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Author: crossfire

[Tempatan] RUU 355: MAZA- Muslims don’t need this right now’

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Post time 20-2-2017 01:08 PM | Show all posts
Apa yang hudud boleh bagi pada negara Malaysia? Apa yang lobai sengal boleh bagi pada negara Malaysia?  

Hudud tak habis habis.

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Post time 20-2-2017 01:10 PM | Show all posts
Nak tau macamana otak lobai punya sengal?

Kalau hudud dijalankan di Malaysia jenayah takan berlaku lagi,  memang sengal!

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Post time 20-2-2017 01:15 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Tibe2 naik pulak ustaz2 liberal, kene tanye kak asiah jalil tudung labuh pulak,katenye suami join perhimpunan ruu kat pdg merbok,sheols dok berguling2 atas katil kat rumah,boleh pulak korang satu bumbung

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Post time 20-2-2017 01:19 PM | Show all posts
finesse replied at 20-2-2017 10:26 AM
Dr Maza ni kapir ke?
Pendapat peribadi aku sebijik macam dr maza punya. siapa sangka..

confirmla ko bukan islam. ok noted with thanks

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Post time 20-2-2017 01:22 PM | Show all posts
AbukRokok replied at 20-2-2017 10:31 AM
maza ni penyokong ahok
klu ikut otak PAS Perok

kalo ikot fanatik PAS, dr Maza ni menentang perintah Allah


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Post time 20-2-2017 01:23 PM | Show all posts
keh keh keh

teringat wa zaman Muhammad s.a.w di Mekah..semasa mula-mula penyeberan Islam..tatau la kalau wa salah baca,
tapi Muhammad tak bising pasal pemerintah yang zalim masa tu...
Muhammad tak bunyi pasal kemiskinan rakyat...

Muhammad cerita pasal Tauhid..Adab
Dah elok adab dan berpegang pada tauhid..
semua yang lain akan  datang sendiri..

betulkan akhlak dulu, betulkan iktikad dulu...
yang lain akan terbentuk dari situ...

bodoh sungguh ini wahabi...

keh keh keh


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Post time 20-2-2017 01:40 PM | Show all posts
“There are many other issues that we should be looking into, such as the issue of good governance, the environment and corruption. We should also be looking at issues that help women, such as expediting divorce cases, because there are a number of cases where women in the midst of getting a divorce are left hanging for years without their cases being resolved. I think all these matters should be sorted out first otherwise people will feel that Islam is unjust to women.

Ada beza orang ada otak dgn orang ada akal...

Benda yang jelas, taknak selesaikan.

Benda yg penuh keraguan, itu yg nak dibuat dgn tanggapan benda itu akan menyelesaikan semua masalah di dunia.

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Post time 20-2-2017 03:00 PM | Show all posts

alhamdulillah dapat minggu ini...kamu bila lagi? tak layak ya? kasian bawah umur lagi?? 18PL lagi kamu...

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Post time 20-2-2017 03:02 PM | Show all posts
Simunggu replied at 20-2-2017 03:00 PM
alhamdulillah dapat minggu ini...kamu bila lagi? tak layak ya? kasian bawah umur lagi?? 18PL lagi  ...

buat masa ni x terbuka pun hati nak mohon...sbb mampu + tu rezeki orang lain

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Post time 20-2-2017 08:18 PM | Show all posts
finesse replied at 20-2-2017 10:26 AM
Dr Maza ni kapir ke?
Pendapat peribadi aku sebijik macam dr maza punya. siapa sangka..

lu kafir laknat cam  @spiderman80   & aku ke?  

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Post time 20-2-2017 08:38 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
al-masihi replied at 20-2-2017 08:18 PM
lu kafir laknat cam  @spiderman80   & aku ke?

Ye kot.. dah ada komen yg mengiakan kat atas tu..  

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Post time 20-2-2017 08:50 PM | Show all posts
finesse replied at 20-2-2017 08:38 PM
Ye kot.. dah ada komen yg mengiakan kat atas tu..

mati laa kau....... bakal tungku neraka.........  

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Post time 20-2-2017 08:51 PM | Show all posts
al-masihi replied at 20-2-2017 08:18 PM
lu kafir laknat cam  @spiderman80   & aku ke?

Eh Acong.....tetiba nama Spidey dipanggil.

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Post time 20-2-2017 08:53 PM | Show all posts
spiderman80 replied at 20-2-2017 08:51 PM
Eh Acong.....tetiba nama Spidey dipanggil.

jangan risau........ tuhan Odin akan menyelamatkan ko   

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Post time 20-2-2017 08:56 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Nampaknya lobai Pis dah berjaya mengumpul sokongan merhain meleise untuk menegakkan isle.  Lobai Pis tak kata nak terus buat kan? Lobai nak tunjuk komitmen ja.  Tu pun lobai pandap dah menggelupor
Apakata lobai pandap cari isu lepastu buat demo pulak?

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Post time 20-2-2017 09:01 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
aku masih x dpt hadam berhimpun ruu355 ni..kan geng umno dh kautim dgn pas..kautim sikit lagi sampai dpt majoriti..luluskan ajela kat parlimen..apa yg payah sgt sampai nk berhimpun ni..undang2 gst dulu x payah berhimpun sokong elok je lulus..

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Post time 20-2-2017 09:54 PM | Show all posts
I am a proud Muslim but I don’t support Hadi’s BillBy Contributor

Last Updated 19th February, 2017, 10:34 PM

It’s concerning that a victimless moral mistake is punished heavier than those who steal, rape and take bribery


By Syed Saddiq

Islam is a religion of peace.  A religion of moderation.  A religion for humanity.  I am a proud Muslim. I am a proud Muslim due to the underlying principles of Islam which I believe are in line with universal values of humanity.

Humanity which encompasses all religions, races and ideological beliefs. I will hold on to that belief until the day I die.

I have been told not to speak on this issue as it is “unpopular” and “unstrategic”.

At times, when a nation is at a crossroads, being unstrategic and unpopular is necessary to preserve the moral fabric of our beloved nation.

I beg you to think of this newly proposed amendment critically and fairly. Put the labellings aside and think of our beloved nation.

Where is the justice when a serial rapist is seen to be less of a criminal than an innocent Malay-Muslim who consensually engages in khalwat or drinking alcohol?

Selva Kumar Subbiah served 24 years in prison for raping and sexually abusing countless of women. A Muslim caught committing khalwat/drinking alcohol may be imprisoned up to 30 years/caned 100 times/fined RM100,000.

Is rape less of a serious offence than a moral mistake? It’s concerning that a victimless moral mistake is punished heavier than those who steal, rape and take bribery.

Where is the justice when the vast majority of the Muslim elite can escape punishment but the lowest rungs of society get punished?

Khalwat raids primarily take place at 1 or 2 star hotels, never at Hilton or Sheraton.

Those who drink alcohol in the comfort of their bungalows will be shielded from prosecution while those who get caught sneaking a sip at a bar will be prosecuted.

Those who are well-connected can escape the religious raids while those less connected will lose their livelihoods.  Where is the justice?

Where is the justice when young and innocent Malay-Muslims will be the primary victims of the disproportionate punishment of this law?

Young people are bound to make mistakes in life. An increase in punishment won’t deter them from committing a moral offence.

Social stigma and criminal record

RUU355 has been amended three times since 1964, yet we don’t see a decrease in offence, but an increase.

With the punishment reaching 30 years imprisonment/100,000 fine/being caned 100 times, a mistake committed when one was young could potentially cripple the future of this Malay-Muslim forever.

I don’t like racialising the victims of this law but the reality is that the vast majority of current moral offenders are Malay Muslims.

Just imagine what would happen to the future of the Malay-Muslims when a sizable number of them are imprisoned for years and have a criminal record.

Just imagine what would happen to the future of the Malay-Muslims when a sizable number of them who are already burdened by the increasing cost of living get slapped with a hefty fine.

Just imagine what would happen to the future of the Malay-Muslims when a sizable number of those in the working class, especially the poor get trapped for life for a committing a moral mistake.

The stigma which they face for committing a moral mistake is already strong, now added with a criminal record which will permanently debilitate the person’s ability to obtain a job.

Some might say that the judges will be just. That the judges won’t use the maximum range.

Unfortunately, this leads to such arbitrariness in the application of the punishment.

Since the range goes up to 30 years/100 canings/RM100,000 fine, this means that even the minimum punishment of a moral offence will increase to at least three years imprisonment (10% of the max punishment).

Three years in prison can destroy a person, especially if the offender merely committed a moral offence between him/her and Allah SWT.

Misguided proponents

Those who mislabel opposing forces of RUU-355 as “deviants”, “kafirs” and “liberal” are truly misguided.

They forget that it was Allahyarham Tok Guru Nik Aziz Nik Mat who opposed RUU355 when it was first proposed. He was one of the only MPs who voted against it.

They also forget that it was PAS who said that hudud should be put on hold as long as unemployment and justice are not settled.

They forget that internationally renowned Muslims scholars like Tariq Ramadan and Yusuf Al-Qaradawi also share the same views as the “deviant” opposing forces.

They forget that Caliph Umar RA suspended hudud (heavy punishments) during times of uncertainty. Let’s not substitute arguments with irrational “mislabeling”.

We all have made moral mistakes in the past. Let’s not lie to ourselves.

Imagine. Just imagine, that in the future with the passing of this law, that mistake could potentially destroy your life permanently. You will end up serving a long jail sentence and be fined and caned disproportionately.

The corrupt will remain free. The thieves will still roam around. The rapist will be punished the same, but the moral mistake will earn you a punishment which is more severe than these criminals.

Is that a Malaysia we would like to live in? Is that a moderate Malaysia? Is that a Malaysia for all Malaysians? Is this in line with the human nature of Islam?

Let them label me a “kafir”, a ‘”deviant”, a “liberal”. The very same people who cry for “Muslim unity” are the very same people who are drawing the line to divide us.

I rather be unpopular than remain silent when my country is being robbed of its moderate identity.

I rather die than see my people suffer a long suffocating death.

Syed Saddiq is Parti Pribumi Bersatu Malaysia’s Youth chief


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Post time 20-2-2017 10:37 PM | Show all posts
Kesian dgn kebebalan pas..ape nk jd la.itu la jdnye bile golongan lobai je yg tggl dlm pas ni

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Post time 20-2-2017 10:50 PM | Show all posts
pulauturtle replied at 20-2-2017 09:54 PM
I am a proud Muslim but I don’t support Hadi’s BillBy Contributor

Mereka yg bijak dapat membaca permainan politik hadi & umno

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Post time 20-2-2017 10:52 PM | Show all posts
Where is the justice when the vast majority of the Muslim elite can escape punishment but the lowest rungs of society get punished?
Khalwat raids primarily take place at 1 or 2 star hotels, never at Hilton or Sheraton.

Tepat sekali syed saddiq

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