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Author: xyla73

[JTBC/Netflix] Sisyphus : The Myth - Cho Seung Woo, Park Shin Hye

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Post time 11-3-2021 08:26 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
xyla73 replied at 11-3-2021 07:22 PM
bila uols mention alhambra kan, iols pun pikir balik...drama tu kira masuk dlm kategori scifi juga ...

Yup iols mention alhambra aritu sbb masa tgk drama ni ada rs vibe mcm tgk alhambra dulu..saspen2 pastu x bleh nk speku sbb sci fi ni la..dr segi x logik2 pun alhambra byk jugak dulu kan..pastu nmpk plak park shin hye ni...lg la teringat alhambra..haha..

Bkn director or writer yg sama kan direct?

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Post time 11-3-2021 08:28 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
xyla73 replied at 11-3-2021 07:22 PM
bila uols mention alhambra kan, iols pun pikir balik...drama tu kira masuk dlm kategori scifi juga ...

Tula..pasal ending pun iols terpikir jugak tu..mmg mcm bersedia tp x nk la ending yg wat sakit hati kan..

Luca ada masalah ending ke?
Br ingat nk tgk drama tu jugak..

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 Author| Post time 11-3-2021 09:27 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
wima replied at 11-3-2021 08:28 PM
Tula..pasal ending pun iols terpikir jugak tu..mmg mcm bersedia tp x nk la ending yg wat sakit hat ...

Adoi...sakit hati tgk ending luca ok...
Sayang betul...casts dah best...ost pun best tapi problem kat 4 epi masalah kebanyakan writer yg buat citer scifi...idea dah bagus tapi x tau nak buat penyudah...
Harap citer ni x terima nasib yg good thing writer citer ni pun bkn writer Alhambra...kalau x silap dia byk tulis movie..

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Post time 11-3-2021 10:16 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
xyla73 replied at 11-3-2021 09:27 PM
Adoi...sakit hati tgk ending luca ok...
Sayang betul...casts dah best...ost pun best tapi problem ...

Setakat ni tgk drama ni even ada part2 x logik ataupun confusing iols bleh terima agak terganggu dgn lakonan park shin hye..serius lakonan dia kayu..ekspresi muka x meyakinkan terutamanya bile dia explain sesuatu yg serius..

Kalau dkt epi 7 ni masa sun sembang2 dgn dia sape lg muda segala tu...pastu masa dia explain dgn sun pasal dia dr future..

Then masa dia acah2 gangster pegi jumpe mr.park pun terganggu tgk..

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 Author| Post time 11-3-2021 10:55 PM | Show all posts
wima replied at 11-3-2021 10:16 PM
Setakat ni tgk drama ni even ada part2 x logik ataupun confusing iols bleh terima agak ter ...

dia part2 yg kena main ekspresi muka memang fail...
tapi iols boleh tahan lagi dgn dia compared dgn beberapa lagi aktress lain cthnya mcm seol hyun...
terus drop dari tgk Awaken sebab dia...
kat sini iols masih boleh terima loveline antara Tae Sul & Seo Hae walaupun asalnya iols x expect citer ni ada loveline...
tapi dlm Awaken iols x boleh terima langsung...


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 Author| Post time 11-3-2021 11:10 PM | Show all posts
epi 8 is another great episode...
iols nak tahan diri dari mengomen tapi x boleh...
so kalau xnak tgk spoiler skip je posting ni dulu...
start dgn Sigma punya background...
so semua ni berpunca dari dialah kot...
so instead of prevent Tae Sul drpd buat uploader tu kenapa x bunuh je Sigma tu?
then ada explanation pasal Sisyphus...
the 1st half is quite fast pace tapi second half slow sikit part tunjuk keadaan kat future tu..
but the ending memang speechless..

spoiler :
Seo Hae jumpa diari pink dia & mayat dia sendiri...
so dia dah mati sebenarnya kena bunuh dgn Sigma on her wedding day dgn Tae Sul..
tapi iols confuse kat sini...
Seo Hae yg sebenar bkn ke umur 8 tahun masa year 2020?
so bila masanya dia kahwin dgn Tae Sul sedangkan Seo Hae dari future ada cakap Tae Sul mati on 31 Oktober 2020?

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Post time 11-3-2021 11:12 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
xyla73 replied at 11-3-2021 10:55 PM
dia part2 yg kena main ekspresi muka memang fail...
tapi iols boleh tahan lagi dgn dia compared d ...

Uols..ujung2 epi 7 iols konpius sket..
Bini chairman tu dh kenapa terbaring plak..
Sblm tu elok je sihat panggil breakfast..
Iols termiss pape ke?
Kiranya dia bunuh diri sbb x bleh selamatkan wife dia?

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 Author| Post time 11-3-2021 11:19 PM | Show all posts
wima replied at 11-3-2021 11:12 PM
Uols..ujung2 epi 7 iols konpius sket..
Bini chairman tu dh kenapa terbaring plak..
Sblm tu elok  ...

sebelum ni bini chairman tu sihat sebab dpt bekalan ubat dari Sigma..
so bila chairman tu dah xnak bekerjasama dgn Sigma, terputuslah bekalan ubat...sakit baliklah dia...
itulah apa yg iols faham...

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Post time 11-3-2021 11:26 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
xyla73 replied at 11-3-2021 11:19 PM
sebelum ni bini chairman tu sihat sebab dpt bekalan ubat dari Sigma..
so bila chairman tu dah xna ...

Ooo..scene tu bbrp hari kemudianla ye?
Hahaha..bleh plak iols blur...
Ok2 tq uols..
Uols dh tgk epi 8 la kan..iols kena tunggu esok bleh layan..

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 Author| Post time 11-3-2021 11:33 PM | Show all posts
wima replied at 11-3-2021 11:26 PM
Ooo..scene tu bbrp hari kemudianla ye?
Hahaha..bleh plak iols blur...
Ok2 tq uols..

hehe..epi 8 dah selamat tgk...kalau nak tgk kat dramacool dah ada epi 8 with sub skrg...


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 Author| Post time 11-3-2021 11:38 PM | Show all posts
patutlah seo hae ada simpan gambar kahwin tu...
ingatkan tae sul yg bagi...
rupa2nya memang dia punya...
ingatkan plot hole

haha benda2 camnilah kalau org yg x sabar akan straight away kata tu plot hole...
kena sabar ye...xkanlah nak reveal semua benda sekaligus..
x syoklah gitu...

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 Author| Post time 12-3-2021 12:48 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Edited by xyla73 at 12-3-2021 10:32 AM

Lepas tgk balik scene last tu baru perasan ada 2 tae sul & seo hae dua2 mati...skrg seo hae terperangkap dlm loop...ulang2 balik buat benda yg sama...patutlah dia nangis kat epi 1 tu masa ayah dia pesan jauhkan diri dari tae sul...skrg baru iols faham kenapa ayah dia & tae san pesan jgn dekatkan diri dgn tae's all to protect their love ones...tapi amanat dari diri dia sendiri suruh buat yg sebaliknya...sebab bagi dia tae sul is her love of her life..


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Post time 12-3-2021 12:59 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
xyla73 replied at 11-3-2021 11:33 PM
hehe..epi 8 dah selamat tgk...kalau nak tgk kat dramacool dah ada epi 8 with sub skrg...

cepat2 iols gi jengah...
dekat dramanice pun dh ada sub jugak..
pantas je rupanya...
lps ni rabu n khamis je blehla layan trus sepantas kilat..haha

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 Author| Post time 12-3-2021 09:08 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Ost part 3 live clip by Ailee

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 Author| Post time 12-3-2021 10:43 AM | Show all posts
iols terpikir jugak alangkah baiknya kalau watak Seo Hae ni played by better actress so that scene2 yg perlukan mainan emosi tu lagi sampai ke jiwa cthnya mcm ending epi 8...paling suitable yg terlintas dlm kepala Kim Tae Ri...iols x tau sama ada dia boleh buat action scenes tapi judging from her performance dlm Mr. Sunshine whereby dlm tu ada beberapa scenes dia jadi sniper iols rasa she will do a good job...she's also baby face & childlike so she'll fit Seo Hae's role perfectly...

hmm..maybe JTBC nak gunakan Park Shin Hye's popularity..

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 Author| Post time 12-3-2021 11:43 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Edited by xyla73 at 3-4-2021 06:47 PM

OST part 3 (official MV)

lyrics translation :
In the endless darkness, a cold wind blows
Is that the sigh of the moon?
On my tired eyes, you've been blurred by tears
It's really sad and also painful

If I could reach you beyond the darkness of the abyss
I could walk
even if there are only tears

In the sky where the sun doesn't rise and when the dawn came
I hope it will be brightly with your light

I pray for you
I pray for this love
The only faith that won't change
You're the only salvation that shines on me
beautiful and sad,my last love

In a miraculous time when the moment becomes eternal
you are destiny and my love
even if my heart flutters in the moonlight
I can breathe because you're there

I pray for you
I pray for this love
The only faith that won't change
You're the only salvation that shines on me
beautiful and sad,my last love

I endure because it's you crazy trouble
walking because it's you, endless travel
wherever you are, you're my heaven
you're my love, you're my only hope

When the season comes and when the flowers bloom
hug me with your breath without saying a word
I'll go all the way around and be there any time
In a world where long sorrow is asleep

p/s : puitis sungguh lirik ni...ungkapan kata2 dari seo hae utk tae sul..
part 'hug me with your breath without saying a word' ni exactly mcm scene dlm epi 14...

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Post time 12-3-2021 05:48 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
xyla73 replied at 12-3-2021 10:43 AM
iols terpikir jugak alangkah baiknya kalau watak Seo Hae ni played by better actress so that scene2  ...

X meyakinkan lgsg utk percayakan park shin hye protect han tae sul....
Masa dorg pegi bilik hotel based on painting tu iols plak yg berdebar lebih..bleh plak dia tahan dgn tangan je pisau tu...
Ntahla..scene ni hambar je bg iols..dia x guna pistol maybe sbb ada org awam lalu lalang kt situ kan?

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 Author| Post time 12-3-2021 06:05 PM | Show all posts
wima replied at 12-3-2021 05:48 PM
X meyakinkan lgsg utk percayakan park shin hye protect han tae sul....
Masa dorg pegi bilik hotel ...

maybe lah kot...
sebab kalau seo hae kena tangkap susah pulak sebab dia xde identification...
dia kira illegals...
tapi scene yg diorg masuk bilik painting tu memang mcm x logik je...
dgn pintu x berkuncinya...tapi maybe Sigma tu memang sengaja nak bagi diorg masuk...

iols ada tgk interview dgn PD citer ni sebelum airing...
dia cakap memang dia nak Park Shin Hye & Cho Seung Woo lead drama ni..
kalau salah sorang tolak, dia cancel terus...

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 Author| Post time 12-3-2021 06:28 PM | Show all posts
Edited by xyla73 at 2-4-2021 11:53 AM

disebabkan citer ni byk main dgn tarikh, ni iols listkan tarikh2 penting dlm citer ni...akan update dari masa ke semasa :

10 Jul 1982
- hari lahir Tae Sul

6 Aug 2001
- Tae Sul secara x sengaja activatekan downloader
- first immigrant (Sigma) sampai dari future

- control bureau ditubuhkan
- tangkap illegal immigrants start dari tahun ni

11 Aug 2010
- Quantum & Time listed kat NASDAQ
- kali terakhir Tae Sul jumpa Tae San

12 Aug 2010
- Tae San's fake death

30 Sep 2012
- hari lahir Seo Hae

15 July 2020
- plane crash
- Seo Hae dari future jumpa Sun kat restoran

14 Aug 2020
- Tae Sul kena tahan dgn CB

15 Aug 2020
- Quantum & Time conference, pelancaran quantum teleport machine
- Tae Sul nampak kelibat Tae San
- Tae Sul kena 'kidnap' dgn Seo Hae

19 Aug 2020
- Tae Sul & Seo Hae kena kejar dgn CB, terjun dari jambatan
- Tae Sul bawak Seo Hae gi klinik Seo Jin  

27 Aug 2020
- party kat rumah chairman Quantum & Time
- Seo Hae jumpa Tae San

15 Sep 2020
- Hannam Tool market shooting
- Seo Hae selamatkan Tae Sul lagi, bawak gi Asia Mart
- Tae San ada dgn Sigma
- Mr. Park kena tangkap dgn CB

20 Sep 2020
- Kim Dong Hyeon, fund manager yg tolong Sigma buat investment try nak bgtau Tae Sul jgn jumpa Sigma tapi x sempat sebab dah kena langgar

30 Sep 2020
- Tae Sul bwk Seo Hae gi amusement park utk celebrate birthday Seo Hae
- Tae Sul bagi Seo Hae voucher pelancongan gi Hawaii bertarikh 1 Nov 2020
- Seo Hae kecik & mak dia ada sekali kat situ
- control bureau tangkap Seo Hae

28 Oktober 2020
- Tae Sul & Seo Hae gi Nanjeong Elementary School
- Tae Sul figure out siapa Sigma
- Tae Sul jumpa future Sigma

29 Oktober 2020
- Tae Sul & Seo Hae jumpa present Sigma
- Seo Hae terima package dari future

31 Oktober 2020
- NK lancarkan peluru berpandu kat SK
- Seo Hae & ayah dia bersembunyi dlm bunker
- mak Seo Hae terkorban
- Tae Sul & Seo Hae (versi future) mati, tapi uploader cuma start wujud tahun 2021?


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 Author| Post time 12-3-2021 06:42 PM | Show all posts
wima replied at 12-3-2021 05:48 PM
X meyakinkan lgsg utk percayakan park shin hye protect han tae sul....
Masa dorg pegi bilik hotel ...

memang nmpk big gap dari segi acting skill antara hero & heroin...
mcm Shin Hye Sun dgn L dlm Angel Last Mission...
tulah terdetik dlm hati kalaulah ambik heroin yg lagi pandai berlakon drpd Park Shin Hye...
sure lagi besar impact dia utk certain2 scene...


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