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Author: green~tea

Persiapan utk Retirement

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 Author| Post time 25-1-2021 08:57 PM | Show all posts
rara_bella replied at 22-1-2021 05:04 PM
i baru baca thread ni. thank u so much green!
banyak u share.. i baru je register pmo tu.. now te ...

congrats on your brave step towards financial planning.. penting utk kita ambil tahu and self-manage our financial...

i pun buat thread ni sbb i pernah gi course retirement plan last year.  masa awal2 kerja, i suka beli2 tanah camtu je.. but then i terbuai dgn duit gaji yang makin lebat masa tu sampai i alpa shopping gila2... after many years derailed and jatuh semasa divorced, baru i sedar balik yang i kena betul2 protect diri sendiri... so i start build back my financial... its never too late....

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 Author| Post time 25-1-2021 08:59 PM | Show all posts

this is a good quote by albert einstein... if you really understand the magical effect of compounding interest, uolz boleh mempergunakan this wonder for your own benefit

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 Author| Post time 25-1-2021 09:02 PM | Show all posts
Application No 1.... how you can use the compound interest utk memberanak pinakkan your savings, sebagai contoh, ASB... tanpa mengusik dividen... u can either invest in cash or asb financing... tp you must remember to use asb financing only for leveraging purposes... mean, amek ASB loan and bayar every month sampai abang jamil mampos, tanpa u mengusik dividen itu.. kena berdisiplin lah...


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 Author| Post time 25-1-2021 09:06 PM | Show all posts
Edited by green~tea at 25-1-2021 09:08 PM

Untuk Card Credit pulak... cara kita opportunist pada credit card facilities and make sure u never ONCE being penalized for finance  charges is that by ensure FULL SETTLEMENT on STAMENT BALANCE of respective month as per due date only, just pay for whatever payment is due for that month, be aware of the statement due date.... i repeat supaya korang faham.

Uols tak perlu bayar the OUTSTANDING balance, sbb the balance amount dlm ni usually higher than statement balance and usually the payment due is on the following month... so you have the advantage of DELAYING your payment by 1 month and u can use that available money elsewhere i.e. savings kat ASB or whatever lah to generate more money to benefit the compounding interest kat tempat lain (investment instrument lain)...

and NEVER EVER bayar based on minimum payment.. this is where u become the VICTIM of compounding interest.



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Post time 27-1-2021 08:14 PM | Show all posts
green~tea replied at 25-1-2021 09:02 PM
Application No 1.... how you can use the compound interest utk memberanak pinakkan your savings, seb ...

doing this now.. tapi tu laa.. i pon start lambat.. baru a couple of years back start asbf ni.. ambik max 200k.and alhamdulillah kuat tak sentuh lagi dividen tu.. memang plan nak biar dia beranak je.

masa awal2 i kerja dulu ada jugak ambik 50k.. tapi i terminate separuh jalan.

banyak shopping membazir je masa tu (now pon ye jugak tapi dah insaf sikit )

asb2 i masuk cash bulan2.. tengah berusaha nak max kan dia.. tapi jauh lagi..


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Post time 27-1-2021 08:23 PM | Show all posts
green~tea replied at 25-1-2021 09:06 PM
Untuk Card Credit pulak... cara kita opportunist pada credit card facilities and make sure u never O ...

i should try this la.. sekarang ni i memang akan settle outstanding amount every time.
every week i akan check cc amount and settlekan whatever balance to 0.  
kadang2 sakit jugak bila ada terlebih belanja minggu/bulan tu tapi i cant.. macam dah jadi habit kena jugak settlekan dan dan tu jugak.

and cc pon i keep yang ada benefit je..
my Enrich mastercard.. spend kat situ then convert my points jadi enrich miles. then redeem flight tix. also dapat free entrance to golden lounge

then second my maybank shopee card hehe. sebab nak extra coins. then can use it to offset whatever i buy kat shopee

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 Author| Post time 27-1-2021 09:43 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
rara_bella replied at 27-1-2021 08:23 PM
i should try this la.. sekarang ni i memang akan settle outstanding amount every time.
every wee ...

I pun pernah mcm u jugak dulu.. clear outstanding balance, even belum due.. konon bagus laa buat camtu..

Rupanya itu cara biasa2 je la.. the best way is to settle the statement balance in full as per due date sahaja.. tak perlu settle the whole outstanding balance

Baru lah kita dpt fully maximize cc facilities tanpa kena finance charges

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Post time 7-2-2021 05:07 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Baru i jumpa dan baca semua dalam thread ni.
Good one sis green tea.. banyak exposure ai dapat dari sini.

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Post time 10-2-2021 02:38 AM | Show all posts


green~tea replied at 25-1-2021 08:59 PM
this is a good quote by albert einstein... if you really understand the magical effect of comp ...

[AceHand SPECTaceLAR]

Betol ke dia yang kata tu...?

Jizzz... Klong! Klong!


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 Author| Post time 10-2-2021 01:33 PM | Show all posts
Edited by green~tea at 10-2-2021 01:39 PM
AceHand replied at 10-2-2021 02:38 AM
[AceHand SPECTaceLAR]

Betol ke dia yang kata tu...?

ada banyak quotes that Einstein was asked about mankind's greatest invention, he replied compound interest... ada some sources mentioned that Einstein ada sebut compound interest as the "8th Wonder of the World."  Regardless there's some debate about whether Einstein really said any of this or not, there's no question that the compounding of interest is a brilliant thing. Benjamin Franklin, ada described compound interest as: "Money makes money. And the money that money makes, makes money."

I rasa munasabah je both Albert Einstein and Benjamin loves the idea of compounding interest, sbb masa zaman kehidupan diorang, banking system already established.. Bank of England founded in 1694.. but the bank for international settlements based in Basel, swiss yang establish international rules of banking regulation... so mmg timeline2 diorang lah

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Post time 14-2-2021 01:46 AM | Show all posts


green~tea replied at 10-2-2021 01:33 PM
ada banyak quotes that Einstein was asked about mankind's greatest invention, he replied compoun ...

[AceHand SPECTaceLAR]

Bank Negara Malaysia lak tahong berapa...?

Jizzz... Klong! Klong!


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Post time 15-2-2021 07:33 AM | Show all posts
Skrg ni main saham untung betul klu pandai...husband iols 3 bln invest untung 10%...iols je penakut..takut duit hilg...

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Post time 16-2-2021 01:06 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Nak cari 2nd house untuk property investment.
KL area probably.

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 Author| Post time 16-2-2021 07:41 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
akies replied at 16-2-2021 01:06 AM
Nak cari 2nd house untuk property investment.
KL area probably.

Dah boleh usha property nak beli.... nezt year ke beli lah.... takyah gopoh beli takut salah beli shb long term hutang

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 Author| Post time 16-2-2021 09:45 AM | Show all posts
AceHand replied at 14-2-2021 01:46 AM
[AceHand SPECTaceLAR]

Bank Negara Malaysia lak tahong berapa...?

Google la noks... hahahaha

The Central Bank of Malaysia is the Malaysian central bank. Established on 26 January 1959 as Central Bank of Malaya, its main purpose is to issue currency, act as banker and adviser to the Government of Malaysia and regulate the country's financial institutions, credit system and monetary policy.



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 Author| Post time 16-2-2021 09:47 AM | Show all posts
lurve82 replied at 15-2-2021 07:33 AM
Skrg ni main saham untung betul klu pandai...husband iols 3 bln invest untung 10%...iols je penakut. ...

sama... i pun takut nak amek risk for now... diam2 sudeh park duit kat tempat yang confirm low risk selamat... skang ni mana2 extra balance duit, i mmg transfer masuk ASB 3 (takde limit mcm ASB1 and ASB2) and EPF self contribution..

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Post time 16-2-2021 10:07 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
green~tea replied at 16-2-2021 07:41 AM
Dah boleh usha property nak beli.... nezt year ke beli lah.... takyah gopoh beli takut salah beli  ...

Yup. Ai cari rumah lelong je dulu.
Kalau dpt harga munasabah &!ada area yang ok, mmg nak beli seketul.

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 Author| Post time 16-2-2021 10:11 AM | Show all posts
Edited by green~tea at 16-2-2021 10:14 AM

nak meluahkan pasal retirement plan... haish

haritu in mid january i dah discuss one to one dengan boss i nak retire early..  but then dia pujuk and anak2 buah pun cakap benda sama.. sbb baru restructuring division i ni,  and ada important milestone this coming end march... so boss ask me to sabar la sikit, at least until april - june... okay lah i will deliver and berikan khidmat yang baik...  i pun tanak la anak2 buah demotivated...

but then since i dah awal2 cakap kat husband my early retirement, dia dah pun set up company utk i manage.. uhuhuhu... the negotiation with European customers (EFTA countries: Swiss, Lithuania, Lichtenstein) Germany & Austria and other suppliers dah start pun... honestly, i sendiri terkejut yang husband i bergerak laju planning utk post- early retirement i... dia ckp hilang sikit kerisauan dia since ada yang bleh full time look after the business... takkan nak harap 2 orang partners kitorang tu  semata-mata, kita pun kena put effort and show our seriousness.. hari2 husband duk remind i utk start belajar about logistics and chartering operation, market outlook on commodity...

i selama ni duk bayang i retire ni nnti, dapat laa mengangkang je duk rumah sebulan dua, pehtu apply MBA... tak expect pun nak handle business... nasib baik our 2 other partners dah ada long experience in commodity business..
well, tak sangka dalam i duk main2 peram tanah sawit kutip dividen 20 tahun, rupanya2 beri ilham utk next business ventures... semoga dipermudahkan.. cuma pergerakan terhalang dgn MCO ni, nak meeting with suppliers and partners pun susah... sib baik ada partner on the ground kat sana, dah boleh gerak sikit2...



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 Author| Post time 16-2-2021 10:16 AM | Show all posts
akies replied at 16-2-2021 10:07 AM
Yup. Ai cari rumah lelong je dulu.
Kalau dpt harga munasabah &!ada area yang ok, mmg nak beli sek ...

u check la jugak transactions price properties dekat

at least u bleh gauge dah market trending menurun ke ape.. nak senang compare, sila rujuk price per square foot tu... and u tengok date transactions... menurun ke menaik harga per sqft.... and compare dgn lelong price...

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 Author| Post time 16-2-2021 10:44 AM | Show all posts
Edited by green~tea at 16-2-2021 03:17 PM

Usually kita duk discuss pasal duit (passive income, starting a business) je bila sentuh bab retirement... tp kita jarang sentuh apa lagi aktiviti sosial lain yang boleh bagi kepuasan pada mental, emotional kita.... so here's few suggestions..

1. Hobby
minat kereta, minat menari, minat memasak baking, menjahit, membaca buku... or just make a new hobby kannn...  macam tetiba kita cuba laahhhh hobby drawing, playing the piano or other musical instrument, knitting, crocheting, needlepoint, quilting,  photography, gardening, crafting.

2. Self Enrichment
Sambung MBA, PHD.. register classes.. kelas agama, kelas saham, macam2 lah.. for me, since i retire at age 40, i nak sambung MBA lah, just for my self enrichment,.. i need to keep my brain actively working...

3. Traveling
i exclude traveling from hobby sbb bg i hobby bolehh dibuat hari2, pada waktu terluang,... travelling is not categorized as hobby, because u have to plan for it, although it may be part of your passion, but its not part of hobby categorization.

4. Volunteer work
MIL i suka buat ni since dia dah retire almost 5 years dah... merata2 sheols pergi utk aktiviti charity sheols and she really appreciate the friendship dengan kawan2 sama charity work tu.. dah rapat cam adik beradik.. sbb diorang kadang2 sambil charity work, diorang travel sama2 visiting pesantren madrasah etc...

5. Jadi Mentor or Mengajar
yang ni later i kupas.. blom ada idea... some of my friends buat virtual learning in Non-Destructive  Testing, Economic/ Project Evaluation, Investment classes... my MIL mengajar kelas dengan INSKEN, sharing business knowledge... so yeah, its good you start your networking now... boleh jadi side income yang best.. my MIL ngajar business sharing tu sheols dpt RM15k for 3 days... so dalam hal ni, u can use your hands on experience to generate side income.. sometimes through sharing ni, mana tahu ada rezeki terpijak, di samping kita puas hati dapat mendidik pelapis business and skill kita...



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