Scientists have identified two new species of shark that live in the depths of the West Indian ocean. The two species were discovered separately. The first, known as ‘Pliotrema annae’, was caught by a fisherman in Zanzibar, while the other known as Pliotrema kajae was caught off Madagascar. The unique feature of these sharks is that they have six gills on each side, instead of the five normally found in sawsharks. Prior to the latest discovery, there was only one known species of six-gilled sawshark.
They also have particular snouts filled with teeth and catfish-like whiskers that help them detect prey. Additionally, these sharks can grow up to about 5 feet long. Sawsharks look similar to sawfish, but they are very different in many ways. Sawfish are much larger and don’t have the sawshark’s barbels. Sawsharks are carnivores, living on a diet of fish, crustaceans and squid. They use their serrated snouts to kill their prey with quick side to side movements that cut the prey into fine pieces to be easily swallowed.
Post time 17-10-2020 02:25 PMFrom the mobile phone|Show all posts
Boleh kat anak aku pasai shark ni, sure suruh lukis.. siap komplen itu tak kena, ini tak kena.. terlupa lukis insang, dia komplen.. terlupa lukis dorsal fin, menangis2 suruh lukis balik bagi betul..
Silap sketch, dia kata tu bukan shark, tu megalodon..