The Great Ball court, located in the northern precinct of Chichen Itza, is the largest ball court ever discovered in Mesoamerica. It is an open-sky ball court without any covering. It measures 168 by 70 meters and the walls of these platforms are 8 meters high. Embedded near the top of each wall at the center is a stone hoop engraved with intertwined feathered serpents.
Here the game of Pok-a-Tok was played, the most popular and highly revered sport among the Maya. This Mayan ball court is also acoustically perfect. A whisper from one end of the court travels clearly to the other end of the court, being heard by all players. The sound waves are unaffected by wind direction or time of day and also night.
The ball court is made up of several components. At one end of the Court is the North Temple, also known as the Temple of the Bearded Man. At the south end is another temple but in ruins, and the Upper Temple of the Jaguar and the Lower Temple of the Jaguar visible from the outside of the court. Although there is a myth surrounding the game that the winning captain of the team is sacrificed, experts on the other hand believe it to be the other way around.