Post time 7-11-2018 12:08 AMFrom the mobile phone|Show all posts
My sis meninggal in November
My mum's birthday in November
My boyfriend tak jadi punya wedding anniversary in November. Sama tarikh dengan my mum's birthday.
My favorite song is November Rain GnR
Tapi dah ada org post, so I post lagu lain ye. November has come
Post time 7-11-2018 12:37 AMFrom the mobile phone|Show all posts
November 23rd - my daughter 9th bday and she's looking fwd to bday trip to dinosaur kingdom and few other places. She's sooo into dinosaurs, kagum iols dia boleh differentiate many types of dinosaurs. I dah belikan ensiklopedia of dinosaurs and i tahu dia akan suka sgt & cakap tq mak non-stop. Knowing anak i, i belikan dia lolipop pun ckp tq macam nak rak! Daughters lebih thoughtful i rasa. I love u so much, MA!
Post time 7-11-2018 03:21 AMFrom the mobile phone|Show all posts
Since 2016..selalu diduga bulan-bulan akhir...Tengah cari kekuatan nak harung baki tahun 2018 yang dilalui tanpa sebarang achievements berbanding senarai panjang peristiwa duka tahun ni
...and it's hard to hold a candle..
In the cold November rain
November is a very special month and the most memorable month, full of colors...rasa happy, rasa sedih, rasa letih, down, up, and everything in between
Post time 7-11-2018 11:31 AMFrom the mobile phone|Show all posts
Bulan ni mellow skit utk i...
My birthday is coming. Every year arwah akan jd org first wish birthday & offcourse bg hadiah brg kemas...masa first year arwah xde. I nangis stp
kali dpt wish dr kengkawan, family, etc. Sebak gila merah je mata kt offc..plg sebak bila my chilhood besfren sms bagi wish beffday..
.. I hate my birthday bcos the whole day u keep on receiving birthday wish tp bukan dr org yg u tunggu...bukan x dorg wish pn sbb ada reminder kt fb bukan sbb dorg truly ingt my birthdate pon kan .. Except for those who really remember...
Thn ni birthday on weekends so i no need to be centre of attention at offc ..just kena reply thanks at WA grup whenever colleague wish birthday...
Whatever it is...thanks to my mama yg lahir kan i dunia ini...semoga i sentiasa menjadi hamba Allah yg di kasihi Nya....aaaminnnn....
Pjg plk karangan i...type smbil termenung kt jendela umah..kt luar ujan renyai2...pastu hirup sekole neskefi panas....nikmat apa lg yg kau dustakan. Jap lg kena masak. Mak kuar beli ikan....hehehe