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 Author| Post time 6-11-2016 08:01 PM | Show all posts
GuaAnakMelaka replied at 6-11-2016 08:06 AM
Thanks to TT .i never watch before .

Good movie based on true event and realize us about parentin ...

no kan movie ni?..

thanx sbb share mcm2 info kat thread ni...omg!!...mmg la kan kalau movie "true story" byk jgk yg x same dgn kes yg sebenarnye..
baru i phm ape sebenarnye yg terjadi.

sblum ni tgk gituww i felt something a bit off! psl protti ni..yg paling disturbing tu part yg lepas die kata "she sounds like me" lepas FBI inform psl psyco. profile pembunuh tu...Protti mcm tenang giler!!...budak 15 tahun??... bleh keep cool mcm tu?? . And dlm movie tu pulak pisau yg die guna utk bunuh kirsten kecik je mcm pisau potong dlm info yg u kongsi tu..

"The knife was huge. It was so awful. Bernadette’s mother screamed and put her head down when she saw the knife in trial,”  

kira kakak die je la yg benar2 tahu sama ada pisau yg protti guna tu yg die guna utk potong timun ke pisau daging!? Butchers knife kan??
kalau pisau potong sayur x kan besar mcm tu? x kan kakak die hari2 potong sayur dlm kreta guna butcher knife? omg!


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Post time 6-11-2016 09:07 PM | Show all posts
manjalara_01 replied at 6-11-2016 08:01 PM
no kan movie ni?..

thanx sbb share mcm2 info kat thread ni...omg!!...mmg la kan ...

Bila merayau blog,wiki dll ,ramai pengkritik kata filem tu bias ,maksudnya hny seakan menyokong yg dibunuh,nmn x bnyk paparkan sebab musabab sebenar seorang remaja usia 15 tahun boleh stress melampau smpi sanggup bunuh kawan sendiri .
Tp kasihan jg ibu bapa Krsiten yg sanggup pindah Hawai sbb trauma bila dgr pembunuh hny kena jel 5,6 tahun shj  n x puashati dgn keputusan Hakim ....

Aku bila tonton filem true event ,aku suka gali kisahnya dr A sampai Z ,barulah kita paham situasi sebenau.

byk filem based on true story ni bias...............

contohnya filem  Kingdom of Heaven ,banyak fakta diseleweng dan hanya berdasarkan minda penulis skrip dan pengarah .....

Tp betullah kata kawan baik Kristen "Usia remaja memang mencabar dan proses buli-membuli,ejek mengejek adalah perkara biasa dalam dunia remaja.Membunuh tidak sepatutnya dilakukan wlu apa pun tekanan"

Filem ni tahun 1994 dan masa tu aku kat oversea study ....

Tahun 90 an mmg byk filem best spt Terminator,Matrix dll.

If u x perkenalkan filem ni,aku pn x taw ............

sekali lg thanks TT .


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 Author| Post time 6-11-2016 11:51 PM | Show all posts
Edited by manjalara_01 at 7-11-2016 12:07 AM
GuaAnakMelaka replied at 6-11-2016 09:07 PM
Bila merayau blog,wiki dll ,ramai pengkritik kata filem tu bias ,maksudnya hny seakan menyokong yg ...

manja pulak jarang2 buat csi kalau tgk movie true story ni
cume kalau manja minat ssbuah movie tu manja akan tgk press conference, interview, casts director writer etc
suke jgk tgk keje2 belakang kalau kebetulan true story in general manja akan tahu jgk la selok belok dlm erti kata lain
mmg slalunye ade perubahan2 tokok tabah etc iyaa la movie is still entertainment+business so kena la buat yg paling menarik biar org terhibur..
walaupun kadang timbul mcm2 kontroversi dari filem tersebut..

tp i x phm knp pulak die org nak buat movie ni bias? ape pulak yg mak pak tori spelling dpt?
anywho sj nak bincang psl spesis psycho ni..u dh tgk "monster" x or "ted bundy"? in general kan ciri2 sorg pscyo..
is obvious la kan? antaranye yg common,

1-they come from broken family (pernah kena abusive etc)
2- no empathy towards others
3- violent acts of behavious ( kill or torture animals masa kecik)
4- anti-social
5- often breaking the law

semua ciri2 kat atas ni xde pun yg match dgn Protti betul ? she comes from a close knit & religious family, has many friends, sociable, kan ade yg kata Protti ni likeable...kalau refer pd movie pun rsnye die xde rekod2 jenayah or aktiviti ganas kan? & she is very smart mcm kirsten jgk la excell dlm bile i google balik betul2..check...i jumpe info ni..byk jgk ciri2 yg same dgn Protti...& she is very smart..kalau psycho and smart..susah la nk kena tangkap...

General Characteristics of a Psychopath
  • self-center and self-important.( alasan bunuh kirsten sbb die cuak kirsten akan aibkan die..WHAT??????)
  • Almost anything they do for anyone is only because they see a benefit for themselves it.
  • need stimulation and are easily bored.
  • deceptive behavior and lying ( masa polis & lepas tu FBI soal siasat die 2 kali tukar alibi )
  • conning and manipulative ( tipu mak kirsten, tipu kirsten masuk perangkap die malam tu)
  • little remorse or guilt ( pd i surat yg die tulis tu x brape nak convincing, mostly psl die & kepentingan diri die..if i die i want to go to heaven?? tp sanggup bunuh kirsten??)
  • shallow emotional response
  • callous with a lack of empathy
  • living off others/ predatory attitude
  • poor self-control ( dlm masa 10 bulan mula obsess & "berkawan" dgn kirsten...last2 dibunuhnye...dgn butcher knife???)
  • promiscuous sexual behavior
  • early behavioral problems
  • lack of realistic long term goals
  • blaming other for their actions (blaming kirsten....jealous? sakit hati die dpt i x dpt? sbb x dpt jadi cheerleader mcm kirsten, x dpt masuk school editor team...etc)
  • short term relationships
  • juvenile delinquency ( masuk juvie at age of 15 ke 16??)
  • short term relationships
  • breaking parole or probation rules ( i rs sbb she comes from a close knitt happy family & religious & she is very2 smart, siap soal org FBI tu kalau pembunuh tu kena tangkap ape hukumannye?? so die well behave like her personality, dertemine, good discpline masa dlm juive so just after 7 years instead of 9 dpt kluar)
  • varied criminal activity

yea2 je manja ni kan? ..ok maybe it was all a 1 time thing for her to do all that..but what do you think? u rasa is this really a "crime of passion"?

yes u...not only the parents yg suffer..kawan2 die the whole neighbourhood traumatized by it...(refering pd all the info yg u dh kongsi kat atas tu..)

but lets say..if it was a crime of passion?? (tp mcm i xleh nak convince myself.) sj nak share

Crime of PassionA crime of passion, or crime passionnel (from French), in popular usage, refers to a violent crime, especially homicide, in which the perpetrator commits the act against someone because of sudden strong impulse such as sudden rage rather than as a premeditated crime.[1]

The defense in the crime of passion challenges the mens rea element by arguing that there was no malice aforethought and instead the crime was committed in the "heat of passion" and lowers the charge to manslaughter or second degree murder from first degree murder. Examples include an aggressive pub-goer who assaults another guest following an argument, or a wife who discovers her husband has engaged in adultery and attacks or kills him and/or his mistress.

In the United States, claims of "crimes of passion" have been traditionally associated with the defenses of temporary insanity or provocation. This defense was first used by U.S. Congressman Daniel Sickles of New York in 1859 after he had killed his wife's lover, Philip Barton Key. It was used as a defense in murder cases during the 1940s and 1950s. Historically, such defenses were used as complete defenses for various violent crimes, but gradually they became used primarily as a partial defense to a charge of murder; if the court accepts temporary insanity, a murder charge may be reduced to manslaughter.



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Post time 7-11-2016 12:24 AM | Show all posts
manjalara_01 replied at 6-11-2016 11:51 PM
manja pulak jarang2 buat csi kalau tgk movie true story ni
cume kalau manja minat ssbuah movie tu ...

dia habis belajar dpt diploma cgpa kelas B .

itulah untungnya Juvana,bunuh org pn dptb smbg belajau .............

Filem ni byk info sebenar ditenggelamkan ,seakan pembunuh ni mmg sengaja nka bunuh,tiada rekod perubatan mental dll.

Tgk dlm CI ,pendakwa mmg nak kenakan hukuman first peguambela bantah sbb dia msh juvana.

Enumerated First Degree Murders

State laws often categorize specific types of killings as first degree. In these cases, the typical elements of specific intent to kill, deliberation and premeditation may not be required. These often include:

the killing of a child by use of unreasonable force;

certain killings committed in a pattern of domestic abuse;

the murder of law a law enforcement officer, and

homicides occurring in the commission of other crimes such as arson, rape, robbery or other violent crimes.

USA ni,setiap daerah berbeza hukuman :

Mandatory sentencing
Second Degree Murder15 years to life
Second Degree Murder using a firearm from a motor vehicle20 to life[9]
Second Degree Murder by an offender previously convicted of murder (First or Second Degree)15 years to life or life without parole
Second Degree Murder of a law enforcement officer25 years to life
First Degree Murder25 years to life
First Degree Murder constituting a hate crime or of an operator or driverLife without parole
First Degree Murder with special circumstanceDeath penalty or life without parole

The court called for the legislature to enact a new sentencing scheme stating:

. . .  As a result of our decision today, in the case of juvenile defendants convicted of homicide crimes committed after August 2, 2012, both murder in the first degree and murder in the second degree are mandatory life-sentence crimes with parole eligibility to be set between fifteen and twenty-five years. Thus, until the statutory sentencing scheme is further amended, sentencing judges effectively will be required to apply one discretionary parole eligibility range to juveniles convicted of two different crimes. This requirement could well give rise to disparate sentencing for juveniles convicted of murder in the first degree and murder in the second degree.  . . .  [A]s a result of applying the same discretionary parole-eligibility range . . .  a juvenile convicted of the lesser crime of murder in the second degree could be sentenced to a lengthier minimum term than the juvenile convicted of the more severe crime of murder in the first degree. . . . Consequently, we emphasize that the application of severability principles in sentencing juveniles like Brown is a temporary remedy–one that we hope the Legislature will soon address by creating a new, constitutional sentencing scheme for juveniles convicted of homicide crimes."

Tahun 2012 baru kuatkuasa juvana boleh kena penjara 15-30 tahun ...

Section 6 of the bill makes juveniles convicted of murder in the first degree eligible for parole after a term to be set by the sentencing judge between 20 and 30 years.

SECTION 6. Section 24 of chapter 279 of the General Laws, as so appearing, is hereby amended by adding the following paragraph:-

In the case of a sentence to life imprisonment for murder in the first degree committed by a person on or after the person’s fourteenth birthday and before the person’s eighteenth birthday, the court shall fix a minimum term of not less than 20 years nor more than 30 years.

Pembunuh Kristen bernasib baik sbb 1994 belum kuatkuasa undang2 baru untuk hukuman juvana..............

Lg 1 US guna sistem parol ,boleh pendek hukuman jk berkelakukan baik .....


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 Author| Post time 7-11-2016 01:36 PM | Show all posts
Edited by manjalara_01 at 7-11-2016 01:37 PM
GuaAnakMelaka replied at 7-11-2016 12:24 AM
dia habis belajar dpt diploma cgpa kelas B .

itulah untungnya Juvana,bunuh org pn dptb smbg bel ...

yea ke u? tu la kan..i pernah tgk documentary psl banduan dlm jail.
die org mmg dpt blajar mcm2 kat sana mcm menjahit, memasak etc..antara sbb utama banduan2 ni buat mcm2 aktiviti because nak elakkan die org dari jadi bosan x buat ape2 yg bleh effect minda die org jadi depress, mental & sbgnye..

sistem undang2 mcm ni mmg x fair kan u? i pernah posting kat thread mana ntah kat CI,..i said something like
penjenayah slalu diberi peluang kedua, tp mangsa pulak x pernah dpt peluang kedua..( in this case sbb dh mati)

u pernah bc novel John Grisham...kan ade movie based on novel die "pelican brief"
i x pernah tgk movie or bc novel die pun , tp setahu i die dulu keje peguam tp sbb undang2 kat US sana xde justice
tu yg die quit and jadi author...

anywho..i baru found out psl info ni yg SPOT ON explains WHY PROTTI sanggup bunuh Kirsten?
kisah selanjut ade kat link bwh ni..It's because of her "Inferiority Complex" that got out of control. I akan sambung dlm post lagi satu.
(FYI info dlm link kat bwh ni under "inferiority Complex" psl kirsten punye stab wounds detail mcm forensic report.kalau rs lemah semangat jgn bc.nyesal i bc )


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 Author| Post time 7-11-2016 01:44 PM | Show all posts
Edited by manjalara_01 at 7-11-2016 01:57 PM

I x tau psl Inferiority Complex ni cume pernah dengar sj..just nak share..setahu i benda ni normal cume die bleh jadi abnormal..& out of control mcm dlm kes

“Bernadette was accepted and popular in her own way,” a classmate once said. “But she had this obsession with being liked. I could never understand why she thought she wasn’t.”
Underneath, however, Bernadette’s inferiority complex was slowly and surely taking over her psyche. She began to displace her feelings by blaming Kirsten, who was described by friends as “pretty” and “vibrant,” for her own sense of inadequacy. Eventually, this instability would cause her to lash out at the person she felt responsible for her failures. In Bernadette’s twisted mind, there was only one way to improve her sense of self-worth and that was by removing the physical manifestation of her pain — Kirsten Costas.
It isn’t possible to fix a time when Bernadette’s complex took over and dictated her homicidal impulses. There were a series of events which led up to Kirsten’s murder, and just which was the final straw is unknown and irrelevant.

Signs of Inferriority Complex

Inferiority complex is a feeling of not being competent in any given activity; it is a personal feeling of inadequacy arising from the overcompensation of other’s achievements /goals over yours.
Inferiority complex could also be said to be a conflict between the desire to be recognized and appreciated and the apprehension or anxiety of being humiliated. This feeling is often subconscious.

1. Hypocritical Attitude (H.P.): People who do not feel alright about themselves have problem feeling good about others. They would always look out for loopholes in people’s endeavours to try to convince themselves that they are not bad at all. These people cannot feel comfortable as being attractive, intelligent and competent, e.t.c., they will only have the feeling of being good provided they are the only one around exuding the aforementioned qualities.
2. Feeling Of Persecution (F.O.P.): when carried to the extreme, blaming others can extend to believing that others are actively seeking to ruin you. If a student fails an exam he sat, it may comfort him to believing that his teacher hates him and would do anything to hurt him. This will only allow him to avoid personal responsibility for his action.

3. Sensitivity To Criticism (S.T.C.): Although people who feel inferior ‘know’ they have shortcomings, they do not like other people to point this out. They tend to perceive any form of criticism, regardless of how sensitively and constructively it is presented, as a
personal attack.

4. Negative Feeling About Competition (N.F.A.C.): People who have inferiority complex like to win games and contests as others, but they will always avoid such situation because deep down, they know they cannot make an head way. Not coming first is an evident evidence of total failure


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Post time 8-11-2016 05:44 AM | Show all posts
manjalara_01 replied at 7-11-2016 01:36 PM
yea ke u? tu la kan..i pernah tgk documentary psl banduan dlm jail.
die org mmg dpt blajar mcm2 k ...

Owh My English is soo bad...sbb tu x pernah bc novel mat Saleh ..............

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Post time 8-11-2016 05:47 AM | Show all posts
manjalara_01 replied at 7-11-2016 01:44 PM
I x tau psl Inferiority Complex ni cume pernah dengar sj..just nak share..setahu i benda ni normal c ...

Obses ni bahaya ..contohnya mcm kes remaja kerat 10 kat Tangkak tu..............

Tp mmg kasihan Kristen,dia ada hak membesar spt remaja lain.

Myb sbb dia kaya,mewah sbbkn dia suka sindir n perli kwn2 kurg bernasib baik .

Anyway masalah "anak org berada punya peel " ni berlaku di mana-mana dunia ...just face it .

retorik dgt dlm drama or filem anak org kaya humble...............

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 Author| Post time 8-11-2016 10:27 AM | Show all posts
GuaAnakMelaka replied at 8-11-2016 05:44 AM
Owh My English is soo bad...sbb tu x pernah bc novel mat Saleh ..............

maksud u "oh! my english"? u kan study oversea dulu? sure terrer kat mana?


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Post time 8-11-2016 10:32 AM | Show all posts
manjalara_01 replied at 8-11-2016 10:27 AM
maksud u "oh! my english"? u kan study oversea dulu? sure terrer kat ...

Yathrib i could speak arabic better than English ..........


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 Author| Post time 8-11-2016 10:34 AM | Show all posts
GuaAnakMelaka replied at 8-11-2016 05:47 AM
Obses ni bahaya ..contohnya mcm kes remaja kerat 10 kat Tangkak tu..............

Tp mmg kasihan ...

tp kan u biase la kot kalau dh syok kat somebody mmg la obsess
cume bile x dpt ape yg die nak..tu yg jadi mcm2..rasa mcm tiap2 bulan ade je kes mcm ni..
baru je kena tangkap mamat kes bunuh abg gf sndiri yg kat terengganu tu..blum lagi masuk mahkamah (rasanye)
dh muncul kes baru..

since u dh share mcm2 kat thread ni itu la yg memotivasikan i cari punca
akhirnye dpt jgk i cari info psl inferriority complex ni..rupe2nye sbb tu la she allz sanggup bunuh kirsten
pertama kali i jejak kaki kat website murderpedia tu.


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 Author| Post time 8-11-2016 10:37 AM | Show all posts
GuaAnakMelaka replied at 8-11-2016 10:32 AM
Yathrib i could speak arabic better than English ..........

u study ape? wah! sronoknye...bangga la dpt speaking 3 languages..x ramai yg bleh speak 3 languages
kecuali kalau non malays kat malaysia ni ramai la kot

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Post time 8-11-2016 10:40 AM | Show all posts
manjalara_01 replied at 8-11-2016 10:34 AM
tp kan u biase la kot kalau dh syok kat somebody mmg la obsess
cume bile x dpt ape yg die nak..tu ...

i loved films based on true event ..cuma kdg2 pening skrip dan olahan cerita tenggelamkan fakta sebenau..

mcm filem Terminal ..

jauh panggang dari api ..............

filem plg aku suka John Q ..kisah benar seorang ayah tawan hospital sbb nakkan anaknya dibedah ...

mata jantan merembes menontonnya.

bagusnya kita gali info tentang filem2 true event ,skrg mudah klik shj google...kalau xda internet,mahu bermalam dalam libs ....


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Post time 8-11-2016 10:43 AM | Show all posts
manjalara_01 replied at 8-11-2016 10:37 AM
u study ape? wah! sronoknye...bangga la dpt speaking 3 languages..x ramai yg bleh speak 3 language ...

Balik obersea jd cikgu setahun ..then resign sbb stress

Ajau sekolah menengah ,mcm2 peel budak2 zaman rock kapak ....

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 Author| Post time 9-11-2016 10:43 AM | Show all posts
GuaAnakMelaka replied at 8-11-2016 10:40 AM
i loved films based on true event ..cuma kdg2 pening skrip dan olahan cerita tenggelamkan fakta se ...

i pun suke tgk movie2 based on true story & novel adaptions pun best jgk
slalu rs puas hati..antara yg fav "The help", "Catch Me if You Can", "Spot Light "Monster" dll

Terminal tu movie Tom Hanks ke ? John Q movie lame kan? Rasa mcm dh tgk tp ingat2 lupe..

Eheheh..betul tu senang je nak buat CSI , tp i xde la mcm you, you mcm hardcore
i pulak suam2 je


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 Author| Post time 9-11-2016 10:47 AM | Show all posts
GuaAnakMelaka replied at 8-11-2016 10:43 AM
Balik obersea jd cikgu setahun ..then resign sbb stress

Ajau sekolah menengah ,mcm ...

Orait la tu..bgs keje mengajar ni kan?
tp x semua org bleh bersabar dgn mcm2 kerenah budak2...

Its ok la. Yg penting u dpt buat keje yg bleh memuaskan hati u..


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