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Author: Lilith.

Laki aku sebenarnya, laki orang?! Fakkkkk

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Post time 18-9-2018 09:23 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
chazey replied at 18-9-2018 09:20 AM
Mungkin dah rasa sedap bersama. Tu ja biasanya sebab bila berskandal susah nak tinggal.

Harap tt tak.terlanjur lagi ....terlanjur ni bukan bermaksud tidur. ...maaf ya tt

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Post time 18-9-2018 09:25 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
noraidil_06 replied at 18-9-2018 08:24 AM
Hoiii masuk penjara noks. Pastu laki tu bkn hak mutlak kite pun. X de pompuan lain pun, kalau jodo ...

takleh. nnt nafkah anak seme camna. heol kena curah asid camna nk keje

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Post time 18-9-2018 09:25 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
eh silap reply. nnk reply betipollayar

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Post time 18-9-2018 09:27 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
sofiazara replied at 18-9-2018 09:25 AM
takleh. nnt nafkah anak seme camna. heol kena curah asid camna nk keje

Hahaha aiol suka jawapan jujur nim.

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Post time 18-9-2018 09:27 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
noor2 replied at 18-9-2018 09:23 AM
Harap tt tak.terlanjur lagi ....terlanjur ni bukan bermaksud tidur. ...maaf ya tt


Tapi takat comolot rasanya dah kot.

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Post time 18-9-2018 09:28 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
chazey replied at 18-9-2018 09:27 AM

Tapi takat comolot rasanya dah kot.


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Post time 18-9-2018 09:29 AM | Show all posts
laki org dikatanya "laki" dia. kahhhhhh! prasan nk mampos

chuolss dh "kawen" dulu sblom nikah?

benda simple pun chuolsss tk bleh fikirrrr

dh kena tipu hidup2 nak tungguuuu lagi eh chuollls?

tkyah jadi gegirl yang hadap sgt kt jantan penipuuu cenggituhh


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Post time 18-9-2018 09:31 AM | Show all posts
zaza201516 replied at 18-9-2018 08:35 AM
Ada 2 jenis laki orang ni.
First one dia mmg nak kawen, ikhlas, cinta, tak nak buat maksiat. Yang  ...

Assalammu'alaikum n selamat sejahtera.

Ada lagi satu spesis.  Spesis layan multiple women at the same time.  Takutnya, TT is just one of his girlfriends.  TT may be THE MAIN girl sekarang ni, tapi kalau TT blah, the guy boleh je shifts his attention pd yg dh mmg sedia ada dlm contact list WA, WeChat dia tu.  

Apa pun keputusan TT, ambillah jln yg dibenarkan syarak.  On tak on ke, dah2 la keluar berdua2an tu, TT.  


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Post time 18-9-2018 09:33 AM | Show all posts
siannn kena tipu.............. hidup2 lak tu,  pastu leh tnya lagi nk wat pe...

wei byk lg la jantan bujang...

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Post time 18-9-2018 09:37 AM | Show all posts
chazey replied at 18-9-2018 09:27 AM

Tapi takat comolot rasanya dah kot.

ada 2 @ 3  sbb selalunya chuolsss : dh kesedapan bergesel, hutang, video @ pix bogelll

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Post time 18-9-2018 09:37 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
My 2 cents. It is better to leave him alone. Takut dia just be with u sebab dia rasa sunyi weekdays away from family. Ni lebih seram sebab kalau dia ada lagi situasi camni. Dia ada potensi nak buat the same thing to u.  

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Post time 18-9-2018 09:41 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
chazey replied at 18-9-2018 09:07 AM
Aiol terima for 7 years kaka, different women bersilih ganti, before aiol decided to move away a ...

Loh, cerai jugak u in the end...ingatkan separate gitu je, bersayang bersedapan bila nak..hehe

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Post time 18-9-2018 09:42 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
noor2 replied at 18-9-2018 09:28 AM

Raba2 nenen pon dah kot.

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Post time 18-9-2018 09:44 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Lilith. replied at 18-9-2018 12:01 AM
wasalam sis..btw, dia tunang feb 2017.. kawen nov 2017.. dapat beby june 2018.

dalam fb dia n w ...

Kalau ikut your info pasal time dia tunang dan dpt baby ...i blh conclude dia bukan lelaki baik. Lelaki.baik tak mcm ni lah sister...baru dpt baby dah gian cari girlfriend

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Post time 18-9-2018 09:44 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
chazey replied at 18-9-2018 09:42 AM
Raba2 nenen pon dah kot.

Kalau dah cemolot. ....tangan mana diam. ..hehe

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Post time 18-9-2018 09:45 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Amponnn tt. .....hehe jangan marah kita orang berspekulasi. ....

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Post time 18-9-2018 09:46 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
becir replied at 18-9-2018 09:41 AM
Loh, cerai jugak u in the end...ingatkan separate gitu je, bersayang bersedapan bila nak..hehe

Aiol yang paksa soh jatuhkan talak.

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Post time 18-9-2018 09:50 AM | Show all posts
mongoose_kidz replied at 17-9-2018 11:48 PM
da tau tercouple dgn laki org lagi nak compare2 dgn bini org tu pulak..
aku mula2 nak la kesian ski ...

Betui tu pandai aje assume org tu x masak...actually yg masak tiap hari mcm ai takde sibuk nk post FB bagai. Yang masak once in the blue moon tu sibuk nk post FB. Nasihat ai pikir masak2 kalau nk berkongsi kasih, kena tahan la kena kecam as "perampas" no matter how hard u or him try to justify it. And worst bila kau dh ada anak nanti, susah senang bkn laki sentiasa ada....kalau kau jenis x possessive go ahead. kalau rasa nak bermanja dgn laki dependant etc, better la cari yg single. skrg kau mmg tak pikir sgt pun benda2 ni kan sbb tgh "high"

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Post time 18-9-2018 09:54 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
juruterra replied at 18-9-2018 09:50 AM
Betui tu pandai aje assume org tu x masak...actually yg masak tiap hari mcm ai takde sibuk nk post ...

Dan tt rajin masak untuk lelaki tu juga katanya. ....X silap akak lah

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Post time 18-9-2018 09:55 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts masak. Waktu bila. tapaukan ke atau dia datang rumah tt. .....kalau datang rumah tt masakkan nampaknya hubungan ni dah jauhhhhhh

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