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[Falsafah] Filem / rancangan TV tentang Epistemologi...

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Post time 26-11-2018 09:57 AM | Show all posts
MeghanK replied at 25-11-2018 06:08 PM
iols tak tengok dedua movie tersebut

tapi yes, lepas tengok angel vs demon lagi kuat rasa nak g ...

da vinci code memang best...tapi iols tgk 2-3 kali baru paham


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Post time 28-11-2018 06:55 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Kebebasan utk berfikir
Kebebasan utk meluahkan pendapat
More to freedom



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Post time 28-11-2018 11:11 AM | Show all posts
SY_Mumi replied at 26-11-2018 12:59 AM
At the moment, the closest I can relate for this topic is drama series ;
The Handmaid's Tale
HULU ...

hulu ni berapa fees kalau subscribe ya monthly/annually?


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Post time 28-11-2018 02:32 PM | Show all posts
fixit replied at 28-11-2018 11:11 AM
hulu ni berapa fees kalau subscribe ya monthly/annually?

ai tak subscribe Hulu.  cerita nih tonton online je, cause based on recommendation.

HULU account don't think it is available in some Asia countries.

In Malaysia, best to choose between Iflix or Netflix.

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Post time 28-11-2018 02:53 PM | Show all posts
SY_Mumi replied at 28-11-2018 02:32 PM
ai tak subscribe Hulu.  cerita nih tonton online je, cause based on recommendation.

HULU accoun ...

pernah masa tu nak try sign up Hulu sebab nak tgok satu crime series ni
only available at Hulu lah for several season and latest season

kat iflix ada series tu tapi cuma ada 1 season je itupun bukan yang latest
kat netflix pulak series tu dah tak ambik

so yang ada cuma kat Hulu ja.
masa nak sign up tu apps dia error
and try kat website ada charges masa sign up, USD ok

so tak jadi nak proceed


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Post time 29-11-2018 12:30 AM | Show all posts
fixit replied at 28-11-2018 02:53 PM
pernah masa tu nak try sign up Hulu sebab nak tgok satu crime series ni
only available at Hulu la ...

ah ic...
I check Hulu only available for US & Japan je

cerita crime apa yg u nak watch tuh, cuba share sikit

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Post time 29-11-2018 08:13 AM | Show all posts
SY_Mumi replied at 29-11-2018 12:30 AM
ah ic...
I check Hulu only available for US & Japan je

oh ya ke utk US & Japan jee
emgee nyaris ari tu nak subscribe
cite Law & order SVU
nak tgok latest season


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Post time 29-11-2018 11:40 AM | Show all posts

In a future where time is money and the wealthy can live forever, Will Salas (Justin Timberlake) is a poor man who rarely has more than a day's worth of life on his time clock. When he saves Henry Hamilton (Matt Bomer) from time thieves, Will receives the gift of a century. However, such a large transaction attracts the attention of the authorities, and when Will is falsely accused of murder, he must go on the run, taking the daughter (Amanda Seyfried) of an incredibly wealthy man with him.

- i suka cite ni, in theory Masa itu emas.. kalau duit byk sekalipun if we did not use our time wisely dh jadi kerugian utk kita sbb x bole nak undur masa

The Purge is an American action horror franchise, consisting of four films and a television series. The films are based on a future dystopian America, where all crime is made legal once a year

- i suka all series the purge - the idea utk lakukan jenayah utk 1 night, to become clean n peaceful country... kalau la btl2 apply benda ni in reality tak bole bayang mcmne huru hara nye

korean drama - Beautiful mind

.Lee Young-O (Jang Hyuk) is an excellent neurosurgeon with zero sympathy. One day, he becomes involved in bizarre patient deaths. He also falls in love and recovers his humanity.

- i love this drama, cerita pasal doc yg hilang deria perasaan... x bole beza perasaan lg2 perasaan simpati...



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Post time 29-11-2018 04:29 PM | Show all posts
John Carter of Mars
When Civil War veteran John Carter mysteriously awakes on the surface of Mars -- also called Barsoom -- he little expects the adventure that awaits him. Carter reluctantly becomes embroiled in an epic conflict among the red planet's inhabitants, including Tars Tarkas and Princess Dejah Thoris . As Barsoom is poised on the brink of collapse, war-weary Carter rediscovers his humanity when he realizes that everyone's fate is in his hands.

Blade Runner
Deckard is forced by the police Boss to continue his old job as Replicant Hunter. His assignment: eliminate four escaped Replicants from the colonies who have returned to Earth. Before starting the job, Deckard goes to the Tyrell Corporation and he meets Rachel, a Replicant girl he falls in love with.

Artificial Intelligence  movie ni sedih sgt
A highly advanced robotic boy longs to become "real" so that he can regain the love of his human mother.


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Post time 29-11-2018 04:37 PM | Show all posts
Groundhog Day
A cynical TV weatherman finds himself reliving the same day over and over again when he goes on location to the small town of Punxsutawney to film a report about their annual Groundhog Day. His predicament drives him to distraction, until he sees a way of turning the situation to his advantage.

Mr. Nobody - (minat Jared Leto)
In 2092 the last mortal human (Jared Leto) on Earth reflects on his long past and thinks about the lives he might have led.

Stranger than Fiction - (1st time tgk will ferrell blkon movie watak serius)
A mentally unstable IRS auditor hears an author's voice in his head and discovers that he is the ill-fated protagonist of her latest work. While a book-company employee tries to cure the author's case of writer's block, the auditor and a professor set out to find the woman and make her change her story.



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Post time 30-11-2018 12:29 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
fixit replied at 29-11-2018 08:13 AM
oh ya ke utk US & Japan jee
emgee nyaris ari tu nak subscribe
cite Law & order SVU

Wah Law & Order, one of the longest running series.
If other new seasons like SVU nak kena search on available cable channel. Online also might be difficult, if kalau dah restricted for US, memang cannot find.
Or try Amazon Prime.

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Post time 30-11-2018 10:50 AM | Show all posts
tqvm tt/momod for tacang sodap kalah tong garden


No prob  Post time 9-12-2018 01:28 PM

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Post time 30-11-2018 04:06 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
1. Hidden Figures
The incredible untold story of Katherine Johnson (Taraji P. Henson), Dorothy Vaughan (Octavia Spencer) and Mary Jackson (Janelle Monae)-brilliant African-American women working at NASA, who served as the brains behind one of the greatest operations in history: the launch of astronaut John Glenn into orbit, a stunning achievement that restored the nation's confidence, turned around the Space Race, and galvanized the world. The visionary trio crossed all gender and race lines to inspire generations to dream big.

2. Interstellar
In Earth's future, a global crop blight and second Dust Bowl are slowly rendering the planet uninhabitable. Professor Brand (Michael Caine), a brilliant NASA physicist, is working on plans to save mankind by transporting Earth's population to a new home via a wormhole. But first, Brand must send former NASA pilot Cooper (Matthew McConaughey) and a team of researchers through the wormhole and across the galaxy to find out which of three planets could be mankind's new home.

ps: nak kena tengok banyak kali baru faham.

3. The Imitation Game
A biography of the mathematician, reveals the story of an eccentric genius, olympic-class runner, and groundbreaking theoretician whose work is still influencing the science and telecommunication systems of the modern world.
"English mathematician and scientist Alan Turing (1912-1954) is credited with many of the foundational principles of contemporary computer science. The Imitation Game presents a historically accurate graphic novel biography of Turing's life, including his groundbreaking work on the fundamentals of cryptography and artificial intelligence. His code breaking efforts led to the cracking of the German Enigma during World War II, work that saved countless lives and accelerated the Allied defeat of the Nazis. While Turing's achievements remain relevant decades after his death, the story of his life in post-war Europe continues to fascinate audiences today.

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Post time 30-11-2018 05:24 PM | Show all posts
Edited by farhana008 at 30-11-2018 05:25 PM

1. Dangal (Hindi)

Kisah diadaptasi daripada kisah benar iaitu seorang bapa (mahavir Singh lakonan Amir Khan)yang inginkan anak lelaki untuk meneruskan legasinya dalam dunia tinju. Sebaliknya beliau dikurniakan 3 orang anak perempuan.  Selepas satu insiden, beliau melatih anak2 perempuannya sebagai ahli gusti. Walau pun dicemuh oleh orang kampung, Mahavir Singh tidak ambil peduli. Hasilnya kedua2 anaknya menjadi juara dunia.

2. Lagaan (Hindi)
Amir Khan juga berlakon. Kisah pada zaman penjajahan British di India. Orang kampung bersepakat menghalang British daripada memeras cukai daripada orang kampung dengan menerima syarat perlawanan kriket dengan pentadbir British walaupun orang-orang kampung tidak pernah bermain kriket.

3. Ayla, the daughter of war(Turki)
Kisah pada zaman Perang Saudara Korea Selatan dan Utara. Tentera Turki dikerah berkhidmat ke Korea Selatan. Dalam satu insiden, tentra Turki bernama Suleiman menyelamatkan kanak2 korea yang baru kematian ibu bapa keranah dibunuh tentera korea utara. Suleiman mengambil kanak-kanak Korea sebagai anak angkatnya. Apabila tempoh berkhidmat tentera Turki tamat di Korea Selatan, Suleiman terpaksa balik ke Turki dan meninggalkan AYla di rumah anak2 yatim. Takdir Allah, mereka dipertemukan 60 tahun kemudian semasa tentera veteran Turki melawat Korea.

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Post time 30-11-2018 06:58 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
I tak faham bebenang ni.. @meklalala mohon jelaskan

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Post time 30-11-2018 08:30 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Catpaw replied at 30-11-2018 06:58 PM
I tak faham bebenang ni.. @meklalala mohon jelaskan

Alamak catpaw...mek pun dah lupa amenda nih kena minta tolong kaka nancy la terangkan ni

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Post time 30-11-2018 08:33 PM | Show all posts
KILL_NANCY replied at 24-11-2018 02:01 AM
welcome mumi.saya follow awak punya thread.hahaha.awak kan kaki filem, sinopsis2 awak sebab tu say ...

Kill why not tukar tajuk thread for Movies & Tv shows  jgk?...Byk lg bleh share kat sini...nnt hehe..

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Post time 30-11-2018 08:46 PM | Show all posts
Edited by manjalara_01 at 30-11-2018 09:03 PM

Jom bincang psl Stranger Things...Some people say that TV shows & Movies are mirrows of our reality..

From 1 point mmg yea la kan..anything to do with the Arts , people get inspired from their life experiences..the people around them...etc...

Some say that Stranger Things ni "upside down" world tu is our reality that has been turned upside down.. Sbb tu walaupun nampak mcm 2 dimensi yg lokasi yg same right?..

Lebih kurang tanda2 akhir zaman...gituww..

Anywho as far as i know...kisah ni diinspirasikan jgk dari tema Novel Stephen King...Yes! IT you guys...kalau korang nak tahu masa SK tulis novel tu mmg ade kes2 missing children dekat town tempat tinggal SK....

Also It has a lot to do with MK Ultra...This is's NOT FICTION...Bill Clinton actually apologized to the american people for using their military also test subject...

Think of ELEVEN....kena TORTURE...


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Post time 30-11-2018 09:00 PM | Show all posts
Edited by manjalara_01 at 1-12-2018 03:28 PM

Fasinating but disturbing at the same time..

SOCIAL ENGINEERING is the use of centralized planning in an attempt to manage social change and regulate the future development and behaviour of a society.

Manja baru dpt tahu mmg AI skrg dah bleh bc mimpi manusia, Ai bleh bermimpi..and also paint their own dreams......produce lagu...& sbgnye....So disturbing...right??..

Korang ingat x dalam movie Alien Covenant scene yg David tgh tgk mimpi Dr Shaw..masa Dr Shaw tgh tdo??

Kan baru2 ni model smartphone Huawei ade kluar yg latest...bleh zoom in sampai nak clear cap jari...kite...u all dah tgk x?...Ade jgk scene zoom in exactly kat cap jari..David...



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Post time 5-12-2018 04:20 PM | Show all posts
manjalara_01 replied at 30-11-2018 08:46 PM
Jom bincang psl Stranger Things...Some people say that TV shows & Movies are mirrows of our reality. ...

Stranger Things 1st Season best, but 2nd is so-so only

Dear, i nak tunggu u review 'Black Mirror'
Nanti u simplfy thread sini or update sikit pat drama & series thread sebelah

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