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Undescended Testis in Baby
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korang ada anak2, nak tanya pernah tak dengar term “undescended testis” ni? My boy (1 year plus) baru je di dignosed ada undescended testis by doc in kk. Still tunggu appoinment untuk ultrasounds. Anyway kalau tak pernah dengar this is the definition:
The main sign: You can't see or feel the testicle in the scrotum. When both are undescended, the scrotum looks flat and smaller than you'd expect it to be. Some boys have what's called a retractile testicle. It may move up into their groin when they are cold or scared but moves back down on its own
Kalau parents yg ada experience boleh tak share kt sini?
anak saya finally kena operate selepas banyak kali follow up di Hospital and refer to HKL utk ikat testis tu letak semula kt dlm scrotum tu. |
Same here.
Anak dari lahir memang doc cakap undecended testis. Operate kat HKL sbb berat bawah 10kg masa umur 2 tahun. Then follow up every year kat HKL sampai dia besar nanti kot
2 thn lepas dia on surgery n now dah 5thn...tak pegi follow up due to mco ni far testis tu dah boleh nampak n everything looks toksah risau... anak saya doc advise suh tggu smpi umur 2 tahun incase testis tu boleh turun sendiri klu xmo jugak doc refer ke HKL utk surgery  |

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Post time 23-5-2021 09:49 AM
From the mobile phone
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astatine replied at 4-3-2021 11:35 AM
Same here.
Anak dari lahir memang doc cakap undecended testis. Operate kat HKL sbb berat bawah ...
OIC. I dah pegi appointment Doc april haritu, after buat ultrasound. Doc cakap my son dia tak diagnosed as undecended testis sbb testis dia boleh turun and naik sendiri. Term dia lain pulak dah. I pun baru notice ms lepas mandi kejap2 ada kt scrotum, kejap2 xda. Doc suruh monitor and follow up every 3 months macam tu. So no operation for him at the moment. |
Kes mcm ni, ada yg operate |
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