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PetaPixel - Gorgeous Photos of Socotra, The ‘Most Alien-Looking Place on Earth’
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LINK - Gorgeous Photos of Socotra, The ‘Most Alien-Looking Place on Earth’

Located east of the Horn of Africa, Socotra was famously described by English anthropologist George Wynn Brereton Huntingford in 1980 as “the most alien-looking place on Earth.” Photographer Daniel Kordan visited the island and captured the otherworldly beauty of the landscapes, from the dragon blood trees to the white sand dunes.

Socotra is the largest of the remote Socotra islands in the Arabian Sea. They’re found 238 miles (380km) south of mainland Yemen (which the islands belong to) and 50 miles (80km) east of Africa. As with other remote islands on our planet, Socotra is known for being a cradle of biodiversity, boasting many unique animals and plants. 37% of the plants, 90% of the reptiles, and 95% of the land snails on Socotra are not found anywhere else on Earth.
Reuters calls the island the “jewel of biodiversity in Arabian Sea,” and the island was officially recognized as a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 2008.

One of Kordan’s favorite things to photograph on Socotra isthe Dracaena cinnabari, popularly known as the dragon blood tree, which isknown for its densely arranged branches, umbrella-like shape, and red sap(hence the name). “According to legend, the first dragon blood tree wascreated from the blood of a dragon who was wounded in a battle with anelephant,” Kordan writes on Fstoppers.
“The unusual shape of the dragon’s blood tree is anadaptation for survival in arid conditions with low amounts of soil, such as inmountaintops,” Wikipedia states. “The large, packed crown provides shade andreduces evaporation. This shade also aids in the survival of seedlings growingbeneath the adult tree, explaining why the trees tend to grow closer together.”
Another gorgeous feature of Socotra is the white sand, whichis piled into beautiful rolling dunes along the turquoise sea and in the desertwithin the island. If you are interested in visiting Socotra yourself for aphotography adventure, your best bet may be to arrange the trip through a localtravel agency, which should be able to help you obtain a Yemeni visa. Visitingat the present time is not advised, though — the US government currently has a“Level 4: Do Not Travel” advisory for the nation due to “due to COVID-19,terrorism, civil unrest, health risks, kidnapping, armed conflict, andlandmines.”
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Mcm bkn planet bumi.....byk pokok yg blm penah pokok jmpe......hehehehehehehehe. |
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dlm tered aku yg lain (bod tu admin dh merge dgn bod2 lain), @ipes2 ada bgtau nk kesana. tak tau dia dh smpai ke belum sbb tempat tu UNESCO dh amik
ip_lepat replied at 20-6-2021 04:20 PM
dlm tered aku yg lain (bod tu admin dh merge dgn bod2 lain), @ipes2 ada bgtau nk kesana. tak tau d ...
Baru igt ada terbaca or tertgk berite psl ada org mrh sbb negara mn tah lencongkan pelancong israel ke situ.... |
UAE, dia bawak masuk warga israel masuk situ guna visa dia
ya, sorang kawan tu memang dah cari travel agent dan buat macam2 plans, dan family sy suka je pi dgn family dia; tetapi rupa2 nya tempat tu affected by yemeni conflict. ada askar apa semua situ
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mgkin makin susah nk masuk situ dah wpun pulau tu kepunyaan yaman
Kepulauan ini dikenali dunia ekoran keunikan flora dan faunanya yang diiktiraf Unesco, dan sejak beberapa tahun kebelakangan ini menjadi perhatian dunia dan menarik pengembara dari Barat.
Pada Jun tahun lalu, pemisah Majlis Peralihan Selatan, STC, mengambil alih pusat pentadbiran di pulau utama Socotra, mengukuhkan penguasaan kumpulan pemisah itu yang disokong kuat Abu Dhabi.
Tindakan STC itu disifatkan sebagai satu rampasan kuasa oleh kerajaan pimpinan Presiden Abdrabouh Mansour Hadi.
Emiriyah kini mempunyai sebuah pengkalan tentera di Socotra, pada masa sama kumpulan pemisah STC juga telah menyuarakan kesediaan membina hubungan dengan Zionis.
Socotra dan seluruh bahagian selatan Yaman kini dikuasai STC dan Emiriyah yang menaungi dan menyokong kumpulan paling berkuasa di selatan itu.
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faham2 je le UAE ni kroni sapa...
ya, also, perangnya teruk
dan mereka ni jenis yg main tembak saja
unik tempat tu
sekarang ni tak tahu lah sebab ada askar2 semua.. sure rosak habih
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