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Author: Buntatt

(Thread Macam2 Ada) Stock2 Social Climber Hauk - All About Gaya,Penampilan Busuk

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Post time 16-3-2017 12:27 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Buntatt replied at 16-3-2017 12:00 AM
Iols x kenal karatz2 @ macai2 si anak menteri botak & gf si botak yg menempel kat sini.Yg obvious  ...

Adee deyols SR kat sini xberani masuk meroyan. Hanya mampu bace n bawak berita gi kandang deyols   

Macai ned yg meols taw ada sorg je yg lain xtahu la. Maybe dah ada tambahan macai barangkali  

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Post time 16-3-2017 12:30 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
FARRAZOOL replied at 16-3-2017 12:18 AM
Bagus kan fmly Tun M ni daripd segi education anak2 cucu?Iols plak rasa kindda nervous Tun M & TSN ...

In terms of education I rasa cucu Tun M mmg mostly dpt the best they can la. Semua study overseas.
Yup the debate which is what everyone is talking  abt. Hopefully it's a good one la. Nak tgk if Tun M still got it  

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Post time 16-3-2017 01:02 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
kibodwatriuh replied at 15-3-2017 06:34 PM
comelnya taib mahmud

Baju tak button betul2 ke?  

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Post time 16-3-2017 01:10 AM | Show all posts
Heydidle replied at 15-3-2017 11:35 PM
Erkkk i tak blh dgr nama brand ni nt nanges jugak... Hanya mampu aim je.... Masuk butik ni kat emi ...

Khen kita nangis berjemaah.  My daughter's godfather janji my girl, kalo dpt straight A's for her GCSE exams dia nak belikan alhambra ni. I yg excited but my girl buat toya jer.

Dia bukan paham pun high ends jewelleries ni

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 Author| Post time 16-3-2017 01:29 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
kakasotong replied at 16-3-2017 12:25 AM
Patutnya fasha xyah kasik muka dah kat puak2 prominent ni. Xyah buang masa meroyan serang ig org,  ...

Tp sumber yg iols terima,ex wife no 2 masih tersimpah secebis ikhsan dlm hati terhadap ex bapa mertua,TSRNT..
Mungkin dlm ramai2 makhluk dlm fmly NK,si ex fil dah slow talk dgn ex wife no 2 jejai.
Apa2 pun,iols setuju dgn uols..Bila ex wife no 2 still dragging utk kemukan bukti yg jejai dh berkali kali buat havoc & huru hara dpn rumah sheols,haters & org luar akan letakkan kesalahan pada FS & fmly..

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 Author| Post time 16-3-2017 01:38 AM | Show all posts
Edited by Buntatt at 16-3-2017 01:47 AM

Berkaitan dgn controversy rumah berharga RM7 jota ++  milik seorang anak menteri.

Salah sebuah rumah jenis semi detached jalan eksekutif ** ,glenmarie court 40150 shah alam selangor.Corner lot.Port memang sesuai utk orang yg pentingkan privacy coz kediaman disini sentiasa dikawal ketat oleh pihak pengurusan perumahan.

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 Author| Post time 16-3-2017 01:45 AM | Show all posts
Ini pulak contoh rumah di kawasan yang berdekatan dengan rumah controversy seorang anak menteri.Tapi rumah yang iols tepek kat sini,harganya adalah separuh daripada nilai rumah controversy anak menteri.

Details of the house as follows:

It is a 2.5 storey semi detached house situated on a freehold land.
In total: 5 rooms, 4 toilets. 2.5 storey semi-detached with Water fall features.

The House address:
** Jalan Eksekutif **,
**** Glenmarie Court,
40150 Shah Alam.

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Post time 16-3-2017 02:13 AM | Show all posts
Heydidle replied at 15-3-2017 11:27 PM
I rasa yg theyols jmp dulu salah org lah kot.. Those yg social media / settings semua private is v ...

Agak2 nyer mcm tu kot. Bukan Adibah yg kita mentioned ni.

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Post time 16-3-2017 02:29 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
surioo replied at 16-3-2017 01:10 AM
Khen kita nangis berjemaah.  My daughter's godfather janji my girl, kalo dpt straight A's for her  ...

Untunglahhh... Blh u merasa pakai Alaa u mampu je sbb duk oversea tu bkn earn in RM  

Si ally tu pakai dh blh buat down-payment rumah price range 1m ++..

yg bracelet 1pendant tu blh la usaha penuhkan tabung.. Kalau tak.. i ke Alhambra Palace  je laa..  

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Post time 16-3-2017 02:33 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Buntatt replied at 16-3-2017 01:45 AM
Ini pulak contoh rumah di kawasan yang berdekatan dengan rumah controversy seorang anak menteri.Tapi ...

ned n nd dok glenmarie ke skang?

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Post time 16-3-2017 02:56 AM | Show all posts
FARRAZOOL replied at 15-3-2017 11:55 PM
Souvenir (bekas telur) Antik dari Istana.

Auw....this is nostalgic. Wish there are doorgifts like this now.  Missed them.

THanks for sharing. Really walking down memory lane ni.

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Post time 16-3-2017 04:49 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Buntatt replied at 16-3-2017 01:45 AM
Ini pulak contoh rumah di kawasan yang berdekatan dengan rumah controversy seorang anak menteri.Tapi ...

Sape pulak dok cni Buntatt

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Post time 16-3-2017 07:50 AM | Show all posts
surioo replied at 16-3-2017 02:56 AM
Auw....this is nostalgic. Wish there are doorgifts like this now.  Missed them.

THanks for shar ...


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Post time 16-3-2017 07:54 AM | Show all posts
Buntatt replied at 16-3-2017 01:29 AM
Tp sumber yg iols terima,ex wife no 2 masih tersimpah secebis ikhsan dlm hati terhadap ex bapa mer ...

logik gak TT sbb masa FS kahwin dulu..RNT mmg dtg & nampak dia mcm cool je..ada secebis rasa hormat


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Post time 16-3-2017 07:57 AM | Show all posts
personified replied at 16-3-2017 12:30 AM
In terms of education I rasa cucu Tun M mmg mostly dpt the best they can la. Semua study overseas. ...

The debate..I'll put this in my list.

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Post time 16-3-2017 08:28 AM | Show all posts
surioo replied at 16-3-2017 01:10 AM
Khen kita nangis berjemaah.  My daughter's godfather janji my girl, kalo dpt straight A's for her  ...

nangess..bukan setakat anak akak yg xtau hi end jewelerry ni..saya pun baru dengar nama brand ni..mmg marhaen sungguh la meolss bagus jugka benang vvip ni..boleh belajar pasal fesyen yang kita marhen mampu tgk je la.janji tau nama...

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Post time 16-3-2017 09:00 AM | Show all posts
personified replied at 15-3-2017 04:30 PM
In terms of education I rasa cucu Tun M mmg mostly dpt the best they can la. Semua study overseas. ...

Debat live ker? Tak sabar nak tengok..


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Post time 16-3-2017 09:16 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
mewo replied at 16-3-2017 09:00 AM
Debat live ker? Tak sabar nak tengok..

With the hype of the debate I rasa ada live  

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Post time 16-3-2017 09:25 AM | Show all posts
Princess Ameerah Wardatul Bolkiah


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Post time 16-3-2017 09:26 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Buntatt replied at 16-3-2017 01:38 AM
Berkaitan dgn controversy rumah berharga RM7 jota ++  milik seorang anak menteri.

Salah sebuah ru ...

Meols perasan dah jarang si anak vip itewww ngan makwe heshe dok upload gmbr dlm rumah n gmbr makan2 atas dining table. Mesti ada org report kt heshe psl kes kantoi banglo 7 juta tu  

Budak dlm forem ni ramai kaki report kt anak vip tu  

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