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Author: syue86


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 Author| Post time 20-3-2018 02:13 PM | Show all posts
Yoon Jisung (class president): Model student, mannerly and takes initiatives to set the good example, but has no power over the thugs

Ha Sungwoon: Thugs leader

Hwang Minhyun: Just your average kid (but in the inside, he hates the thugs)

Ong Seongwu: He's not a bad kid, but he gets along with the thugs, actually he gets around with everyone

Kim Jaewhan: Just my-way, he's f*cking my-way (He doesn't cause problems)

Kang Daniel: He's a kind student in front of the teacher, but when the teacher turns his back, he hangs out with the thug leader and his personalities show

Park Jihoon: Pretends to be a tough guy, but all he does are "thuggy" actions

Lee Daehwi: He's quite sociable but he knows where his limits are

Park Woojin: When he looks at the thugs, he knows that they're doing bad things, but he can't help it so he pretends he knows nothing

Bae Jinyoung: He doesn't feed the trolls

Lai Guanlin: He's still young but his personalities are rotting away because he learns the bad stuff from his hyungs, he's naïve ... -on-wanna-ones.html
kinda agree gak..hahahaha

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Post time 22-3-2018 12:16 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts

Jidambodoh ni mmg pandai cari limelight kan.. Masa suma knetz tngah kutuk Wanna One, ko pon nak tumpang popular..nak public apology konon, gila ke hapa???wacko betol..

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Post time 22-3-2018 12:53 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Teaser lagiiiikk~

1. Hyeongseop x Euiwoong

2. Samuel

3. The Boyz

Iols suka pic mcm ni..baru terserlah kehenseman masing2

4. UNB - Bcut jacket images

Hojung ni betol2 the Main Visual of UNB.. Cuma suara jela x berapa sedap..


Jambu betol masing2.. x boleh imagine lagu diorg nanti mcm mana.. X zabaarrr~

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Post time 22-3-2018 01:38 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Happy birthday to uri smol fairy!!!!

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Post time 22-3-2018 01:59 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Stray Kids - Teaser photos

Iols dah dgr teaser instrumental lagu diorg.. Lagu Stray Kids ni rasanya akan lain sikit dari tipikal JPEBG yg ada.. Maybe akan kedgran mcm group dr YG sikit.. Apa2 pon, goodluck boys!!!!

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 Author| Post time 22-3-2018 09:01 AM | Show all posts
nisalee replied at 22-3-2018 12:16 AM
Jidambodoh ni mmg pandai cari limelight kan.. Masa suma knetz tngah kutuk Wanna One, ko pon nak  ...

heiiii bodoh la minah ni lempang kang

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 Author| Post time 22-3-2018 09:04 AM | Show all posts
nisalee replied at 22-3-2018 01:38 AM
Happy birthday to uri smol fairy!!!!

x bley blah tgk die duk mtk maaf ms kena train ngn pacit KJK..minhyun smpai mgigil happy bestday!

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Post time 22-3-2018 09:35 AM | Show all posts
nisalee replied at 22-3-2018 01:59 AM
Stray Kids - Teaser photos

Thanks sebab chuols promo anak2 hikan kaka. Kaka is sooo busy lately dengan hal budget kat opis ni. Xzabar tau nak tunggu dorang debut esok & menandakan berakhirnya perjalanan hidup bangchan as sunbae segala trainee yang ada di JYP. Dah la bebudak ni produce lagi sendiri, bergetaran  la kaki pacik YG.

Sambil tu tumpang promo Ponyo & belia senyum sokmo

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Post time 22-3-2018 10:12 AM | Show all posts

halu team bawang porum         thoughts on stuff happening recently:

1) as usual, wanna one deserves so much better

2) iols tak berapa masuk dengan lagu Boomerang. MV pon tak kemas walaupun ada certain scene yang noteworthy. part rotating camera tu, hauk yach editing!! plot pon ala2 MV plot nugu boygroups dari company kecik circa 2013-2015. the only saving grace for me is the boys themselves dengan choreo lagu. lain2 semua tak kena dengan citarasa iols

3) tak sempat lagi dengar full album, so ai reserved my comment hehek. tazzabar tunggu album iols sampai ni!

4) tak sangka ada yang sentap sebab daniel cakap heols verak di pagi hari   budak2 tu main2 cakap bila nak tido/bila nak dapat payment/bila nak free/ marah sasaeng pon jadi issue??like seriously instead of marah kat company diorang sebab tak jaga kebajikan pekerja, diorang marah kat pekerja tu sendiri??? dari dulu sampai sekarang takpaham dengan kfans/knets yang overly sensitive ngan benda2 camni.

5) ha sengun sekali lagi jadi mangsa witch hunt, apparently dia tak mencarut pon dalam bideo tu. "carutan" tu katanya bunyi orang ketawa, dah la heols n jisung yang cuba stopkan budak2 tu dari cakap yang bukan2. antis suka drag heols kerna "dia tak layak masuk w1" wewewewe nyampah! move on la bangang. sian juga dik linlin kerna kepelatan heols disalah erti sampai "answer me" pon boleh kedengaran seperti "handjob".

6) ramai fans dah syak orang dalam YMC sendiri bagi leak semua benda. mesti dah dibayar untuk leak benda2 tu. YMC takkan buat apape punya. mesti la diorang akan defend staff sendiri dari w1 yang akan disband dalam masa beberapa bulan je lagi

7) jidumb bodo ni dah boleh stop kot? mana bapak dia? sila piat telinga minah delulu tu mujur w1 otw ke Chile sekarang (23 jam atas plane, masak la nkorang), takyah pening kepala sangat.

8) lucu + kesian tengok minhyun & sengun dikerah pacit jongkook training body

9) niel ni sejenis yang pendam kesusahan. bila orang tanya baru dia cerita. ai is sedih tengok dia cerita pasal family dia dalam radio star, pasal rumours dia kena expel dari high school and no wonder ongniel boleh click, mindset diorang ni sama.

10) woojin mendonia semalam di radio star! trending chuolsss beserta ong n niel. semoga banyak pd bukak mata n cast heols dalam variety. tapi heols takleh pegi sorang2, kena ada geng baru keluar segala mala kelucuan heols tu. thanks to seungri jugak, pandai heols bergaul dengan budak2 tu.

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 Author| Post time 22-3-2018 10:28 AM | Show all posts
Telolet replied at 22-3-2018 10:12 AM
halu team bawang porum         thoughts on stuff happening recently:

1) as usual, wanna one deserves ...

lagu2 baru diorg cm x menangkap ingatan iols
tp part tarian ok lah..

lawak giler tgk minhyun n sungwoon tkial2 agkt weight tu sama2
nak ditinggalkan pacit giler tu senior diorg plak kan..hahahha
lewat mlm baru g gym rupanya..

suke seungri tu kat mn2 pn die bley bgaul
hrp woojin loose up lagi

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Post time 22-3-2018 10:47 AM | Show all posts
syue86 replied at 22-3-2018 09:28 AM
lagu2 baru diorg cm x menangkap ingatan iols
tp part tarian ok lah..

tula hahaha takkan nak bior je pacit tu kan. mau kena hayun sebelah lengan pacit tu terkulai terus diorang kat tepi


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Post time 22-3-2018 10:51 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Happy bday ha sengun

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 Author| Post time 22-3-2018 10:52 AM | Show all posts
Telolet replied at 22-3-2018 10:47 AM
tula hahaha takkan nak bior je pacit tu kan. mau kena hayun sebelah lengan pacit tu terkulai terus ...

diorg pun kemahen menonton pacit tu tnpa segan silu
klu iols, dh berlari keluar gym dh dgn uhh ahhh die tu
tak pasal2 kena train lower body
chusonghamidaaaa kata Ha Fairy


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Post time 22-3-2018 11:20 AM | Show all posts
syue86 replied at 22-3-2018 09:52 AM
diorg pun kemahen menonton pacit tu tnpa segan silu
klu iols, dh berlari keluar gym dh dgn uhh ah ...

haah iols pulak yang segan dengar heols hu hah hu hah tu
adik iols sampai masuk bilik tanya woi ko tengok apa tu


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 Author| Post time 22-3-2018 11:28 AM | Show all posts
Telolet replied at 22-3-2018 11:20 AM
haah iols pulak yang segan dengar heols hu hah hu hah tu
adik iols sampai masuk bilik tanya wo ...

mujur la i duk sorang klu x mau disalahertikan gak
ngek la buat bunyi2 tu, patut ade suju ke sapetah ckp die bising klu kt gym

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Post time 22-3-2018 04:42 PM | Show all posts
iols tepek jela kat sini in case ada yang masih taktau kisah sebenar kan ... e-still-good-to-go/

There were 3 parts that were fabricated/misunderstood:
1. 미리 익혀야겠다(I need to memorize it first/I need to familiarize with it first) became 미리 욕 해야겠다 (I need to swear first)
2. 메디테이션 (Meditation) became 마스터베이션 (Masturbation)
3. 됐다 해/대답해라 (Alright/Answer) was also misinterpreted and falsely spread (t/n: alluding to the “hand job” comment)
As for the parts where they said “Why can’t we get paid” “Why can’t we sleep”, while they were said carelessly, they are parodies of Kim Haeun’s rap on High School Rapper 2 that recently became a trending topic, they were just joking around. It wasn’t anything severe.


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Post time 22-3-2018 05:04 PM | Show all posts
sharing lagi dari Radio Star semalam : ... e-clarifies-rumors/

During the show, Kang Daniel revealed, “I entered my first agency at the age of 20, but it wasn’t in a good situation. The agency rented a house, and there was a practice room in the basement. There were no dancing lessons. Because the agency wasn’t in good circumstances, it got taken over by another agency.”

He continued, “I became a part of MMO, but even there, it didn’t seem like my preparations to debut were going well, so I made a passport. I was going to run away to Canada. I was then offered a chance to appear in ‘Produce 101 Season 2’, so I was going to use it as my last chance, and I ended up here today.”

Kang Daniel also clarified the rumors surrounding himself. He explained, “There are many people who think I’m a foreigner. My name is Kang Daniel, but I was born in Busan. My real name is Kang Eui Geon, and I got my current name myself through the Bible.”

He added, “There are rumors that I was expelled from school and went around beating up other kids. Ever since middle school, I was into b-boying. I entered an art school based on my grades, but the tuition was so expensive that I dropped out. My mother raised me alone, so our financial situation was really horrible.”

Concerning his studies, Kang Daniel confessed, “I didn’t really study hard. However, compared to how much I studied, I got decent grades. Eventually, I left high school, went on the path to becoming a singer, and got an opportunity to become one at the age of 20. I took the high school qualification exam when I entered ‘Produce 101’ and entered a cyber university after that.”

Ong Seong Woo talked about his own schooling, saying, “There was a time when I was so determined and absorbed in my studies. I thought I would do well at this point, but I got a score of 23 [out of 100]. Ever since then, my parents didn’t say anything about my studies.”

lol Ong, orang tengah fefeeling baca kisah niel tergelak plak baca story heols ... es-to-their-family/

Ong Seong Woo said, “Before, I used my mom’s credit card a lot, but now, my mom uses my card. A few days ago, she spent 100,000 won [approximately $100] at a sushi buffet with a friend. It felt different.”

He also revealed that he bought a house for his family with the first payment he received. He explained, “The house we lived in was cold in the winter and hot in the summer. It was so cold in the winter that we needed heated tents. That’s why I bought a house for my parents first.”

Kang Daniel has also given money to his family. He said, “I sent money to my mother right away. My parents got a divorce when I was younger. I wasn’t in touch with my father because he’s busy, but he recently called me. He said his tooth hurt but couldn’t get it treated, so I sent him money for treatment right away.”


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 Author| Post time 22-3-2018 05:25 PM | Show all posts
Telolet replied at 22-3-2018 05:04 PM
sharing lagi dari Radio Star semalam : ...

ok baru terjawab mana pegi ayah daniel..baiknya bagi duit
bongok la Ong!!! baru nk feeling2 sedih..hahaha
tp wow bagusnya dik beli umah!well done!

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Post time 23-3-2018 10:01 AM | Show all posts
syue86 replied at 22-3-2018 04:25 PM
ok baru terjawab mana pegi ayah daniel..baiknya bagi duit
bongok la Ong!!!  baru nk feeling2 ...

lebat gak payment diorang kan, dah boleh beli rumah bagai (walaupun sepatutnya boleh dapat lebih lagi).
kira ok gak la hubungan parents niel ni, heols pon takde cakap bapak heols tak guna ke apa ke. siap inspired signature heols dari apaknya lagi.


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 Author| Post time 23-3-2018 10:29 AM | Show all posts
Telolet replied at 23-3-2018 10:01 AM
lebat gak payment diorang kan, dah boleh beli rumah bagai (walaupun sepatutnya boleh dapat lebih l ...

tu lah lebat betul 1st payment dah beli umah
bagus Ong..pelaburan tu..daniel pn bagus xde nk salahkan ayah die ke ape

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