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Author: R2D2

[Tempatan] Rakyat JDT tertekan kos sara hidup meningkat

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Post time 21-2-2018 10:57 PM | Show all posts
wana89 replied at 21-2-2018 08:56 PM
Sekarang memang oversupply sebab market bergantung pada local tapi bila forest city complete, prc  ...

Semudah tu ker pemilikan oleh PRC?? maksud aku di tempat selain di Forest CIty and Garden Danga Bay tu....area Medini, Nusajaya, JB itself dgn Setia 88, The Atrium lah itu lah xkan mudah kot PRC nak beli kat sinun??

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Post time 21-2-2018 11:00 PM | Show all posts
CiliPadiSedap replied at 21-2-2018 10:02 PM
Dah lama hapuslah GST . wek2 xtahu

yang benar :

BeritA suatu ketika dulu, GST nak dibatalkan melibatkan perkhidmatan kerajaan negeri, tp Bangsa J berkokok mengatakan NO GST di

Johor to absorb RM3.19m in GST for services
Sunday May 10, 2015
10:33 AM GMT+8

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Following Johor Sultan Ibrahim Sultan Iskandar’s criticism of the imposition of GST on government service, the state government had decided to absorb the GST costs for local councils. — File picKUALA LUMPUR, May 10 — The Johor government has announced plans to absorb RM3.19 million in Goods and Services Tax (GST) imposed on services provided by the local government, days after state ruler Sultan Ibrahim Sultan Iskandar criticised the use of the taxation system for government services.

Johor state housing and local government committee chairman Datuk Abdul Latif Bandi said the services include rental and licensing fees under the state government’s 16 local councils.



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“The state government will absorb the GST costs for local councils, which are expected to be RM3.19 million involving 16 local councils state-wide this year.

“This amount is an estimate of how much the local councils would have to pay at the Customs Department,” Abdul Latif was quoted saying in a News Straits Times report.

He said that the Johor government has also sought for an exemption from the Urban Wellbeing, Housing and Local Government Ministry on the matter, so that GST will not be imposed on services provided by the state local councils.

“The request was conveyed to the minister Datuk Abdul Rahman Dahlan recently and we were told that the matter would be brought up in Cabinet,” Latif added.

On Thursday, Sultan Ibrahim was quoted by news portal Malaysiakini as saying that the state should not collect GST for “government services” as it should be considered the state’s responsibility to the public.

“I ask that the state and local governments not to impose GST on the services they render to the rakyat (people) and request for exemption from the federal government,” the state ruler was quoted saying in the news report as part of his opening address at the Johor state assembly.

“This does not make sense as government services are a basic responsibility to the rakyat and it is unreasonable that the rakyat should be further burdened with paying GST on them,” Sultan Ibrahim added.

The 6 per cent tax was only implemented on April 1 and the federal government had launched a drive to explain to people on the benefits of the tax.

Deputy finance minister Datuk Ahmad Maslan had been trying to explain the benefits of GST as opposed to the previous Sales and Services Tax (SST) system and that it has also reduced income tax rates for individuals and corporations.

Read more at ... mLFdKEs0YBbDwrox.99


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Post time 21-2-2018 11:03 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Bukan rakyat negara Johor je tertekan, malaysia pun sama dik non.

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Post time 21-2-2018 11:05 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
axl_bach replied at 21-2-2018 10:57 PM
Semudah tu ker pemilikan oleh PRC?? maksud aku di tempat selain di Forest CIty and Garden Danga Ba ...

Bergantung kepada pbn ler.. tanah under state.. kalo forest city complicated sebab hmmm...
But looking other country punya property lepas prc masuk, mostly market boom la.. xdengar lagi market jatuh
Sebab mereka ada buying power sangat tinggi.. even local kokesen pun xboleh lawan dengan depa.. kecuali gomen memang ada kaw2 mekanisma kawal harga.. selain tu, hmmm.. mcm tu la keadaannya..

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Post time 21-2-2018 11:42 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
prizadane replied at 21-2-2018 02:23 AM
tapi memang barang dan kedai makan dekat JB mahal.. daerah lain tak pasti lah.  aku kalau balikm JB  ...

yang mahal mahal tu utk rakyat singapore melancong ke johor. yang orang johor pandai2 la nak hidup

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Post time 21-2-2018 11:44 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
beeeee replied at 21-2-2018 03:04 AM
Kos sara hidup kat jb ni saing2 kl. Jb kan tgh membangun kaw kaw. Tak lama lagi akan ada stadium bar ...

Dulu investor singapore mmg invest kat KL. tapi pasal ramai sangat investor harga tanah kat kl jadi mahal. so choice lain sama ada Johor atau pinang. kelantan dengan terengganu mmg x masuk dlm list

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Post time 22-2-2018 01:01 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Edited by ninja boy at 22-2-2018 01:04 AM

Diorg makan malam roti canai kalau nak jimat, pernah nampak 1 famili order 1 pinggan nasik goreng makan share laki Bini Dan bayi, pernah jugak ramai pekerja 1 meja ada 8 org tapi mkn share 3 pinggan, yg mkn kepsi mekdi ada mkn sorg2 mungkin tak mau ajak pasangan mkn, gaji aku aku lahap sorang konsepnya, org tua yg stop kerja Tanpa income masalah juga, rumah tiada tanah semua harap beli di pasar, apabila bawa nangka cempedak rambutan kemain mereka melahap, kerana mereka tiada tanah, generasi ke 3 yg agak jakun dgn buahbuahan juga ayam  kambing ternakan, sedangkan aman2 aja bangla indon tanam sayur Dan bela ayam di rumah kongsi, hujung minggu pi mancing, jimat byk mereka

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Post time 22-2-2018 01:32 AM | Show all posts
Edited by Lagubestbest at 22-2-2018 01:35 AM

Entahlah, I tengok HGTV haritu, banker New York dah serik hidup sana sebab takde life, balik Singapore hidup bajet sewa rumah murah2, sebab nak cuba jalankan bisnes social e-mall sendiri di singapore. Rumah yang dia sewa sekarang, SGD3000 sebulan. Itu murah bagi Singaporean.
Yang dok KL pun cari rumah below RM1500 sebulan, ini nak compete Singaporean. Takde istilah berjimat dah, kena usaha harungi cabaran, aim gaji 20K. Lagipun, sampai bila nak berjimat?

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Post time 22-2-2018 04:37 AM | Show all posts
grouper replied at 21-2-2018 10:51 AM
Bawak uber kat jb konpem blh dpt rm100 sehari.. nak merungut apa lagi..

kapla vutoh hang..statemen haram jadah...cer ko try buat...

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Post time 22-2-2018 07:42 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
NAT_11 replied at 21-2-2018 11:17 AM
Banyak yang lain.
Tak payah cakap pasal harga barang di JB, cakap pasal harga barang
di Melaka,  ...

Chuolls masih menetap kat melaka ke? Mzz apa2 semua bertenggek kat family store je..tu je yang rasa paling mampu milik..

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Post time 22-2-2018 08:13 AM | Show all posts
Edited by NAT_11 at 22-2-2018 08:14 AM
mzzenma replied at 22-2-2018 07:42 AM
Chuolls masih menetap kat melaka ke? Mzz apa2 semua bertenggek kat family store je..tu je yang ras ...

Memang bertenggek kat Family store je.............
Mydin pun teruk dah, barang kurang dan mahal pulak.
Pasar BESAR Melaka dah pindah belakang Pasar Raya Mart.
Semua peniaganya MELAYU.
Mahal nak mampos.
Dulu masa pasar besar kat belakang Melaka Centeral, ada sebuah gerai sayuran CINA, murah.
Cina tu tak pindah ke pasar sementara, kat belakang Hyper market Mart.
Tak ingat nama jalannya sebab gi situ sekali je, terus tak pergi lagi.
Sekarang bertenggek kat Family store jelah.


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Post time 22-2-2018 08:20 AM | Show all posts
oshinmoshin replied at 21-2-2018 03:53 PM
penah beli udang kat smart pandan. atas dia tjuk yg saiz besar, nampak segar. nak beli xleh pilih. ...

pasar borong pun sama, tu yg harga murah sikit, kalo kat maslee mmg seafood dah kurang fresh..pasar larkin mmg fresh tapi tu lar harga dia mmg mampu tengok jer atau kena pergi dah petang sikit

ketam batu kat smart pandan murah, sedapp woi buat ketam telur asin

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Post time 22-2-2018 08:26 AM | Show all posts
axl_bach replied at 21-2-2018 10:57 PM
Semudah tu ker pemilikan oleh PRC?? maksud aku di tempat selain di Forest CIty and Garden Danga Ba ...

dorang beli atas factor investment jer pada harga tanah. bukan harga rumah perse. and dorang mmg tak duduk pun kat jb. dengar kata pelaburan dari PRC ni mcm you scratch my back, i scratch yours.

kondo2 kat danga and stulang tu and most area in jb cuma ada 30% occupancy.takkan realtor akan buat project if take up rate cuma 30%?

wana - mmg dari 2010 shin dengar mmg jb akan over supply, and takda tender akan dikeluarkan utk taman2 perumahan yg baru till 2020. johor cuma release tanah utk industrial and condominiums.

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Post time 22-2-2018 08:31 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
kecimpret replied at 21-2-2018 03:51 PM
kat jb aku tgk penuh je McD & KFC - macai

Kahkahkah mmg kena sgat kt macai!

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Post time 22-2-2018 08:34 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Mana cai tak masuk ni? Bukan kfc mekdi mydin lazada ramai org beratur ke? Patutnya rakyat kaya raya xkan tertekan. @tobby @whitemagic @wajevo @silencekiller @Simunggu @shamsadis kahkahkah

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Post time 22-2-2018 08:38 AM | Show all posts
cara sy berjimat, rumah saya dah lama seafood tak mendarat

huhuhuh...2 mgu sekali kalau rajin g kipmart baru lah beli ikan

kalau x...ofis dekat je dgn tesco, beli la ayam rm5.99 se kg

pastu aritu tesco jual bawal emas rm4.98 xsilap...beli lah 3 eko, cukup la makan ank branak

tapi beli bawang mmg xboleh elak, mahal namateeee, 12 biji comel2 je rm5.04 huhuhuhu

nangis rasa

baju pulak, saya tak paham org beriya tgu dpn pintu jakel time bulan puasa

tahun lepas, mse bulan puasa kat wisma glulam ada karnival batik, tapi tak semua batik la

saya beli baju kurung moden biasa, xde la brand rm50

kat jakel bhgn bawah je, saja masuk konon nak beli baju mlayu husb, nampak baju yg saya beli sebijik sejibon, rm 179....gilerrrrr la

letak tag jakel je da bole up bole la saya berlagak baju saya baju mahal hahahaha

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Post time 22-2-2018 08:45 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
dodolgemok replied at 22-2-2018 08:34 AM
Mana cai tak masuk ni? Bukan kfc mekdi mydin lazada ramai org beratur ke? Patutnya rakyat kaya raya  ...

yang tertekan tu adalah penyokong dap macam ko

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Post time 22-2-2018 09:55 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
whitemagic replied at 22-2-2018 08:45 AM
yang tertekan tu adalah penyokong dap macam ko

Bodoh xbaca artikel? Semua rakyat Johor dapig ke? Kau suluk Brunei gi mampos je lah dekat mindanao sana bom puki org.

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Post time 22-2-2018 09:59 AM | Show all posts
eh bukan kat  johor takde GST ke ??


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Post time 22-2-2018 10:06 AM | Show all posts
dodolgemok replied at 22-2-2018 08:31 AM
Kahkahkah mmg kena sgat kt macai!

geli ketiak aku bila org ukur ekonomi dgn tgk McD & KFC penuh ke dakkk...dorang x tau ka time lunch ada promo yg harganya lebih murah dr ko mkn nasi campo kak limah tepi jalan

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