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Author: friedfishsoup

Borak2 forumers thread bloggers No.4 (Off topics only)

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Post time 18-5-2017 11:31 AM | Show all posts
ginbug replied at 17-5-2017 03:40 PM
i put them in that 24 lippie slot dislay  setakat ni, 4 display dah penuh. kalau i start masukka ...

jgn smpai dia cakap bibir ada 1 je yg liptik ada 40 ni kenapa

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Post time 18-5-2017 11:32 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Korang dah blh buat transaksi on9 ker? Yg viral kata ade virus tu cemana?
Nk buat transaksi penting ni

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Post time 18-5-2017 11:33 AM | Show all posts
miu84 replied at 18-5-2017 11:00 AM
Nih you...30 ml. Selamat menyopping...heheheh

korang ke menyoping sampai out of stock kat hermo ni??


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Post time 18-5-2017 11:36 AM | Show all posts
putribonda replied at 18-5-2017 11:31 AM
jgn smpai dia cakap bibir ada 1 je yg liptik ada 40 ni kenapa

4x24=96. kahkahkah nasib baik laki i tak pernah kira macam ni. dia pun dah pasrohh, agaknya

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Post time 18-5-2017 11:38 AM | Show all posts
intnjuliet replied at 18-5-2017 11:11 AM
yg ni dh OOS..
yg 1 lagi avai. yg c21 tu
apa beza C20 & C21 ye u tau tak?

dekat shopee ada u. i ada jengok, rm70 macam tu. free shipping ofc

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Post time 18-5-2017 11:40 AM | Show all posts
ginbug replied at 18-5-2017 03:38 AM
dekat shopee ada u. i ada jengok, rm70 macam tu. free shipping ofc

is it.. ok nnt i ke shopee..
but i want to know the difference 1st both product is vitamin c.i baca info pun mcm tak banyak beze..

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Post time 18-5-2017 11:41 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
zetty1978 replied at 17-5-2017 12:24 AM
Dulu iols ada colleague .. dia cina + pakistan .. muslim la .. mak dia yg cina .. dia bgtau every  ...

Seronoknya dpt masakan mak yg mcm2..

Iols rindu nk mkn masakan arwah mak... hurmmm skrg tumpang mkn  masakan mil je tu pun kdg2 rasa sedih sgt

Rasa cemburu tgk mil layan ank8 dia.

Teringin nk sembang2 ngn mak iols atas kstil mcm dulu2..
Pastu kan kalo iols blk kg mak perasan iols pkai baju baru ke henbeg baru ke mak mesti tegur lawa ke apa nnt beli kt mak gak ser.iols byk terkilan cthnya iols byk amik gambar mak ngn abah tp tak cuci2 pdhal mak byk kali kata nk tgk gambar tu yg dah cuci.
Yela zaman ni kan org jrg cuci gambar iols duk tangguh2 pas sudah. Tup2 mak ninggal nyesal pun xguna dah.
Ekceli byk je mende terkilan nk sebut buat iols jd down je asik salahkn diri.

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Post time 18-5-2017 11:41 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
intnjuliet replied at 18-5-2017 11:11 AM
yg ni dh OOS..
yg 1 lagi avai. yg c21 tu
apa beza C20 & C21 ye u tau tak?

Sorry babe but I have no idea.. yg c20 tu pun I main taram je beli sebab gatal nk pakai serum (i pakai gold water gak) nak buat layering skincare routine konon2nya...   kebetulan nampak c20 tu was on sale, lepas tu ianya adalah vitamin c, terus I klik masuk dalam cart  

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Post time 18-5-2017 11:41 AM | Show all posts
nut.legacy replied at 18-5-2017 08:50 AM
i dah check skintone u lebih kurang i sbb i pun pakai NC20..

kalo skintone mcm Natalie portman ...

thats the thing, natalie portman pun nc20. ajaib kan? she can pull off nudes with no hassle, tapi kita2 yang baka south east asian ni payah benau. i rasa range dia pun mesti exactly macam kita, nc15-20 (sebab nc25 dah gelap sangat dengan i, so dengan dia apatah lagi)

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Post time 18-5-2017 11:43 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
putribonda replied at 18-5-2017 11:33 AM
korang ke menyoping sampai out of stock kat hermo ni??

Ha....kan.....mesti ade porumers yg cekau kt hermo ni    ker mmg ramai chinese guna ek? I tak taula..sebab men beli je haritu.

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Post time 18-5-2017 11:44 AM | Show all posts
ginbug replied at 18-5-2017 11:36 AM
4x24=96. kahkahkah nasib baik laki i tak pernah kira macam ni. dia pun dah pasrohh, agaknya

tak expired ke uolss

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Post time 18-5-2017 11:45 AM | Show all posts
intnjuliet replied at 18-5-2017 11:40 AM
is it.. ok nnt i ke shopee..
but i want to know the difference 1st both product is vitamin c.i ba ...

yang beza ialah kandungan L-ascorbic acid dia. c20 ada 20%, c21 ada 21%

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Post time 18-5-2017 11:50 AM | Show all posts

lippies ni, kalau ikutkan, lifespan dia bertahun2. i sorang jah yang pakai, so tak pe. selagi struktur dia baik, tak berkulat etc, maka selamat jah untuk dipakai. sama macam foundation juga, selagi minyak tak terasing dari liquid foundation, selagi tu boleh pakai. in fact, kalau minyak terkeluar pun, boleh jah mix dan pakai balik. cuma, staying power ofc dah tak sekuat dulu.

mekap yang kena follow rigid expiration date after opening the package are mascara and eyeliner, for obvious reason. yang lain2, tak perlu rigid. but i do throw my lippies away after it became apparent i wont be wearing it anymore. but that is more due to storing issue, bukan sebab expiry date/hygiene


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Post time 18-5-2017 11:58 AM | Show all posts
ginbug replied at 18-5-2017 11:50 AM
lippies ni, kalau ikutkan, lifespan dia bertahun2. i sorang jah yang pakai, so tak pe. selagi stru ...

ic..tq tq.
kadang i takut nak pakai walaupun 5 bulan dah tak pakai.
kalau eye shadow dah 8 tahun ok lagi tak ye?
tengok tak berkulat apa pun.
sayang la pulak nak buang sbb estee lauder palette.
i selalu je terbayang pakai2 mata buta pulak..imaginasi i mmg teruk sikit

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Post time 18-5-2017 12:00 PM | Show all posts

ada sesape yang pernah pakai laneige lip sleeping mask ni?
review semua cakap bagus.
macam best je

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Post time 18-5-2017 12:05 PM | Show all posts
putribonda replied at 18-5-2017 11:58 AM
ic..tq tq.
kadang i takut nak pakai walaupun 5 bulan dah tak pakai.
kalau eye shadow dah 8 tahun ...

eyeshadow ni, selagi structure dia still intact, selagi tu u boleh pakai. cuma obviously u kena jaga hygiene la. berus kena basuh, fall-offs dekat casing tu kena pandai2 buang. i pun tahu benda ni lepas terjebak tengok stephanie nicole. dia ni beauty insider, dia terlibat sendiri dalam manufacturing beauty products, jadi nasihat dia memang scientific dan boleh pakai. the only problem with eyeshadow is that, kalau simpan lama2, dia ada tendency untuk jadi 'keras'. itupun masih boleh pakai lagi, it's just that u have to spend more time packing the colour and blending it. mekap berasaskan powder structure ni selamat jah dipakai walaupun dah lama, but like i said before, it takes more effort to make them work on your skin

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Post time 18-5-2017 12:09 PM | Show all posts
ginbug replied at 18-5-2017 12:05 PM
eyeshadow ni, selagi structure dia still intact, selagi tu u boleh pakai. cuma obviously u kena ja ...

tq ginbug.very informative la u.
nanti balik boleh i try.

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Post time 18-5-2017 12:11 PM | Show all posts ... ired-makeup-2016-11
Same goes for eyeshadow. Similar to powder blush, Dr. Tanzi explains that when powder eyeshadow expires, it is only likely to "become hard and not have as smooth an application." But because shadows are used close to your eyes, just remember to examine them for the warning signs French mentioned so you'll know when to stop using them. After all, it's better to be safe especially when it comes to your eyes.

btw signs yang dimaksudkan ialah eye irritation dan infection. this goes back to the basic rule ofc; hygiene

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Post time 18-5-2017 12:36 PM | Show all posts
miu84 replied at 18-5-2017 03:41 AM
Sorry babe but I have no idea.. yg c20 tu pun I main taram je beli sebab gatal nk pakai serum (i p ...

i c.. tula i sekarang pun try mcm2 jenis serumdari laneige smpi bee serum..


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Post time 18-5-2017 12:39 PM | Show all posts
ginbug replied at 18-5-2017 03:45 AM
yang beza ialah kandungan L-ascorbic acid dia. c20 ada 20%, c21 ada 21%

i c.. so function both sama la khen rasanye..
it just the ingredient je ada tambahan percentage.
ok2 so boleh la nnt i try yg c21 kot2 effect lagi cepat..
over sangat

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