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Persiapan utk Retirement

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Post time 16-7-2020 07:51 AM | Show all posts |Read mode
Edited by green~tea at 16-7-2020 07:53 AM

Hi uols... i've been wondering about this topic for quite some time..... apa yang korang dah prep for retirement? I bukak thread ni supaya kita sama2 aware... i pun nak belajar jugak, betul ke apa aku buat ni?

something to ponder, let's start our "borak"2 with stats
Inflation rate is on the rise Steady at 4%

1. 70% of retirees lump sum money finish off within 10 years or less
2 Bankruptcy rate is ever increasing 12% per annum
3. Life expectancy is increasing, male 73 and female 78 (Only 18% of members have reached the targeted minimum savings (RM228,000 by age of 55) set by the EPF board.

nape duit EPF cepat sangat abes?
- takde proper financial planning
- wrong investment decision (bistu, nak simpan mana?)
- wrong business decision (hati2 scammer c*laka, time kita dpt lumpsum money tu laa ramai menghimpit)
- become a guarantor
- tak dapat adjust to retirement lifestyle

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 Author| Post time 16-7-2020 10:51 AM | Show all posts
Edited by green~tea at 16-7-2020 10:54 AM

back in 2013, when i'm starting to have stable fund, i invested my savings, bonuses utk bina resort together with my family... so i own 1/3, my bother 1/3 and my dad 1/3 .... my brother buat loan la, and jual tanah pusaka sbb heols dpt faraid, so dia dpt banyak harta tinggalan arwah mak i termasuk ASB, rumah banglo sume.....

i plak tak buat loan, just fork up my own savings.. pusaka arwah mak i honestly i tak dpt apa2 pun, ada tanah je kot tu pun i tukar nama to my brother/dad utk diorang jual utk invest dalam resort tu...  looking at the resort sejak operate in 2015, i mmg yaqqin sangat i bleh retire, provided i ada my own resort 25 rooms, with shops kat tanah tepi pantai yang i ada beli... ye la, cashflow resort sebenarnya takde laa best sgt... i just nak maintain income i lepas retire, at least menyamai my current income, itu je....

but then came covid-19 PKP.. habis rosak one of my retirement plan... so i decided, i dont want to own 1/3 of my current resort anymore and i nak hand over my share to my brother at a price to be determined later, lepas buat proper valuation..... penat la sharing2 harta ni... i wanna let my brother to freely operate and own the family resort....

and based on recent prediction, industri pelancongan will only recover after 4 years, so OKAY that's another red flag for me... so i pause dulu construction my 2nd resort and 8 shoplots  walaupun i dah pun beli tanah pantai, dah settle architecture drawing , just about to submit KM aje...

baca lah news and current issues guys, be aware of your surroundings before u make any decision yang mungkin menguntungkan, atau merugikan long term....

ada hikmah laa this RESET recession, it made me think and re-evaluate my investment decision....
OK, settle one topic.. nnti iols boleh share later2 topik lain plak, maybe about liquid assets, non-liquid assets, properties etc

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Post time 16-7-2020 11:15 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Iols kalau pencen pun lagi 10tahun.., now tgh plan2 dgn husband nk slow2 buat bisnes bela kambing,lembu, rusa, and plus ade kebun sayur n buah., nak kerja yg rilek2 je..

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 Author| Post time 16-7-2020 11:46 AM | Show all posts
Sazida replied at 16-7-2020 11:15 AM
Iols kalau pencen pun lagi 10tahun.., now tgh plan2 dgn husband nk slow2 buat bisnes bela kambing,le ...

bagus buat plan tu.... persiapan apa u dah mulakan utk achieve tu?
1. beli tanah?
2. pergi kursus anjuran agensi kerajaan? mardi or etc?
3. utk mengembangkan perniagaan ? INSKEN?
4. lepas gi kursus2 tu, u bleh mula apply utk bantuan

i mmg continuously spend masa untuk attend courses under INSKEN - homestay or ecotourism...

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Post time 16-7-2020 12:19 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
green~tea replied at 16-7-2020 11:46 AM
bagus buat plan tu.... persiapan apa u dah mulakan utk achieve tu?
1. beli tanah?
2. pergi kurs ...

Baru je plan ni. Persiapan nak g kursus tu in shaa Allah akan menyusul. Tgh berkira2 sape nak g kusus tu dulu.

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 Author| Post time 16-7-2020 01:12 PM | Show all posts
Sazida replied at 16-7-2020 12:19 PM
Baru je plan ni. Persiapan nak g kursus tu in shaa Allah akan menyusul. Tgh berkira2 sape nak g ku ...

bagus u... investment dalam ilmu ni tak pernah rugi....

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Post time 16-7-2020 01:19 PM | Show all posts
hubby introduce satu apps pelaburan patuh syariah, nama dia wahed invest, an online halal investment platform dan kami decide untuk invest for retirement purpose selain dari bergantung pada tabung haji dan epf.. kami jugak tengah plan untuk beli rumah pertama kami maybe in next 2 years god willing

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 Author| Post time 16-7-2020 01:31 PM | Show all posts
biskutbulat replied at 16-7-2020 01:19 PM
hubby introduce satu apps pelaburan patuh syariah, nama dia wahed invest, an online halal investment ...

if u dont mind, how old are you? bagus u start ealry ni.. jarang ada kesedaran...

iols baru giat dengan liquid investment sejak 2017... kesedaran utk i sbb terciduk masa divorce and kena hadap court cases..
before 2017, mostly investment i non-liquid... mcm rumah, resort, tanah2 kebun, tanah pantai, koperasi kakitangan, insurance savings (kena tunggu tempoh matang 15 tahun, salah satu matang next year).. mmg i terduduk sbb all investment i non-liquid and i terpengaruh dengan dakyah ASB is syubhah...

nasib baik i kahwin dengan seorang lelaki yang pandai susun financial planning utk family.... now i 39 y.o... alhamdulillah, my liquid investments dah meningkat, ready for retirement, insyaAllah...

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 Author| Post time 16-7-2020 06:50 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Ok now nak sharing basics of financial management... sorry ya uols if what i write here sounds so layman and basics.. i'm sharing here just for the benefit of the masses... takde interest in any of the financial products offerings out there.. pandai2 laa uolz gali ya later2....

Untuk starter, kena ada cash saving and investment... kena ada cara untuk percepatkan saving kita.

once cash da cukup through savings.. then beralih ke level leveraging

Example of good leveraging is by using ASB loan. ASB loan is not suitable for NEWBIE/ Starter.. korang bleh baca details ASB investment kat buku tulisan Sharif Rahman.... situ dia dah kupas baik2 dah, rm11 je ebook je pun... ASB investment is a no brainer, if u bumiputera, u MUST invest in it... ASB financing diff story, and that ebook ada cerita secara menyeluruh...  

On cash investments, korang buleh pilih, mana yang terbaik ikut turutan ya...
I rasa ranking simpanan cash is, i rank je, tak semestinya masuk semua yach

1. ASB 1
2. ASB 2/ASM
3. Tabung Haji
4. EPF
5. Unit Trust
6. Private retirement scheme
7. Koperasi
8. Amanah Hartanah Berhad
9. Fixed deposits (contoh, maybank smartcash)

once dah complete level ni, then move towards improving life.. u nak buat apa nnti retire? Nak bisnes? Nak makan duit dividen? Nak bercucuk tanam? For some people maybe their side income turns to main income

also financial planning MUST consist of insurance for security of our cash. Insurance bukan investment. but must cover when times of emergencies so that tak kacau our cash funds...

LAST BUT NOT LEAST..... Financial planning must include of investment towards diri sendiri.. knowledge, kursus, membaca, develop skills.... Tak guna duit banyak tp mentality masih di takuk lama

Sekian uols

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Post time 16-7-2020 10:21 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Bgs lh ada planning2 mcm ni

Mcm aku skrg ni nk menyimpan2 msh dlm fasa yg sukar
dlm usaha nk kurangkan hutang skrg ni


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Post time 16-7-2020 10:29 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
aku memang aware pasal financial ni. ada insurance ada trust fund asb dan saving biasa. cuma kadang2 kelaut juga sebab anak aku ada sakit jantung so saving kami banyak habis kesitu.
husband pulak beruntung dah jd anak tunggal dalam keluarga. harta memang jatuh ke dia. jadinya dia cuma tambah harta pusaka tu bagi growing.

kami sehabis baik dah planning sebelum kawen sampai retirement plan. cuma ujian pada anak goyahkan financial kitorang sikit.

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 Author| Post time 16-7-2020 10:33 PM | Show all posts
supernaturalee replied at 16-7-2020 10:21 PM
Bgs lh ada planning2 mcm ni

Mcm aku skrg ni nk menyimpan2 msh dlm fasa yg sukar

its okay u.. yang penting ada awareness.. i sebelum ni pun start utamakan bayar hutang2 CC and alll, then i focus ASB and other liquid investment... pengalaman i jatuh tergolek masa bercerai dulu menyebabkan i sedar investment on paper (property, tanah2 etc) adalah no 2 dalam priority as compared to kesedaran financial yang lain... yang paling utama is always cash savings.. then baru leverage on other investments...

almaklum kesedaran i agak lambat... i am almost 40 pun baru nak tersedar... sedeyyhhhhh


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 Author| Post time 16-7-2020 10:35 PM | Show all posts
ellejo replied at 16-7-2020 10:29 PM
aku memang aware pasal financial ni. ada insurance ada trust fund asb dan saving biasa. cuma kadang2 ...

yes very2 true.... medical ni sangat2 lah penting... sometimes it can be one of the reason why we maintain loyal to the company yang provide good medical benefits to staff... hopefully u dipermudahkan urusan u dear... semoga anak u getting stronger...

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Post time 16-7-2020 10:37 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
green~tea replied at 16-7-2020 10:33 PM
its okay u.. yang penting ada awareness.. i sebelum ni pun start utamakan bayar hutang2 CC and all ...

I'll try my discipline attitude as possible as I can utk langsaikan hutang2 ni
Then slowly start menabung balik


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Post time 16-7-2020 10:41 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
green~tea replied at 16-7-2020 01:31 PM
if u dont mind, how old are you? bagus u start ealry ni.. jarang ada kesedaran...

iols baru gia ...

I Ada money savings tapi serious tak tahu MCM mana nak invest tanpa Kena tipu or paksa Beli or invest product dia orang. I susah betul nak Cari orang Yang betul2 nak ajar pasal investment. I am turning 30s in a few years tapi I tak tahu nak invest apa.

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Post time 17-7-2020 12:03 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
My plan for retirement is duit sewa rumah, duit epf, duit pencen, divident asb th etc..hopefully cukup utk diri sdri or dgn husband..skng plan nk beli tanah buat rumah landed supaya nnt dh retire tak payah pakai duit epf 55thn utk buat rumah dan habis duit kt situ je..realitynye ramai org dh pencen buat hutang amik kete buat loan, renovate rumah..pdhal nywa panjang lg..mcmane nk survive..

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Post time 17-7-2020 12:35 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
weols lakibini nak jadikan kebun sayur as retirement plan in fact skrg pun dah start. cuma nanti bila kami berdua dah boleh fokus betul2 nak tmbh itik, utk daging dan telur masin. sebelah kebun tu.
disamping umah sewa yg ada ni utk edu saving anak 2org hrp2 cukup la.
epf as backup utk byr monthly fee rumah org tua.
by 45 weols hrp dah financial free skrg tgh gigih byr htg& tak berhutang lg.

skrg ni pom husband slowly nak tgl kan offshore field, takde masa ngan anak2 katanya.iols pun mcm 50-50 nak kerja 9-5 balik or fokus kebun je. lgpun seronok pulak tgk anak2 membesar depan mata wpom kdg2 kelihatan rimau jadian dipagi hari mengaum.

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 Author| Post time 17-7-2020 12:59 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
makbedah replied at 16-7-2020 10:41 PM
I Ada money savings tapi serious tak tahu MCM mana nak invest tanpa Kena tipu or paksa Beli or inv ...

U dah ada asb? If u bumiputra.. u masuk situ dulu.. takyah fikir mende lain lg

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 Author| Post time 17-7-2020 01:13 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
syamzana replied at 17-7-2020 12:35 AM
weols lakibini nak jadikan kebun sayur as retirement plan in fact skrg pun dah start. cuma nanti bil ...

Oh ya... harap2 menjadi project kebun sayur uols.. boleh gi course utk belajar teknik and facilities yg betul so that project korang boleh breakeven malah untung cukup utk family.... lets hear apa bantuan bentuk agriculture nntu budget 2021  gomen announce ya... kita kena alert la nnti

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Post time 17-7-2020 01:13 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Kalau uols ade plan nak invest in unit trust, uols pm i okies hehehhe

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