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Author: RatuDunia94

Najib with the "B" slams Najip with the "P"! / Update : Zed

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Post time 8-4-2017 12:37 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Nick mikhail. Pelakon tv singapore

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Post time 8-4-2017 12:51 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Pak nil okay jadi juri, tapi meleret sangat. Lagi sesuai jadi host kot.

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Post time 8-4-2017 12:59 AM | Show all posts
ya ampun..kat celah mana menghina noks? he answerd creatively kot..najib with the
B slams najip with the P.

ummah meleis ni mudah butthurt selain mudah terhibur

malu dgn ummah sg

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Post time 8-4-2017 01:01 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
What to do...takut punya pasal

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Post time 8-4-2017 01:02 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
ira_229 replied at 7-4-2017 03:51 PM
Najib punya lawak mild2 aja..
tapi harith iskandar punya joke lagi terang2 takde pun rakyat singapo ...

Lawak harith ni sarcasm aje nok. Kan lepas kutuk polis singapore konon dia memuji polis malaysia tp sebenanye mengutuk dan memuji dlm sinis.

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Post time 8-4-2017 02:44 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Issue ni lagi kelakar dari tetek tasha shila.

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Post time 8-4-2017 04:39 AM | Show all posts
Hai la asteruk..ko g tukar najip with the p nape..ko tukar la lopak with the K tu. komen mcm nokharom je. Asik komen korang korang dgn tk pnh bg salam masa nk bg komen. #adabmana!!!! sorang  lg rosyam tu..poyo sgt bg komen konon2 nk exclusive la bg HA tp kuat sennnnntap..

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Post time 8-4-2017 06:31 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Queenmastani replied at 8-4-2017 04:39 AM
Hai la asteruk..ko g tukar najip with the p nape..ko tukar la lopak with the K tu. komen mcm nokharo ...

Iols boikot astro dah

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Post time 8-4-2017 08:08 AM | Show all posts
ok la paknil jd iols tk setuju bila dia cakap kt kumpulan fine bila tersingkir sekurangnya tak memalukn did sndri lagi.dia orang usaha kot, dh org tk gelak nk buat camne.patut ckp le positive word cthnye terima kasih krn menghiburkan kami selama 8 minggu

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Post time 8-4-2017 10:01 AM | Show all posts
Queenmastani replied at 8-4-2017 04:39 AM
Hai la asteruk..ko g tukar najip with the p nape..ko tukar la lopak with the K tu. komen mcm nokharo ...

paling menyampah asek cakap saya kedekut nak bagi ha....ek elleh...

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Post time 8-4-2017 11:52 AM | Show all posts
Rakyat malaysia ni x ramai yg bodoh mcm zed zaidi dgn rani yg sikit ni laaa yg memalukan malaysia.nak sebut ok chope pun tatau.eja out jd o.u.f puleks.
Mmg akak x layan MLM tp mcm x adil pulak tetiba najib ali kena singkir jd juri psl benda bodo mcmni.ape dorg ni x hadam ke lawak yg dorg ckp so-called-menghina tu?ke mmg x pandai bahasa inggeris?
Even douglas lim pun buat joke psl singapore dlm lawak ke der.xde pulak nak berbunyik sporean tu...

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Post time 8-4-2017 12:25 PM | Show all posts
Mohon astro bangkurap.

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Post time 8-4-2017 12:28 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Dah lama aku tak tgk MLM ni. Last tgk masa fazura jd juri

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Post time 8-4-2017 12:49 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Sendunye zz ni. Polower heshe baru 8k jah ke. Pastu claim segala pangkat dia termasuk rela   spesies boy iman rupanya

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Post time 8-4-2017 12:59 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
kisahkeaku replied at 8-4-2017 03:52 AM
Rakyat malaysia ni x ramai yg bodoh mcm zed zaidi dgn rani yg sikit ni laaa yg memalukan ma ...

sedangkan afdlin bahan kak mah kat mlm. so so so. y bother x3

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Post time 8-4-2017 01:32 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Meluat si atuk nil jd juri. Dgn mulutnya ternganga2, annoying gile. Bngok asteruk, xde org lain dah korng nak ambik jd juri

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Post time 8-4-2017 04:54 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
tak suka paknil jadi juri, motip siap berdiri tepuk tangan tapi bagi 4HA kat dzawin sebab tak buat research pasal followers paknil. CHOIII!

who r yusssss..

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Post time 8-4-2017 05:17 PM | Show all posts
mohon rakyat musia tengok siri oh my english sajork uolssss

ahkak malu

akak gelak je ngan lawak citer chope2 tu

MLM ke yg sewaktu dengannya akak coba nak gelak namun ahkak selalu hampa...


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Post time 8-4-2017 05:32 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
bobok_berhabok replied at 8-4-2017 12:35 AM
btw siapa mamat ni eh? anyone knows ?

Pelakun Singapura..tapi dah lama tak nampak dia..pernah berlakun dgn fazura masa mula2 kemunculan fazura dulu..lupa nama drama tu...suara hati kalau tak silap

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 Author| Post time 8-4-2017 09:07 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
helicornia replied at 8-4-2017 08:08 AM
ok la paknil jd iols tk setuju bila dia cakap kt kumpulan fine bila tersingkir sekurangnya  ...

Kumpulan NICE la cuols bukan FINE..  

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