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Maksud IR

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Post time 17-12-2004 09:55 AM | Show all posts |Read mode
BG nak tanya,aper maksud IR ek?
kan kalau engineer nak dapatkan title IR kat depan nama mereka,cth IR buDak_gaTaL...kene amik test kan?
tapi nak tau aper maksud IR?

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 Author| Post time 17-12-2004 09:56 AM | Show all posts
ooo..yang BG dapat tau IR tu dari perkataan German

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Post time 17-12-2004 02:04 PM | Show all posts
Ir.  tu title utk Professional Engineer .. macam chartered accountant.
kalau kat malaysia, tak silap lepas 3 thn jadi engineer secara full time baru bleh apply utk start process jadi Ir.  ade mentoring, exam dll lah ..  biasanya yg Ir ni jadi consultant kat Malaysia

Kat sesetengah tempat, kalau takde Ir., takleh "sign" plan, structure, approval  dll .. macam architect baru/biasa ngan architect yg dah establish ler ..  architect baru/biasa lukis plan, tapi yg boleh approve plan baru tu hanyaarchitect besar yg supposedly dah ada banyak experience dan dah pass segala mak nenek nye test..

Setahu i plak, Ir tu datang dari term "Ing閚ieur reconnu" dari french utk acknowledge engineer by practice .. ie.. diorang tak belajar banyak .. tapi dengan experience, diorang dah tahu cukup banyak utk kerja macam engineer by training ..

french nye educ system pelik amat ..  education level seseorang dikira dengan BAC+N, N = number of years yg u dah belajar dan pass selepas baccalaureat (A level equivalent). kalau u tak pass kat bac+3, u repeat lah bac +3 .. kalau lepas 5 kali baru lepas bac +3 tu .. baru u bleh masuk bac +4 ..  (equivalents : bac+3 = degree, bac+5 = masters, bac+8 = phd)

anyway, citer di atas utk kasi paham dengan lebih mudah benda kat bawah ni..
kalau u keluar dari university, u tak akan direcognise sbg engineer walaupun u amik course Electronics/Electrical/Mechanical/ dll yg u bleh imagine ..  dan walaupun u dah belajar tahap masters (bac+5)

to be an engineer .. u kena keluar dari state certified "Ecole d'Ing閚ieurs" ataupun Engineering School at bac+5 ..

students bac+5 dari university boleh kerja sbg engineer tapi salary diorang tak sama dan kurang banyak ngan students dari ecole d'ing閚ieurs ni , walaupun kerja yg dibuat tu sama, di tempat yg sama, company sama, dan kadang kadang responsibility sama dll ..

atas sbb sbb "diskriminasi" ni , satu ketika dulu, di buat title "Ing閚ieur Reconnu", utk naik tarafkan mereka dari university yg dah lama kerja sbg engineer tapi gaji tak sama grid ngan bebudak ecole.  Jadi biler diorang dah dapat title Ir tu .. (kena pass exam dll gak) .. diorang masuk la salary grid / responsibility grid yg sama engineer dari engineering school..

Bebudak dari engineering school ni ada title sendiri (yg amat jarang digunakan), iaitu Id.  (Ing閚eur Dipl鬽

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Post time 18-12-2004 01:57 AM | Show all posts
tumpang tanya. kalau software engineer tu dia bleh dapat title IR gak ke? IT professionals sumer takde dapat title apa2 ke?

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Post time 18-12-2004 07:54 AM | Show all posts


by the looks of it kan Sarah, you amgbik medic ler senang sikit? tak susah sangat kan? BAc ? beraper yer? i tengok it 's rather complicated ..hmm..good piece of  info though i never knew this before.

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Post time 17-1-2005 06:23 PM | Show all posts
kalau nak dapatkan IR..ade certain requirement  yg u kena ada..
as in ada few yrs keje kat consultant ( design )..few years kerja kat contractor..kira mcm tuh la..n then u have to sit this test..kalo lulus that test..baru bleh dpt title IR tuh..
selalu nye engineer yg hebat2 je nak IR nih..hhuhuh

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Post time 21-1-2005 11:22 PM | Show all posts
saya pernah tentang IR ialah setingkat kurang daripada Dr.

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Post time 22-1-2005 06:19 PM | Show all posts
errr .. tu Ir dan Dr adalah dua benda yang berbeza

Yang benar,

Dr. Ir. Sarah Radzi :nerd:

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Post time 23-1-2005 12:24 AM | Show all posts
huh..!! betul keh nii,

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Post time 23-1-2005 12:53 AM | Show all posts

salam Atomic dear-

SArah Radzi tu betul she is brilliant like her ..jadikan role model .

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Post time 23-1-2005 02:02 AM | Show all posts
Cadangan yang bagus sekali..... Sarah_Radzi boleh tips untuk menjadi pandai seperti anda

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 Author| Post time 9-1-2006 03:09 PM | Show all posts
BG baru teringat thread nie

sorilah naikkan balik ye

psl teringat nak tau maksud Ir nie

setahu BG ada 2 negara yg guna ingeniuer, satu France dan satu lagi Belanda

ada yg ckp Ir nie mungkin berasal dr Indonesia


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Post time 24-1-2006 10:41 AM | Show all posts
blom daftar lagi ngan BEM... maleh betul la nak cari IR tuk sign borang n potostat sijil

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Post time 24-1-2006 02:11 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by Atomic_Omnikid at 21-1-2005 11:22 PM
saya pernah tentang IR ialah setingkat kurang daripada Dr.

rsnyer sometimes IR lagik power dr DR kan?well my lecturer dulu title dia DR ING..ING tu katernyer kat jerman...

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Post time 27-1-2006 08:18 PM | Show all posts

IR power dr DR? from engineers perspective...

Pada pendapat aku la...

IR aka Chartered Engineers is a title when any engineers become competent and very skillful in their related fields.  In order to become IR they have to undergone a series of examinations from the professional body related to their fields.  Normally it takes between 3 to 5 yrs to realise their dream to become an IR


Dr is a title awarded to someone when they have accomplished any Phd qualifications in engineering, which also takes the same duration (3 to 5 yrs).  

The path career between IR and DR are also different, Dr tends to become an academician, and IR is more involved in industry.

So to have both IR and Dr is a bonus...

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Post time 29-1-2006 12:42 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by wa'ah at 24-1-2006 10:41 AM
blom daftar lagi ngan BEM... maleh betul la nak cari IR tuk sign borang n potostat sijil

haha..sama mcm aku..borang aku baru jek prnt dari site tak jumpa lagi aku nyer PA mintak sign..
kang tak pasal2 bos aku kena marah sbb hire engineer tak register..hehe:kant:

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macadamianut This user has been deleted
Post time 3-2-2006 06:40 AM | Show all posts
very useful information from sarah

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Post time 13-2-2006 10:30 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by Sarah_Radzi at 22-1-2005 06:19 PM
errr .. tu Ir dan Dr adalah dua benda yang berbeza

Yang benar,

Dr. Ir. Sarah Radzi :nerd:

waaa.  best laaaa sarah ni.  caaaaaaaaayang dia....

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Post time 13-2-2006 11:54 PM | Show all posts
# ridium: a heavy brittle metallic element of the platinum group; used in alloys; occurs in natural alloys with platinum or osmium
# Inland Revenue: a board of the British government that administers and collects major direct taxes

# .ir is the Internet country code top-level domain (ccTLD) for Iran. It is managed by Institute for Studies in Theoretical Physics and Mathematics.

# In Irish mythology Ir son of Eber Finn was joint High King of Ireland with his brothers Orba, Fearon and Ferga, after they overthrew Muimne, Luigne and Laigne, sons of Eremon. They ruled for half a year before being overthrown by Irial F醝th, son of Eremon.

# A type of wireless transmission using infrared light waves.

# A wave of light that, while invisible to the naked human eye, can be used to enhance visibility when using night vision devices.

# Information Retrieval

# The invisible portion of the electromagnetic spectrum that lies between about 0.75 and 1000 祄.

# Infra Red: Part of electromagnetic waves that is very close to light, but invisible for the human eye. Used for low-rate data transport (eg, remote control signals).

# Information Repository, where information relating to the Formerly Utilized Sites Remedial Action Program may be found.

# The IANA has the discretionary authority to delegate portions of its responsibility and, with respect to network address and Autonomous System identifiers, has lodged this responsibility with an IR. The IR function is performed by the DDN NIC.

# A number of commersial systems exists, eg location of doctors in a hospital. A small badge with an IR transmitter is worn and recievers are placed in the roof for detection. Can only be used for transmitting a unique identification code.

# Industrial Relations.

# Electromagnetic radiation of wavelengths longer than visible light. IR is typically used to transmit data through the air, for short distances, in a straight line.

# A range of the electromagnetic spectrum extending beyond red visible light from 760 nanometers to 1000 microns.

# Interventional radiologists are medical doctors who have specialized in doing medical procedures that involve radiology. Radiologists use imaging equipment such as X-rays, magnetic resonance (MR) imaging, ultrasound and computed tomography (CT) to diagnose disease. IRs are board certified radiologists that are fellowship trained in percutaneous (through the skin) interventions using guided imaging. Their specialized training is certified by the America Board of Medical Specialties.

# Infra-red channel/wavelengths. 10.5 - 12.5 um.

# Infrared: Above 700nm is the Infrared region. This can extend to varying degrees to 2000nm. This region becomes invisible to the eye.

# Infrared. Invisible band of electromagnetic spectrum commonly used for line-of-site data communications between devices.

# The opposition exhibited by a circuit element to the flow of direct current (DC). In a cell, the internal resistance is the sum of the ionic and electronic resistances of the cell components. When a battery is connected to a circuit to do work, the current in the circuit is in inverse proportion to the resistance of the circuit plus the internal resistance of the battery. This can lead to the batteries becoming warm.

# Abbreviation for infrared, or infrared radiation.

# Infra Red. This uses a beam of light that is invisible to us humans to either control a device without wires or as a method of transferring data from camera to computer (or printer) without cables. Some cameras also employ infrared in the auto focusing system.

# Infra-Red.

# Light of a longer wavelength (lower frequency) than can be seen by humans. Called infra-red (infra meaning under/below) because it is "below" visible red in the colour spectrum. IR remote controllers use IR-LEDs to transmit information from the remote to the appliance. Generally IR units only work one-way, they don't receive information from the appliance.

# Infra-red. A means of controlling audio, video and multi-room entertainment using remote controls

# Integrated Resource

# a method of curing powder which utilizes direct exposure to light energy in the IR region of the light spectrum.

# Infrared. Wavelengths of light from 1 micron to 1 mm. The infrared wavelengths of light are beyond what our eyes sense. We do have another way to sense infrared light--our sense of touch! We sense infrared light as heat--as the heat from a campfire, from a cup of hot coffee, and even from the Sun.

# Offers the user a reports from which to view their account activity including opening ledger, closing available, opening available, and float in detail or summary form.

inilah maksud yang saya cari kat google...byknya maksud dier...

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