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Author: Buntatt

(Thread Macam2 Ada) Stock2 Social Climber Hauk - All About Gaya,Penampilan Busuk

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Post time 16-3-2017 10:07 PM | Show all posts
kakasotong replied at 16-3-2017 08:10 PM
Harap xde forumer dengki ngan kaka bila kaka letak gmbr2 personal collection kt sni. Almaklumla da ...

Lol.... dah agak u all replied macam ni. Lantak p dia lah

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Post time 16-3-2017 10:07 PM | Show all posts
personified replied at 16-3-2017 06:42 PM
First pic,  Raja Azureen at the back tu so classy   
TPZ xyah nak compare ngan TZ, Raja Azuree ...

Tz tetap nmpk classy & stunning (pd mata iols),walaupun pakai simple mcm ni.

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Post time 16-3-2017 10:08 PM | Show all posts
FARRAZOOL replied at 16-3-2017 09:53 PM
Tu ler pasal..Iols bkn jns nk sentuh bab tudung @ aurat TNZ ,cuma iols notice mcm ada something in ...

Kalau pakai tudung labuh nanti tak nampak rantai n pendant mahal

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Post time 16-3-2017 10:09 PM | Show all posts
munchkin replied at 16-3-2017 09:36 PM
Bekas isteri vvvvvip.  Ada anak ntah boleh jumpa atau tidak. Tak diketahui.

Actually ramai t ...

Oooo.... bleh agak saper ni. Sian dia but its something not new. Bekas kedua2nya itu ramai jer sedara mara cerita belakang. I dengor saja but never commented.


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Post time 16-3-2017 10:10 PM | Show all posts
Admire kat collection baju2 kurung TZ..Tz nmpk extra cantik bila pakai bj kurung colour maroon,merah & orange..


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Post time 16-3-2017 10:12 PM | Show all posts
surioo replied at 16-3-2017 07:21 PM
My personal collection masa bertugas kat negara ni. Attended Prince Qawi n Princess Amelina's weddin ...

Priceless..Tqvm for sharing.

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Post time 16-3-2017 10:19 PM | Show all posts
My personal collection
Datuk Bernard Chandran & Datin Mary Lourdes


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Post time 16-3-2017 10:21 PM | Show all posts
Edited by munchkin at 16-3-2017 10:28 PM
surioo replied at 16-3-2017 10:09 PM
Oooo.... bleh agak saper ni. Sian dia but its something not new. Bekas kedua2nya itu ramai jer sed ...

sis. i harap she stay away ngan sedara orang tu.
kalau yg tak sedap dengar tu orang luar lain cerita sis. ni orang yg dia kenal and anggap rapat and baik ngan dia. tergamak betul.

frust pulak gosipan dia baru ni tak betul. i doa dia jumpa orang baru yg elok. cut contact ngan two face people tu.

sedara mara bekas teman lama,  bukan sedara dia

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Post time 16-3-2017 10:23 PM | Show all posts
samisfar replied at 16-3-2017 10:01 PM
I think i know who...kesiankan actually all vvvvvip ke vip ke vvip ni semua kwn mkn kwn

bukan vip (Satu v saje utk org ni) yang terkait biskut maria tau.

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Post time 16-3-2017 10:25 PM | Show all posts
oak.balustrade replied at 16-3-2017 09:53 PM
I rasa i boleh agak sapa orang yang u maksudkan ni..kesiannya...

yes dia tak tau. i geleng kepala je. nak kasi tahu. tak kenal takut dia tak percaya.

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Post time 16-3-2017 10:26 PM | Show all posts
FARRAZOOL replied at 16-3-2017 10:07 PM
Tz tetap nmpk classy & stunning (pd mata iols),walaupun pakai simple mcm ni.

TZ dressing mmg always on point n ikut occasions. I suka gila this outfit she wore. Simple je tp kena dgn event dia pegi.

Speaking of TZ, I ada came across this video of royal charity dinner attended by SN n TZ recently. Tp x jumpa pics of this event. SN in his bow tie suit n TZ in a beautiful purple night dress  
Ni ss of the event n also the video. Kalau u dpt cari the pics, tepek la kat sini. Nak tgk dress TZ ni betul2

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Post time 16-3-2017 10:43 PM | Show all posts
munchkin replied at 16-3-2017 10:21 PM
sis. i harap she stay away ngan sedara orang tu.
kalau yg tak sedap dengar tu orang luar lain ce ...

Eh are we referring to the same peoples ni? I pk yg ex's dia kawen dgn tokey tudong tu. Salah orang ler kot yg i teka.


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Post time 16-3-2017 10:49 PM | Show all posts
Edited by 311gurl at 16-3-2017 11:17 PM
personified replied at 16-3-2017 10:26 PM
TZ dressing mmg always on point n ikut occasions. I suka gila this outfit she wore. Simple je tp k ...

somehow i feel if i meet them in person i would be so nervous.. they are   too proper for me

even raja eleena pun, her staff kt her law firm calls her 'tengku' .. raja sarina je sempoi.. nak panggil ku pun boleh,tak panggil pun dia tak kisah

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Post time 16-3-2017 10:55 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
munchkin replied at 16-3-2017 10:23 PM
bukan vip (Satu v saje utk org ni) yang terkait biskut maria tau.

Tau kesiankan!

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Post time 16-3-2017 10:57 PM | Show all posts

a ah. pity her sangat. i hope she find someone yg jujur bukan mahu tumpang popular

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Post time 16-3-2017 11:00 PM | Show all posts
surioo replied at 16-3-2017 10:43 PM
Eh are we referring to the same peoples ni? I pk yg ex's dia kawen dgn tokey tudong tu. Salah oran ...

cerita tak enak tu dengan saudara bekas teman hauk - kutuk dia (bukan suami punya saudara)

not wrong people

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Post time 16-3-2017 11:08 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Buntatt replied at 16-3-2017 01:22 PM
Kalau nak story sikit2 perihal politik..banyak sajork yg iols blh share.Kes bumbung  rumah Johor y ...

Sorry abam bun,uols ada kat Maeps masa 1st day perasmian MAHA 2016 ke?

Alamak,btl ler apa yg uols ckp pasal bumbung rumah Johor runtuh.Nasib baik x ada yg injured.Kes contractor yg dpt job utk renovate & repair premises kat Maeps tu gunakan bahan2 murah & refurbished utk siapkan koje..Ramai yg speku ada pihak dalam yg kaut huntung atas angin hasil pemberian kerja2 kpd contractor.

System perairan & drainage pun hauk.

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Post time 16-3-2017 11:10 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
311gurl replied at 16-3-2017 10:49 PM
somehow i feel if i meet them in person i would be so nervous.. they are wayy to proper for me

I know right? I would be so intimidated by them. Aura royals dorg kuat sgt la. Mmg kita akan rasa sgt kecik just looking at them in real life. Like u said too proper

I think sbb Raja Eleena is the partner kan of the law firm so x berani sgt  nak panggil her by the name  
Ppl yg kerja kat Gamuda ckp Raja Eleena ni friendly n always smiling. So x takut nak approach dia.
Ku Rina mmg humble so dia x kisah sgt n she's still young jugak.   

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Post time 16-3-2017 11:18 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Edited by FARRAZOOL at 16-3-2017 11:42 PM
personified replied at 16-3-2017 10:26 PM
TZ dressing mmg always on point n ikut occasions. I suka gila this outfit she wore. Simple je tp k ...

Iols dh tgk vidz yg uols tepek..Both RN & RZ are background music ala2 British royal orchestra.Nnti iols akan try cari pic klu ada.

Iols speku,most of the permaisuri tempah khas fabric2 & material dari overseas utk buat baju2 kurung yg nmpk truly exclusive.

Mcm TNZ,fav tailor dia adalah Razwan Razwill.

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Post time 16-3-2017 11:27 PM | Show all posts
munchkin replied at 16-3-2017 11:00 PM
cerita tak enak tu dengan saudara bekas teman hauk - kutuk dia (bukan suami punya saudara)

no ...

OMG......btw itu sedara bekas teman. Bekas teman tu kantoi abis n terus dicold storage dlm masa 24jam. Pusing2 betul ceritanya. Den pasang telinga jer tapi nak ceritakan balik tak reti.

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