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Author: ipes2


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Post time 11-6-2020 08:18 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
ipes2 replied at 11-6-2020 04:17 AM
saya tidak tahu kemana perginya this japanese girl, apa jadi dekat dia ya? how did she actually lo ...

If it's a friend, yes, you should keep in touch.

Iols ada kenal seorang dari pakistan from chatting jaman chatting kat mirc. Sbb dia org baik, we became penfriends. Then when facebook happened, we got in touch and are still friends on facebook. Iols jarang2 buka facebook skang. Can't remember her name now but I remember her face and her daughter's face. That's how long I haven't opened my facebook account.

Another is an American couple my mom and I met during a tour. We kept in touch after that and she's a facebook friend. It was sad when her husband passed away.

You should keep in touch with the people who pass by your life. They defined your past. Kalau org2 jahat, tak payah keep in touch.

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Post time 11-6-2020 04:27 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
ipes2 replied at 9-6-2020 05:04 AM
my turn: the young woman behind the brunette (yang ada red arrow atas kepala dia tu):
happy child ...

i think that lady need to focus more on herself, than only fiance pay attention.

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Post time 11-6-2020 04:31 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
ipes2 replied at 9-6-2020 04:47 AM
saya rasa tidak, lady. semacam saya kata, that japanese girl yang saya rasa, sedikit rugi dalam tr ...

sebab tu org lebih menarik bila usia makin tua

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 Author| Post time 12-6-2020 03:34 AM | Show all posts
Tinot7 replied at 11-6-2020 08:07 AM
Eh, diorg sembang mcm tu. They are harmless. Lagipun, that is their train of thoughts. Otherwise,  ...

old memory kah itu.
semua indah

cakap pasal lelaki, jaga2 dengan biawak hidup. kami wujud

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 Author| Post time 12-6-2020 03:39 AM | Show all posts
Tinot7 replied at 11-6-2020 08:18 AM
If it's a friend, yes, you should keep in touch.

Iols ada kenal seorang dari pakistan from cha ...

sangat elok apa yang awak kata dengan bahasa yang awak guna. ya, benar. mereka define our past. i should have kept in touch, kan? cuma saya takut ada kegatalan berlaku; luckily for her saya tidak berapa gatal. banyak penpals tinot. awak guna masa remaja dan lapang awak dengan berkesan


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 Author| Post time 12-6-2020 03:41 AM | Show all posts
Edited by ipes2 at 12-6-2020 03:44 AM
confessorlady replied at 11-6-2020 04:27 PM
i think that lady need to focus more on herself, than only fiance pay attention.

wow, komen yang berguna untuk wanita itu, dan lady melihat dia dari sudut berbeza dari kami. ya. kita tidak perlu externalize focus kita sebenarnya, kan? saya selalu lupa; fikir oh apa kah orang akan kata

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Post time 12-6-2020 03:42 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
ipes2 replied at 12-6-2020 03:34 AM
old memory kah itu.
semua indah

Tak semua memori indah.

Org pompan yg asalkan berlaki je yg sanggup dgn biawak hidup.

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 Author| Post time 12-6-2020 03:43 AM | Show all posts
confessorlady replied at 11-6-2020 04:31 PM
sebab tu org lebih menarik bila usia makin tua

sebahagian nya. cuma saya kurang reti menilai beberapa sudut seseorang. meliar seorang kawan tengok rakan sekerja yang sangat cantik dan sellau berbuat usaha terhadapnya. saya kurang faham. iya, cantik, tetapi kena kah dimiliki atau disentuhi? bukan kah rosak nanti apa yang sudah ada? sorry jika lari topic

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Post time 12-6-2020 04:15 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
ipes2 replied at 12-6-2020 03:39 AM
sangat elok apa yang awak kata dengan bahasa yang awak guna. ya, benar. mereka define our past. i  ...

Penpals 2 orang je. Ni la hasil didikan jaman dolu2 yg gembar-gemburkan betapa bestnya ada penpals. Jaman skang lagi senang nak cari penpals tapi iols tak mampu nak cari lagi. Dah tiada masa lapang.

Yup, keeping in touch would have been good. You'd see her grow from young until old. This is what I felt when I saw my penfriends go thru life. Mcm bela pokemon, tapi ini manusia dan tak perlu dibela. We all go thru different stages in life but seeing others grow, has a different appeal to it.

Dr Ipes ckp takut ada kegatalan. Apa maksud Dr Ipes? Maaf kalau bertanya sbb iols rasa iols tak melalui perkara itu.

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Post time 12-6-2020 04:17 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
ipes2 replied at 12-6-2020 03:43 AM
sebahagian nya. cuma saya kurang reti menilai beberapa sudut seseorang. meliar seorang kawan tengo ...

For them, it is a conquest.
For us, looking from afar is ok.
Ini la yg membezakan org yg beragama dgn org yg samada nama shj beragama atopon tidak beragama.

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 Author| Post time 12-6-2020 05:11 PM | Show all posts
Tinot7 replied at 12-6-2020 03:42 AM
Tak semua memori indah.

Org pompan yg asalkan berlaki je yg sanggup dgn biawak hidup.

hish, tidak sesuai berkahwin hanya kerana ingin dikahwini.
malah, jika ada cinta pun, status biawak hidup tentu membunuh cinta

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Post time 12-6-2020 05:34 PM | Show all posts
ipes2 replied at 12-6-2020 05:11 PM
hish, tidak sesuai berkahwin hanya kerana ingin dikahwini.
malah, jika ada cinta pun, status biaw ...

Dr Ipes kena tau.. masyarakat melayu berbeza. bg depa asalkan berlaki itu penting. ini la momokan drp pemusingan hadith: nabi tidak akan mengaku umat sekiranya tak berkahwin.

depa tak tau itu hanyalah potongan drp hadith yg lebih panjang.

[backcolor=rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.5)]Narrated Anas bin Malik:

[backcolor=rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.5)]A group of three men came to the houses of the wives of the Prophet (ﷺ) asking how the Prophet (ﷺ) worshipped (Allah), and when they were informed about that, they considered their worship insufficient and said, "Where are we from the Prophet (ﷺ) as his past and future sins have been forgiven." Then one of them said, "I will offer the prayer throughout the night forever." The other said, "I will fast throughout the year and will not break my fast." The third said, "I will keep away from the women and will not marry forever." Allah's Messenger (ﷺ) came to them and said, "Are you the same people who said so-and-so? By Allah, I am more submissive to Allah and more afraid of Him than you; yet I fast and break my fast, I do sleep and I also marry women. So he who does not follow my tradition in religion, is not from me (not one of my followers).

Sahih al-Bukhari 5063

ini sbbnya ramai sanggup bela bewak idup asalkan berlakibg iols, hadith itu berkenaan jejanz yg mahu mengabdikan diri kpd Allah. depa nak buat lebih baik drp Rasulullah s.a.w. dan sanggup berposa tanpa berbuka, solat sepanjang malam tanpa tido, tak berkahwin selama2nya. pemahaman kini bg iols sudah terbalik. tiada lagi kemahuan utk beribadah, sebaliknya mengikut hawa nafsu.



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 Author| Post time 13-6-2020 03:06 AM | Show all posts
Tinot7 replied at 12-6-2020 05:34 PM
Dr Ipes kena tau.. masyarakat melayu berbeza. bg depa asalkan berlaki itu penting. ini la momokan  ...

a very good reminder; yes itu adalah interpretation of that particluar hadith yang tentulah jelas bagi kita ianya telah diambil diluar context. banyak berlaku hal hal begini. ada gorups kata ''RSAW raided caravans, maka kita pun boleh raid banks'' etc; ye lah masa early meccan-madinan conclicts memanglah ada Al-Is, Al-Waddan, Kharrar raids etc tapi itu lain context nya . sangat bagus input awak. hadith khas untuk balancing pengabdian kepada Allah dan melalui kehidupan sebagai manusia tidak sesuai dijadikan the main hujjah untuk memastikan wanita berkahwin dengan seorang lelaki


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 Author| Post time 13-6-2020 03:13 AM | Show all posts
Tinot7 replied at 12-6-2020 04:15 AM
Penpals 2 orang je. Ni la hasil didikan jaman dolu2 yg gembar-gemburkan betapa bestnya ada penpals ...

letter-writing is a dying art. setiap letter yang kita dapat itu semacam satu gift sebenarnya. saya masih aktif kerana saya bertukar stamps memalui surat2. 2 orang penpals tu sudah best itu. semacam melihat kehidupan mereka dari muda hingga tua.

'..cuma saya takut kegatalan berlaku..' ya lah, saya tidak mahu timbul rasa tenderness atau apa pada orang itu. sudah jelas saya admire tradisi dan kelakuan beliau; apa pun bentuk wajah dia, saya sudah declare dia cantik [kerana kelakuan, sifat dan sikap; wajah saya lupa macammana].


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 Author| Post time 13-6-2020 03:15 AM | Show all posts
Tinot7 replied at 12-6-2020 04:17 AM
For them, it is a conquest.
For us, looking from afar is ok.
Ini la yg membezakan org yg beragam ...

kan? teruk sifat itu. look but dont touch yang orang2 sini kata itu sudah cukup bagus dah untuk elak isu2 buruk. jika dapat avoid looking,even better

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Post time 13-6-2020 07:10 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
ipes2 replied at 13-6-2020 03:06 AM
a very good reminder; yes itu adalah interpretation of that particluar hadith yang tentulah jelas  ...

Tak ramai yg tau hadith tu. Kadang2 iols rasa lepas habis skolah, depa semua lupa pendidikan Islam yg telah diterima.
Dah beberapa org iols jumpa ckp benda yg sama, kalau tak kawen nanti nabi tak ngaku umat. Iols rase, kalau buat jahat kat diri sendiri, lagi la nabi tanak ngaku umat.

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Post time 13-6-2020 07:48 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
ipes2 replied at 13-6-2020 03:13 AM
letter-writing is a dying art. setiap letter yang kita dapat itu semacam satu gift sebenarnya. say ...

Skang ni takde tulis2 letters lagi. Sume kat message fesbuk, emel, atopon media lain.
Iols dolu2 tulis surat kpd famili iols. So for me, letter-writing is not a dying art sbb iols tulis kpd famili. But after my dad passed away, I just stick to postcards.

Iols tak paham perasaan timbul rasa tenderness. For me, it's ok to be kind to those who are kind.
And be evil to those who are evil.. hehe..

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Post time 13-6-2020 07:50 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
ipes2 replied at 13-6-2020 03:15 AM
kan? teruk sifat itu. look but dont touch yang orang2 sini kata itu sudah cukup bagus dah untuk el ...

For people who don't have religion, depa hanya hamba kpd duniawi. Diorg nak seronok2 je. Tu yg nak kejar conquest sume bagai.

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 Author| Post time 16-6-2020 04:11 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Tinot7 replied at 13-6-2020 07:10 AM
Tak ramai yg tau hadith tu. Kadang2 iols rasa lepas habis skolah, depa semua lupa pendidikan Islam ...

Ya, sungguh tu. Banyak benar mereka yang ilmu agama hanyalah setakat Form 5; selepas tidak lagi. Walhal di college, university, surau2, ceramah2 terbuka dan hingga tv sekalipun mula ajar Agama kepada semua. Now alhamdulillah, even socmed pun ada membawa message2 Islamic. Selepas ini, tiada lagi orang yang boleh berselindung dibawah "saya tidak diberitahu", "saya tidak sampai seru" etc

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 Author| Post time 16-6-2020 04:14 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Tinot7 replied at 13-6-2020 07:48 AM
Skang ni takde tulis2 letters lagi. Sume kat message fesbuk, emel, atopon media lain.
Iols dolu2 ...

Saya masih aktif tulis surat, kerana saya kumpul setem.

Takut emosi menguasai action kita. Saya tenang didalam melancholy that I let her be tanpa simpan email / phone / messages etc.

Jangan la balas evil pada mereka yang evil kan kita; Allah lebih bagus untuk membalas. Kadang2 musuh ketat finallly menjadi supporter terbaik

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