kemaruk replied at 14-8-2016 02:55 PM
cherry picking..

macam bangkem kata awal2 tadi, asalnya memang tulang sulbi bermaksud backbone ...

LOL , ko tak ada apa2 rujukkan yg ada authority on the arabic language. Rujukkan aku adalah Lane Lexicon , a known authority of the arabic language.

The cherry picking of the translation is only done by you. Translation yg aku guna termasuk translation by non muslims. Ko ada apa?

Ha ha , mana dia dokumen yg sahkan apa ko klaim :
macam bangkem kata awal2 tadi, asalnya memang tulang sulbi bermaksud backbone.. 1400 tahun dulu macam ni la pemahamannya.. sulbi = backbone, taraib = ribs..

tapi setelah dunia perubatan bertambah maju, maka barulah saintis tahu yang semen bukannya berasal antara ribs dan backbone.. maka diubah translasinya oleh saintis islam jadi sulbi = loins.. nak cover malu je

Ha ha , you are just arguing from your wet dreams. Tak usah nak deflect the issue pada surah al zalazah. We are talking about sulb nothing else.

Mana dia rujukkan authority ko yg konfom sulb adalah backbone pada ayat tersebut. You have nothing except membebel bagaikan org mereng

Bukti & rujukkan bukan bebel bagai org hilang akal ...... ko dah kena ..... dah masuk perangkap


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 Author| Post time 14-8-2016 03:16 PM | Show all posts
kemaruk replied at 14-8-2016 02:57 PM
jangan nak keling.. bila masa bangkem kata bumi dan langit dicipta sebelum bigbang??

bangkem ka ...

Ha ha , we are not talking about langit dulu ke atau bumi dulu.

Its nothing but diversionary tactics by you. Aku nak tau skg apa pendapat ko ttg big bang dlm Quran. Ada atau tak ada? Stick to the topic on hand

Ko dah start nak pusing cakap & bawak masuk issue lain.

Kita habiskan isu ini dulu. Jgn nak lari


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 Author| Post time 14-8-2016 03:20 PM | Show all posts
kemaruk replied at 14-8-2016 02:59 PM
kalau tak diiktiraf oleh majlis ulama sedunia, tak bermaksud takde dik.. sama je logik nya camtu.. ...

Arguing from silence is not an argument.

Mana dia fatwa majlis mufti / ulamak sedunia yg konfom sun revolves around the earth? Ada atau tak ada. Kalo tak ada pasal apa ko dok bebel ttg fatwa?

Ko jugak bebel ttg tafsiran. Mana dia ayat Quran yg kata sun revolves around earth? Kalo ayat tak da , nak tafsir apa?

Ha ha , awat hang bengap sgt? Tetiba nak paksa pasal ada video MEMRI


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Post time 14-8-2016 03:21 PM | Show all posts
sam1528 replied at 14-8-2016 03:14 PM
LOL , ko tak ada apa2 rujukkan yg ada authority on the arabic language. Rujukkan aku adalah Lane L ...

lane lexicon tu wujud bila dik?? dah tentulah translation tu dah dipengaruhi oleh penemuan terkini pasal semen ni dik..

sebab tu la bangkem kata, awal2 dah diubah maksud sulbi jadi loins

tengok la apa pandangan ulama2 islam sejak dulu lagi. .sentiasa bercanggah untuk tentukan apa itu sulbi, apa itu taraib..

  • Drs. Maurice Bucaille and A.K. Giraud: Sulb and tara’ib refer to the sexual areas of the man and woman.
  • Ahmed A. Abd-Allah: Accepts and extends Bucaille’s assumption, and claims that all the acknowledged translations and tafsirs are in error, as sulb and tara’ib does not refer to a man’s backbone and ribs, but to the man’s “hardening” (i.e. penis) and a woman’s erogenous zones (not including the vagina).
  • Dr. Zakir Naik: Sulb and tara’ib refers to the backbone and ribs of both sexes, however the verses refer only to the gonads in the embryonic stage, and not to adults in the act of sexual reproduction.
  • Dr. Jamal Badawi: The verses refer not to semen production but to the blood of the aorta as the ‘gushing fluid poured forth’.
  • Tafsir Ibn Kathir: Sulb refers to the man’s backbone, and tara’ib refers to the woman’s chest.
    • Tafsir al-Jalalayn - issuing from between the loins, of the man, and the breast-bones, of the woman.
    • Tanwîr al-Miqbas min Tafsîr Ibn ‘Abbas- (That issued from between the loins) of a man (and ribs) the ribs of a woman.
  • Muhammad Asad: Sulb refers to the man’s loins and tara’ib refers to the woman’s pelvic arch.
  • Moiz Amjad makes three claims; a) Sulb and tara’ib refers to the blood supply of the testes emanating from between the man’s back and ribs, b) The embryonic gonads originate in the area as per Dr Zakir Naik, and c) The sulb and tara’ib region is a euphemism for the male sexual organ.
  • Yusuf Ali: Backbone is a symbol of man's strength. Man's seed is a metaphor which flows between the backbone and the ribs.


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 Author| Post time 14-8-2016 03:22 PM | Show all posts
kemaruk replied at 14-8-2016 03:00 PM
kalau adik taknak ikut fatwa takpe.. fatwa ni untuk orang islam je.. kapir dan atheist macam kita  ...

Bzzzzt!! Out of topic.

Aku tanya ko apa definisi fatwa & pasal apa ko mati2 klaim kononnya fatwa mufti saudi tu (as shown by MEMRI) adalah binding on muslims?

Pasal apa ko cuba sedaya upaya tukar topic ..... nak lari ye? Ha ha .... ko dah kantoi

Haaa .... cakap besar lagi .... buat gah lagi lah


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Post time 14-8-2016 03:24 PM | Show all posts
sam1528 replied at 14-8-2016 03:20 PM
Arguing from silence is not an argument.

Mana dia fatwa majlis mufti / ulamak sedunia yg konfom ...

ye memang takde pon dari majlis ulama sedunia..
tapi fatwa tu ada pada majlis fatwa arab saudi..

see?? arab saudi tuuuu.. mufti tu pon bukan calang2 tauuuuu..

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 Author| Post time 14-8-2016 03:25 PM | Show all posts
kemaruk replied at 14-8-2016 03:12 PM
jangan salahkan bangkem.. salahkan tukang terjemah zaman2 dulu..

dan salahkan tukang2 terjemah  ...

Ha ha , too bad .... the blame is on you

Ko tak tau apa yg ko cakap. Ikut ko Islam dah salah pasal issue sulb ni. Argumen ko , Quran dah cacat

Skg ko dah terkincit

Mana rujukkan authority ko yg kata sulb pada ayat tersebut adalah backbone? Ha ha .... you trying to pull it from your ass or what? LOL


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Post time 14-8-2016 03:27 PM | Show all posts
sam1528 replied at 14-8-2016 03:22 PM
Bzzzzt!! Out of topic.

Aku tanya ko apa definisi fatwa & pasal apa ko mati2 klaim kononnya fatw ...

ye memang fatwa tu dari mufti arab saudi pon..

1.   Apa itu Fatwa ?         

Definisi Fatwa ( Bahasa ) Pada bahasa , ia diambil daripada afta – ifta'an yang memberi maksud menjelas dan menghuraikan hukum permasalahan .

Definisi Fatwa ( Istilah ) Pada istilahnya pula , fatwa mempunyai pelbagai definisi antaranya :  -  Fatwa adalah sebagai jawapan yang dibuat oleh Mufti pada perkara yang berlaku apabila diajukan soalan kepadanya .   - Fatwa ialah mengkhabarkan hukum Allah SWT sama ada pada yang mesti atau harus.


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Post time 14-8-2016 03:29 PM | Show all posts
sam1528 replied at 14-8-2016 03:25 PM
Ha ha , too bad .... the blame is on you

Ko tak tau apa yg ko cakap. Ikut ko Islam dah salah p ...

memang cacat pon.. sulbi = backbone..
selama beratus tahun umat islam percaya sulbi = backbone

tapi setelah saintis islam dapat tahu asal sebenar semen, baru makna sulbi diubah jadi loins untuk selarikan dengan penemuan sains


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 Author| Post time 14-8-2016 03:30 PM | Show all posts
kemaruk replied at 14-8-2016 03:21 PM
lane lexicon tu wujud bila dik?? dah tentulah translation tu dah dipengaruhi oleh penemuan terkini ...

Ha ha , ko bukan bagi rujukkan yg ada authority.

Kebanyakan atau semua setuju dgn hujah aku , sulb pada ayat tersebut adalah loins.

Ini bermakna ko dah kantoi. You are backtracking now. Mana dia dokuman yg kata dulu2 sulb adalah backbone tapi sekarang adalah loins.

Pulling another one from your ass I see.

Muslim bagi fakta , kapiaq hanya auta

Come on , I am waiting for your bukti & rujukkan ..... sampai kiamat ko tak akan jumpa

Ni lah dia ko cari rujukkan pada faith freedom lah , answering islam lah ..... sekarang ko dah kena

Kan ko dah malu


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 Author| Post time 14-8-2016 03:34 PM | Show all posts
kemaruk replied at 14-8-2016 03:24 PM
ye memang takde pon dari majlis ulama sedunia..
tapi fatwa tu ada pada majlis fatwa arab saudi..

Ha ha , kalo ko dah mengaku tak ada , ko sibuk pasal fatwa pasal apa?

Worst still kalo mufti tersebut sebahagian dari majlis mufti/ulamak sedunia , isu ni tak keluar. Ini bermakna
- ia tak diketengahkan
- ia direject

Macaman yg ko mati2 klaim wajib ikut ... ha ha fatwa dari video MEMRI

Ini betul2 kebodohan dari ko. You are out of your depth


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Post time 14-8-2016 03:35 PM | Show all posts
sam1528 replied at 14-8-2016 03:30 PM
Ha ha , ko bukan bagi rujukkan yg ada authority.

Kebanyakan atau semua setuju dgn hujah aku , s ...

macam ni la dik.. kalau sulbi tu memang translasinya dari dulu lagi adalah loins, takkan la para ilmuan islam bercanggah pendapat tentang maksud sebenar sulbi dan taraib ni dik.. ulama tafsir lama dulu berkeras yang sulbi = backbone..

tapi akhirnya mereka sepakat yang sulbi ini = loins, kerana nak selarikan dengan penemuan sains

Drs. Maurice Bucaille and A.K. Giraud: Sulb and tara’ib refer to the sexual areas of the man and woman.

Ahmed A. Abd-Allah: Accepts and extends Bucaille’s assumption, and claims that all the acknowledged translations and tafsirs are in error, as sulb and tara’ib does not refer to a man’s backbone and ribs, but to the man’s “hardening” (i.e. penis) and a woman’s erogenous zones (not including the vagina).

Dr. Zakir Naik: Sulb and tara’ib refers to the backbone and ribs of both sexes, however the verses refer only to the gonads in the embryonic stage, and not to adults in the act of sexual reproduction.

Dr. Jamal Badawi: The verses refer not to semen production but to the blood of the aorta as the ‘gushing fluid poured forth’.

Tafsir Ibn Kathir: Sulb refers to the man’s backbone, and tara’ib refers to the woman’s chest.

Tafsir al-Jalalayn - issuing from between the loins, of the man, and the breast-bones, of the woman.

Tanwîr al-Miqbas min Tafsîr Ibn ‘Abbas- (That issued from between the loins) of a man (and ribs) the ribs of a woman.

Muhammad Asad: Sulb refers to the man’s loins and tara’ib refers to the woman’s pelvic arch.

Moiz Amjad makes three claims; a) Sulb and tara’ib refers to the blood supply of the testes emanating from between the man’s back and ribs, b) The embryonic gonads originate in the area as per Dr Zakir Naik, and c) The sulb and tara’ib region is a euphemism for the male sexual organ.

Yusuf Ali: Backbone is a symbol of man's strength. Man's seed is a metaphor which flows between the backbone and the ribs.


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