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Author: firebird909

FASHiON DiSASTeR...ape sebenarnyer ek?

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Post time 7-11-2005 01:22 AM | Show all posts
Salam ......

Waaa bagusnya penerangan dr Seribulan .. Tq

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 Author| Post time 7-11-2005 04:37 PM | Show all posts
a ah Seribulan da kasi banyak gilee penerangan, siap example example lagik, dgn panduan nak berFASHION secara betul pun ade, fuhlahmak....caya lah...bercakap psal fashion disaster, dulu aku ade la tengok sorang nih, masuk dalam library, tapikan outfit dia, ya ampun! macam orang nak gi disco je...dgn seluar ketat, baju ketat lagik, rambot color color lagi tuh...aiyaaa....pastu nak gi lecture pun pakai beria-ria, aiseh man, pade aku la, kalau nak pegi tpt gini salunyer orang pakai casual je...tul tak?

p/s kekadang tu nak nak gelakkan je victim pesyen dizaster nih, tp sian lak....culture shock kot..ahaks..:dia:



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Post time 7-11-2005 06:46 PM | Show all posts
untuk gambau paris hilton dan jen aniston tu, aku rasa cam terbalik lak.. jen aniston yang macam fashion disaster.. hehehe



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 Author| Post time 12-11-2005 01:06 PM | Show all posts
korang rase rase la kan, local artis ni ade manyak terjebak dengan fashion disaster tak...ahaks...

p/s artis artis jgn mara da.....



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Post time 16-11-2005 05:27 AM | Show all posts
elok ke ta elok???????????????? tapi jadi ikutan

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Post time 8-2-2006 10:21 AM | Show all posts

Tips Hari Ini

Pakaian yg tidak betul2 'fit' boleh membuat anda kelihatan gemuk atau tidak menonjolkan kadarbanding yg baik.

Anda tidak boleh harapkan tukang jahit atau jurujual utk mengatasi masalah ini.  Anda perlu tahu asas yg betul.

Beberapa perkara yg perlu kita tahu ttg pakaian ...

Bahagian bahu - perlu cukup luas.  Jika sebaliknya...baju kelihatan tertarik ke belakang atau kelihatan ketulan pd pangkal lengan

Bahagian dada - perlu cukup bidang... supaya selesa ketika mengenakan butang atau ketika duduk.

Lubang lengan - perlu potongan yg cukup sukatan.  Lubang yg besar akan membuatkan kita kelihatan pendek dan lengan baju akan berlipat ketika mengangkat tangan.

Panjang pakaian - perlu cukup sukatan mengikut fesyen semasa.

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Post time 9-2-2006 06:09 PM | Show all posts

Tips Hari Ini

Bagi org yg rendah...

- Beli pakaian yg bersaiz pendek.

- Bahu pakaian perlu kelihatan tegak, bukan kelihatan jatuh.

- Panjang pakaian adalah penting, tidak terlalu pjg tidak terlalu pendek.

- Seluar harus meruncing di bhgn bawah, lebih drp normal.

- Kasut harus tidak terlalu halus.

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Post time 22-2-2006 02:09 PM | Show all posts

Tips Hari Ini

Untuk sentiasa kelihatan selesa, pakaian anda hendaklah berasaskan warna neutral yg gelap.  

Warna2 neutral yg gelap membuatkan kita kelihatan lebih kurus.  Ia juga kelihatan sofistikated, versatil dan chic.

Ini krn warna gelap boleh menyerap cahaya dan meyeimbang kpd latarbelakang.  Ia dpt menyembunyikan bonjolan badan yg ketara.

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Post time 5-1-2024 03:29 PM | Show all posts
Edited by seribulan at 9-1-2024 06:23 PM

If you are talking about fashion in this post, let me tell you that I like to search about fashion. And I bought it this winter online. And its quality is very good.

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Post time 2-9-2024 07:34 PM | Show all posts
Edited by smithsera11 at 2-9-2024 07:36 PM

Fashion Disaster with Cheap <a href=http://>embroidery patch designs</a>custom name embroidered patches occurs when low-quality patches compromise the overall look and durability of garments. Inexpensive patches often use inferior materials, leading to poor stitching, fading, and peeling. These issues can detract from the garment's appearance and longevity, resulting in a less polished and potentially unprofessional look. While cheap patches might seem like a budget-friendly option, they often fail to provide the quality and aesthetic appeal necessary to enhance fashion items effectively. Investing in higher-quality embroidered patches ensures better craftsmanship and a more stylish, enduring result.

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Post time 2-9-2024 07:41 PM | Show all posts
Edited by smithsera11 at 2-9-2024 07:42 PM

Fashion Disaster with Cheap embroidered patches occurs when low-quality patches compromise the overall look and durability of garments. Inexpensive patches often use inferior materials, leading to poor stitching, fading, and peeling. These issues can detract from the garment's appearance and longevity, resulting in a less polished and potentially unprofessional look. While cheap patches might seem like a budget-friendly option, they often fail to provide the quality and aesthetic appeal necessary to enhance fashion items effectively. Investing in higher-quality embroidered patches ensures better craftsmanship and a more stylish, enduring result.

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