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Author: melnanzz

[V7] FATTAH AMIN & NUR FAZURA. **Group photos from Koh Samui **Next project:

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Post time 5-7-2017 09:35 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
kerill replied at 5-7-2017 09:20 AM
Dlm duk mngutuk lobaktak la apa lah..dlm x sedar rupanya fan fattzura ni lagi scary dr fan lofattah. ...

You punya moral of the story tepat mengena hajah yg you sanjung sangat tu. Now bole tak you balik epot dan leave us alone. Shooo shoooo

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Post time 5-7-2017 09:35 AM | Show all posts
Login_ID replied at 5-7-2017 09:11 AM
assal tak banned terus dr ig? huhu

btw, ai kalau nampak mana2 igers mention nama 3 artis ni di  ...

tu ar.

i pun gigih report all her post sewel tu. her account pun i report jgk but still ade lah.

kalo lah bleh tulis reason kpd instagram staff nie, akan ku karang kan knpe we req to shut down her acct.


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Post time 5-7-2017 09:38 AM | Show all posts
Syikien3 replied at 5-7-2017 09:35 AM
tu ar.

i pun gigih report all her post sewel tu. her account pun i report jgk but still ade la ...

takper  chuols.. kita teruskan buat kerja dalam diam
semoga dengan pendedahan aktiviti kita ni ramai forumer lain buat
at least aman sikit nak baca komen2 post2 di ig artis
penat tengok org bergasak
sampaikan ai rasa diorang ni memang tak beraya sebab sibuk cari idea bising2 di ig

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Post time 5-7-2017 09:38 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
kerill replied at 5-7-2017 09:20 AM
Dlm duk mngutuk lobaktak la apa lah..dlm x sedar rupanya fan fattzura ni lagi scary dr fan lofattah. ...

Dah kenapaaa engko ni!!! Dah tau ni benang fattzura..yg ko g terjah apsal?? Aku wakil dari org2 kat rumah ni...mintak kau keluar dari rumah ni dengan cara terhormat n jangan masuk2 dah...aku mintak tolong sangat2..semak la..g masuk rumah idola ko tu..

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Post time 5-7-2017 09:38 AM | Show all posts
induk replied at 5-7-2017 08:51 AM
ai dulu2 selalu dgr psl faz ni tp ai xde la benci ke ape, tp ms dolu2 tu ai pun ragu2 psl perangai ...

i oun pernah jumpa Faz depan2 and dia mmg friendly..mmg suka senyum jer..and i mmg minat dia dr dulu lagi..

drama dia yg i fav sangat is rendang utk mertua..mmg sedih okay cerita tu..lepas gol n gincu mmg lagi2 la i minat dgn dia..n dia mmg cantik..

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Post time 5-7-2017 09:40 AM | Show all posts
ira_229 replied at 5-7-2017 09:33 AM
Pic dgn familt fattah mereka sebenarnya ikut ke koh samui?

kat mana nak tengok pic tu? ada ke kat benang ni?

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Post time 5-7-2017 09:40 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
ahnafnia replied at 5-7-2017 09:14 AM
sebab depa ni dlsuap berita dari idolat sendiri .. dah dgr sendiri susah nak tak percaya uols ..

Nanas tu berkasar jugak ke dgn wife die????

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Post time 5-7-2017 09:40 AM | Show all posts
mcm biasa ig justlofa tu spin cite psl family fattzura gathering smlm...

satu nk cakap lobatak mmg GILA!

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Post time 5-7-2017 09:41 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Kadaisaku replied at 5-7-2017 09:30 AM
Yg ni meols terbaca "songsang" hahahaha

meols pun bc songsang td!

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Post time 5-7-2017 09:42 AM | Show all posts
Kadaisaku replied at 5-7-2017 09:30 AM
Yg ni meols terbaca "songsang" hahahaha

Hero n Heroin drama korea.. Decendant of the sun..mmg famous drama tu

and diaorg lebih kurang macam Fattzura jugak la..hero lagi muda dr heroin..

and diaorg nak kawen on 31st Oct 2017.

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Post time 5-7-2017 09:42 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Jap i is confused.. gamba families tu mmg family dorg pegi bercuti skali ke atau theyoll just berkumpul kt epot utk sambut kepulangan? I bru tgk gamba tu this morning sambil rushing nk p keje.

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Post time 5-7-2017 09:42 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
.N.A. replied at 5-7-2017 09:35 AM
You punya moral of the story tepat mengena hajah yg you sanjung sangat tu. Now bole tak you balik  ...

ibarat ludah melangit pastu kena ats muka sendiri khennnn

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Post time 5-7-2017 09:44 AM | Show all posts
lolita737 replied at 5-7-2017 09:42 AM
Hero n Heroin drama korea.. Decendant of the sun..mmg famous drama tu

and diaorg lebih kurang m ...

Yeayyyyy..i am is happyyyy
Kawen jgk akhirnya
Heroin pn tua dr hero 7/8 thn chouls..apedehal!!

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Post time 5-7-2017 09:44 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Loginlogoff replied at 5-7-2017 09:40 AM
mcm biasa ig justlofa tu spin cite psl family fattzura gathering smlm...

satu nk cakap lobatak mm ...

alasan dia satu je log... sbb nk fans rasakan apa yg fans lofa rasa wktu isu koh lipe.. siap mention fa tau lofa pg dgn kwn   nmpk x dia ni dh dipengaruhi oleh siapa... mehla kita undi fa and faz AME ni.. top top laki and perempuan..

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Post time 5-7-2017 09:45 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Jajabeans replied at 5-7-2017 09:32 AM
Ade je.. but mostly karatz hajjah. Fazura tu lagi lama dlm industri ofkoss dia lagi ramai haters w ...

You got a point there. Agaknya faz kena berhijab, naik haji, tunjuk solat mengaji menderma etc baru diorg ni stop hencap faz. Itupun kalo nak stop  

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Post time 5-7-2017 09:45 AM | Show all posts
Cekgushilla replied at 5-7-2017 08:31 AM
Bg cekgu dah 2 kali family tu gather maksudnya mmg sesuatu la
Kalo takat kawan je kosser eh nk liba ...

betul cekgu. saya setuju sangat. and you memang cekgu yang bagus. TQ

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Post time 5-7-2017 09:46 AM | Show all posts
ira_229 replied at 5-7-2017 09:33 AM
Pic dgn familt fattah mereka sebenarnya ikut ke koh samui?

i speku depa ikut, dok kat villa yg abg eddie post tu..sebab dalam pic tu ada abg eddie..tak sempat kot kalau dr bercuti kat villa pastu nak gather semua mak faz dan mak ayah adik2 fattah?

speku je la..i believe diorang pun tak heran nak buktikan apa2 kat sapa2..hehe

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Post time 5-7-2017 09:46 AM | Show all posts
jezz1227 replied at 5-7-2017 09:34 AM
Hahajahahat. YAY! Pillow talk, pillow fight segala boleh buat dgn adanya bantal busuk fattzura kit ...


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Post time 5-7-2017 09:47 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Jajabeans replied at 5-7-2017 09:42 AM
Jap i is confused.. gamba families tu mmg family dorg pegi bercuti skali ke atau theyoll just berkum ...

Gambar tu kt kl... They all jumpa lps fattah n faz blk dr samui... Mmg abg2 faz sume ade sekali semalam... Meols wonder ape la yg diorg bincang sampai semua adik beradik dan mama faz ade sekali.... Mcm fattah tu yelah die anak sulung.. Sah2 adik mengikut je ibu dan ayah kan... Cume meols rase seronok tgk senyuman mama faz.. Mcm terlebih manis compare mcm mase kenduri doa selamat tu

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Post time 5-7-2017 09:47 AM | Show all posts
pujanggamerpati replied at 5-7-2017 09:44 AM
alasan dia satu je log... sbb nk fans rasakan apa yg fans lofa rasa wktu isu koh lipe.. siap menti ...

yesss!! kita buat kempen top top meletop tu nanti


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