:: Star Wars Episode III Revenge OF The SIth ( 19.05.05)
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aku ada baca article kat starwars.com...George Lucas takkan buat episode 7,8 atau 9...dia bagitau dia takkan benarkan sapa sapa pun buat episode episode tu, dia kata "Star Wars is my things.."...tapi mana tau kan kalau dia berubah pikiran |
Darth Vader muncul dan mengganas di Long Island. Warga NY tertekan. Post Last Edit by Neraka Bulan at 24-7-2010 12:25
The Dark Side prevails? Darth Vader holds up Long Island bank
New York (CNN) -- Long Island may be far from the Death Star, but thatdidn't stop Darth Vader from paying a less-than-friendly visit to abank in East Setauket, New York.
Or at least he looked like Darth Vader, except for the camouflage pants.
The costumed man, with a mask and cape, entered a Chase bank Thursdaymorning and demanded cash. Although he didn't have a lightsaber, hisgun was more than enough to persuade the teller to hand over the money.
The caped criminal then fled east through the bank's parking lot.
Suffolk County police said they are searching for the man, described as around 6 feet tall.
Darth Vader muncul dan mengganas di Long Island. Warga NY tertekan. Post Last Edit by Neraka Bulan a ...
ambok Post at 25-7-2010 00:12 
Vader tak cukup bajet nak buat Death star lagi.... |
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