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Author: ipes2


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 Author| Post time 11-3-2018 02:25 AM | Show all posts
adila39 replied at 28-2-2018 09:31 AM
hi doc, lama xnampak. xde citer baru ke..share la.

ade je..cuma jarang sket meronda diluar board kesihatan tu. awak sehat kah?

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 Author| Post time 11-3-2018 02:33 AM | Show all posts

(terasa diri macam superman..cekak pinggang dan sangat bangga!!)

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Post time 11-3-2018 02:29 PM | Show all posts
hi... saya baru kt sini...

ape yg i like you ya?  kene buat cerita ker kt sini?  

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Post time 11-3-2018 05:52 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
aydeniv replied at 11-3-2018 02:29 PM
hi... saya baru kt sini...

ape yg i like you ya?  kene buat cerita ker kt sini?

buat la citer do u like me lak

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Post time 11-3-2018 06:18 PM | Show all posts
onexox97 replied at 11-3-2018 05:52 PM
buat la citer do u like me lak

hahaha..... kelakar....

klu nak kene buat cerita, tak reti la nak mengarang... bm karangan lulus cukup makan jer dulu2...

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Post time 11-3-2018 06:28 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
aydeniv replied at 11-3-2018 06:18 PM
hahaha..... kelakar....

klu nak kene buat cerita, tak reti la nak mengarang... bm karangan lulu ...

owh guna je ayat yg u duk guna sekarang
bukan susah pun macam kacang je
register cari lagi susah tau

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Post time 11-3-2018 06:49 PM | Show all posts
onexox97 replied at 11-3-2018 06:28 PM
owh guna je ayat yg u duk guna sekarang
bukan susah pun macam kacang je
register cari lagi susa ...

kene buat cerita genre mcm mana?

aydeniv start dgn onexox la... ni kira babak 1 dah ni...


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Post time 11-3-2018 07:54 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
aydeniv replied at 11-3-2018 06:49 PM
kene buat cerita genre mcm mana?

aydeniv start dgn onexox la... ni kira babak 1 dah ni...

owh kalau tanya ai suka macam hindustan tu
hero sehensem shah rukh khan
heroin secantik kajol
lagu seindah siulan biola
scenematography selawa saujana mata memandang

cuma create story board je

jumpa kat mana

dalam forum cari dan terjatuh cinta kah

dalam airport masa menunggu kah

masa kat lrt terlanggar masa beli tiket kah

atau masa dalam telefon ketika tersalah dail kah

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Post time 11-3-2018 09:00 PM | Show all posts
onexox97 replied at 11-3-2018 07:54 PM
owh kalau tanya ai suka macam hindustan tu
hero sehensem shah rukh khan
heroin secantik kajol

owhhh...mcm tu eh... okies... aydeniv try...hahaha

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Post time 11-3-2018 09:08 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
aydeniv replied at 11-3-2018 09:00 PM
owhhh...mcm tu eh... okies... aydeniv try...hahaha

try jangan tak try apply jugak 5w 1h

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Post time 11-3-2018 10:01 PM | Show all posts
onexox97 replied at 11-3-2018 09:08 PM
try jangan tak try apply jugak 5w 1h

ape 5w 1h ?

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Post time 11-3-2018 10:06 PM | Show all posts
kelas tuisyen matematik baru start....

cikgu safura mula menulis di white board... tiba2 pintu kelas dibuka...

dia muncul di balik pintu dalam keadaan selamber bercampur gelissah... maybe sebab cikgu dah mula kelas and dia tahu dia lambat.... aku pula bila tengok dia terus aku rasa something...
cinta pandang pertama i guess...  and itu starting point aku suka dia...

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Post time 11-3-2018 10:27 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Edited by onexox97 at 11-3-2018 11:25 PM
aydeniv replied at 11-3-2018 10:01 PM
ape 5w 1h ?


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 Author| Post time 12-3-2018 12:18 AM | Show all posts

excellent onex!

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 Author| Post time 12-3-2018 12:22 AM | Show all posts
aydeniv replied at 11-3-2018 06:49 PM
kene buat cerita genre mcm mana?

aydeniv start dgn onexox la... ni kira babak 1 dah ni...

tapi kena cerita benar, ie life experience.
contoh mcm dlm citer asal yg bawak title ''I Like You'' ni, it was a real-life experience.
ie it was told ''as-is'', ie the way it really happened.
''I Like You'' melambangkan the author tidak berminat utk berlebih2 dari apa yg di-encounter, jadi tiada follow-up dilakukan eg whatsapp ke, messenger ke, ig ke etc. ie tidak membawa kepada I Fancy U ke, I Want To Know You More ke, jaug sekali I Love You ke

so, please begin aydeniv.. we would like to hear your story

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 Author| Post time 12-3-2018 12:26 AM | Show all posts
adila39 replied at 7-2-2018 12:34 PM
hmm i dont do much, fact that i have to travel whole week to a city that i dont like. banyak bad m ...

wah wah.. new experience ye adila?
haaa, so ni mcm open to suggestion of where it will take you in the future lah ye?
escapism? ye boleh jadi from reading in between the lines.. infatuation maybe jugak.. new experience pon maybe jugak, kan?


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Post time 12-3-2018 12:50 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
ipes2 replied at 12-3-2018 12:18 AM
excellent onex!

ye ke doc
betul ke tu
ingat2 lupa la

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Post time 12-3-2018 06:19 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
ipes2 replied at 11-3-2018 04:26 PM
wah wah.. new experience ye adila?
haaa, so ni mcm open to suggestion of where it will take you i ...

iyela kot doc.. xtau la. i rasa dedua notty tp xberapa nk pandai bernotty. I pulak jenis sentimental sikit...seronok tu ya tp mcm xtaula bendalah ni real ke idak. But yes i like u too.. untuk jwb dia klu dia tanya do u like me. Kalau dia tanyalah...huhuhuhu

klu infatuation mesti ada laid eyes ke bahu bergesel ke...klu escapism mesti i sgt dekat dgn dia tp tak...but he is warm and sweet je which i like. Our character agak similar in a way but he is better than me la..again, pepagi ni i teringat kat dia pulak dah..

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Post time 12-3-2018 11:04 AM | Show all posts
ipes2 replied at 12-3-2018 12:22 AM
tapi kena cerita benar, ie life experience.
contoh mcm dlm citer asal yg bawak title ''I Like You ...

owhhh... tak kisah suka apa2 pun ya?  ker suka pada org jer?

ni 1 kisah...

aku menhirup coffee panas sementara menunggu waktu utk boarding.
aku memandang di skrin  flight information, waktu utk flight ke kota kinabalu menunjukan jam 20.30.

di sebelah kanan ku, selang beberapa seaat, ku pandang dia bersahaja...
dia sedang kusyuk menatap handphone.. maybe tengah tgk fb or ig... or maybe baca artikel..

10 minit berlalu, tiba waktu utk boarding telah di umum... aku bergerak ke gate...
dapat tempat duduk tepi tingkap... best sgt... ralit aku tgk di luar tingkap.. kemudian aku lihat penumpang yg duduk selang 1 seat di sebelah kanan ku.. eh, dia la.. yg td aku tgk semasa menunggu utk boarding...aku suka tgk wajahnya... dia memandang aku dgn memberi senyuman..
aku balas dgn senyuman semula... kemudian kami masing2 membuat urusan sendiri.. kami tidak bercakap spanjang perjalanan...
aku pula tidur.. aku mmg pantang naik flight jer, mesti tdo.. hehehe..

tiba di airport kk, kami masih bertemu sehingga mengambil beg... setelah itu,  aku lihat dia bergerak ke arah berlainan dgn aku...
saat itu, aku berkenan dgn dia.. aku suka dia.. raut wajah yg tenang dan tersenyum...

aku senyum sendiri... dan menaiki teksi utk ke hotel..

the end....


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Post time 12-3-2018 07:44 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
aydeniv replied at 12-3-2018 11:04 AM
owhhh... tak kisah suka apa2 pun ya?  ker suka pada org jer?

ni 1 kisah...

wow dah ada dua cerita dah dia
ai xda cerita pun lagi
bila ingat2 macam xda je
dahla payah suka orang
orang pun payah suka kita
sekali tersuka pada yang salah pulak

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