Post time 4-8-2021 10:05 PMFrom the mobile phone|Show all posts
Ala.. nostalguc sgt. Suka victoria principal, minat dallas x pernah lepas ngadap tv, suka patric duffy jugak. Bee gees pun byk lagu boleh hafal, lagu dancing queen di asrama sek ada ada jamuan mesti pasang.
Dulu ikut kisah couple ni tapi dulu bkn ada beruta sgt, bukan mcm sekarang info di ujung jari. Nmpk andy sgt syg kpd victoria but i guess victoria jenis praktikal. Mungkin betul andy suffer aftar victoria left. Lepas tu victoria kawin dgn plastic surgeon.
Author|Post time 4-8-2021 10:49 PMFrom the mobile phone|Show all posts
Rdizz replied at 4-8-2021 10:05 PM
Ala.. nostalguc sgt. Suka victoria principal, minat dallas x pernah lepas ngadap tv, suka patric duf ...
Oh i ingat dia x kawin semula. Alamak indh bg wrong info. Sbb seingat i she married twice. Once before Andy & andy is her second husband. Tq for the info darl.
Post time 4-8-2021 11:59 PMFrom the mobile phone|Show all posts
Welcome dear.. i pun igt2 lupa, takut jugak silap, tu i google kat wiki, betul lah lepas andy she married to dr harry glassman the plastic surgeon. Lama jugak dorang kawin, pun divorce jugak. Dgn andy kejap je. Rupanya dia pernah masuk kolej buat medic, masa 1st yr terlibat eksiden kereta then quick study move to new york to pursue acting.