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Author: Truth.8

My health and energy improved using herbs mentioned in Veda

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Post time 14-11-2016 01:10 PM | Show all posts
by Snake.8

...remember jews and Bible reading peoples invented light,telephone and etc....

Correction. It was people who FED UP reading the Bible after 500 YEARS in dark ages who invented lights, telephone etc - right after they came to India and China and find out that people there didn't read the Bible BUT was able to live a dignified manner.

Most of the Bible-reading folks nowadays are busy stealing money from other fools who busy giving it to church and priests so they could get a quick route to Heaven - just like they did hundreds of years ago,. No surprises there.

As for Jews, I'm quite sure the Holocaust - orchestrated by the Nazis and supported by the Roman Church - will make them think "highly" of Bible-reading people.

So God provide balance to all.......regardless their faith and background...because Divine is ONE...

Which One? The one who drown thousands of people for being born Nephilim (unification of human female and angelic beings)?

One who RAPED a young woman, give her a child and then not bothered about it for the rest of his (Jesus) natural life?

The One who condemned the Jews for thousand years of persecution and suffering for not accepting Jesus (which himself didn't bother) and finally allowed the Holocaust to occur?

The One who choose a self-centered, arrogant and pathetic (like you) an Arab who created his own political system called Islam?

The One who allowed these Muslims to spread Peace by raping, pillaging and chopping people up for not believing in some arsehole named Muhammad?

Tell me ... Which One? Hindus and Buddhists knows which is God and which is not. The bible and the Al quran was never Words of God. It is the work of the Devil and you worship it. That is the truth.

the hindus concept of creating  deity from soiland clay …giving liife by puja and mantra…it alive..

And which Vedas told you that?

Is not jealous but corrupted elements…Nimrod  generations need to be confused their language than  his kingdom fall…

No, your god was so jealous that humans (like Nimrod) have become famous and mighty in eyes of his People. So your jealous god choose to use sorcery on the People and scatter them toward the four corners.

Tell me something ... IF your god is so powerful, why didn't he just struck Nimrod down to show his powers to the People who could worship your god who then could be seen as definitely stronger than Nimrod? Perhaps your god is not as strong as he was (in comparison to Nimrod).  Afterall, we are speaking of a god who struck down ALL the first born child in Egypt because he cannot do anything to the Pharaoh. What a great and merciful god you have.

its   beyond the limit the  entire universe that’s is my ego…

Thank you for admitting the size of your ego.

PS : Please go and see a doctor. Ask him or her to give you a medical check up and check for Cancer. I have got this "feeling" that there is something in your chest.

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 Author| Post time 14-11-2016 01:37 PM | Show all posts
Edited by Truth.8 at 14-11-2016 03:04 PM

if nothing much to contribute in my thread , please get lost ....thank u
this thread for spiritual peoples not ganja smoking peoples like u...

...and please come back if u have guts to answer Yes or No
can you please provide YES or NO for the vengeful spirits to visit you??? kindly pick the followings durations u need the spirits to play with u...thanks

1 day
1 weeks
1 month
1 year
or life time

Thank u


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 Author| Post time 14-11-2016 03:06 PM | Show all posts
I would like to inform readers here, if anyone able find the name of the herbs I am talking about, please do not post here.  please read my thread  the reason for my request....Thank you..have a nice day...

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Post time 14-11-2016 03:10 PM | Show all posts
by Snake.8

this thread for spiritual peoples ...

Spiritual my arse. You are talking about your sinus and some herb (which you don't want to mention). How is that Spiritual in anyway???

...and please come back if u have guts to answer Yes or No

Vengeful spirit? What vengeful spirit ... oh yeah. You speaking of your god, right? That jealous and vengeful god that kills little children and used sorcery on Nimrod's people. Sorry to say this but that piece of crap don't have balls. It cannot do crap against me but if you want to retired to an early grave, go ahead. I choose YES. Send it over and I will teach it what Wrath of God means.

I allow you to choose whatever time and place you like. It is your funeral anyway.

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 Author| Post time 16-11-2016 11:44 AM | Show all posts
Edited by Truth.8 at 16-11-2016 11:53 AM

since you not contributing any postiive talk hence me not going entertain ..    the spell will be done 29/11/16  dark moon..
1 day or how many  days u want the spirit tobe  around u??
Thank  u


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 Author| Post time 16-11-2016 11:48 AM | Show all posts
Edited by Truth.8 at 16-11-2016 11:50 AM

hmm i beings to smell hindusim now getting up ..would says whites and muslims coming back to their ancestors faith.....this how i feel
me? I still practised my faith as christian but not   rejecting   hindusim as I believed      same divine..   

Before 7000 BC, India ruled the whole world.

The Vedas were written in Sanskrit in 5000 BC,  but the oral ( sruti ) route is rooted in antiquity. To the credit of Hinduism we have brought the ancient religion to the year 2013,  despite 800 years of slavery to the Muslims and Christians. Muslims converted Hindus by sword. The white Christian man converted Hindus by immoral sops.  Hinduism , instead of dying out is now picking up steam, all over the planet. ... rasimha-oldest.html

hopeful we see good hindus not those kaki belit-kaki bottel all negative done the hindus      untill many good hindus need to convert to other faith..i mean if hindus behave and show good example as their holy scriptures , I dont see why hindus need to convert....


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Post time 16-11-2016 01:13 PM | Show all posts
Truth.8 replied at 16-11-2016 11:44 AM
since you not contributing any postiive talk hence me not going entertain ..    the spell will be  ...

I will leave everything to your likings. After all, it is your funeral.

Your action on rely on Black Magic and foul spirits is like throwing a match onto the Sun.

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 Author| Post time 16-11-2016 03:29 PM | Show all posts
Edited by Truth.8 at 16-11-2016 03:31 PM
Sephiroth replied at 16-11-2016 01:13 PM
I will leave everything to your likings. After all, it is your funeral.

Your action o ...

Thanks for the answer 'YES". how many days /or duration:
1 day
1 weeks
1 month
1 year
life time

please choose ...will act on the spell soon ...
do not worry, no dead spell....because   God will decide ...of course I can perform dead spell only situation like hilter ..
The spirits will put you in restless-nightmare and etc

Your action on rely on Black Magic and foul spirits is like throwing a match onto the Sun.

btw, is not black just magick teach peoples to behave etc...
if you choose 1 month, you be missing here 1 month
waiting for your reply


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Post time 16-11-2016 05:08 PM | Show all posts
by Snake.8

please choose ...will act on the spell soon ...

Choose yourself. I will have no part in your black magic conjuration.  

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 Author| Post time 17-11-2016 01:14 PM | Show all posts

Pls note this magick is for you..hence you should choose not me..
if you have guts choose the durations /or day..
if not , I consider you coward

thank u


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 Author| Post time 18-11-2016 12:27 PM | Show all posts
Edited by Truth.8 at 18-11-2016 12:38 PM

Why does Hinduism have so many Gods?
Hindus all believe in one Supreme God who created the universe. He is all-pervasive. He created many Gods, highly advanced spiritual beings, to be His helpers.

Here is the link ... tem.php?itemid=1327

I think maybe during ancient time, many hindus could not read...hence they need tools to educate the supreme Beings who manifest in many form   ...

One example is     Ganesha look people might  wonder  why this elephant god ....

Me too think  why   elelphant         god...what is purpose??many born hindus failed to understand the meaning of   Ganesha symbolism...rather they believed Shiva and Paravti first son ....there is story why elephant head....u can google it...

if one study in deep and the meaning, than one do not need elephant god idol to worship rather we can follow the meaning as symbol below:

Clikc the image to enlarge


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 Author| Post time 18-11-2016 02:10 PM | Show all posts
Edited by Truth.8 at 18-11-2016 02:13 PM

nice talk about Vedas


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 Author| Post time 23-11-2016 11:08 AM | Show all posts
Edited by Truth.8 at 23-11-2016 11:14 AM

even my spritiually believed in Bible and Christ...i do respect  hindiusm
Why i wrote such???

God Is Not a Christian, Nor a Jew, Muslim, Hindu...

God Dwells with Us, in Us, Around Us, as Us
What is God? Where is God? Who is the one true God? Questions such as these have driven a thousand human struggles, through war, terrorism, and oppression. Humanity has responded by branching off into multiple religions, including Christianity, Judaism, Islam—each one pitted against the other. But it doesn’t have to be that way.

In this thread I have written about Nimrod , languages and  GOD energy manifest  throughout the earth

God          teaches    to Rishi /swami in India  same goes to Jerusalem ......God teaches different subject in each ethnic......

One need to understand HIS energy manifestion....= ONE GOD ...if devotee think GOD is female so does HE, if divotee think lotus...yes HE is lotus ....GOD manifest all form to his devotees.....but devotees need to be very spiritual -faith-discipline if one need to be with GOD...we have HIS DNA in us...


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 Author| Post time 24-11-2016 02:10 PM | Show all posts
Edited by Truth.8 at 24-11-2016 02:21 PM

When you pray and give thanks, something is transformed within you, and you operate on a higher  plane.

You make contact with the DIVINE ENERGY, and you receive help from the light.



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Post time 25-11-2016 06:19 AM | Show all posts


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 Author| Post time 27-11-2016 01:33 PM | Show all posts
Edited by Truth.8 at 28-11-2016 10:00 AM

For wound care, the leaves of the plant are said to provide a healing poultice. In addition, the roots have antifungal and antibacterial properties—good for warding off infection.

The benefits of  (not telling the name) are many; in addition to promoting fertility, aiding in wound care, and boosting the immune system, some other benefits are:

    Sleep aid
    Pain relief
    Eye health
    Heart tonic
    Lowers cholesterol
    Regulates blood sugar
    Reduces depression and anxiety
    Combats stress
    Fights cognitive decline due to brain cell degeneration

How does one plant do all this? Observing the health benefits of thyme and health benefits of ginger – two other gifts from nature – it is easy to see how natural foods offer so much. On the note of the health benefits of a(not   telling the name) , scientists aren’t quite sure what gives the plant it’s powerful punch, but they know the benefits are there. The plant is even labeled a “adaptogen”; this means (not telling the name) adapts to fit certain health needs within the body—it finds what’s wrong and attempts to fix it. Other studies indicate it derives many of its benefits from antioxidant properties. But even without knowing the “how” of (not telling the name)  benefits, we know it works, and has been working for centuries.

Hindus believed in Dosha...many herbs in india has dosha . what is dosha:

  • It helps to balance the Vata (Air)
  • It helps to balance the Pitta (Fire)
  • It helps to balance the Kapha (Water)
  • It helps to balance all three Doshas


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 Author| Post time 30-11-2016 01:21 PM | Show all posts
Edited by Truth.8 at 30-11-2016 01:34 PM

there another herbs which mentioned in vedas....(not telling the name)...kind black thick resin which can be obtained in Himalaya......benefits  countless .....
I just order it....should be receiving it soon ...

So, how could Vedas that given to Rishi is from pagan God??? Muslims and Christian view hindusim being devil /or satan....but this not true....

I would urge peoples  to  do    research and study on vedas and others hindu holy books...I could not find any kind herbs for the benefits for humans in Bible nor all in Vedas...
Please open the mind and be positive ........

of course i purchase powder form yesterday but the resin form is much for the powder form..yes i can see my engery level going like motor boat.......but i believed the original resin do better....too bad the resin not sold here in malaysia but only powder form...

here is the benefits from internet:

Encourages Healthy Aging. Studies report (not telling the name)  antioxidant activity protects against cellular damage, and it's this cellular damage that speeds the aging process in your heart, lungs, liver, and skin. The fulvic acid in (not telling the name)  delivers antioxidants and minerals directly to cells where they're needed.......


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 Author| Post time 1-12-2016 05:34 PM | Show all posts
Edited by Truth.8 at 1-12-2016 07:15 PM

this afternoon I was checking my fb...than i read :
I had done #sinussurgery today.Thank you to Dr Jenny Loh Chen Nee for taking such good care of me ! I can't wait to feel better,breath better and look better too thanks again .link :

Sinus effecting world wide include malaysia. this kind problem was not serious during 70's-90's...towards  get worst due to pollution and  immigrants from poor country : Bangladesh, India indonesia , myanmar are  high risk bringing  sickness and diseases to this country ......if one have good immune system than they  are safe  if not it  leads sickness n  diseases ...

as i was suffering sinus for 3 come and go ...but this year was worst ...i could not  sleep , wakeup in middle of morning ....spray nostril lotion ....on top of that, bad breath, mucus, headache in morning, snezzing  etc

i was about giving up all and wanted to go for surgery advise me the surgery only temporary  measure because the virus  wont die...but after the surgery  can breath well but it only temporary .....

Thanks to Vedas and I recovered 98% .....without surgery....I am lucky  GOD shown me the vedas......Thank you Divine-Vedas -Rishi....

Why GOD  shown me ? I dont know...maybe love to GOD....if one has full of devotion and love towards Supreme ...nothing is impossible....why need to visit doctor taking all those side effect medication...when Vedas has the to peoples there regardless what faith u are....respect other faith ....every faith  has good element but it is humans are corrupted not GOD words...

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 Author| Post time 3-12-2016 12:49 PM | Show all posts
Edited by Truth.8 at 4-12-2016 09:31 PM

I have highlight in this thread the water in this country not safe......hence I boil it and put some leafs
.....The  leafs is kind holy to hindus and mentioned in Vedas....benefits of this leafs is numerous....for the sake of humans life, i will tell the name of the plant know as tulasi or holy basil.....i put few leafs  in my water pot which made of clay....i believed clay pot is better than the commerical one made of plastic and   metal...and the water taste natural sweet....there little mantra I read to know whether the water is clean or unclean....the tools will indicate by moving  clockwise if clean and unclean if anti clockwise....what  tool i use ? kind tool from plant as well...

here is the video info about    water in malaysia

p/s : give thanks to Divine when putting tulasi in the water pot


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 Author| Post time 4-12-2016 09:28 PM | Show all posts
Today news : metro ahad 4/12/16

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